"I heard that you also participated in the study trip to U40?" Zuo Fei, who was about to leave, suddenly turned around and asked.

Seth hummed blankly.

Sophie: "Be honest.??"


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Chapter 92 Has character, but not much

Another half month passed in a flash.

Seth could sense subtle changes in the injured areas of his body, so he knew that there was still a long way to go before he was completely healed.

On the way to school, Seth drove the floating wheelchair alone, while lazy Zeta sat on the armrest of the seat.

"Stop moving your butt inside, you're about to ride on my head."

Seth took a disgusted look at Zeta's big butt at hand, and used his only left hand to push it out twice.

"It's not like you can't fly, so why don't you rub against my wheelchair?"

"Do you understand that technology changes life? There are more convenient ways to travel, so why waste your own energy?" Zeta answered confidently.

Seth covered his face: "But I am a disabled person now. If you rub a disabled person's wheelchair, your conscience won't hurt."

Zeta raised his head and raised his chest, looking like he was not ashamed but proud: "It's not a shame. We are friends. I call this personal protection."

After hearing this answer, Seth looked at Zeta intently: "Zeta, you seem to be enlightened and your mind is getting brighter and brighter."

"It's always been like this." Zeta smiled confidently.

Then, he tilted his head slightly and asked, "Master has been away for so long, has there been any new news?"

"No, that guy is so cold and cold. I gave him an Ultra autograph and he didn't even take it back." Seth couldn't help but start complaining.

Zeta didn't think there was anything wrong with the master not replying at all: "That's right, this is the master I like, he has character!"

Seth: "Quickly pull him down. If you don't reply, I'll forget it. That guy even chose to reply to the Ultra signature that his father sent to him. He's so arrogant."

"Maybe I just went to a new environment and joined a new team, so I was too busy." Zeta, who is a die-hard fan of Zero, helped to explain.

Seth looked sideways at Zeta: "You can help him wash this? You kid is getting more and more unprincipled."

"I..." Zeta was just about to retort when he saw a familiar figure running from a distance.


Taiga ran up to the two of them and looked up and down at the strange-looking Seth and Zeta.

"Zeta, you are too lazy to rub against Seth, a disabled person's wheelchair." Taiga felt ashamed of Zeta's behavior.

Zeta: "How about you sit on the other side? It's much more comfortable than walking or flying by yourself."

"Ultraman Hikari also specially filled the armrests with rebound material, which makes it quite comfortable to sit on."

"I don't want it." Taiga tilted his head.

"Even if I, Taiga, run to school to exhaustion, die outside, or run out of energy, I will never choose such a strange way to travel!"

Half a minute later.


The wheelchair's engine shuddered.

Seth was sitting upright in his wheelchair, with two children sitting on the left and right armrests...

Seth: "Taiga, you were led to corruption by Zeta."

Taiga, who was sitting on the armrest of the wheelchair, shook his butt from side to side twice: "It does feel quite comfortable~"

"By the way, we are going to U40 today. Have you brought everything the teacher asked you to bring?"

"What else do you need to bring when you go out to play?" Zeta, who was sitting on the armrest on the other side, had a look of indifference on his face.

"According to your idea, you really don't need to bring anything, but when we go there, it's not just for fun." Taiga's eyes were sharp.

"This study tour is a student exchange between the two countries. Not only will we go to U40, but students from U40 will also come to the Kingdom of Light."

"When we go out, we are not just primary school students, we are also primary school students of the Kingdom of Light, and we are the postcards of the Kingdom of Light displayed to the outside world..."

"So I brought some books on diplomatic etiquette and made adequate preparations for what might happen during this study trip, including but not limited to various major disasters that may occur..."

At this moment, Seth vaguely saw the shadow of Hikari on Taiga.

No, that's not right.

Rather than so much Hikari, it is better to say that Taiga’s research spirit was inherited from his father’s close friend…

Seth, who couldn't listen to Taiga's explanation, pointed forward with his only movable finger and changed the topic: "Okay, okay, we're at the Ultra Space Port ahead. Get ready to board the ship. You two get off my wheelchair quickly." …”

Halfway through his words, Seth took a breath and said, "Wait a minute! Did you find that the spaceship in front of you looks familiar?"

Taiga also discovered this: "It looks a bit like the Ma Qingduo spaceship we drove before..."

"Little guys, congratulations, you guessed it right."

A voice suddenly appeared from behind Seth, frightening the three children!

After coming back to his senses, Zeta discovered that Teacher Max was standing behind him, and patted his chest: "Teacher, you are an Ultra Warrior, not a thief. How come you don't make a sound when you walk..."

Max's face darkened: "How can you describe the teacher like this?"

Zeta has character, but not much. He immediately apologized: "Smith Marseille~"

Afterwards, Max answered the questions the three little ones had just asked: "This spaceship is the one you brought back a few months ago. It was once used as a crime tool for many aliens..."

"The Bureau of Science and Technology made simple modifications to the ship, and after coding it, it became an official vehicle."

"After the Belia invasion, diplomatic incidents in the Kingdom of Light increased, and the residents' need to go out increased, so that there were not enough spaceships in the port. In the end, this was the only one allocated for our school trip."

"Why didn't I know about this..." Seth's expression was bitter. This was his love boat, and the Kingdom of Light did this without even informing him.

"Okay, come up quickly, the ship will set off soon."

Planet U40.

Different from the shining Kingdom of Light, the planet U40, which also gave birth to Ultra Warriors, has a surface environment similar to that of the Earth, beautiful and evergreen, covered with a large amount of vegetation.

Because of the unique culture of the planet, the residential buildings and the environment on the surface are perfectly integrated and complement each other.

At this time, there is a square somewhere on the planet.

An Ultra warrior wearing a white robe stood with his hands behind his back, admiring the beautiful scenery on the planet.

At this time, a figure appeared behind him: "Jonias, are you looking for me?"

The Ultra Warrior turned around and the light bulb turned on: "Ty, Titus... I haven't seen you for a few days, and your muscles seem to have grown bigger again."

Hearing the praise from his senior, Titus bowed his head humbly: "No, it's just self-regulation when you are lonely and confused."

"You are now the 'sage' of U40. Don't belittle yourself. In the war with Hera's troops, everyone can see your performance. "Jonias raised his hand and put it on the shoulders of this muscular junior.

After comforting him, Joanias got to the point: "I came to you this time because I have a task to arrange for you."

"You must have heard about the recent cultural exchange between U40 and the Kingdom of Light, right? A group of primary school students will come to U40 for study in the near future."

Titas nodded: "Senior, do you want to..."

Chapter 93 Your family must be happy, right?

Titas: "Senior, do you want to..."

Before he finished speaking, Joanias interrupted: "No, I'm just telling you that you are not suitable to take care of children."

Titas: "..."

Seeing Titus's dejected look, Jonias smiled: "Hahaha, don't mind, I have a more important task for you."

"U40's friendly planet, the Golden Star, has a new king who has recently ascended the throne. You should have heard about it, Osar XIII."

Hearing this, Titas had a serious expression: "Yes, since Osar XIII came to the throne, he has continued to expand his arms and has constant friction with surrounding planets, and has a tendency to launch wars..."

"Yes, war is something no civilization wants to see, so I want to send you to lead a mission to the Golden Planet to have friendly exchanges with Osar XIII and ask him to stop destroying peace."


Titus, who had never engaged in diplomatic activities, was unsure and hesitated.

"You are the new sage of U40, and it is most suitable for you to lead the mission." Joanias encouraged: "I believe you will be able to complete the mission."

Titas' eyes became firm: "Well, we will definitely fulfill our mission!"

Joanias: "You go back and prepare first. The mission will set off in three days."

After another nod in response, Titas left the square.

Not far away, he noticed unusual movement in the sky.

Looking up, this muscular man saw a huge dark spaceship!

Judging from the appearance of the spacecraft, it has nothing to do with the shape of the U40 spacecraft. It is speculated that it is an alien visitor.

After that, he remembered the cultural exchange that Jonas had just told him, so it was reasonable to speculate that this huge spaceship was carrying children from the Kingdom of Light traveling to U40...

at the same time.

On a huge spaceship.

The three little ones were lying on the porthole of the spacecraft, looking towards the ground.

"The environment here is very different from the Kingdom of Light. Don't they have plasma spark towers?"

Zeta, who read the least books, had the most problems.

"Eh? Those moving black spots on the ground don't look like Ultra Warriors..."

"Do you think every planet is like the Kingdom of Light?" Taiga answered Zeta's question at this time.

"People from the Kingdom of Light were originally very small. My father said they were similar to people on Earth. They mutated and became giants after being exposed to the plasma spark tower."

"And the residents on U40 are just like the people from the Kingdom of Light before the mutation."

Zeta: "So, they don't have a plasma spark tower? Then where did the Ultraman on their planet come from?"

Seth replied: "Ultra Psychic Enhancer."

"The book says that this is a source of life that is like matter but not matter. With it, U40 humans can change their molecular structure and become Ultraman."

"However, most of the human-transformed Ultraman on U40 are still about the same size as their original size. Only a few warriors with powerful power can achieve giant size."

A sense of pride arose in Zeta's heart: "If that's the case, then if our entire Kingdom of Light becomes huge, wouldn't it mean that we are dozens of blocks ahead of U40?"

Taiga suddenly took action, broke off the headband on Seth's head, and slapped Zeta on the head with a "Bang!": "Don't underestimate any civilization, especially now that you are still in someone else's country."

Seth: "..."

"With you two, I feel really helpless sometimes."

At this time.


The spacecraft suddenly began to tremble slightly. Seth, who was familiar with spacecraft driving procedures, knew that this was a sign that the spacecraft was about to land.

Sure enough, half a minute later.


After a slight jolt, the spaceship carrying thousands of elementary school students from the Kingdom of Light landed smoothly on the alien planet.


The huge hatch under the spaceship opened, and curious elementary school students from the Kingdom of Light filed out.

As the leader of this study tour, Max flew high into the sky, stood in front of many students, and repeated the precautions for activities on the planet U40.

"First, don't rashly enlarge your body. Most of the building sizes on U40 are designed according to the size of ordinary humans. Enlarging your body will bring unnecessary trouble."

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