Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 296 Electrotherapy Purification

Uniworth eventually gave up on the idea.

He is not Noah.

Noah is an Ultraman who has existed in the universe since ancient times.

If he continues to evolve in that pure direction, his power at the same level will definitely become extremely terrifying, even surpassing the father of Ultra.

You can also turn into a little Noah, possessing some of Noah's "superpowers".

But this isn't him.

He can be Ikki, because he was Ikki in his previous life, but he can never be Noah, let alone anyone else.

He is who he is, the leader of the Blue Clan scientists in the Kingdom of Light. Science is endless and the universe is the best choice. Even if he is not as dazzling as Noah in the end, that is enough.

But it’s not all hard work in vain!

Although Univos himself cannot use this research, it can definitely be used by Nexus!

. . .

"After using this technology, you will be mine!"

Nexus looked at this ordinary-looking chair and hesitated, not sure whether he should sit on it.

"Sit down! It's just a little current. This is a necessary process to remove impurities."

"Although your power may become a little weaker after the impurities are removed, the actual lethality will definitely increase, and the upper limit will be higher."

"Just like the Noah I told you! Think about it, how great would it be if you became Noah?"

Nexus sighed: "There's nothing good about it. Even if we become Noah, what can we do? Now we are already very powerful."

This is what people who don’t have an intuitive understanding of Noah’s power can say.

But Univos knows that melons that are twisted by force are not sweet, so they need to use some skills to twist the melons.

"Actually, to tell you the truth, I am a philosopher."

Nexus: "???"

"Aren't you a scientist?"

Yunivos: "It's a part-time job. Those who are capable work hard. Aren't I, a scientist, also a part-time soldier?"

"None of this matters!"

"What matters is your inner demon!"

Yunivos patted Nexus on the shoulder, and his tone suddenly became very low.

"The past cannot be changed."

"Actually, I also have a lot of regrets."

If you want others to listen to you, you must first make them empathize.

Then Univers began to make up stories.

Of course, it is based on the plot of Nexus that I have seen before.

This story can be said to be heart-stirring.

"In the end, because of my mistake, Lizi slowly turned into light and dissipated in my arms."

"I have always regretted it. If I had been stronger or not so brave, wouldn't Liz have died?"

Nexus felt very sympathetic after hearing this. He thought of Sera who died unexpectedly due to his own operation.


Uniworth's sudden change of tone frightened Nexus into coughing.

"but what?"

Uniworth: "Then something happened."

According to his random fabrication, he said that when he was very confused and remorseful, someone else came to invade the earth. He was forced to take action and saved one person after another.

"That's when I realized something."

“The past cannot be changed, but we can work harder to seize the future!”

"Don't let the future become the tragic past!"

Hearing Yunivos's words, Nexus felt enlightened.

He was immersed in the story of Univers and knew about "Univers' past". Looking at Univers now, although he does not seem to be in a normal mental state, he is indeed very happy. look.

The way he looks now should be that he has come out of the pain of the past.

"The past cannot be changed, but the future can be grasped and the future cannot be turned into a painful past!"

As he muttered these words, Nexus suddenly understood a lot of things.

"Okay, I'll try it!"

"If I really have enough power, maybe I can really change the future!"

In this way, Nexus sat on the "electric chair". In the end, he was still not sure and asked

"This thing just uses electric current to drive away excess impurities, right?"

Uniworth nodded: "Don't worry, everything is under my control!"

"This thing was modified using the same energy from me as yours."

"Our strengths only have one thing in common, and that's Noah!"

“That’s why it has the ability to remove impurities.”

It sounds simple, but in fact it involves a lot of small details. If it weren't for Univos, others wouldn't be able to do it even if they knew the principle.

Even in the entire Kingdom of Light, only Hikali can keep up with Yunivos's thinking, and Tregear is still not up to par.

"Then let's get started."

After speaking, Yunivos took several steps back.

Seeing his action, Nexus almost couldn't sit still. It's hard not to think too much when you suddenly retreat at this time!

Fortunately, Univers didn't give him a chance to think too much. He took out a remote control and pressed a button. Then several metal rings appeared on Nexus's hands, feet, and waist, surrounding him. Getting sleepy.

"!!!" Nexus was shocked: "What's going on?"

Unives explained: "Just like people can't hold their breath and suffocate themselves to death, when you reach a certain point, you will instinctively leave the chair, which will affect the effect of our removal of impurities."

"My research must be very useful, but ordinary people need great courage to bear it."

Hearing this, Nexus suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, Unives then pressed the button, and a strong current was released from the chair. Nexus felt that his whole body was burning, and all his skin felt a burning pain.

"This, this, this!"

"Is the current flowing a little wrong!"

After barely saying such a complete sentence, Nexus' voice kept shaking, and he couldn't speak clearly afterwards.

Unives kept his distance and said to him from a distance: "Don't worry, everything is under control, your body is very good, and this is far from your limit."

If this current is used to shock ordinary people, then ordinary people will either evaporate instantly or evolve into Ultraman.

But using it on Ultraman is just a slow "purification" of energy.

This went on for about half an hour.

Nexus's struggles became less and less.

It wasn't that he was used to the current. Univos had good control over technology, which ensured that the body could feel the best pain at all times and ensure the "purification" effect.

The reason why he struggled less and less was simply that he had no more strength to struggle, and the pain was still the same.

After he got down from the chair with difficulty, Univos examined him very considerately and nodded.

"The energy has hardly decreased, which means that your light is still quite pure."

"According to this process, combined with the marginal diminishing effect, you probably need to purify more than a thousand times to reach perfection."

Hearing this number, Nexus stood up suddenly, his face full of astonishment: "Ah?"

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