Seth held out a hand.


A giant Ultra barrier with a height of one thousand meters appeared, lying between Victory and the artillery fire, like a huge curtain hanging from the sky!


The artillery fire hit Seth's giant Ultra Barrier, which disintegrated as soon as it made contact, like water droplets falling into the sea.

"It's amazing. Seth seems to have become stronger." Xiaoguang clenched his fists after seeing this scene.

"If you think about it carefully, maybe we have never seen Seth use his full strength." Temple friend Ichijo also replied.

Xiaoguang: "What you said makes me extremely frustrated."

On the battlefield, Victory, who was equipped with King Red's huge fist, looked confused.

Then, he looked up and discovered the shining figure that had appeared above him at some unknown moment.


Before Victory could ask his doubts, Seth withdrew the hand supporting Ultra's barrier...

"Whoa!" Before receiving the timer in his hands, he began to accumulate the energy needed for the guillotine.

"You don't need to inject all the energy. Then, attack the enemy by seven points?"

"It seems a bit wasteful, three points is enough."


Half a second later, Seth's three-point power was gathered into a horizontal guillotine shot!


The crescent-shaped light blade has an ordinary surface, but the moment it comes into contact with the peerless Iron God Inpleza, it splits his body into two!

The cuts are as neat as a mirror!


The horizontal guillotine instantly cut through half of Impeleza's body, and finally hit the Jingu Bridge behind the Impeleza army!


The Jingu Bridge exploded, and the huge mechanical body turned back into a small doll.

The Gaci star in his body was forced to exit the fusion state, and his soul was scared away.


The Gaci people made a prompt decision.

Unfortunately, just after taking two steps, a green ray fell from the sky!

It's Seth's Emelium Ray!



A native of Gaci star, died.

"So strong." Victory said in shock.

"Tell me more, I'd love to hear it." Heaven, Seth replied.

Victory: "..."

What a stinker!

And now if you look carefully, this guy seems to be a child, if not a child, he is still a minor!

How can it be repaired~ (Damn it)

He was actually saved by this guy!

After the explosion of Jingu Bridge, the bodies of the Implezas who had just been separated by Seth healed.

At this moment, Seth raised his hand again and took out the Hammer of the King given to him by the King of Ultra!

Unwilling to admit defeat, Victory raised his hand to stop Seth who wanted to attack the Imprezas again: "I will solve these!"

Seth landed slowly and flew to Victory. His face maintained a harmless expression, but his sinful little hands were already raised.

With a crisp sound of "Bang~", the small wooden hammer hit Victory on the head.

The proud Victory instantly went from a height of nearly fifty meters to the size of a ten centimeter doll.

"Hey! What are you doing!"

Sho's angry voice came from the shrunken Victory.

"Let you know the dangers of cosmic society." Seth replied.

Victory: "*****..."

Seth raised the hammer again threateningly: "I can't guarantee how small you will be next time."

Now Victory was silent.

"So cute." Xiaoguang said curiously as he ran to Victory, who had become smaller.

I just met Victory two days ago and had a fight with this arrogant guy. Now that he has become so small, I must play hard!

"What a magical ability. It didn't turn Victory into a doll, but shrunk it. What kind of power does this hammer have? I really want to study it." Ichijoji fixed his eyes on the small wooden hammer in Seth's hand, and his eyes Full of longing.

"Then you can borrow it from Seth later." Xiaoguang, who was teasing Victory, took the time to reply.

Then, he kept shaking his fingers on little Victory's head: "Hey, his strength and stature have shrunk together. Come and grab my fingers...?""?""?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Victory's body turned into light and dissipated, releasing the transformation state.

Sho appears behind Seth.

Victory was smaller, but he was not smaller.

"What were you doing just now? (??Dan?)"


Xiang flexed his wrist.

As an underground person, Xiang's physical fitness is far superior to that of the people on the ground. It is not a problem for one to fight ten.

Xiaoguang: "..."

It suddenly got bigger and not cute at all.

"Don't mess around, Yinhe and I are very difficult to mess with." Xiaoguang reached out to touch Yinhe Spark with a guarded expression.

Xiang presses harder and harder, and today he must teach this man on the ground who is playing tricks on him a lesson!

Suddenly, a childish voice appeared.

"Well, I don't care how old you are and you are still fighting here."

Everyone looked back and found a twelve or thirteen year old child standing in the open space not far away.

Xiang: "..."

What you said is not convincing. You are not as old as us!

"Hey, all the Imprezas have disappeared?" Ichijoji looked up at this moment and was shocked to find out.

"It's not gone, it's here." Seth raised his hand, revealing a shrunken Impeleza that was only one or two centimeters tall in his palm.

"Hehehe, it's fun, it's so fun~?(ˊ?ˋ*)"

Ichijoji: "..."

He has this magical ability, and he actually uses it to play like this?

What a waste of natural resources.

"Seth, did you know that something happened on Earth and came here to solve it?" Xiaoguang asked.

"Ah... I guess so." Seth put a few Imprezas into his trouser pockets and took out the Stream bracelet: "But the more important task is to give you this."

"Have you felt that you are weak, weak, and short in battle during this period, as if your body is hollowed out?" Seth asked Xiaoguang.

Xiaoguang: "..."

So specific, what kind of battle are you describing!

"Yes, a little bit..."

"Here, this item has the power of the six Ultra Brothers, which can help you improve it." Seth handed over the Stream bracelet: "Taro made it specifically for you."

"Okay, thank you, it's really timely!" Xiaoguang took the bracelet and said gratefully.

"Hey, you little brat is the giant just now?" Next to him, Xiang vaguely guessed Seth's identity and asked angrily.

"Yes, his name is Seth, a soldier of the Space Guard." Xiaoguang introduced.

Xiang squinted at Xiaoguang: "Who asked you?"

Xiaoguang: "..."

It's so annoying!

Chapter 285 Xiaoguang: Cool!

Xiang, the mysterious warrior that Xiaoguang met at Shizuku Hill some time ago.

Proud and powerful, he exudes an aura of keeping strangers away, and is arrogant when interacting with others.

At this moment, after being rebuked by Xiang, Xiaoguang looked at the Stream bracelet he had just received, thinking that in the next civil war, he must open the Stream form and teach him a lesson!

"Why did you shrink me just now? Without you, I can still deal with all the enemies!" Xiang said angrily.

"Really, but when I first came, you were obviously beaten badly." Seth pouted.

The young warriors nowadays have worse tempers than each other.

For example, Zero, Fuma when they first met, and Xiang.

After hearing what Seth said, Xiang was silent on the spot.

Seth: "Be honest with me. Not everyone is your enemy."

"I just saved you, and now you don't even say thank you. Do you think I should give you a hammer?"

Xiang: "Who asked you to save me?"

Seth's personality is not as good as Xiaoguang's. He took out the hammer of the king and came to Xiang in an instant. "Bang bang" two more hammers!

Xiaoguang watched Xiang turn from a 1.8-meter-tall man into a 5-centimeter-tall little man, and he couldn't help laughing happily.


Seth finally helped me get rid of this bad breath!

"You should learn how to get along with ordinary people." Seth lifted Xiang's body with his fingers and handed it to Xiaoguang next to him: "Here, Xiaoguang, you will take care of him."

"When you think he is a reliable companion, I will change him back."

"Are you going to stay on Earth for a long time this time?" Xiaoguang caught Xiang's shrunken body and asked curiously.

"It won't be long. I'll just come to Earth to relax. I've been studying hard for two years." Seth said comfortably while admiring the natural scenery of Earth.

Xiaoguang: "Okay."


Outside Earth.

In the spaceship of the Chebul people, the Chebul people wearing mechas looked at the battle scene and felt that something was wrong: "Is this little warrior Zero?"

"It is said in the universe that Zero has two head darts that are rare for warriors of the Kingdom of Light."

"If it is Zero, it will be difficult to deal with. It is said that the guy is terribly strong. Killing ordinary monsters is like killing chickens..." The expression of the Chebul people was embarrassed.

"But the size of this little guy doesn't match. Could it be Seven's youngest son?"

"It is rare to find relevant information about that kid. It is said that when the Lord Ruler was active on Earth two years ago, he also came to Earth..."

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