Seeing that the two were about to leave, Seth followed them without saying a word.

Following Litang Guang to the Galaxy Shrine, he should be able to see his sixth uncle Taro in puppet form soon!

"Why are you following us? Parents will worry if children are alone outside." Litang Guang said after noticing the child following behind him.

"I was going to visit the Galaxy Shrine, my uncle is there." Seth made up a reason.

"I see, then we will take you there." The considerate Meiling stretched out her hand and wanted to pull Seth.

As expected, Seth flexibly avoided her: "My family said that you can't hold hands with strangers."

Meiling: "Hahaha, your parents are really cautious."

"Then did your parents tell you not to block the stroller casually?" Litang Guang joked.

Seth: "No, they are very busy at work and rarely accompany me. They don't have time to teach me so much."

Xiaoguang: "..."

"Ah... (???;)"


"It's okay, at least I have a brother who cares about me." Seth changed the subject.

Xiaoguang continued to ask: "Where is your brother now?"

Seth thought for a while and answered: "I lost him and haven't seen him for half a year."

Xiaoguang: "..."


What kind of family does this kid have, indifferent parents and missing brother...

No wonder he has so much time to exercise!

"Go to the Galaxy Shrine to pray, my brother should be back soon." Seth said expectantly.



Outside the Falling Star Primary School.

"Meiling, didn't you say you would take me back to the Galaxy Shrine? Why are you here in the primary school?" Xiaoguang carried his travel bag and looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar primary school in front of him in confusion.

After saying that, he pointed to Seth standing beside him: "Do you want to send this child back to school?"

"By the way, it should be class time now, why is there no sound in the primary school?"

"Now the Galaxy Shrine has moved to the primary school." Facing her friend's doubts, Meiling answered seriously.

"Ah? Isn't the shrine in the back mountain good, why did it suddenly move?" Xiaoguang was puzzled. Meiling replied: "A month ago, a meteorite fell and destroyed the original Galaxy Shrine."

Xiaoguang: "Huh?"

Meiling: "Come in with me first."


At the entrance of the music room of the elementary school, Litang Guang rubbed his eyebrows twice: "The Galaxy Shrine has moved here?"

"It's a bit too magical."

Before he continued to sigh, the anxious Seth had already pushed open the door of the music room.

There was no trace of any musical instrument in the room, it was a solemnly decorated shrine.

In the innermost part of the shrine, there was a sealed shrine.

At this moment, on the cushion in front of the shrine, an old man in sacrificial clothes was kneeling.

After hearing the sound of the door opening, the old man turned around and found that it was his grandson who had not seen for a long time. Litang Xiuzhen stood up and walked quickly to Litang Guang: "Xiaoguang!"

"Grandpa." Litang Guang responded enthusiastically and went forward to greet his grandfather for a long time.

During this time, Seth had been looking for Taro's trace in the shrine.

After searching everywhere without success, Seth murmured, "Strange, it should be around here."

"Who is this kid..." Hall Xiuzhen finally noticed the child that Xiaoguang brought back and asked in confusion.

"He said he came to the shrine to worship." Meiling next to him explained.

"Still worshipping?" Xiaoguang asked immediately.

Seth shook his head: "No, I am satisfied just seeing the shrine. I believe that the gods will protect me."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the music room was pushed open again, and an elderly woman in casual clothes entered from outside: "Xiaoguang is back."

After recognizing that the woman in front of him was his elementary school principal, Xiaoguang greeted politely: "Principal Shirai."

Seth also cast his eyes on Principal Shirai at this time, with a wary face.

Dark Lugiel, possessed her!

After a brief thought, Seth decided not to take action now, and to make a long-term plan after seeing Uncle Taro.

"By the way, grandpa, I heard that the previous shrine was burned down by a meteorite?" Xiaoguang suddenly asked.

Grandpa replied: "Yes, I still find it unbelievable, but fortunately the sword in the shrine is not destroyed."

"Can I see the sword? I always feel that something in the Falling Star Town is calling me recently." Xiaoguang continued to ask.

While the grandfather and grandson were chatting, Seth had left the Galaxy Shrine while no one was paying attention.

In the school, Seth lowered his voice and called: "Uncle Taro, Uncle Taro, are you here?"

"I am Seth, you see me, come out quickly."

After shouting twice, Seth paused.

"Uncle, don't feel inferior because of your smaller body, I won't laugh at you."

Suddenly, a familiar voice appeared in the corner: "Smelly boy! What are you talking about!"

Seth turned around and looked at the bushes in the corner of the stadium: "Uncle Taro, I knew you were here!"

"Before entering the school, I felt your light!"

After rummaging in the bushes for a while, Seth finally found Taro who had turned into a little doll.

"Uncle, you've really become so small, hahahaha...


Tairo: "..."

As expected, you can't just trust what children say!


Please support!! Although his nephew is naughty, Taro is still happy to meet him again after many years.

At this moment, he stood on Seth's shoulder as a puppet and asked curiously: "Where have you been all these years?"

Seth felt that he didn't need to hide his time travel, so he simply told his uncle about the whole process of his trip to the Tiga world: "This matter has to start from my mission to Manda Planet..."

After listening to Seth's words, Taro, who was in puppet state, didn't say a word for a long time.

"Uncle, what do you think about my time travel?" Seth asked proactively.

"I don't know, there has been no record of such a strange incident in the Kingdom of Light." Taro answered seriously.

"You kid, you are not lying to me, are you?"

Seth said seriously: "How could it be, I would never lie to you, uncle, even if I lied to my father. Uncle, you know, I admired you the most when I was a child."

"What you said is somewhat reasonable." A smile seemed to appear on Taro's puppet face.

"Uncle, how long have I been missing?" Seth continued to ask: "What happened during the time I disappeared?"

Although he had read the original work and knew the whole story, he still had to pretend.

"I don't remember it very clearly, anyway, it's been many years." Thinking back to the past, Taro sighed.

"I only remember that the demon god appeared not long after you left."

"He controlled the evil forces of all parties and set off a spark puppet war across the universe. At the end of the war, that guy launched a despicable sneak attack..."

"The result is that the time of almost all Ultraman and monsters was stagnated by his dark sparks...that is, they became puppets in my state."

"For people who become puppets, time will be suspended at the moment of becoming puppets. The reason why I still have my heart and consciousness is because of the light of my father, mother, and brothers."

At the end, Taro's tone was sad.

"Oh my God, I didn't expect that so many things happened in the Kingdom of Light during the time I was away." Seth showed a surprised and sad expression.

"Don't be sad, after my investigation on Earth for half a year, I have found hope for everyone to recover." Taro comforted.

"There are two artifacts in the Kingdom of Light. One is the dark flash used by the demon god, which can stop the time of all living things."

"And here, I found another existence that is opposite to it, the Galaxy Spark stored in the Galaxy Shrine."

"According to my speculation, that is the only hope to solve the dark curse."

"It's just that now, it lacks a chosen person to use it."

"The chosen person, uncle, do you think it will be me?" Seth pointed at himself.

Taro: "..."

"I think it's more likely to be a human."

Just at this time, Xiaoguang and Meiling walked out of the school.

Seth pointed at Xiao Guang: "Uncle, do you think he will be the chosen one?"

Tairo glanced at Xiao Guang and became excited: "It's possible."

Seth: "Hiss~"

"Uncle, what is the basis for your judgment?"

"Feeling." Taro answered seriously: "The Galaxy Spark is connected to the chosen one. If it is him, he will take the initiative to get the Galaxy Spark."

"By the way, who is he?"

Seth replied: "Litang Guang, the grandson of the head of the Galaxy Shrine."

Tairo: "During the investigation, I heard that old man mentioned that his good grandson would return home soon. I didn't expect it to be this kid."

"What old man? Uncle, you are not much older than him." Seth complained.

Tairo got into Seth's pocket in an instant: "Don't talk about this, keep an eye on Litang Guang."

Litang Guang, who was leaving, also noticed the child standing on the playground at this time: "Little friend, you are still here, do you want us to take you home?"

"No." Seth replied coldly.

"You have a really weird personality." Xiao Guang was helpless with this kid.

"I'm going to meet my friends. If you don't need me to send you off, you'd better be careful alone."

"Hmm..." Seth nodded in response, and suddenly put his little head in front of the hall light mysteriously: "You really want to see the holy sword in the shrine, right?"

"Do you feel that thing is calling you?"

"Hmm?" Xiao Guang looked at the strange kid in front of him in surprise.

How could he know this?

"You like adventure, right? Open the shrine at night and go to see the holy sword yourself."

After saying this, Seth turned and left.

There was enough suspense. Xiao Guang, who dreamed of becoming an adventurer, would go and see it sooner or later.


"It's still convenient to have a body. Unlike me, this body is not convenient to talk to humans."

On the streets of Falling Star Town, Seth was strolling alone, and Taro in the doll state stood on his shoulder, talking naggingly.

"By the way, people on this earth have never seen Ultraman, and they never believe in Ultraman's existence. Remember to be careful when you do things."

"Got it." Seth nodded, his eyes casually scanning the street.

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