Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 453: Let go and run


Univos didn't know how strong Legidado was, because his strength had exceeded all his cognition, just like the setting in the movie he watched at the beginning, with a mysterious background, mysterious strength, and mysterious purpose.

As long as he appeared less frequently, he would be a representative figure who was mysterious enough.

It was definitely not wrong to call him Mysterious Ou.

But Belia didn't know him.

The only "Mysterious Ou" Belia knew was the King of Ultra.

Seeing that there was an Ultraman who dared to stand in front of him, Belia didn't think much about it, there were always young people who were not afraid of death.

If his light could be blocked by such an ant, he would commit suicide on the spot for everyone to see.

He couldn't commit suicide, so this light couldn't be blocked by such an unknown Ultraman.

The logic was clear.

His hands formed a cross, and the light of time and space collapse surged out like a huge wave.

In front of this light, Legidado's 50-meter height was indeed somewhat similar to an ant.

Univos below saw Reijido open his hands, like a god opening his arms to welcome the world.

So the light that should have been like a huge wave and tsunami was all absorbed by the color timer on Reijido's chest.

Belia was a little confident just now, and then he felt that his energy was swallowed up by an endless vortex uncontrollably.

Not to mention forcibly breaking through this vortex, he couldn't even stop the emission of light.

In the end, the other party felt that he had absorbed enough, so he took the initiative to disperse his light. . .

That's right, it was the first time that Belia heard that light could be dispersed by the victim.

It seemed that from the moment he made a move, his light was already his.

"Who are you?"

Reijido didn't reply. After all, he was a person nicknamed "Mysterious Ao" by Univos, and his characteristics were mysterious and cold.

It may also be that he hasn't talked to people for a long time and is not very good at expressing himself.

But Reijido also has his own way of expression.

He made a reverse spiral with his hands in front of him, and the energy of Belia that he had just absorbed with the power of the aurora was converted into the purest explosive energy and returned.

This move was not very fast, but it was very lethal. Belia could feel that he would die if he dared to touch it, so he wanted to run away without any hesitation.

However, at this moment, he felt that the time and space around him suddenly became as sticky as a swamp, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not escape the range of the explosion.

This feeling was too familiar.

It was the same feeling when he fought with Univos before.

Sure enough, when he looked at where Univos was, he saw Univos open his palms and pointed them at him.

It was also because he released enough this time that Belia finally recognized what this move was.

This is a very terrifying dimensional power.

But Univos is not strong, so it is impossible for him to have such a terrifying dimensional power!

Before, Belia couldn't figure out the reason why Univos opened technology because the dimensional power had no effect when the strength gap reached a certain level.

Low-dimensional creatures cannot affect high-dimensional creatures, it's that simple.

But Univos used his own technology to achieve this effect.

Seeing the explosion thrown by Regido getting closer and closer, Belia couldn't help but shout.

"No, I am immortal!"

Then there was a violent explosion.

Belia was hit head-on by his own move that exceeded his limit.

After the move was released, Regido turned around and looked at Univos, and his figure slowly disappeared.

Just like he suddenly appeared, he also disappeared suddenly now, just so mysterious.

If it was just like this, Univos didn't think it mattered, but.

If you want to show off, can you make sure whether the enemy is dead or not before leaving?

"Cough cough cough!"

Not long after Regido left, Belia's cough came out.

Then the fire dissipated, and Belia's figure appeared in front of everyone.

Although he was very embarrassed and the energy in his body decreased a lot, he could not use the time-space collapse light again, but he still had a strong fighting power.

Univos now almost understood.

Reijido came here just to stop Belia from launching the space-time collapse beam. He didn't care about Belia's life or death.

Otherwise, a Spark Legend should have sent Belia away just now.


After complaining, Univos's body flashed with light, and a silver armor was draped on him, and the color timer on his chest turned into a huge "V".

"Looks like I have to do it myself."

He didn't turn into Noah, but just made an armor called "Palaji Shield" based on Noah's appearance.

This is the third iteration of the Paraji Shield. In the past, Univos only used the extraordinary dimensional power inside to quickly travel through time and space, and this is the first time to use it for combat.

It's not that Univos is not confident in his invention, but scientific research always has a little bit of abnormal negative effects, which are all discovered slowly in experiments.

It has only been iterated three times now, and Univos doesn't dare to put it directly in the battle.

But there is no other way at the moment.

(Infinite Dream: I'm still here.)

Univos suddenly disappeared, and then reappeared in front of Belia.

His current method of movement is teleportation.

This is the effect of the explosion of dimensional power.

Belia chuckled: "I have always tried to overestimate you and think you are unprecedented, but now I realize that I still underestimated your technological strength."

"You made this thing yourself."

Univos: "You can guess, I actually have a strong backer, maybe someone gave it to me?"

He also began to try mysticism.

Belia was speechless, and pointed to the place a little below the left shoulder of Univos's Paraji Shield.

"If it wasn't invented by you, would you sign it?"

Univos: "..."

He silently took out a tool and wiped it.

"Now the signature is gone, I repeat again, I have a strong backer, and that Reijido just now is just one of my countless backers."

Although it's not actually true, it doesn't affect his bragging.

Anyway, bragging is not against the law~

Belia's eyes went dark.

He didn't want to see an enemy of that level again.

But strictly speaking, I had experienced the feeling of powerlessness before. I was easily sent to the space prison by the King of Ultra, and then stayed there for tens of thousands of years.

Univos said: "Give up, Belia, the path you insist on has no future!"

I said so much because Univos didn't want to experience the Paraji Shield, which had not been fully iterated.


Belia's will was unexpectedly firm.

"My road is not over yet!"

After saying that, he slapped Univos with a claw.

This time, the move was very fast.

But as before, it became extremely slow when it reached Univos.

In more fashionable terms, it can be called the "air control circle". In this circle, all moves are under the control of Univos.

It is equivalent to an air area with air control. It is almost impossible for the enemy to break in unless it pays a terrible price.

Then, Univos made a move!

Seeing Univos's tense muscles, Belia instinctively wanted to dodge.

But when he dodged, Univos's fist was still on the way...

He also put a time-space deceleration on his fist.

When Belia dodged, Univos's fist turned in a direction, and then put a time-space acceleration on it. The speed of the fist suddenly became extremely fast, and it hit Belia's face at once, hitting him in the air and spinning several times at high speed.

Univos said expressionlessly: "This is my power!"

While speaking, he was still thinking in his heart that he must remember to add gloves in the next iteration, otherwise it would be too painful.

The reaction force is too strong!

Moreover, Belia's head is really hard!

Of course, Belia was more shocked than Univos.

"So the power of the dimension can be played like this?"

It's just a fast and slow knife, how fresh?

Univos didn't consider the fact that Belia had never played a game.

In various games, fast and slow knives are not a rare design.

For example, many bosses who look strong suddenly rush to your face and scare you. When you dodge or defend, you will find that he suddenly pauses and shows you his armpit before continuing to attack.

This change of fast and slow rhythm is a skill unique to the attacker!

The power of the fast and slow knife is like panting when talking, which is always unexpected.

Originally, Univos's fighting skills are better than Belia's. Now he uses this method again, and he has firmly suppressed Belia in the situation.

And Belia is still like the protagonist of the early starting point, roaring and constantly wanting to improve his strength, against the sky.

I want this sky to no longer cover his eyes, and I want this scientist to no longer stop his middle school heart.

I want... . .

In short, there are too many things I want.

I want everything.

However, young people will eventually come into contact with society.

After experiencing the beating of reality, the middle school patients will gradually become normal people.

And now, Univos is the beating given to Belia by society.

"Hey! The power has increased a little bit again!"

"Then I have to take out something new."

When Belia's faith became stronger, he improved his strength several times, but was suppressed by Univos' new technology.

Belia's faith has a limit, while Univos' technology seems to have no limit.

Dark Lopus saw Belia being suppressed and wanted to help, but Infinite Dream and Anpera blocked him.

Then Anpera stepped back, leaving Infinite Dream to fight Dark Lopus alone.

It was not in line with his creed to fight with more people against fewer.

Dark Lopus was no match for Infinite Dream. As soon as the two sides fought, he was suppressed by Infinite Dream. He couldn't even make a move. In just a few seconds, he began to show obvious injuries.

On the other hand, when Belia had no more strength to improve, Univos's ultimate move was also charged.

That's right, his Paraji Shield has a very powerful ultimate move, the principle of which comes from "Phoenix God Fire" and "Ultimate Light Arrow Storm".

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