Seth: "I didn't, I just...Xiao Wu, you explain it to her yourself."

"Xiao Wu, why are you silent again at this time? (oДo*)"

Risa: "Then can you help him again?"

Seth: "No, I really don't have that ability."

"Forget it, I won't talk to you anymore, I'm going to go out for a walk."

Chapter 217 Hypergeton Cocoon

Time quickly came to late at night.

In the warehouse area, everyone fell asleep.

In the children's dormitory, Seth pushed away a child who insisted on staying close to him when sleeping, and got up on tiptoe.

On the other bed, Xiao Wu was sleeping soundly.

Seth quietly walked to Xiao Wu's bed and shook his head speechlessly.

Children are children. They are worried about Fei Niao in their hearts, but their bodies are very honest. They sleep so soundly that they don't remember their actions at night at all.

Seth had no intention of calling Xiao Wu to get up. He went straight to Xiao Wu, holding his arm with one hand and his leg with the other. With a little force, he carried the child on his shoulders.

Soon, a little boy carried another little boy in a strange posture and walked out of the warehouse area.

The cool breeze at night blew, and Xiao Wu was woken up by the cold and made a puzzled sound: "Ah?"

Seth asked back: "Did you forget the action we agreed on?"

Xiao Wu reacted and scratched his head embarrassedly.

Seth knew that the child's language ability was worrying, so he didn't say much and continued to ask: "Where is the location? Point me in the direction."

Xiao Wu woke up quickly and pointed to a direction after analyzing the location of the warehouse and the road for a while.

"Let's go together."

Seth didn't hesitate at all, carrying the child's body and ran.

Just after crossing the road, he saw a huge figure appear in front of him in the night.

"I'll go with you." Dark Lopus appeared in front of Seth and said.

After thinking for two seconds, Seth nodded: "Okay, I don't need to transform."


The night was as dark as water, and there was a depressing silence in the city.

Just above this empty city, a huge figure of fifty meters passed by.

In the darkness, Seth couldn't help asking Xiao Wu: "Do you remember correctly? Why haven't you arrived after flying for so long?"

In response to Seth, it was Xiao Wu's firm eyes.

Above, Dark Lopus, who was holding the two children in his palms, spoke: "You have a secret operation, why didn't you inform me in advance?"

Seth: "You are too conspicuous. If you suddenly disappear, it will be easy for those people in the warehouse area to find you."

Dark Lopus thought Seth's answer was reasonable and nodded: "I see."

"I thought you were deliberately distancing yourself from me."

"How could that be? We are good friends." Seth laughed.

Distancing? Is it so obvious that I show it?

Or does Dark Lopus already have such delicate emotions?

"Yes, I can feel that you don't want me to go with you on this operation." Dark Lopus directly expressed his feelings.

He didn't care where to go or what to do. It was enough to be with the only person in the world who could understand him.

Seth didn't know how to answer. He pretended not to hear and tilted his head to look at the overlapping dark clouds beside him: "The moon is quite big tonight."

"Yes." Dark Lopus responded.

The fact is that they are currently flying in the overlapping clouds and can't see the moon at all.


Half an hour later.

Under Xiao Wu's confused guidance, Dark Lopus finally brought the two children to their destination - an open and desolate hillside.

This hillside seemed to have experienced fierce battles, and there were gravel and pits everywhere.

And the most eye-catching here is undoubtedly the weird giant cocoon in the middle.

After seeing the huge, squirming, and strange-sounding giant cocoon in front of him, Dark Lopus began to look for relevant information in his own database.

"There is no information about this object in my database."

"Maybe we can analyze it more accurately after sampling." Dark Lopus took the initiative to say.

"Don't." Seth looked at the red translucent cocoon in front of him, his mind highly concentrated.

In the darkness, the red cocoon was like a piece of squirming fat, emitting a faint fishy smell, which made people feel nauseous just by smelling it.

"Be careful with this thing."

Although the current Hyper Jetton is still in the cocoon form, it already has a certain combat power, otherwise Dyna would not fall into it.

Dark Lopus asked honestly: "Then I will go over carefully to collect samples?"

"Is this how you understand me telling you to be 'careful'? I mean don't go, protect yourself. "

Seth grabbed Dark Lopus.

Then, he looked at Xiao Wu.

Before he could say anything, Xiao Wu had already identified a direction and ran out.

Seth didn't say much and quickly followed.

In the back, the huge Dark Lopus looked at the giant cocoon that was more than ten times taller than himself, with doubt in his one eye: "It's not often that Seth is so nervous."

"It seems that you must be an extraordinary creature..."

Before he finished speaking, Seth's low voice came to his ear: "What are you talking about? Come and help dig."

Dark Lopus: "I'm coming."

With the help of the huge machine Dark Lopus, Seth and Xiao Wu easily found the hope thrown by Dyna in the last battle - Dyna Ultraman's transformation device, the Flash Sword.

"Found it."

At this moment, Xiao Wu held the Flash Sword tightly in his hand and burst into tears.

"Give it to me, I will be responsible for waking him up." Seth stretched out his hand, his face full of trust.

Xiao Wu had 100% trust in this friend who led him to find Dyna's relics, and simply handed over the flashing sword in his hand: "Please."

After receiving the flashing sword, Seth looked at Xiao Wu and said: "The language ability has been restored at this time, and it is indeed related to Fei Niao."

"Can Fei Niao be resurrected now?" Xiao Wu looked at the giant cocoon not far away and asked anxiously.

Seth glanced at the Dyna statue wrapped in the giant cocoon: "Don't worry, Fei Niao is not in danger for the time being, you can see it."

Xiao Wu: "But..."

"Okay, let's go back." Seth put his arm around the child's shoulders and led him to the direction of Dark Lopus.

I came here tonight to check the location in advance, and by the way, find Dyna's flashing sword, and prepare in advance for the resurrection of Dyna.

As for taking action, I have to take it slowly. I have little chance of winning alone.

Just as Dark Lopus held Seth in his palm and prepared to return, Seth spoke again: "Wait a minute."

"I almost forgot, there is one thing I haven't done yet."

He looked at the Hypergeton larva in the giant cocoon and asked the system in his heart.

"What kind of contract ceremony is required to invest in it?"

[Exchange, or kill. 】

"Okay, okay."

"Kill him, how can I synchronize?"

"Explain in detail in exchange."

"I asked you to explain in detail, so you should explain it."

"Okay, you are pretending to be dead with us now, right?"

Seth didn't wait for the system's response in the end.

It seems that this system is really like its name, it likes to lie down and do nothing.


A few minutes later.

Dark Lopus landed slowly beside the warehouse area, bent over, and gently put down the two children in his palm.

"Where have you been?"

Anna's voice suddenly appeared, scaring several people.

Seth's chubby face was full of seriousness: "I'm going to see the birds, and by the way, find a way to save the world."

Anna: "Did you find it?"

Seth sighed: "There is no sure-win method for the time being."


Seek support!

Chapter 218 Second-hand preparation

Lying back on the bed again, Seth began to seriously think about how to defeat the enemy.

Now it is probably impossible to obtain the same power as Hyperzetton through synchronization.

"Exchange or kill."

"Hyperzetton has two stages. If we only kill its juvenile form, after it merges with the huge spaceship of the Batman people and evolves into a complete form, can we also obtain synchronization?"

"Or, does killing its juvenile form count as 'killing'?"

"Are you really lying down? System, give me a word. If I die, won't you also die?"

[Don't overestimate yourself]

"You heard me, right? Then can you answer my question? ”

【No, when the first form dies, it is not considered true death. The perfect form of Hyperzetton is being nurtured in the body of the young form.】

“That means we have to kill the perfect form... If Cero is not here, there is no chance of winning.”

Seth counted all the combat power of his side. It was difficult for Cosmos, Dyna, Dark Lopus and himself to defeat a young form, let alone an adult form.

The key is that if Cero does not come, Seiga cannot be combined. If these people fight against Hyperzetton, they will probably be killed in one move.

“Go back to the Kingdom of Light to get reinforcements…”

“The Paraji Shield goes back and forth, and the charging time in between is estimated to be enough for the young form of Hyperzetton to break out of the shell.”

“And even if we can bring a large army, the chances of winning do not seem to be very high. ”

“This Hyper Zetton has been fed by the Baltic people and has become fat and strong. It has eaten up all the life forms in the entire universe...”

“Cero is neither in the Kingdom of Light Universe nor in the Esmeralda Universe. Where did he go...”

“If there is no Cero, there is only Saga. Is there any other powerful helper...”

In the darkness, the chubby child had a serious face and his brows were twisted into the shape of a "川".

“Wait, it seems that there is indeed one!”

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