A ball of light appeared around him, indicating that Seth had completed his transformation.

"I'll block it."

Chapter 221 Seth VS Hyphajeton larvae

The fireballs shot by Hypajton larvae travel extremely fast.

As soon as Seth completed his transformation, he felt the terrifying heat appearing on the horizon.

Looking up, the fireball was already within sight.

Seth, who did not dare to neglect, quickly summoned his half-body ultimate armor composed of radiance to block the front.

After the ultimate armor, add an Ultra Barrier.

As the fireball gets closer, ordinary people in the warehouse district have begun to sweat.

"It's so hot, it will be roasted." Zuo He said pessimistically.

"We have written in our books that the temperature of Hyperjeton's fireball is as high as one trillion degrees. If ordinary people come into contact with it, it will vaporize directly without leaving a puddle of water." Seth was still thinking at this time. Do popular science for this group of humans.

"It's so scary. I don't want to turn into air." A certain child cried louder.

Seth said deliberately: "Think on the bright side, at least your death will be quick and the pain will be short."


"Seth, you were clearly not like this before."

"Yes, you are obviously a little sun."

"I always do." Seth smiled.

In order to prevent these children from giving birth to more fear and nourishing Hypajton, I had always been cautious in my words and deeds, and tolerated these naughty children again and again.

Now that Hypadon is alive, the 'seal' on his mouth can finally be lifted.


As she spoke, Anna raised her head and pointed to the sky.

In the sky, the first fireball has arrived directly above the warehouse area!

The terrifying heat steaming from the fireball caused the space to begin to distort!

Finally, the first fireball collided with the Palagi light shield on the Ultra barrier!

The first time it came into contact, the fireball exploded with a "Boom!", causing the sky in the entire warehouse area to be enveloped in flames.

The grass on the ground withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the weak humans suffered burns of varying degrees.

Fortunately, the explosive flames quickly disappeared, and the first fireball was finally blocked by Seth.

At this time, Seth noticed the cracks on the light shield, and the pressure doubled: "I only blocked it for a moment, and cracks appeared on the light shield. Sure enough, the artifact must be original."

As Seth finished speaking, the second fireball arrived!


This explosion caused Palaji's light shield to dissipate!

Then comes the third shot!

The fourth shot!

Seth held up the Ultra Barrier with both hands and successfully blocked it.

The fifth shot landed on the grass next to the warehouse area, directly shaking the warehouse and burning all objects on the impact point.

Soon, the sixth fire ball collided with the Ultra Barrier.

After this explosion, Seth's whole body was roasted, and the Ultra barrier dissipated on the spot, narrowly blocking the blow.

Fortunately, Dark Lops next to him had quick eyesight and quick hands, and supported Seth's shaky body.

"So hot."

Dark Lops, who had been transformed by Hikari, had a sense of pain. "Hot" was the first feeling he felt when he came into contact with Seth.

"I almost forgot, you can also feel the pain. Just let me go and put it on the ground. I need to slow down." Seth said slowly.

"Put it on the ground. You've been burned by me. I can cool you down if you put it on the ground." Seeing that Dark Lops didn't move, Seth added.

Shortly after the little giant lay down, a child came up to him and said, "Seth, are you okay?"

"It's okay. The Ultra Warrior's body is full of light. When there is light, there is heat. And I am super heat-resistant. Back then, I could even withstand the explosion of the sea of ​​nitromethane..." Seth was probably confused by the heat. He also started to mention past events from that year.

While Seth was talking, he overheard a discussion between several female members of the Earth Defense Force and Dahe.

"Hyperjeton has emerged from its cocoon, what should we do next? Drive the mecha to fight?" Misato asked.

"You're probably stupid. Dyna didn't even win. Is it possible to just rely on us and those old industrial mechas?" Anna has a clear understanding of the defense team's equipment.

"Take the children and move. The earth is so big, you can definitely find a place that big guys can't reach." Dahe suggested at this time.

"The idea is a bit naive. Do you know where those fireballs came from?" Dark Lops joined the discussion at this time.

Facing everyone's puzzled looks, he gave the answer: "A thousand kilometers away."

"Do you think its attack range is limited to this? Do you think you can escape its attack range?"

"The fireball it shoots doesn't even have to hit you. It just needs to pass over your head and it will burn you to death."

"This is not alarmist, this is fact."

"I can't fight or run away. I'll go to the drugstore to get some bottles of sleeping pills. How about we end it on our own?" Zuo He suggested boldly.

Everyone fell into silence.

What kind of crooked trick is this...

However, it might be better to end it yourself than to be burned to death by a fireball.

"You can't just fight or run, so you have to fight and run at the same time." After his body temperature dropped, Seth put his big head in front of everyone and expressed his thoughts.

"You guys run, I'm responsible for holding that guy back so that his attacks can't hit accurately. I'm just stalling for time until reinforcements arrive."

Xing Nai recalled what happened to Dyna at that time: "You were responsible for stopping it, but Dyna couldn't even..."

At this time, Seth took out the shining sword that he and Xiao Wu went digging together some time ago: "This time it's me and Dana together."

"I won't let you humans die easily. Only by living can we have hope."

After speaking, Seth stood up. Seeing Dark Lops preparing to act with him, he quickly raised his hand to suppress his body: "Dark Lops, you are responsible for protecting this group of humans during this operation."

"I'll give you the Zam sword. Hold it for self-defense. The Baxter aliens might launch a surprise attack on humans."

"Why?" Dark Lops expressed confusion.

Seth spread his hands: "There is no reason. I need someone to protect them, except you and me."

Dark Lops: "The height of the giant cocoon is five hundred meters. A rough estimate is that the length of the giant beast is at least three hundred meters. Your height is 28.63 meters, which is less than one-tenth of the giant beast. ”

"It's dangerous if you go."

Seth looked relaxed: "I just need to delay him. Don't worry, I'm very fast."

"Dark Lops, I am assigning tasks now. I am your brother Seth. You must obey orders this time. It is important to protect this group of humans."

In the end, Dark Lops did not choose to continue fighting and nodded: "I understand."

"Will you win?" Xiao Wu suddenly asked.

Seth's eyes were gentle: "I will win."

After that, in order to escape for their lives, all the humans in the warehouse took active actions.

It didn't take long for everyone to board the defense team's combat mecha, and flew towards the sun under the escort of Dark Lops.

Seth, who set off at the same time as them, flew in the opposite direction, flying towards the location of the Hypajton larvae.

Huge open space.



After breaking out of his cocoon, Hypajton kicked the stone statue of Dyna aside.

Then, take a step forward and start exploring the world.

At a certain moment, it looked up and found with confusion that an Ultraman cub had appeared on the horizon.


Please support!

Chapter 222 Dana: I’m alive

Facing an ant that was less than one-tenth of its height, the larvae of Hypageton felt inexplicably unhappy.

It seemed that from the moment he saw this Ultraman cub, his fate was entangled with him.


Although it has just emerged from its cocoon, it already has considerable wisdom.

It's not clear where this ominous feeling comes from, but subconsciously it's annoying.

Everything you hate must be destroyed.

After letting out a soul-stirring roar, the larvae of Hypajton raised its sickle-shaped forelimbs!

People seem to have the stereotype that large creatures are "slow".

But a seemingly random attack by the Hypageton larvae gave Seth a new understanding of this giant creature!

The sickle-shaped forelimbs that were lifted up one moment were already falling in front of him the next moment!


Fortunately, Seth has been gaining synchronization benefits for so long and has developed good reaction ability and speed, so he narrowly avoided this blow.

Then, he accelerated and flew towards the statue of Dyna ahead.

As a child, it is too dangerous for the Shanghai Pajleton larvae. With Dyna's help, it can also help share some of the pressure.


The oppressive voice appears again!


A fireball with a temperature of up to mega-degrees was produced from the yellow luminous body on the back of the Hypajton larvae, and was accurately intercepted in Seth's flight path.

If Seth hadn't reacted quickly enough, he would have been seriously injured by the fireball.

"You are so cruel."

Seth cursed and quickly changed direction.

The Hyphajeton larvae seem to enjoy the feeling of playing with the ants with fireballs, shooting fireballs from their backs one after another!

"Swish, swish, swish!"

In the rain of fireballs that filled the sky, Seth swayed around and cursed without stopping.

"I *you*, Baxter, you'd better not let me get the chance."

"Otherwise, you will have to taste the hardships I endured again."

As he spoke, Seth mobilized light energy and created a clone from his body.

This skill didn't come from lying down, he actually learned it from Teacher Max.

I usually feel that the clone consumes too much mental power and energy and is a bit useless, so I have never used it.

Now, with multiple clones, there is more hope for Dana to be revived.

Soon, with the cover of his clone, Seth's body successfully broke into the statue of Dyna.

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