Except for the color, the overall appearance of the black-armored giant is exactly the same as Zero who wore the training armor back then, and even the combat power is similar.

He didn't panic at all when facing Zero's Shadowless Kick attack, and kept responding with his kick!

"Bang bang bang bang——"

The two giants, one silver and one black, just kicked each other from inside the planet to outside the planet!

Seth looked at his brother who was flying away gradually, and let out a "tsk~" sound, feeling a little headache.

Zero kicked away the most powerful Dark Lops, but what he left behind were five mechanical Ultra brothers!

You know, each of these mechanical Ultra Brothers has about the same power as its original owner!

It's like beating five uncles by yourself!

"This, this, this..."


The five Ultra brothers looked down at Seth on the ground. There was no emotion in their glowing eyes!

Half a minute later!


A fierce chase takes place inside the planet!

And the one being chased was naturally Seth.

Although he invested in many people, it was less than a year before he reaped the rewards.

I was fighting side by side with Zero just now, and I was able to take advantage of the chaos to kill them because Zero was on top of the front battlefield.

Now I have to fight against five, and the only chance is to get beaten...

The only chance of winning is to wait for opportunities and defeat them one by one!

Outside the Salomian base.

Lei raised his head and looked at Seth, who was being chased by five mechanical Ultra brothers in the sky, and couldn't bear it: "I'll go help him."

"That little warrior can't hold on any longer."

Captain Hinata didn't stop him this time, because the little warrior looked really embarrassed now.

Ray took out the ultimate combat instrument and shouted: "Gomora, Litola!"

Soon, two big monsters materialized from the ultimate battle instrument!

Just when Lei was about to control his two monsters to support the little warrior in the sky, something unexpected happened!

Salome star base.

"The dark armored giant fights against Zero, so many mechanical warriors fight against Seth, they are overqualified and overqualified." Herodia looked arrogant.

"Speaking of which, there is really no one available in the Kingdom of Light. How dare such a young child come here?"

Suddenly, the staff next to him exclaimed: "Dr. Herodia! Something's wrong! Look!"


Ultraman training ground.

Jonias clasped his hands behind his back and checked the students' practice.


Chapter 118 Is Zero really okay?

Distorted space, unknown planet.

Seth, who was being chased by five mechanical Ultra Brothers, suddenly lit up, as if he had realized something extraordinary.

Then, he turned around under everyone's shocked gazes and faced five mechanical Ultra Warriors head-on!

Below, Ray, who was about to let Gomora and Litola support Ultraman Jr., looked nervous: "What stupid thing is he going to do? Why did he stop?"

"This kid behaved very calmly in the Monster Ranch. Why is he starting to get agitated now?" Captain Hinata was equally worried.

They and Ultraman are now grasshoppers on a rope. The Zero Brothers are gone. It is only a matter of time before they disappear in this twisted space.

Opposite, the mechanical Ultra brothers seemed to sense something after seeing the pursuing little Ultra warrior stop, and stopped a kilometer away from Seth.

Then, a scene that puzzled everyone happened.

Seth suddenly raised his hands.


Two small hands decorated with red and blue patterns spread out in a fan shape in mid-air.

Half a second later, the two small hands slowly crossed in a light-emitting posture.

Dots of blue-white light energy gathered on its erect forearms.

Seeing the light on the arm of the little Ultra Warrior getting brighter and brighter, Lei was still puzzled: "You actually gave up defense and avoidance and chose to attack with light?"

"The best defense is offense." In the sky, Seth, who maintained his light-emitting posture, answered Lei's question.

Lei knew that this made sense, but tactics had to depend on the situation.

Now that the enemy is outnumbered and we are outnumbered, it is definitely not the time to turn from defense to offense.


Opposite Seth.

Five mechanical Ultra Warriors are ready.

When the Salome people made them, they put core processors with extremely powerful block computing capabilities into their bodies.

The super powerful algorithm, coupled with the abnormal hardware strength, is enough for them to easily avoid the light attack of a primary school student from the Kingdom of Light!

In the huge building on the side.

A staff member wearing a blue coat frowned: "Doctor, why do I feel like something is wrong with me?"

Herodia, who had always been cautious, now had a confident smile on her face: "What's there to worry about? Do you think the mechanical Ultra Warriors we developed can't stop a child's attack?"

"Or do you think that kid has the ability to wipe out the mechanical Ultra Warriors with one blow?"

Next to him, the researcher didn't answer him like this and kept silent.

At this time, in the monitoring room, the expressions of all the researchers suddenly changed!

"Doctor! Look!!"

The planet is half empty.

Seth, who had finished accumulating energy, did not shoot an energy beam like a normal Ultra Warrior.

Instead, he raised his glowing right arm on his left hand with a "Whoa!" !

Then, his right arm continued to swing!


Planim Ray, A-form emission!

Countless blue and white energy balls were thrown out by Seth!

Dozens of balls of light, at a very fast speed, enveloped the five mechanical Ultra Warriors! !

Perhaps sensing the threat of the flying energy balls, the mechanical Ultra Warriors reacted very quickly and wanted to scatter to prevent Seth from having the opportunity to wipe them out.

However, just as they moved to the side, a fireball flew over and blocked their movement!

And the one who spit out this fireball was Litora summoned by Lei!

In addition, Gomora was also on the ground, continuously outputting super shock waves, and together with Litora, surrounded the mechanical Ultra Warriors!

The enemy was numerous and we were few, and Seth's combat power was obviously only three, but at this moment, he played the momentum of encirclement!

"Well done!" After seeing Litora and Gomora's operations, Seth cast an admiring look at Lei on the ground!

Lei grinned and said modestly: "This is what I should do, trust my comrades."

At the same time, the energy ball thrown by Seth, flying in the front, successfully hit the body of Mechanical Zoffy!

The violent light energy exploded the moment it touched the mechanical body!

"Boom!" In a burst of light, half of Mechanical Zoffy's body was directly blown away by the violent energy!

Afterwards, such explosions occurred one after another!

"Boom boom boom--!"

Strong light bursts one after another.

"Hua La La!"

"Clang clang clang!"

The parts on the body of the Mechanical Ultra Warrior fell to the ground like raindrops!

Soon, the five Mechanical Ultra Warriors were successfully wiped out with the cooperation of Seth and Lei!

Seeing this scene, Seth himself felt a little unbelievable: "Is the power of merging Planim's rays and the beam rays of the Kingdom of Light so strong?"

And Seth is destined to find no answer to this question.

After all, he may be the first elementary school student in history who can master the rays of the Kingdom of Light and the rays of U40 at the same time.

On the ground, Captain Hyuga: "A few light balls solved it? That little warrior did it? ????ДO???"

"Yes, Gomora and Litora only played some auxiliary roles." Lei said ashamedly.

Captain Hyuga took a breath: "I thought the battle in the monster graveyard was the peak of this child, but I didn't expect that it was just the beginning."

The combat performance of the mechanical Ultraman warriors is obvious to all. Let alone a primary school student, even if the elite warriors of the Kingdom of Light come, they may not be able to win one.

And that child, that child actually turned around calmly while being chased, and solved them all with a light emission method that had never been seen before!

In the sky, Seth looked at the two humans on the ground: "This is our common victory."

If it weren't for the two monsters' assists, he really couldn't do it alone.

After speaking, Seth turned and looked at the base of the Salome people: "Next, it's time to deal with them."

Without waiting for Seth to take action.

Above everyone's head, there was a huge collision sound like thunder!

It's no wonder that the battle between Zero and the Dark Armored Titan has reached a white-hot stage.

"Aren't you going to help your brother?" Lei asked.

"He can definitely handle it." Seth is quite confident in Zero's ability!

As soon as the voice fell!


Another huge collision!



A hole opened in the clouds above the planet, and a familiar figure fell from the sky!

The figure fell very quickly, and before everyone could react, he had already hit the ground heavily!


"Boom boom boom!"

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