Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 36 Making serious progress

After all, paper cannot cover the fire.

Xiaohuo might be able to contain it, but the fact that the elite version of Impeleza was lost is still too big a deal.

After all, they couldn't hide it from the Ampera planet.

"What a shame."

The voice of the Ampera star seems to be magnetic, and even casual words can always attract everyone to listen unconsciously.

"You have brought shame to the entire Imperial Army."

Upon hearing this, the three of them knelt down quickly, as if they were resigned to the arrangements.

"Where's the great general?"

The Ampera people saw that only three of the Four Heavenly Kings were left here, and only now did they suddenly realize that one person was missing.

After all, there have been three Four Heavenly Kings for so many years, and now it's hard to get used to having four.

The Mephilas star explained: "Grozam is currently exercising on the Ultra Treadmill and is not here for the time being."

The Ampera star nodded, and then said: "The technology of the Kingdom of Light is not better than mine. What kind of treadmill is this? You can train for the time being, but in the end we have to use our own training equipment!"

The three of them nodded.

"You still have enough time before a large number of troops arrive. Next, I want to see your effect!"

"Stop being embarrassed! Otherwise you will go up yourself!"

The people of Ampera also know that the strength of the Four Heavenly Kings under their command is uneven.

Except for General Grozam, who really made his way up by killing enemies, the others are more intelligent characters. They may be a bit strong, but they are definitely not among the top in the Imperial Army.

What the Four Dark Kings said was that among the space mercenaries who wanted to join the Imperial Army, there were many people much more powerful than them.

Because it was the arrangement of the Ampera people, they did not dare to slack off, and soon thought of a "robot" that had been placed aside for a long time, but its strength was not much worse than that of Impelaza.

It's not quite right to say it's a robot. Strictly speaking, it's a biological weapon.

But these biological weapons have an even creepier name: "disk creatures"!

But just when they were about to send out the disc creature "Robelage" transformed by the imperial army, they were suddenly stopped by the Yabo people.

"Disc creatures are relatively resistant to physical attacks, but they can still be destroyed by light."

"I have a way to make up for this only weakness! But it will take a few days."

Then they saw Yabo take out a blueprint from somewhere.

They were also surprised when they saw the drawing clearly.

"Is this guy too overqualified to be used as an auxiliary? And can you really make it?"

"This is not a problem, just wait for me. This time I will prove myself!"

After saying that, the Yabo people left confidently, leaving behind the generals and wise generals who looked expectant.

. . .

On Earth, Duanmu Ci was rarely engaged in scientific research at this time, but was watching anime in the office.

The last time he dealt with Impeleza, Univos felt that his fighting methods were still too monotonous.

But the combat methods that can be learned in the Kingdom of Light are just these common ones, and they are complicated and cannot be learned by themselves.

So he thought at that time if he could find inspiration from other places, and then casually asked Zheping.

Unexpectedly, he actually came up with a solution.

"Anime embodies the imagination of countless people and is the crystallization of their brains!"

"The more anime you watch, the bigger the holes in your brain will become!"

For example, now he watched Doraemon before.

There are a lot of ridiculous inventions in it, but there are still many that Duanmuci can create.

For example, bamboo dragonfly.

But it makes no sense.

Because Ultraman can fly~

Later, he studied it carefully and found that many anime had nothing to do with fighting.

For example, he took Yabuki Yue to watch several romance anime, and then he realized that this thing had nothing to do with fighting.

While watching, Duanmu Ci kept mumbling: "Why haven't we started fighting yet? What is the protagonist's power?"

Then Ryu Aihara saw the two of them fishing at work.

Aihara Ryu also decisively joined them and recommended several hot-blooded comics for everyone to watch together.

This time Duanmu Cicai finally got what he wanted and learned a lot.

"Huh? Are you still watching anime?"

Ikaruga Sadaharu looked at the screen in front of him: "Isn't it advisable for you to learn fighting skills from anime?"

"After all, it's impossible for humans to do this."

"Besides, if you are really curious, you might as well just play a fighting game. There are moves from various genres in it, and you are fighting from the beginning to the end. There is not even much plot. Although it is unrealistic to practice fighting with that thing. That’s it.”

Ikaruga Sadaharu mainly felt that it was of little significance for Duanmu to give a scientist to always study these things.

"Hey, Duanmu, by the way, I encountered a problem recently, can you help me?"

Duanmuci: "What problem did you encounter?"

Ikaruga Sadaharu sat next to Duanmuci with a chair and whispered

"Actually, it's a matter of fighting. Recently, I can't get enough energy when fighting. If this continues, I will become a master of fishing!"

Duanmu Ci: "So, you want me to get you a stimulant?"

"No, no, no!" As an athlete, Ikaruga Sadaharu was born allergic to stimulants: "The voice of the audience is my stimulant. I don't need other stimulants."

Hearing this, Duanmu Ci looked up: "Oh~ I understand, I understand, give me a few hours, and I will make it for you soon."

"Just during this time, you can help me find some fighting games on the Internet."

After getting the confirmation, Sadaharu Ikaru left happily. Not long after he left, he met Yabuki Tsuki who was wandering around while eating cake.

"Sadaharu, you are very brave. You dare to ask Duanmu to study things. Don't you know that the things he made are more like torture instruments than props?"

Sadaharu Ikaru is confident: "How can such a simple request of mine have any effect as a torture instrument? There will be no problem. Duanmu is a super high school-level scientist after all. As a partner, you have to believe in him."

Yabuki Tsuki snorted: "Believe him? How many times have I saved him? Blind confidence will only lead things to go in a strange direction."

. . .

A few hours later, Duanmu Ci handed Sadaharu Ikaru a small thing.

"Amulet, I also specially painted a flame pattern on it. You will be able to go all out when you wear it."

Ikaruga Sadaharu took the amulet and looked at it as if it was a simple thing. After confirming that there was probably no problem, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

It was really too scary for Yabuki Tsuki to say that it was a normal situation, but now he was afraid that he would experience some strange "torture".

In the end, it was still an ordinary amulet, which looked a bit superstitious, but the flame pattern on it was still quite exciting, not bad.

At least normal.


When he was patrolling, the entire fighter began to cheer 360° without dead angles.

And this cheer was transmitted to the entire GUYS command center through the main frequency.

"Ikaruga Sadaharu I love you!", "Meteor Shot is invincible in the world" and other cheers instantly filled all areas related to Ikaruga Sadaharu.

Public execution.

Yabuki Tsuki in the GUYS command center was already laughing silly.

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