A few days later.

Planet o-50.

The Taiga three-person team is undergoing daily training.

Suddenly, Taiga reached out and grabbed Fengma, who was running around and practicing his movements.

"What are you doing?" Fengma looked at Taiga in confusion.

"Don't step on the grass." Taiga took several deep breaths before saying.

"Why?" Feng Ma was puzzled.

Taiga: "These are the lives that Seth saved. You, me, all life and everything in this universe..."

After a brief silence, Feng Ma nodded: "Okay, from now on, I will try my best to be kind to every life."

The planet of gold.

Zeta's reserve team is performing patrol missions with a formal team.

"Zeta, stop protecting that monster and come here quickly!"

A strong red warrior looked at Zeta speechlessly, standing in front of the monster.

"You can't kill this monster! It's not a big mistake it made, and it won't lead to death!" Zeta said seriously.

"All life in this universe was saved by Seth!"

"Each of them has a reason not to die!??^??"

The team leader raised his forehead and said, "You started driving. You didn't want to kill it. You just wanted to take it to a planet more suitable for life. You are so excited!"

Zeta didn't believe it: "Then why did you take out that weird-looking weapon?"

Captain: "This is a monster capture device, which makes it easier to move monsters."

Zeta: "..."


The meeting scene of the Villain Association.

Tregear's seat is already the fourth in the Villain Association.

Today he showed a rare serious expression: "The hyperspace bomb detonated successfully, but the Kingdom of Light was not completely wiped out. Seth, he is indeed a warrior who can create miracles."

"It's such a genius idea to be one with the entire universe." The Baxter people admired sincerely.

Dislike and admiration sometimes do not conflict.

"It's like replacing a Seth with a time bomb. It feels a bit worthless." Acting President Beria was dissatisfied.

The cloaked devil came to the conference table: "No, I replaced Seth and Zasha. I think it was worth it."

"You are looking at the past, but I am looking at the future."

"Beria, your vision is still shallow."

"President, don't play charades with me all day long. Only power is absolute in this universe." Beria leaned on his chair, showing no respect for the president at all.

"Without me, you are just a lost dog." The president sneered and raised his hand.


The golden waves spread out and pushed Beria away.

Afterwards, the president took his seat at the head of the table and looked across the room: "I won't be busy anymore. The council no longer needs an acting president."

"Beria, now appoint you as the commander of the Evil Association Legion. I want you to take over the Kingdom of Light within a thousand years."

"Or you die."

A hundred years later.

Seth regained consciousness and woke up in the chaos.

The last thing I remember is that I entrusted the things in the storage space to my family and friends, and then went to sleep.

To be honest, I didn't expect that being one with the entire universe would be such a painful thing.

Just like the dream I once had, watching everything happening in the universe from the perspective of a bystander, I had to endure a huge amount of mental pressure.

The most important thing is that you can only watch, not interfere.

For example, right now, the Army of the Kingdom of Light is fighting fiercely with the Belia Legion, and I can only worry about it.

“When exactly am I going to get a body?”

"It can be as short as ten thousand years, or as long as billions of years, it depends on your own understanding." On the planet Babel, the stone statue of Noah shines.

Seth heard a familiar voice.

At this moment, even though he only had one will left, Seth was still extremely excited: "Noah!??(????)??"

"You are finally back!"

"You don't even know how difficult it has been for me these years when you were gone. (*?????)"


After reading this, please give me some support! !

Chapter 404 A thousand years of loneliness!

"A lot has happened in this universe in the years since you've been gone."

Seth's feelings for Noah were special.

From the first time they came into contact with each other and the other party presented the Shield of Palagi, the fate of both parties has been entangled.

Later, Noah trained with Seth for a thousand years.

Regardless of whether Noah wants to admit it or not, in Seth's heart, he is like a master.

Although this "master" really annoys him most of the time, and when he beats him, he only hits the painful areas...

At this time, Seth, who discovered Noah's return, seemed to finally have someone to complain to and someone to rely on.

"Various powerful monsters appear, and some people try to change the sacred timeline... What makes me most angry is that someone actually detonated a time bomb in the Kingdom of Light."

"The way I am now is the result of being one with this universe..."

"God Noah, you must do justice for me... no, for the justice of this universe!"

The stone statue flashed again, and Noah's tone still contained disgust.

"It's been so many years and it hasn't changed at all."

"It's not me anymore if I change." Seth just thought the other person was praising himself and laughed.

"Seriously...are you really not going to take action?" Seth's eyes passed through the deep and dark universe and looked at the stone statue of Noah in the planet Babel.

"I'm very busy now...very busy."

Noah repeated it twice, probably because he was afraid that Seth would not believe it.

"What about King Ultra? Do you know where he is now?" Seth asked immediately.

The crisis of the super-time and space bomb should have been solved by King Ultra in the original history.

Now that he has replaced King Ultra's job, and the old man has not appeared for a long time, this abnormal situation always makes people think of something bad.

"He is also very busy now, and he should be having a harder time than you now." Noah said slowly.

"Okay..." Seth's tone showed joy.

As for the source of this happiness.

One is because he knows that King Ultra has not abandoned this universe.

The second is because the decision he made a hundred years ago was correct.

If he had escaped at that time, this universe would really be gone.

Thinking of the catastrophe a hundred years ago, Seth's mind appeared the cheap "master" who had not been together for a long time but stood up at the last moment and used his own life to help him become one with the universe.

The other party's origin was mysterious, and Seth thought Noah should know something: "Demon Zasha, who is he?"

Noah: "An old man from the last era."

"How many years ago was that?" Seth continued to ask.

Noah: "I forgot, that period of time was too long ago..."

"Do you know who the master of the demon Zasha is?" Seth continued to ask expectantly.

He wanted to know who was so sacred that the demon Zasha remembered him for so many years.

If possible, he wanted to know more about the past from the other party.

"I know." Noah continued to answer calmly.

"Who? Is he still alive? Can I see him?" Seth asked several questions in a row.

Noah answered carefully: "In words you can understand, you can call him "the master."

"The master again?" Seth was confused.

How many masters are there in this world?

Also, is there any fate between him and the master?

Noah continued: "Whether you can meet him depends on your ability."

"Okay, kid, I have to go busy again."

Seth shouted anxiously: "No, no... In this universe now, Ultraman and the evil forces are fighting so fiercely, can you help me..."

"If you can't help, can you change me back? This state is too uncomfortable."

In the planet Babel, the light of Noah's stone statue faded, and Seth knew that the other party had left again.


In the universe, the lonely cosmic will sighed.

"This job is really not something a human can do, I miss my body..." As he spoke, Seth felt that he seemed to have forgotten something.


"System, are you still alive?"


The electronic prompt sound appeared in Seth's mind again, which comforted Seth a little.

"I should have completed the mission you mentioned before, right?"

"Where's my reward?"

"Don't think I won't remember it if you don't tell me."

"Even though I look like this now, it's useless to have an investment quota..."

Finally, after Seth's argument, the system completed the prompt sound.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the mission - Destroyed Universe]

[The system is making a comprehensive assessment based on the host's performance in the battle...]

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the B-level advanced mission assessment! ]

[Number of host investment quotas +3]

Seth: "..."


"You mean I worked so hard that I ruined my body, but the final mission rating is only B?"

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