"But he has disappeared for two days, and there has been no news..." Jack Ultraman said worriedly.

"Do you remember the last time Seth disappeared? It was similar to this time, without any signs..." said Ultraman Taro, who had a mysterious relationship with Seth.

"According to Seth's return, a mysterious portal appeared in his head, and then he traveled to another world. I feel that the situation this time is similar to the last time."

"It's just that Seth was able to come back with Goldras last time, but this time Seth left without Goldras. I don't know when he will come back..."

"I'll go find him." After hearing this, Ultraman Zero walked out the door.

Seven held his son back: "It's useless. According to Seth, he traveled through not only space but also time."

"He may travel back to the past or directly to the future."

"We can only wait for him to come back."

Cero: "Father, how can you say that? Seth is still so young. It's very dangerous for him to be outside alone."

Seven: "..."

"He's only young in age."

"Cero, be fair, what are your chances of winning against your brother now?"

Cero: "…………"

It seems so.

In the years when my strength grew fastest, Seth got whatever skills I acquired, and unlocked whatever forms I unlocked. That guy was like a shadow, always following me.

What's infuriating is that he not only acquired my own skills, but also learned a variety of other tricks.

It must be admitted that Seth has more available skills than me.

On this basis, with two artifacts, it's not weak.

"Of course... I win." Proud Cero answered after a brief hesitation.

"Okay, I understand what you mean, father. I will do my job well. As for Seth, I believe he can come back with his own ability."

"Yeah." Seven nodded.

"Don't worry, the Science and Technology Bureau will monitor the energy waves of multiple parallel universes. As long as Seth's energy appears, we will notify you as soon as possible." Hikari took the initiative to say to Zero.

Zero: "Okay."

Zoffy: "Since it has been decided not to search for Seth for the time being, let's proceed to the next item of the meeting, the joint development of puppet weapons..."


Parallel universe.

Seth sat on the meteorite in frustration.

"I should have tied Goldras to my body, but I don't know where it is now, how can I go back."

After saying that, Seth threw the small stone in his hand into the distance with all his strength!


In the zero-gravity space, the small stone disappeared instantly.

"I'm alone again..."

"Wait, it seems that there is more than one me this time." After saying that, Seth reached into the other-dimensional space, and a second later, he took out a super-small man.

Then, Seth took out the hammer of the king.

"Bang bang~" knocked twice more.

Robot 10 became the size of an ordinary human and stood in Seth's palm.

"Where is this?" 10 looked at this space blankly.

"I don't know either. Anyway, it's a completely unfamiliar time and space. You are my only acquaintance." "Who is familiar with you?" 10 tilted his head to one side, thinking that the little Ultraman was thick-skinned.

"Let's go around together." Seth put 10 on his shoulder and began to explore the universe.

After a while.

"There is a wormhole magnetic field wave in front!" 10 said with a serious expression, lying next to Seth's neck.

"The robot's senses are really sharp."

"I'm free anyway, let's go and take a look!"

After that, Seth took out the ultimate battle instrument that he had never dared to use in the universe of the Kingdom of Light, and carefully explored forward.

M91 Nebula.

In front of the wormhole magnetic field wave, there is a huge unidentified crystal.

When Seth arrived, the unknown crystal, which was several times larger than him, had already been completely submerged in the wormhole.

Seth: "This crystal looks so familiar..."

"I can feel the life waves in the crystal." 10 said immediately.

"There are creatures in the crystal? That makes sense!"

Seth's expression became excited, and he suddenly accelerated and rushed to the location of the wormhole. Finally, before the wormhole disappeared, he followed the crystal and got in!


Parallel world.


Chengnan University, quantum physics laboratory.

In the huge experimental cabin, the long-haired young man wearing an experimental helmet fell into a strange state.

Beside him, other test personnel looked at the data on the instrument constantly fluctuating, and their expressions were nervous.

"I dream! I dream! Are you okay?"

"Hey, where did your consciousness float to!"

A few seconds later.

The long-haired young man in the experimental cabin suddenly opened his eyes, his forehead was sweating, and his chest rose and fell rapidly: "Ultraman..."

The experimental cabin was opened, and the other researchers were still in fear: "What Ultraman? Imeng, you scared us to death."

"I said this experiment is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will become mentally retarded..."

"Fortunately, you are fine. A genius who got a doctorate in quantum physics at the age of 17 turned himself into a mentally retarded person in his own experiment. I dare not think about what the newspaper will write about you..."

"Okay, isn't it okay now?" Imeng replied with a smile, recalling what he had just seen in the quantum field, and his heart was surging.

"Imeng, you said that you can see the feeling of the earth through this experiment, so did you see it just now?" An experimenter next to him asked.

Although I think my dream's research topic is a bit unrealistic, but as a rigorous scientist, I don't think it's funny.

"I think I saw it..." My dream recalled the red giant I saw in the quantum field and said uncertainly.

"Is the earth happy today?" The classmate continued to ask.

"It doesn't seem to be very happy. Something is disturbing its good mood." My dream said bluntly.


Earth Defense Force Xig Air Base.

Communicator Dunzi made a new discovery: "An unknown wormhole magnetic field appeared outside the earth!"

"A group of huge mass objects drilled out of the magnetic field!"

"No, there are two groups!"

"The other group is a giant, a giant!" Another communicator Qiao Ji shouted.

Chapter 289 Earth Destroyer, on stage!

Chengnan University playground.

My dream and friends sat on chairs and chatted.

"Although I support your current research, my dream, can you study more serious things." My dream's friend said.

"Even if we study the mood of the earth, it won't change anything."

"No matter how boring the research is, someone has to do it, and I think this research is of great significance." I Meng smiled and responded.

"Look, that girl from the College of Arts over there is so cute. Can you invite her to join your experimental team, I Meng? Now the team is all men, so everyone has no passion for the experiment." Another classmate suddenly pointed to the front left.

Others replied: "Don't dream, girls from the College of Arts don't like science boys..."

"If you want to find a girlfriend, you should have gone to the College of Arts."

"I'm just joking. I like doing research the most. I'm ready to lose all my hair."

I Meng, who was originally laughing and listening to friends chatting, suddenly stood up and looked at the sky nervously: "Do you think the weather is wrong today?"

Others in the school also noticed the strange phenomenon in the city and looked up.

"I feel something in the clouds, it's about to come down..."

"I see it, I see it! It's a huge crystal!"

"It's so shiny, just like a diamond!"

"What diamond ring pigeon egg, there's no comparison with this."

"It stopped, it stopped about 100 meters above the city!"

"What is that, a giant K-light ball?"

"Something's wrong, look at the light ball, there's something else!"

"Is that a person? Judging from the size, it's definitely a person!"

"Judging from the size, it's a giant, almost as tall as the building!"

As soon as the words fell.

"Swish, swish, swish--!!"

The surface of the crystal ball suddenly emitted dense needle-like rays, and the rays touched the building, instantly shattering the glass on the surface of the building!

The rays were still emitting, and just when the affected area was about to expand further, the giant took action.


Seth swung the Ultimate Battle Instrument with all his strength, like a baseball player swinging a bat, and hit the unknown crystal ball away!


As the crystal ball flew out, the location that was hit cracked and shattered.

A few seconds later, a huge creature appeared in the broken crystal ball, and its body fell rapidly! !

"Gob, it's true."

Seth recognized the identity of this monster.

Gob, in "Ultraman Gaia", the first biological weapon launched by the root destruction summoner to the earth.

In other words, this time, I came to the world of Ultraman Gaia!

Moreover, it was the beginning of Ultraman Gaia.

In other words, if I complete the investment as soon as possible, I will have all the abilities of Ultraman Gaia, including but not limited to photon ice blades, quantum streamlines, and even the passive ability to crack the earth after transformation!

"Invest in Gaia's contract?" Seth asked the system in his heart.

[Let Gaia appear]

"So simple? Have you changed your nature?" Seth looked slightly stunned.

In the previous investment ceremony, the system always made me do some messy work. Now, the direct appearance of Gaia is equivalent to the establishment of the contract?

[If you ask again, the contract will be changed to fly around the earth three times, do twenty back flips, and finally split in front of all the people on the earth]

Seth: "..."

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