Chapter 51 Are we inferior to a primary school student?

Planet K76.

In the afterglow of stars.

The three masters and apprentices leaned side by side against a huge stone.

There were only three of them alive on the desolate brown land.

Not far from them was the airship with its shell battered and cratered.

Leo, who admired Sero's talent, said sincerely: "Has anyone ever said that your kid's training talent is really good?"

"Of course, this young master has always known that he is a genius, it's just that those guys from the Kingdom of Light couldn't find out." Cero proudly hit his armored chest twice with his fist.

"Master Leo, Master Astra, if you two can discover my talent, you are very discerning."

"With your little hooligan attitude, you can't blame the teachers in the Kingdom of Light for looking down on you." Astra glanced at Zero speechlessly, making a pertinent comment.

Leo echoed from the side, and there was even a bit of confusion in his voice: "That's right, I've beaten you so many times, why are you still so crazy? Are you really born to be rebellious?"

"What does it mean to be born with a stubborn body? This young master is born with a strong body." Zero stood up and stood in the wind in the wilderness, feeling that his mind was extremely open.

"There is a word called youthful and frivolous. How old am I? If I'm not crazy now, will I be crazy when I get older?"

"Of course, I know I'm just as crazy as I get older."

Leo: "..."

"Although I don't really like the tone of your voice, you are really talented."

"Congratulations, Sero, you have completed another stage of training."

Zero was stunned and his expression became excited, "Then will I no longer have to be chased by airships in the future?"

He can avoid being hit by airships, but that doesn't mean he likes being chased by airships.

Astra: "No, in fact we are going to get a bigger, faster plane."

Sero: "Huh??"

Leo smiled: "Of course I'm kidding you."

Sero was obviously relieved: "That's good."

Leo stood up: "Bigger airships won't keep hitting you. From now on, it will be mixed training."


“I thought I was at graduation level.”

"The level should be almost there, but now is not the time." Leo answered without thinking.

"Then when will the time come?" Sero was puzzled.

Leo didn't answer.

Ott Elementary School.

On the playground.

After hearing the words of the primary school student in front of him, Saron was surprised and at the same time backed away and distanced himself.

Outside the court, Jack looked surprised: "Seth has learned to mobilize body energy and enhance the power of physical skills at such a young age?"

"Brother, did you teach me this?"

Seven shook his head: "No, I have never been taught."

"And, half a year ago, this kid already knew how to play like this when he was in the Monster Cemetery."

"Why didn't you tell me about this before?" Jack looked suspicious of life.

"At a time when other children couldn't even sense the energy in their own bodies, Seth had already learned to use energy to increase attack power, and he learned it without anyone teaching him..."

"What a physical prodigy!!"

"No, this kid already learned how to shoot light half a year ago... Well, this is really not as amazing as the light."

Speaking of this, Jack suddenly became looking forward to this originally unsuspicious battle: "I can't wait to see who will win in the end."

"Who else could it be? No matter how strong Seth is, he is still compared to his peers... He can do what your students can do, but what your students can do, he may not be able to do."

"Also, there is a difference in experience and size."

"That kid was able to shoot a ray of light half a year ago. How do you know he won't bring us more surprises half a year later?" Jack thought of the night when Seth made his first shot, and there was some expectation in his eyes.



the other side.

The primary school students and reserve players who were watching the match were all stunned by Seth's flaming fist.

"Am I dazzled? When that kid just punched, there was fire in his fist!"

"It was originally a physical combat, but he directly added magic damage!" A certain reserve team member said.

"What's magic damage? It's a technique of infusing energy into the limbs to increase the strength of physical arts. The instructor mentioned it during class. I finally found the reason why your grades are at the bottom every time."

"Are you sure you didn't use some random props?"

"Wait a minute, I don't know this trick yet!"

"Am I not as good as a primary school student?"

"Yeah, actually it's not just you, it's not me either."

"Gee, I think we can go back to elementary school and recreate it."

"It's too late. Let your parents have a second child. You guys are useless."

The center of the battlefield.

Carlo, with a bruised nose and face, got up from the ground and returned to the team: "Seth, why didn't you use such a powerful skill earlier, so that I got punched in vain?"

"Relax, I wasn't watching just now." Seth comforted.

Carlo: "Okay, let's change this story, but you must tell me after school how you pulled out those flaming fists."

Seth: "Okay."

Zeta followed up and said: "And me and me, Seth, your fist just now was so cool... What's even cooler is that your fist stopped!"

"Especially when he said that cool line..."

"Okay, okay, you've done all the Bs in the field by yourself."

On the other side, Sarron also expressed his recognition of Seth: "Great, you surprised me."

"You've learned energy control at such a young age. I didn't fully master it until I entered the reserve team..."

"Boy, I'm going to attack you next."

Seth corrected seriously: "I just said that we don't need your slackness. All the rules you set before are invalid, so you don't have to tell us who you're going to attack next."

"Please take this battle seriously."

Saron looked confused: "I was just threatening, not telling you a point."

"I recognize you as my opponent, and I'll go all out with every punch I throw next."

Seth: "Oh, that's good."

This time, Seth rushed out first!


The strengthened Seth moved even faster than Sarron just now.

Everyone could only see a flash of afterimages in the middle of the field.

When they found Seth again, he was already fighting with Sarron in close range.

"Bang, bang, bang--!!"

The huge collision sound echoed in the field.

As the collision intensified, the crowd of spectators was stunned.

"I thought his arm would be broken when he took Sarron's fist. This kid is too amazing. Sarron and I can't fight for so long." The last reserve player said.

"Okay, don't compare your one-third and half-baked level with the Ultra Little Genius. It's embarrassing for the reserve team." Another reserve player said.

"Aren't you saying too hurtful?"

"Sorry, to be honest, and I am also a half-baked person."

"Talent, a talent that makes people jealous."

"This kid will become a great man in the future!"

"Wait, look, what is he doing? If he does this, I will take back my evaluation just now. This is too arrogant."

"What's going on? This kid just lasted two rounds and started to act..."

Chapter 52 Zeta: Seth, you are awesome! !

When the Ultra primary school students were in their first physical education class, the instructors had seriously talked to them about the precautions in battle.

One of them was: jump carefully and avoid leaping!

Due to various special mission requirements, Ultra warriors often fight against various powerful enemies of unknown strength.

In this case, leaping is equivalent to creating a large gap under yourself, giving the enemy an opportunity to take advantage.

After seeing the Ultra warrior's action, some powerful enemies only need to push lightly to make the leaping warrior lose balance instantly.

In the ever-changing battlefield, even a small mistake may lead to serious consequences!

But today, Ultra primary school students are fighting against the reserve team on the battlefield.

When Seth faced Salon, who was more than 20 meters taller than him and had better combat power than him, he chose to jump up, which was an extremely unwise approach.

Therefore, the reserve soldiers who saw this scene felt that this elementary school student was too complacent!

"In this case, jumping is equivalent to admitting defeat. This little guy is not experienced in combat after all." Seven said with regret.

Just now, he saw Seth and Salon fighting back and forth, and he really began to expect Seth to win this battle.

Although he knew that his hope was slim.

"It's already good to be able to fight with the reserve team for so long. You know, other elementary school students are not enough for Salon to punch." Jack comforted.

At this time, there was another exclamation in the field.

Jack looked back and found that the battle was not over.

Seth, who jumped up, was not pulled down by Salon.

It's not that Salon didn't seize the opportunity, but when Seth jumped up, he expected Salon to attack him in the air, so he immediately poured energy into his feet.

When Salon's fist came over, Seth's feet were attached with red energy, and he kicked out fiercely!


This time, Salon, who rushed to attack, was at a disadvantage.


He was kicked back half a step by Seth's energy-infused kick.

However, it's not over yet.

Just as Salon retreated and stabilized his center of gravity,


Seth twisted his body violently in mid-air.

Then, he kicked out with a roundhouse kick filled with energy.

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