The Strum Organ has a phase reversal function. After being specially trained by the Berts, it can automatically convert the light and prayer power in Seth's body into darkness and negative energy!

In this way, Seth's body and will are completely changed!

"Success! !????"

After inserting the Strum Organ, Torrekia took two steps back.

Chapter 455 How to use the Sage's Sword!

ZY1 Parallel Universe.

The Kingdom of Light.

Ultraman Seven, who was processing documents, suddenly felt a little flustered.

"What's wrong?" Ultraman Ace, who was standing next to him and discussing recent events with him, asked with concern.

"I feel a lot of chest tightness, strange, I have a physical examination every month, why does this happen..." The painful Seven only said half of the words and couldn't say it anymore.

Seeing this, Ace directly carried his brother's body: "Brother!"

"Brother, I will take you to the Silver Cross Military Hospital now, you must hold on!"


The situation was urgent at the moment, Ace directly broke the window of Seven's office and flew to the hospital with his brother on his back.

On the way to the hospital, dark clouds appeared out of thin air in the sky of the Kingdom of Light, which had not rained for many years.

"Is this specially designed by the Science and Technology Bureau? Why did it happen at this time!"

Ace said puzzledly as the drizzle fell on his body.


Almost at the same time.

The meteorological department of the Science and Technology Bureau was in chaos.


The chief of the Science and Technology Bureau, Hikari, pushed the door open and swept his eyes over all the staff present: "Who did it? The meteorological department didn't inform us when it was going to rain?"

"Sir, the rain came strangely, and it was not under our control." The head of the meteorological department stood up and answered in embarrassment.

Hikari thought the other party was shirking responsibility: "It's not your control, this dark cloud appeared out of thin air?"

All the people in the meteorological department nodded in unison.

Another staff member replied: "Yes, according to the instrument measurement, this dark cloud is formed by the free energy in the universe. Because the energy changes too quickly, we didn't notice it in time."

"It's strange, this kind of thing has never happened in the universe before..." Hikari lowered his head when he heard it.

"When Seth comes back, ask that brat, he is the will of the universe, he must know..."

Afterwards, Hikari ordered everyone in the meteorological department to stop the heavy rain immediately.

Just as he was about to leave the work area of ​​the meteorological department, another staff member stopped him: "Sir! So you are here!"

"You are... I remember you, you are from the Botanical Research Institute." Hikari looked at the other party in confusion.

"Yes, all the plants in the Botanical Research Institute are dead, as if they were poisoned..." The staff member reported with a sad face.

That was the result of his research for several years!

Hikari: "Ah? What time?"

"Five minutes ago, when the first drop of rain fell!"


Planet U40.

Fuma walked up to the absent-minded Taiga.

"Don't think about it. Seth is so strong that he will definitely bring Zero back safely."

"Yes, but I always feel a little uneasy in my heart." Taiga replied with a worried face.

As soon as the two finished talking, a drizzle began to fall in the sky of U40.

"What's going on?" Fuma turned his head and looked at Titus behind him.

The teacher looked up at the sky covered with haze: "Plants need water to nourish. The strange thing is that U40 used to notify in advance when it rained, but why didn't there be any news this time?"

"Can you accompany me back to the Kingdom of Light?" Taiga said suddenly with anxiety.

"I always have a bad feeling."

"I'm happy to accompany you." Fuma nodded.


tJ1 parallel universe.

The back of the moon.


With a loud bang, the entire moon exploded.

In the wreckage of the moon, the exasperated Torrekia stood with the Balt Starman.

"I never thought he would use such a method." Torrekia, who was just very proud, clenched his fists.

"I would rather die than work for us." The radiant president of the Evil Association looked at Seth with the Sage Sword stuck in his chest with a complicated expression.

"Can't we try to pull out the sword?" The Balt Starman floated forward for a distance, trying to touch the Sage Sword stuck in Seth's chest.

"Why do you do that?" The president of the Evil Association suddenly scolded.

"The Sage Sword can extract the life energy of the user and seal others. Seth is now sealing himself. If you want to draw the sword, you have to pay dozens of times more vitality than Seth."

"Seth's vitality can nourish a universe. Do you think you have the ability to draw the sword?"

"Even the president can't do it?" Torrekia looked at the figure of light in confusion.

"No." The president shook his head.

"Can I touch Seth now? We can take his body back to the Evil Association for research." The Batman was still determined.

"Touching his body is to break the seal. If you don't have enough vitality, you will be sealed with him." The president explained.

"I don't want to touch it with my hands, but with a prop?" The Batman proposed an idea.

The president: "The Sage's Sword was made by the ancient U40 people with super scientific power, and it was strengthened again tens of thousands of years ago. It is a well-deserved artifact. Put away your stupid ideas."

The Batman was obviously unwilling: "What should we do with Seth now? Let him float here by himself?"

"Whoever touches Seth now will be in trouble. Stay away from him. Anyway, he can't get in our way now, and our plan is considered successful." Torrekia waved to the Batman.

"Okay." The Batman sighed.


A few months later.

The Kingdom of Light.

At this time, it had been raining in the Kingdom of Light for several months.

Lopus appeared with Zero.

After seeing Lopus, Taiga asked expectantly: "Didn't Seth come back with you?"

"I didn't see Seth." Lopus shook his head in confusion.

Fuma, who followed Taiga, asked: "Isn't he with you? He left to save you."

Taiga felt even more uneasy: "There has been no news for so long, what happened to Seth..."

Just as everyone was speculating about Seth's current situation, a mysterious space gate appeared.

10 covered his neck and staggered out: "Parallel universe, Seth, is sealed, save..."


After a while.

tJ1 Outside the Earth in the parallel universe.

In the ruins of the moon, the people who came saw Seth sealed by the Sword of the Sage.

"I'll go and save Seth!" Zeta stepped forward quickly.

"Don't! Unless you want to lie with Seth."

Hikari stopped him in time and recounted his previous research on the Sword of the Sage.

Zeta understood this time: "If I don't have enough vitality, will I be sealed with Seth?"

"It's not impossible, at least I can still accompany Seth."

Taiga stopped him: "What brain? Why don't you think about strengthening yourself as soon as possible and saving Seth from the seal?"

Hikari: "No one can move Seth's body now. In the future, the Science and Technology Bureau will build a special observation station here. You don't have to worry."

"According to what you said, uncle, the seal of the Sword of the Sage requires the extraction of vitality. Is Seth dead now?" Zeta suddenly turned around and asked seriously.

Hikari: "I don't know."


Seek support!!

Chapter 456 I hate it most when someone does bad things in front of me!

Half a year after Seth was sealed.

The Science and Technology Bureau established an observation station dedicated to Seth in the tJ1 parallel universe to protect the hero Seth and monitor his various vital signs and energy data.

Unfortunately, two months after the monitoring station was established, there were still only parallel lines on the data analyzer.

Based on the existing experience of the staff of the Science and Technology Bureau, Seth is dead.

Whether it is physical or spiritual.

But no one in the Kingdom of Light will give up this young hero.

One day, Taiga came to the observation station and looked at Seth, who was stretched out in the middle, through the barrier of light.

The sealed Seth was floating as a whole, with his chest with the Sage's Sword inserted upright and his limbs drooping, like a person floating on the water.

After gently wiping the corners of his eyes, Taiga took a deep breath and asked in a trembling voice: "Still no fluctuations?"

"No, but the body of Commander Seth has not turned into cosmic dust, which proves that he will definitely come back." The staff of the Science and Technology Bureau responsible for observing Seth had a firm look in his eyes.

"Yeah." Taiga nodded and walked out of the observation station without saying much.

After Seth was sealed, it rained on almost all the planets in the universe of the Kingdom of Light where civilizations had been born.

In that heavy rain that lasted for several months, the plants on the planets died one after another, and even the plasma spark core dimmed a little.

Uncle Hikari said that this was a manifestation of the lack of vitality in the universe.

This time Seth was sealed, draining all the life he scattered in the ZY1 universe thousands of years ago.

"You are here too."

At the door of the observation station, Zeta, who came specially, waved and greeted his friend Taiga.

"Any news?" Zeta asked.

"No, it's the same as before." Taiga sighed.

"Why are you so sad? Seth will definitely come back, just like the previous times." Zeta said firmly.

"You forgot that with Seth's character, he would not stab the Sage's Sword into his chest if he was sure to escape."

Tiga pretended to be relaxed: "I know, but I don't know how long it will take Seth to recover this time."

"No more, I'm going back first, Titus and Fuma are still waiting for me."

After a brief chat, Taiga patted Zeta on the shoulder and flew to the space gate specially set up by the Science and Technology Bureau.

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