"Your vision is not good either..."

"Isn't this very good? I just like his perseverance and perseverance." Another voice replied.

"You call this perseverance?"

"Forget it, I can't stand having him nagging in my ears every day."

"Then go meet him and see what information he can know now."

Planet Baberu.

Seth muttered something.



The statue reacted, and a ball of light flew out from the chest of the statue, landed on the ground, and turned into a silver giant.


Seth became excited when he recognized the giant's identity.

Nexus is the larvae of Noah.

His appearance meant that Noah was going to talk to him directly!

Sure enough, persistence works!

It was just Nexus' next move that left Seth a little confused.

"Senior, why did you switch to the red youth form?"

"Senior, why do you have to cross your arms?"

"Senior, why is there a concentration of light energy on your arm?"

"Senior, why are you launching cascading storms at me?!"


The bright light shot through, and Seth narrowly avoided it, but a small wound still appeared on his waist where the light had just been rubbed.

"Senior, is this a test for me?"

Seth looked at Red Nexus, as if he understood something.

Heaven is about to give a great task to this people, so some obstacles must be set up first!


Please support! !

Chapter 306 Jin Long: Who dares to touch my meal ticket?

"Bang bang bang——"

The sound of fierce collision echoed on the planet Baberu.

At first, Seth was wary of Nexus in the red youth form, so he was always cautious to test it out.

As time went by, he discovered that no matter how strong Nexus was, he was only the larval form of Noah, not Noah himself, and he could touch it.

As a result, Seth's battle gradually became better.

The only pity is that the artifact is disabled during the battle with Nexus.

Forget it if you can't use the ultimate sword given by God Noah. After all, no one would agree to use something given by the rightful owner to defeat the rightful owner.

The key is, even the Hammer of the King given by the King of Ultra and the Dark Flash that I grabbed are not in control...

However, even though the item was banned, Seth still had the upper hand in the battle with Nexus in his red youth form.

"It feels like it can work!"

Seth knocked Nexus away with a powerful punch, and kept jumping and moving his body: "Come on, I will definitely pass the test!"

On the opposite side, Noah probably felt that Seth deserved a beating at this time, so he separated a little light from the stone statue.

"Whoosh whoosh-"

The light shrouded Nexus, changing his red youth form into a more powerful blue youth form.

Seth: "The assessment has advanced."

"It's okay, I also have the upgraded form."

Seth waved one hand in front of his chest, switching to a strong corona form with high attack and defense.

Then, following the example of Brother Stinky, he scraped his nose with his hand and said, "Come on!"

Next to the ruins, Robot 10 stood on top of the golden dragon and asked: "Do you think Seth can win?"

The fat golden dragon roared lazily, not caring about the outcome of this battle.

"How fat are you now, and why are you still sleeping?"

10 glanced at the behemoth at his feet with disgust, and looked at the battle situation with a serious expression: "Looking at it now, Seth still has the upper hand, but I feel that my opponent has not tried his best."

"God is a god. His power is so powerful and mysterious that I can't even analyze the detailed data."

"Oh, Ultraman Nexus has changed again! What form will he turn into this time...wait, why did he turn white?"

10's expression became horrified. He looked at the new form that Nexus had transformed into, and then looked at the statue of Noah next to him: "Noah?"

"Except for not having the huge pair of wings on his back, this silver giant is obviously Noah himself!"

"Ah? Are you so serious, using my power to beat a child?"

"Do you have high hopes for Seth, or do you think this brat is too annoying..."

Two seconds later.


Seth was punched down by the silver giant and was extremely weak: "I couldn't let Lord Noah enjoy himself..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Seth suddenly felt a trance in front of his eyes.

When he came back to his senses, he was already in a pure space of light!

Standing in front of him at this moment was the tall, mighty, and divine Noah.

"Senior Noah, you are finally willing to see me!" Seth was overjoyed and shouted excitedly.

"Did I pass the test?"

Noah: "?"


Is there such a thing?


Seth: "Then you are showing up now..."

Noah's voice echoed throughout the space: "Please stop bothering me."

Seth: "..."

Okay, so straightforward!

Sure enough, the gods in the universe are all willful!

"Then why did you fight me just now?"

Noah: "I want to hit you."

Seth: "..."

So candid!

Sure enough, the gods in the universe do everything openly and honestly!

In the light space at this time, Noah seemed to be able to guess Seth's thoughts, and his expressionless face seemed a little speechless.

What's going on with this guy's brain?

It feels like punching a pervert and then being licked by him! Noah continued to respond: "As for the questions you asked, I can't answer them either."

"For you now... it's beyond the scope."

Seth: "You can't tell me when Lopus will come back?"

"Someone has already answered this question for you, don't worry." Noah answered patiently.

"Okay, that's all for today."

"Leave here quickly, I don't really want to see you."

"Also, you have all the power now, but you don't know how to integrate it, and you feel blocked when fighting." As a senior, Noah seemed to want to give Seth some advice.

"No need to think, it must be because he neglected training."

"This is far from what you, a senior, should do."

"Young man, if you want to truly grow up, you still have a long way to go."

"Don't waste your abilities."

"One more thing, you are a person with high hopes, don't let some people down."

"One more thing, you are very curious, but if you can't find the answer to some questions now, don't delve into them and hurt yourself."

After saying that, Seth's body was forcibly squeezed out of the light space and returned to the temple of Star Babel.

At this time, Seth was still digesting the information he had just received from Noah.

"I am highly expected?"

"King of Ultraman? Although the old man always lectures me, I am still highly valued by him!"

"Also, from what Noah said, Lopus will definitely come back safely, but it will take some time. Am I too impatient?"

"Finally...what does it mean to be beyond the scope? Beyond my current cognitive limit?"

"My cognitive level should not be low, after all, it covers the entire history of Ultraman. Could there be unexpected enemies?"

"I give up. Even if it is beyond the scope, you can still give me a hint. I can learn."

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Seth's heart: "Telling you that it is beyond the scope is itself a hint."

Seth: "..."

"Senior Noah is monitoring my thoughts?"

"Too foul, what secrets do I have in this case?"

10 rode the golden dragon to Seth who was nagging: "What are you mumbling about?"

"You just disappeared suddenly, where did you go? Were you summoned by the gods?"

"I guess so." Seth nodded.

Although there were many more problems in this meeting, it was always good to meet Noah.

"What do you think?" 10 asked curiously.

Seth smiled easily: "I feel that the gods are quite down-to-earth and not arrogant."

"It's just that they only say half of their words, I don't like it very much..."


A strong light suddenly burst out from the temple, just like a big slap, "pia!" slapped Seth.

As expected, Seth was blown away by the light and flew tens of thousands of meters on the planet Babel!

Seeing this scene, 10's machine eyes trembled wildly, and he truly realized the horror of the gods.

When she sat down, the lazy Fat Dragon was shocked and his eyes were as big as copper bells.

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