After receiving the latest Ultra signature, Zoffy was obviously relieved: "The matter has been settled by the Zero brothers."

"Come to think of it, Zero never took the initiative to send me mission reports before. He wouldn't tell us unless we asked."

"It seems that your decision to let Seth perform the peacekeeping mission with him was indeed correct. ("?")" Zoffy looked happily at Seven sitting opposite him.

"This pair of brothers is really suitable to be together."

"Yeah." Speaking of his two sons, Seven smiled: "The way they get along is very interesting."

"Let Seth follow his brother, I will feel more at ease."

Zoffy: "Brothers should be like this, complementing each other."

As he said, Zoffy grabbed a virtual file in front of him and handed it to Seven: "By the way, Seven, I called you here today because you used to be a planetary civilization observer, and I want you to help me look at this file..."

"The a32 planet in the Crab Nebula has a strange flash, and it is still sending high-frequency electromagnetic signals to the surrounding space. I have never encountered this situation before..."

Seven opened the file: "Let me see..."


Outside the Monster Cemetery.

As soon as Zero and his party flew out of the Monster Cemetery, they met the Flame Warriors who were preparing to go to the Kingdom of Light.

"I said that your efficiency is really slow, and you made us wait for so long." The always impatient Flame Warrior complained.

"It was delayed by some things in the Monster Cemetery." Zero explained.

"Okay, Flame Warrior, stop complaining. At least now, all the members of the Ultimate Zero Guard have finally gathered." Mirror Knight's eyes fell on Seth and he smiled gently.

"Brother, long time no see." Iron Warrior walked to Iron Nine and called him affectionately.

Although he felt unfamiliar with this brother, Iron Nine still responded: "Brother... Brother."

Iron Warrior, who had no relatives in the first half of his life, was overjoyed: "Did you hear that? My brother called me brother."

"Got it, kebab, you must be so happy that your mouth is crooked." Flame Warrior said with a smile.

"Eh? What is this little thing in your hand, Iron Nine?"

Iron Nine: "My new friend."

Iron Warrior also looked at his brother's palm: "Your new friend?"

"It looks quite unique!"

Mirror Knight: "Keep it in our headquarters, it can be a mascot."

"Then Seth will be unemployed. (???〃)" Flame Warrior made a joke.

"Think too much." Mirror Knight never thought Seth was a simple child.

"The Baltman we encountered in the parallel universe created great difficulties for our peacekeeping mission."

"In the end, with the help of Dyna and Cosmos, Zero barely defeated him. I don't know if you still remember it."

The Flame Warrior nodded blankly: "Of course, it's only been a few days."

Mirror Knight: "The Baltman who trapped our entire team, Seth also encountered it in another parallel universe, and then he defeated it alone. The last time little Zero went back to the Kingdom of Light was to see his brother."

Seth humbly corrected: "No, it was me and Lopus together, and Dyna and Cosmos helped at the time..."

The Mirror Knight patted the Flame Warrior on the shoulder at this time: "Look, with the same lineup, he and Dark Lopus are equivalent to our entire team."

"So, Flame Warrior, be polite to our vice-captain in the future, otherwise he will turn you into a mascot."

Flame Warrior: "..."

It's really a bit outrageous to say this.

And when the Belia Galaxy Empire was in crisis, it seemed that Seth stepped forward and turned the tide...

The Zero brothers are so strong.

Fortunately, they are partners!

Seth: "???"

"When did I become the vice-captain?"

Mirror Knight: "Not satisfied, then you become the captain?"

Zero: "My brother is here, don't you consider my feelings at all? ←_←"

Chapter 237 Newcomer Seth

Parallel universe.

Ultimate Zero Guard, Maddie Base.

This giant alloy building is located in a star field between Esmeralda and Planet Anu, and its size is comparable to the Space Guard Headquarters.

Such a size is normal in the Country of Light, because there are tens of thousands of people working at the Space Guard Headquarters every day.

But it just floats quietly in the center of the desolate and silent universe.

Moreover, there are only seven people working in this building, including Seth...

Walking into the Maddie base of the Ultimate Zero Guard, Seth couldn't help asking: "Don't you think it's a bit extravagant and wasteful for you guys to live in such a big building?"

"What's the waste? The materials for building the headquarters are all provided voluntarily by the various planets in this universe." Zero spread his hands.

Mirror Knight added: "There is only one peacekeeping guard in this universe, so it's normal for the headquarters to be larger."

"We can recruit more people in the future."

Seth: "That makes sense..."

"What's our current mission?"

"Kebab, check today's schedule." The Flame Warrior looked at the Iron Warrior.

Zero explained to his brother: "Because of the severe shortage of people, the liaison officer, information collector, and even the main control computer of the Ultimate Zero Guard are all part-time by the Iron Warrior."

"Now you just happened to bring two more robots, and the Iron Warrior can take a break."

Seth: "..."

What kind of grassroots team is this? They just pick up the robot as hard as they can.

Iron Samurai: "Today's itinerary is to meet up with Zero, return to the base, and then rest."

The Flame Warrior stretched and said, "Okay, I'm just tired after flying for so long..."

Seth: “Huh??”

"Is it so leisurely? You don't need to perform patrol duties, or..."

Mirror Knight: "This universe is too big, and the Ultimate Zero Guard is severely undermanned, so we usually only go out to investigate after abnormal situations occur in various places."

"Patrol is too luxurious for the four of us."

"So that's it." Seth understood.

"Okay, if there's nothing else, I'll go back and rest first." The Flame Warrior walked into the room in the base.

"Then I'll go too." After saying hello to Seth, the Mirror Knight went straight to his room.

Just after taking two steps, he suddenly remembered something, turned around, and handed Seth a small thing: "Today is your official joining the team, I will give you a small gift."

"This is..." Seth took the small thing handed by the Mirror Knight, put it in front of his eyes, and looked at it carefully.

Mirror Knight: "I picked up the monster doll by chance during a mission. I thought the workmanship was quite exquisite, but the size is too small for us."

At this time, Seth's attention has been completely attracted by the doll: "Thank you."

"Do you like this kind of little thing so much? There's nothing special about it." Sero moved closer to Seth's head and looked at the little monster in Seth's hand.

"It feels very familiar." Seth looked solemn.

There have been several major crises in Ultraman's history.

One of them was the Demon God who traveled from the future to the past and turned all the Ultra Warriors and monsters into Spark Dolls!

The doll that the Mirror Knight handed to him looked very similar to the Spark Doll!

"They are already here?" Seth's heart was beating wildly, and he was worried about the future.

Suddenly, he looked at Zero: "Brother, can you pay more attention to this kind of doll when you perform missions in the future?"

Sero was a little confused: "Of course, in fact, if you like it, I can buy it for you. Esmeralda sells it."

Seth shook his head: "No, you have to collect this yourself."

Two months after Seth joined the Ultimate Zero Guard.

In the past two months in the Ultimate Zero Guard, Seth felt that the muscles on his body had lost several kilograms of fatigue.

The leisurely feeling I felt on the first day was totally fake.

In the past two months, he has been either performing tasks or on his way to perform tasks every day!

Mirror Knight is right, the Ultimate Zero Guard is short of people, seriously short of people!

In the hall of the headquarters, Seth slumped on his chair: "If we don't recruit new people, I will be exhausted."

I originally thought that with the Ultimate Zero Guard free, I could spend more time investigating incidents related to the Spark Dolls.

Now, whoever wants to move can do it, and he needs to rest.

"That's right, we were busier when the three of you weren't here. Four people deal with all kinds of trivial matters in a universe. Think about it..." The Flame Warrior slumped on another chair, so tired that the flames on his body almost went out.

"Little Seth, you have done well these past two months. You are obviously a child, but you have reached the workload of an adult soldier, and you are also capable of going on missions alone."

Seth tilted his head: "Thank you for the compliment, but I still hope you treat me like a normal kid. =_="

"When will the police recruit people..."

Flame Warrior: "We are already discussing it, but good warriors are hard to find."

The two of them had just been lying down for a while.

"There is a monster crisis on Planet Manda and we are asking for help." Liaison Officer Iron Warrior shouted after receiving the message.

"Who's going this time?"

Seth and the Fire Warrior pointed at each other: "Him!"

Seth: "No, don't you feel ashamed as an adult? You pushed me, a child, to perform a mission."

The Flame Warrior chuckled: "You are not an ordinary child. Besides, you are the deputy captain. The greater the official position, the greater the responsibility."

Seth stood up helplessly: "I didn't even think about it, it was all your fault. ??^??"

Flame Warrior: "Be careful, this mission feels quite strange. The people on Planet Manda can obviously defeat the monsters by their own abilities..."

Seth: "What do you mean?"

Next to him, the Iron Warrior passed the document to Seth: "I have sent you the map and description of this mission. Go early and come back early."

"Okay, I'll go see it myself."

Seth walked to the entrance of his headquarters, jumped up and took off, targeting the planet Manda.

in the universe.

"I really miss the days when I was a student in the Kingdom of Light." Seth, who turned into a ball of light, was flying at high speed and murmured.

Then, he lowered his head and looked at the description of this mission on the microcomputer.

"The monster Shilbagon appears on Planet Manda and lives in the realm of time and space..."

"The time and space realm can not only travel across the world, but also connect different parallel universes. Shilbagon can come here."

It didn't take long for Seth to fly outside the planet Mandal.

Planet Manda, Seth also learned a little bit about it from the mission briefing. The inhabitants of this planet look humanoid, but have a pair of big horns on their heads.

In addition, there is a special witchcraft culture on this planet, which seems to be quite evil.

"Wizards can't defeat monsters either."

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