Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 235 Return to the origin

“After darkness comes dawn.”

Xiao Mian, who should have felt despair, suddenly felt a kind of courage called giving up to others when he was holding the red ball in his heart.

"Risa, this world will not be destroyed!"

"Since a little light can't drive away the darkness, let's bring more!"

"Hikari (Light)!!!"

As Xiao Mian shouted, the little red ball responded to his call!

Then a blue light fell from the sky and landed in front of Univers.

It was Hikari who looked confused.

"Huh? Univos, and this Silver warrior?"

"Why am I here suddenly? Did you conduct some strange experiment again?"

Uniworth: "???"

"How can you slander people out of thin air?"

"Furthermore, this is Gaia, my student, the Light of the Earth, not Ultraman from our Kingdom of Light, so there is no such difference as the Silver, Red, and Blue."

Hikari nodded: "I see, so how did I get here? Is it really not your experiment?"

Univos looked at Gaia aside: "I dream, I will rectify my master's name."

Gaia: "It's really not us."

Seeing such a relatively honest-looking child saying this, Hikali reluctantly agreed with Yunivos's words.

Then he looked at King Oubmons who was approaching slowly.

"So, you called me here to ask me to deal with this monster?"

Gaia was about to speak when she was stopped by Univos.

"This is the time for you, the swordsman of the universe, to show off your strength!"

Hikali smiled confidently: "Okay, I have indeed not moved my muscles for a while. I will show you my swordsmanship today!"

After saying that, Hikali waved his right hand diagonally upward, and a golden lightsaber extended from the knight's aura.

Knight Beam Blade!

Then, he bravely rushed towards King Oubmons.

Two seconds later, Hikali was knocked back and rolled next to Yunivos.

Yunivos stepped forward to help him up, looking very confused and said: "Oh my, I almost killed this monster with just one move. I thought you, the swordsman of the universe, should be able to handle it easily." its!"

Hikari: "..."

Good guy, really good guy!

"You don't have to lie to me like this. You said you almost killed such a monster with one move. Why don't I believe it?"

Gaia: "Two doctors, stop talking, the monster is coming!"

Univos pushed Gaia in front of King Oubmons.

"My dream, block it for two minutes!"

Gaia: "???"

Before he had time to think about it, King Oubmons slapped him down. Gaia could only put down all kinds of strange thoughts and catch the attack first.


Nanase Risa looked at Hikari, who seemed to have a "not so good" relationship with Yunivos, and asked in surprise: "Xiao Mian, is this the light you are talking about?"

Xiao Mian was a little embarrassed: "That's right, it's Xikali."

He had forgotten that the word Hikari could no longer simply refer to all Ultraman, because ever since the release of Mebius, Hikari has been the exclusive name of this blue Ultraman.

Nanase Risa: "And they don't seem to have a very good relationship."

Seeing this, Xiao Mian got even more headache.

"I don't know either. Logically speaking, they shouldn't know each other."


Kashimada Hiroshi said: "Nexus's worldview should be independent, and he does not seem to be in conflict with other Ultraman, but Hikari is an orthodox Blue Ultraman from the Land of Light. No matter how you think about them, they are not involved. Maybe we should know each other.”

Xiao Mian: →_→

"Why are you so familiar?"

Kashimada Hiroshi: ⊙_⊙!

It's over, it's revealed that I also watch Ultraman!

"Um, that..."

"I just listen to what others say."

Xiao Mian didn't give him any chance. He would beat him to death if he found a flaw: "Would anyone else say it so comprehensively?"

Kashima Hiroshi here is still trying to get through, but Gaia is already in crisis on the other side.

Gaia, who had not evolved into V2, was no match for King Orbmons. Even if he was pressed and beaten, King Orbmons actually split into a second monster.

A monster "Bajilis" with huge bone wings, a pair of huge scythes in its hands, and a mantis-like appearance split from the back of King Oubmons.

"What the hell!"

These words are Gaia's "last words."

After saying this, Gaia was held down and beaten by two monsters, unable to fight back, and could not even speak after that.

All he could do was groan.


With a clear shout, Hikali suddenly stopped in front of Gaia and cut off Bagilis's sickle right hand with a sword.

Then he retracted his sword, raised his knight's breath to charge up, and turned his hands to form a cross in front of him.

"Knight Ray!"

A piercing light emitted from the outer edge of Shikari's palm and fell on Bagilis.

The Bagilis, who had just split off and just beat Gaia, exited the stage with an explosion.

After destroying a monster, Hikali didn't stop moving. He turned his upper body and the light shifted to King Oubmons.

It's a pity that King Oubmons was not afraid of this move at all. He just slapped his palm and the knight's ray was shattered, and then rushed towards Hikari.

If Hikari had not reacted quickly, he would have been caught by it.

"Univos, this guy is so thick-skinned, how did you almost kill him?"

Univos spread his hands: "So in the end, it still depends on me, a top scientist, to take action?"

"I really can't understand that you, a scientist, all your efficient fighting methods are actually given by the equipment given by the King of Ultra."

"It's not as considerate to buy cheats from others as to make your own cheats."

Hikari was chased and beaten by King Orb Mengs, and now he doesn't care about these things: "Okay, okay, I admit that you are the chief scientist, why don't you come to help!"

Haha, what Hikari was thinking in his heart was, little guy, when I figure out the method of combining light, it's hard to say who will be the chief scientist of the Kingdom of Light! Hehe!

Univos couldn't stand such words.

"Oh my! You make it sound like I'm helping you for the chief scientist."

"Listen carefully, I'm helping you for the relationship we've had as partners for so many years!"

After saying that, Univos kicked King Obmons on the head.

King Obmons didn't even tilt his head, and Univos pushed him back.

"Looks like I'm going to use my ultimate move!"

Gaia was surprised: "Doctor, do you have an ultimate move?"

Univos smiled confidently: "I'm wandering around the multiverse, how can I survive without a few real skills?"

After saying that, a series of green plasma lights wrapped Univos up, and he rushed up and hugged King Obmons with all his strength.

He didn't let go even when King Obmons slapped him on the back, and flew into the sky with King Obmons in his arms.

Looking at this behavior, Hikari vaguely felt that something was wrong.

"What self-destructing skill is he going to use?"

"Ultra Bomb?"

If you have enough fire power in your body, you can use the Ultra Bomb. Of course, whether you can survive after using it depends on your own ability.

"But Univos doesn't have much energy. Even if you use the Ultra Bomb, it may not be able to kill the monster."

"Unless Taro comes!"

Hearing this, Gaia was even more yearning.

"Who is this Taro? There are so many powerful people in the Kingdom of Light!"

In fact, the CD they bought contains Taro's TV series, but he hasn't watched it yet and doesn't know much about it.

But, watching Univos holding the monster flying higher and higher, Hikari also felt that something seemed to be wrong.

"What is he going to do?"

After flying to a high enough height, Univos let go of his hand, took out a plasma metal ball with critical energy and threw it on King Obmons, and then the ball turned into "soft armor" to wrap around King Obmons.

Then Univos took out a tablet.

"Everything is over, monster!"

Technology changes the world!

Univess flew away quickly, and then reached out to press the explosion button.

But who knew that King Obmons was following behind Univess.

Its flying speed was not much slower than Univess?

"What the hell?"

King Obmonss's flying speed was Mach 7, and Univess's flying speed was Mach 15. Now they are almost the same speed?

It's not that Univess has slowed down, but King Obmonss has become faster under desperate efforts.

It's like when a creature is on the verge of its limit, it can often exert a force that exceeds its own ability.

King Obmonss seemed to feel the danger of his life, so he burst out with a force he had never had before.

"Don't come over here, ah ah ah!!!"

Univess had already flown at full speed, but was still hit by King Obmonss's iron mountain lean. His hand shook and he pressed the detonation button.


With a violent explosion, Univos turned into countless light particles and dissipated, and King Obmons turned into ashes.

. . .

When Univos woke up again, he returned to the medical center of the XIG air base. . .

Fortunately, there were other people around to take care of him this time.


The commander of the stone room smiled: "It seems that the parallel universe not only has no better medical conditions, but you are also more seriously injured because of the turbulence of time and space travel."

Duanmu Ci: "..."

His current mood is a bit hard to describe.

But it is not without benefits, at least he does not have to explain to everyone that such an important injury suddenly recovered.

Damn it.

To hide your identity on Earth, you have to endure this kind of pain!

"Where is my dream man?"

The commander of the stone room said: "He brought back a bunch of Ultraman TV series and is watching them with everyone."

Duanmu Ci widened his eyes: "They didn't even call me and watched them secretly!"

As he said that, Duanmu Ci forced himself to get up from the bed, and then sprained his waist. . .

Half an hour later, Duanmu Ci was lying on a stretcher, watching the TV series of the first Ultraman with everyone.

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