
The long sword in Seth's hand fell with the turbulent water!


The subsequent combos were like the waves hitting the cliff, continuously and continuously washing away!

Jagula was stunned by Seth's set of small elemental combos. He raised his sword in embarrassment to resist: "You deliberately talked to me to distract me, and then launched an attack?"

"Why did the elemental school find a successor like you!"


The combo came to an abrupt end.

Seth: "You know this genre?"


Forgot it last night, I'll make it up tonight.

Friends who are taking the college entrance examination, come on! ! !

Chapter 370 Jagula, fight side by side with me again!

"Do you know this genre?"

Seth stopped attacking Jagula and asked seriously.

He had been wandering in the universe for so many years. If he hadn't met the demon Zasha, he would probably never have been exposed to this evil sword skill. How could Jia Gula know about it?

Could it be that Jagula's Snake Heart Style and Majin Zasha's Elemental Style are from the same school?

"Kid, there are still many things you don't know." Jagula showed his signature confident smile.

"I'm asking you a question, don't play riddles with me."

Seth didn't tolerate him at all. His breath of water was transformed into his breath of fire, and burning flames appeared on the blade.

"Hey, it hurts the weapon." Jagula looked at the Snake Heart Sword he used to use in Seth's hand with distress.

"I have fought against people from this genre before, so I understand."

"Then do you know who developed this genre?" Seth asked.

"I don't know." Jagula shook his head.

Seth swung his flaming blade, preparing to attack.

Jakula waved his hands repeatedly: "I didn't lie to you. I really don't know. Who do you think I am? A search engine?"

"You have been living in the darkness of the universe for so many years. This is a recognition of your knowledge." Seth smiled.

After speaking, Seth lightly stomped the ground under his feet twice.

"The vitality of the entire planet is passing away. The Moge Yamata no Orochi will appear soon, right?"

"How did you know?" Jagula's body trembled slightly, and he tried to maintain a calm expression on his face.

A few months ago, he used the six Demon King Beasts to unseal the Demon Grid Orochi, thinking that the strongest Demon King Beast could completely destroy the planet and make everyone realize the reality of darkness.

Unfortunately, Orochi did not live up to expectations and was defeated by Ultraman Orb's dark form that merged the power of Belial and Ultraman Zoffie.

After that, the defeated Moge Serpent transported its power to the underground and continued to absorb the energy of the planet in the form of a cocoon. Now, it has gradually developed into a complete body!

Even myself, it was because of some accidents that I noticed the magical Yamata no Orochi hiding his insignificant development. How did this little warrior discover it?

"Are you curious? I can predict the future." Seth said with a smile.

"I believe it." Jia Gula nodded.

Seth was surprised by this demon's trust: "Huh? You don't even need to ask for confirmation?"

After Jia Gula finished speaking, he seemed to feel something. He sheathed his sword and raised his head: "No, there are too many weird things in the universe, and you are not the least of them."

Not long after the words fell.


In the sky, the situation is changing!

Large swathes of black clouds appeared over the city of Tokyo and continued to gather toward the top of Tokyo Tower!


Thick dark clouds collided and rubbed against each other, and lightning was constantly shining through the dark clouds. Along with the thunder that affected the entire world, the hearts of those who listened were trembling!

"It's no use knowing, you're late."

In the haze, the whole world turned dark.

There was a ferocious smile on Jakura's face, and the shadow of the demon's face appeared: "The Demonic Yamata no Orochi has grown into shape, and the strongest Demon King Beast in history is about to be born! This planet is finished!"

"Dream!" Hong Kai appeared behind Seth and the two, looking at his old enemy angrily.

"Jagula, you can't win, you will never win!"

Crazy critic Jagoula pointed at Hong Kai, who was glaring at him, and put his hand on Seth's shoulder in front of him, as if he heard some funny joke: "He said I can't win? Did you hear that??(ˊ? ˋ*)”

Seth looked at Jagula who was showing off his skills speechlessly: "Yes, Kai is right, you can't win."

Jakula's smile faded: "You will never understand."

Seth asked, "Do you understand your persistence in darkness?"

"Stop making trouble, the real villain will not save mankind."

"Naomi's ancestor, Hongkai's former love... friend, Natasha, was it you who saved her?"

"Him?" Hongkai himself was shocked by this answer.

After two seconds, he became calm again: "It's only him..."

After thinking about the whole story, Hongkai strode up to Jagula and said sincerely: "Thank you."

"I don't need your thanks, I just want to leave that woman to torture slowly and let you who care about her feel the pain!" Jagula shouted.

Next to him, Seth, who heard this, knew that Jagula was lying, and his eyes signaled to Hong Kai: Words of thanks are not enough, please take some practical actions.

Hongkai didn't know whether he understood it or not, so he stretched out his arms and hugged Jiagu La: "Thank you."

"Otherwise Natasha will become a lifelong regret for me."

Seth next to him covered his eyes knowingly.

Don't look at anything inappropriate.

In fact, Gagra is a very complicated person. At first, he was a decent person and climbed to the top of the warrior with Kai. Later, he became dissatisfied because Kai, who was weaker than him, was chosen by the Light of Orb, while he got nothing.

Later, because of Yu Yan's death, he became extremely eager for power. Finally, during his mercenary period, he fell into darkness because of the pressure of reality.

But all his behaviors show that this guy is dark, but not completely dark, and there is still a glimmer of light in his heart.

If there is anyone who can make Gagra turn back, it can only be Kai who loves and kills him.

The headquarters of the Witt team to maintain peace on earth.

In the control room, Suganuma, the highest commander of the Witt team, lies in front of the monitor, observing the strange phenomenon happening over the Tokyo Tower.

The person in charge of monitoring other data nearby reported: "At the same time as the thundercloud appeared, tornadoes of different sizes appeared in various parts of Neon, similar to the appearance of the monster Mogbasa."

"Some citizens reported that the smell near Tokyo Tower was terrible, and it was speculated that it was related to this strange phenomenon."

"About 200 meters underground of Tokyo Tower, the geothermal temperature is rising sharply, and it has now exceeded 10,000 degrees Celsius!"

"A building collapsed near Tokyo Tower!"

"Life activities were monitored under Tokyo Tower!"

"It's a monster." Chief Suganuma pushed the glasses on his nose, his eyes full of worry about this incident.

"Notify the news department immediately, and broadcast to the whole people immediately, so that residents near Tokyo Tower can evacuate as soon as possible."

"Also, prepare R1 missiles!"

"This monster is unusual. The signs before it appears are so terrible. It's hard to imagine what it would be like to fight it. Stop it before it starts to act!"

"Yes." The communication personnel nodded.

Soon after, the emergency broadcast of the Witt team appeared on all screens and broadcasts in the city.

Residents near Tokyo Tower completed the evacuation as soon as possible.

The thunderclouds over Tokyo Tower are getting bigger and bigger.

R1 missile, ready to launch.

At the same time in Flying Elephant Park.

Hong Kai: "Gagurula, this time, fight with me!"

Under Hong Kai's words, Gagurula decided to fight for justice this time, and block Mogu Yamata no Orochi together with the Ultra Warriors!

Gagurula: "In fact, the current Mogu Yamata no Orochi is not fully mature, we still have a chance."

Chapter 371 Mogu Yamata no Orochi, debut!

Outside the earth.

Two demons wearing cloaks stared at the blue planet full of vitality in front of them.

"President, this is the place where the evil spirit of Mogu Yamata no Orochi was released thousands of years ago."

The demon who was called the president had a hoarse and low voice: "For so long, Mogu Yamata no Orochi has not grown into a complete form. I am very worried about your ability to do things."

When the president spoke, the demons next to him dared not breathe.

After a few simple words, the president waved the black robe in his hand: "Let's give birth. The current energy collection progress is too slow."

"If we want to fight against this world, our current strength is too weak."

"Okay, actually I have arranged a small chess piece here." The attendant demon followed the president's order, and a burst of purple magic energy came out of his chest, slowly advancing into the planet in front.


Earth, Flying Elephant Park.

"Mog Snake can absorb all the energy on Earth and replenish itself." Gagula explained.

"If you don't want to help it mature, don't attack for the time being, and think about the next battle plan."

"Maybe you can try to kill it with one blow, so that it won't have a chance to devour energy." Seth, who was preparing for a giant battle, said.

"Does the energy that Mog Snake can absorb include the heat energy of the weapon?" Kai gently poked Gagula beside him at this time.

Gagula's expression was serious: "Of course, it can even absorb nuclear energy!"

Kai raised his hand and pointed to the top of his head: "The missile in the sky..."


The R1 missile launched by the Japanese branch of the Witt team flew at supersonic speed, passing over the park with a huge sonic boom!

At this time, Seth calmly split a clone: ​​"Let me do it."


The clone turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the missile.

Then, in order to prevent the missile from exploding in the city and causing unnecessary casualties, Seth controlled the clone, carrying the missile, and flew into outer space!


At the same time outside the earth.

The attendant demon looked puzzled: "Strange, there should be movement now."

"President, don't worry, it may be that the energy particles give too..."

Before he finished speaking, the attendant demon noticed that a light spot appeared under his feet!

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