Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 233 King Oub Mengs

"Which is better, pickled fish or grilled fish?"

Originally, they were talking about how to deal with the leaf rot.

Later, the two found that all the attention of the leaf rot was on them and they were not in a hurry after they stopped destroying the city. They were still able to chat about food while dodging the sonic attacks of the leaf rot in the air.

"Is the energy of this leaf rot infinite?"

Wo Meng felt a little sorry for the baby: "If we just destroy it, it would be a pity, right?"

Duanmu Ci's mouth curved: "Destroy it? I have to say you are quite confident."

"Now let's not consider the unrealistic proposition of destroying it, think about what to do with it."

"This thing can create something out of nothing, and its energy seems to be unlimited. Otherwise, I will add some buffs to it and send it to the root of destruction!"

Wo Meng hurriedly grabbed Duanmu Ci: "Doctor, don't mess around! If the root of destruction succeeds in researching this leaf rot, it will not be a good thing for us!"

"Humanity may really be finished by then!"

Duanmu Ci: "Then why don't we stay and study it ourselves?"

Duanmu Ci likes this kind of energy non-conservation thing very much.

As we all know, perpetual motion machines do not exist, so everyone is very curious about what perpetual motion machines look like.

The more non-existent something is, the more curious people are.

Now isn't this a perpetual motion machine sample in front of us? If we don't study it carefully, wouldn't it be a pity?

Imeng was also a little tempted: "But isn't our technology enough?"

Duanmu Ci: "If I can't research it, it's even more impossible to research the root-destroying body. Then I'll just throw it to the root-destroying body and let them destroy their own roots, so that they don't have to run out to destroy other civilizations out of boredom at home every day."

Imeng was even more tempted after hearing this.

He also wanted to study this magical monster.

It was like an old Taoist priest always wanted to catch a zombie to study.

"If the research is successful, what's the use?"

Imeng suddenly asked this question.

Duanmu Ci: "Maybe it's useless, but it's more fun."

"The usefulness of science will not be shown at the beginning. Many times, we suddenly look back in the future and find that this thing has a lot of influence."

"When gunpowder was first discovered, the alchemists thought that there was a problem with the alchemy."

"Didn't they gradually discover its use later?"

"In fact, the simplest use of leaf rot is to inject light into its body, and then it will continuously feedback and transmit the light back."

"But as scientists, we can't be so short-sighted."

Duanmu Ci was very serious: "If we inject too much light at one time, when the light in our body expands, we will be like ordinary humans who are forced to become Ultraman, which will cause darkness to grow."

"It may even go berserk!"

Duanmu Ci even suspected that Dark Zagi went berserk like this.

Because he checked the settings of Zagi on the Internet here, he clearly followed Noah at the beginning.

But in the end, he became like this ghost.

It is very likely that in order to make Dark Zagi obtain power similar to Noah, he injected too much light at once.

Of course, everything is just speculation.

But even if it was just a guess, it was enough to make Duanmu Ci give up this research.

Because he could really become Noah.

If one accidentally went berserk and became someone like Dark Zagi, the Earth and even the multiverse would be greatly affected.

The development of science and technology is like this. When the ability to control nuclear explosions is not mastered, the result of forcibly conducting nuclear tests is likely to be that the people of the entire city will directly enter heaven in their sleep.

The two were still discussing how to dissect Ye Fu, but Ye Fu had no emotion at all. He just kept using sound waves to attack, which had no effect at all, but was very persistent, infinitely persistent.

At this time, on the other side.

Xiao Mian watched the two "little green men" "hard" dodging the sound wave attacks in the air to protect the world, and he also wanted to protect the world.

So he picked up the "fragments of dreams".

But who knew that the moment he touched the glass fragments, the red ball that had been broken and scattered all over the ground turned back to its original state!

The moment Xiao Mian touched it, he felt his whole body refreshed, and hurriedly shouted

"Let Ye Fu disappear!"

At the same time, Duanmu Ci had already taken out an "Evolution Truster".

"Okay, let's not talk about many ideas first, and study it slowly after taking Ye Fu down!"

While speaking, Duanmu Ci was ready to transform and use the Meta Field to put it in.

But who knew that he had just pulled out the Evolution Truster and had not had time to shout to transform, and saw Ye Fu suddenly turned into a gust of wind and disappeared.

Duanmu Ci: "???"

Wo Meng was surprised: "Doctor, how did you do it? This kind of capture is really without any trace!"

Duanmu Ci's mouth twitched: "If I say I haven't had time to capture it, do you believe it?"

Wo Meng: "???"

Duanmu Ci looked around blankly, and for a moment he didn't find what was wrong.

But, such a big Ye Fu, just disappeared like this?

How did he do it?

"Wishing ball!"

Duanmu Ci looked at Wo Meng: "Could it be that he used the wishing ball?"

Wo Meng nodded: "Very likely!"

"But I don't know where Xiao Mian is now."

In the distance, Xiao Mian finally breathed a sigh of relief as he watched Ye Fu disappear.

But then a dark breath surged out of the red ball, scaring Xiao Mian's hand so much that it trembled, and the red ball fell under the overpass. He then watched an adult pick up the red ball with a puzzled look on his face.

Then, a cloud of black mist surged out of the red ball, and the adult man instinctively wanted to throw it away, but this time the red ball learned its lesson and stuck to the adult man's hand. As waves of black mist continued to enter his body, his eyes began to turn red.

The scenes of being subjected to various PUA by his boss at work kept appearing in front of him. No matter what he did, no matter how tired he was, his boss seemed to be blind and saw nothing, and would find a reason to scold him every now and then.

He knew everything, and he knew that his boss just enjoyed the feeling of trampling on his dignity.

For the sake of life, he endured it again and again.

Under the influence of the black mist, the darkness in his heart continued to expand. Although it was still slightly less than the ambition of a child to destroy the world, his darkness was enough to devour the city.

"Destroy, destroy everything in this city, King Oub Mengs!"

As the man's voice fell, the dark side of the red ball finally appeared in front of everyone.

A huge monster suddenly fell from the sky and landed heavily, and the whole earth was shaking.

Duanmu Ci was silent for a moment, and walked behind Wo Meng silently: "Wo Meng, you go."

Wo Meng: "Doctor, I'm just a scientist!"

Duanmu Ci: "You are a scientist but Gaia is a warrior. Now it's finally your turn to show your ability!"

"I'll go find the wishing ball and solve the problem from the root!"

Wo Meng was half-believing and half-doubting.

But after thinking about it, he was still willing to believe in Duanmu Ci's ability to find things with technology, so he finally took out his sapphire cone.


. . .

Watching Gaia go up and be beaten by King Oub Mengs, Duanmu Ci silently flew away, hiding his body and name.

"Damn, how can the energy level of this monster be so high."

It's not that he didn't dare to go up, but mainly when King Oub Mengs appeared, the bracelet on his hand vibrated wildly.

This shows that the monster's energy is more than twice his own.

Although Univos often kills enemies above his level, this enemy doesn't look like it's easy to kill above his level.

And this world gives him a bad feeling.

Sure enough.

As soon as Gaia appeared, he just posed, and the colored timer on his chest flashed.

This wave made him confused.

In a bad state, let alone fighting, it's a problem to stand!

King Ob Mengs came up and slapped Gaia, and Gaia got a stiff neck on the spot.

Duanmu Ci sighed.

He originally wanted to see first, and then kill the monster with one shot after finding its weakness.

Who would have thought that the battle would be so one-sided so quickly, and Gaia was beaten throughout the whole process, and there was no such thing as looking at the enemy's weakness.

Of course, there is another possibility.

This kind of enemy has no weaknesses.

Duanmu Ci's heart kept beating faster and faster, and light poured out. The whole person turned into a blue light, intercepting between Gaia and King Ob Mengs.

Seeing a newcomer appear, King Obmons opened his mouth, and the energy compressed to the extreme condensed in his mouth and suddenly spurted out.

A bright orange burning light gushed out.

Univos didn't even look at him directly. He turned sideways and blocked with his left hand. A circular barrier like a water wave appeared in front of his palm, steadily resisting the burning beam of King Obmons.

This move was so cool that several children in the distance who wanted to grab the red ball were stunned.

"It's Nexus, blue youth type!"

Xiao Mian's eyes were full of little stars. Not only my dream, but also Lian came?


Xiao Mian didn't dare to think about another person who could become a blue youth type.

After all, this thing would even crack a dark Zagi, what would happen if Noah came?

I dare not even think about it.

Univos's appearance this time can be said to have attracted enough attention.

But he was a little bit unconfident in his heart.

King Obmons is different from Gatanjea.

If Univos is not strong enough, he will never be able to destroy Gatanjea, but he can also ensure that he will not be destroyed by Gatanjea.

Because Gatanjea's defense is much greater than its attack power.

And the fatal skill is an effect skill, there is no such thing as directly crushing Univos.

King Obmons, on the other hand, looks like his attack should be able to reduce his health, but he has high health, high attack, and strong defense, and his light skills and melee skills have no shortcomings.

A hexagonal monster.

The fighting style of such a monster is completely different from Gatanjea.

Thinking of this, Duanmu Ci finally used something that he rarely used after his energy became stronger and the power of the light became stronger.

With a wave of his right hand, the warrior DNA was replaced.

Ripples flowed on his body.

He turned into a red Univos.

Univos Fighting Type!

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