Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 554: Zero is the captain after all

After thinking about it, Univos decided to go to the planet Zhuluo first. Maybe it would be more comfortable to ask Gauss to join the battle together?

At the same time, the planet Zhu Luo.

Gauss is fighting a giant who is covered in gold, wearing a mask and a feathered coat.

At this moment, Gauss has entered the corona form. The combat power of the corona form is equivalent to the main battle form of the Heisei Three Heroes, and the strength is not weak.

But in front of this opponent, all of Gauss's attacks seemed extremely weak.

At this moment, Gauss felt as if he was directly facing an opponent of Dark Zaki's level.

The opponent's fighting skills are not weak, but what is truly terrifying is the crushing force in terms of hard power.

Although Gauss had tried his best, he was unable to cause any substantial damage to him.

Seeing that the corona form did not cause any damage, he estimated that the eclipse form would not cause any major breakthroughs.

In this case, Gauss did not retain his strength and entered the form of future Gauss.

This is the strongest state of Gaussian normal, and its strength has improved by leaps and bounds compared to other forms.

Just as he thought, in this form his attack finally had some impact on the enemy.

After a powerful and heavy kick pushed the golden giant back several steps, Future Gauss quickly stabilized his body, jumped forward and jumped into the air, and hit the golden giant's shoulder with a tornado kick in the air. Covering him, he knelt down on one knee uncontrollably.

Gauss has always been very strong, but he is usually better at paddling.

But before Gauss could relax, his ankle was grabbed by the opponent.

The golden giant raised his head and looked at Gauss, and said with interest

"Nice strength."

"I can feel the hope and wishes inside. Is this the form in which your Ultraman explodes relying on the light in human hearts?"

"Ordinary fists and kicks can exert the lethality of special attacks. Although your basic strength has not changed in terms of feeling, the energy has become much more powerful. The overall strength must be about seven or eight times that of your previous fighting form."

Future Gauss did not speak, still silently trying to take his legs back.

But the opponent's hands were like iron pliers. Not to mention retracting his legs, he had clearly used all his strength but still remained motionless.

In this case, Future Gauss was not polite to him. He drew a circle with his hands in front of him and then pushed forward with his right hand. A blue particle light directly hit the golden giant's face.

Gauss slams.

This is one of Gauss's special moves in the future. It is quick and lethal.

The golden giant confidently stretched out his hand to resist.

Then I felt the impact of the light, and vaguely noticed something was wrong, so I let go of the hand holding Gauss's kicking leg, and stretched out both hands to block the light.

The impact of the light caused him to slide on the ground for dozens of meters, and a ravine was also drawn on the ground.


The golden giant opened his hands fiercely, smashed the light and said, "I didn't expect you to be able to use such a powerful light, which surprised me a little."

Future Gauss: "!!?"

Gauss couldn't help but be shocked. Although this beam of light was not his real ultimate move, he was the only one who could receive this beam of light without being injured. (Because of Univos, Gauss never used this move against Giga Endora.)

"Since you have contributed such a wonderful performance, I can't be so casual."

"Otherwise, wouldn't it be disrespectful to you?"

As he spoke, the golden giant flew into the sky, opened his hands, and the energy in his body continued to increase. A large number of light bullets were generated on his chest and fell to the ground.

Atalga's end, the name of this move.

As Yunivos thought before, when there is no shortage of energy in future battles, energy will be used more freely.

A saturation light bullet attack like "Etarga's End" is enough for the enemy to avoid. The only problem is that the energy consumption is exaggerated, and only those with enough energy like Atarga can play like this.

Seeing Future Gauss being engulfed by the explosion, the golden giant Atalga let out a slight laugh.

But then the explosive dust on the ground was suddenly stirred up by a strong wind, ending Atalga's laughter in one fell swoop.

After the wind blew down, a silver giant appeared in Atalga's sight, with Future Gauss blocked behind him.

The silver giant and Atalga looked at each other, full of fighting spirit.

"Are you the Atalga who has been causing trouble recently?"

Atalga did not know Noah, although he knew Nexus.

But now not many people know that Nexus is the juvenile body of Noah.

So he didn't get any "fear" debuff because of Yunivos' appearance.

Just looking at this silver-colored Ultraman in the air.

It has a very fashionable feel and doesn’t look like a traditional Ultraman.

"Are you also the self-proclaimed righteous Ultraman who came to hunt me down like Zero and Dyna?"

Uniworth shook his head.

Atalga smiled: "It seems that you are a little different from other Ultraman. I thought you also wanted to destroy me for the sake of justice."

Uniworth sighed: "You may have made a mistake."

"I shake my head not to say that I am not a righteous person, but to say that my identity as a righteous person is recognized by countless people in the universe, and it is not just about claiming to be righteous."

After saying that, Univos's eyes flashed with cold light: "Etarga, what you did is a dead end!"

Etarga's momentum was lost, but he was also a person who had faced many big scenes, and soon recovered his mentality.

"In this big universe, justice is just a ridiculous thing, and strength is an absolute thing. I hope you can be stronger and don't make me too bored."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a pressure coming at him, and his eyes were suddenly covered with a silver.

Then he felt a tightness in his chest, and the whole person fell to the ground uncontrollably.

What happened?

Etarga didn't even feel the pain, and didn't know what kind of injury he had suffered, but his body just hit the ground uncontrollably.


Etarga's body hit the ground hard, making a big hole.

Then the severe pain came, and his muscles couldn't stop shaking.

"What happened!"

Univos looked at Etarga without saying a word.

This guy's defense is really powerful.

That move just now was not an ordinary punch or kick, but a killer move.

Univos never planned to hold back.

The power of that move just now was not weaker than the lightning super-lightning beam, but it was just not as lethal as the lightning super-lightning beam.

Etarga was hit directly by Lightning Noah for a moment.

Such a moment is enough to make most people instantly turn into light particles and dissipate, but Etarga survived, just looking a little dazed.

Probably just didn't understand what happened.

Univos landed quickly, and in just a moment he was in front of Etarga again.

At this moment, Etarga hadn't even climbed up yet, and Univos stepped hard on his abdomen, and the whole person curled up.

But at this moment, Etarga stretched out his palm and pressed it against Univos, and a ball of light exploded at zero distance.

The power of a bomb exploding at zero distance is countless times more terrifying than the lethality at other positions.

Etarga himself was also blown away and rolled on the ground for several circles, but his sight never stopped focusing on the explosion site while rolling.

Although it was not clear, only some outlines could be vaguely seen, but this was enough.

He was even still flying backwards, and a ray of light enveloped him, and then his figure disappeared.

In the smoke and dust, Univos looked up at the sky.

A huge "flying saucer" suddenly appeared in the empty place?

It was very big, anyway, it was bigger than Giga Endora.

"Time and Space City..."

Univos tried to block the dimension to see if it could break free.

Then it turned out that the machine was indeed stronger than human power.

The dimensional power level of the Time and Space City was not as good as Univos, but the dimensional power consumed by such a large machine to travel through time and space was so exaggerated.

Relying on the exaggerated dimensional energy, it broke through Univos's dimensional blockade.

Univos waved his right hand, and the gust of wind swept away the smoke of the battlefield, leaving no one unscathed.

At this time, Gauss came over, and he had quietly changed back to the form of the Moon God.

"Dr. Univos, why did you think of coming here?"

Univos spread his hands: "Originally, I was going to fight with Etarga directly, but the order of time and space has been a little unstable recently. People from the future often make trouble everywhere and collect strong people everywhere. I thought of calling you and Justice. Even if I am accidentally solved, you can combine into Regido to fight like this."

"I didn't expect to see you being beaten by Etarga when I just arrived."

Gauss scratched his head awkwardly.

"He is really powerful."

Univos admitted it.

If he hadn't been the core of the Ultimate O, he might not be able to beat him.

His strength is stronger than Dark Zagi.

"The universe is still vast."

Noah's body plus the core of the Ultimate O, even if Univos is very calm, sometimes he can't help but be a little proud.

But before, he saw a super energy body like the Eternal Core, and now he met such a person who had never heard of Etarga.

All these things are telling Univos that he is nothing.

Of course, this reality makes Univos a little excited.

Scientists are always pursuing perfection and the highest, but they hate perfection.

Because perfection means no change, then the existence of scientists is meaningless.

The essence of the universe is endless, there are always unknown things to challenge, explore, and obtain new things.

And every time you get these new things, Univos will be excited!

"Cero is also chasing him."

Univess said: "But his luck is a bit bad, he is always one step late, and this Etarga will destroy a place wherever he goes."

"So every time Cero arrives at a place, he has to use the time and space reversal to rescue those innocent victims, so that Cero can recover his energy before chasing."

"So until now Cero has not caught up."

Gauss: "???"

"Why doesn't Cero catch up with Etarga directly, defeat him, and then resurrect people on other planets?"

Univess spread his hands: "He is not sure if he can beat Etarga."

"He should think like this. If he prioritizes dealing with Etarga and still loses, several civilizations will be completely destroyed."

Gauss was surprised: "Can Zero think so much?"

Univos: →_→

"Why, do you look down on his intelligence? After all, he is the captain of the Ultimate Zero Guard. He still thinks these things clearly."

. . .

On the other side.

Zero is chasing Etarga with all his strength.

But he has to stay where he is to recover his energy.

He turned into a human body and looked at the civilization he restored to its original state. He first found a cafe to rest.

"This guy can really run."

"I will definitely kill him in seconds if I catch up with him!"

That's right, Zero never thought that he couldn't beat Etarga.

If he met Etarga, he would definitely say "It's still 20,000 years too early."

The reason why he kept chasing after Etarga was not because he was worried about these problems.

It was simply that Zero didn't think of the idea of ​​dealing with Etarga first and then reversing time and space to revive these civilizations.

"I didn't expect that Dr. Univos' invention would not work sometimes."

He once tried to use the Paraji Shield, which had been modified to have the ability to block time and space, to block the dimensional power of the Space-Time City.

The result is obvious.

The original owner couldn't block it, so he naturally couldn't block it.

A simple comparison is like him trying to intercept an aircraft carrier with a single-soldier weapon such as a high-quality pistol.

Single-soldier combat is more free, but in terms of volume, this kind of legion-level super weapon is more powerful.

"I don't know what the doctor is doing now. He is a scientist. He should be thinking about what technology can be used to block the dimension of the Space-Time City. Yes, if it is not blocked, it will be impossible to fight him if he keeps running."

Thinking carefully, Dr. Univos now looks like Noah, and his strength is also quite exaggerated. It should not be difficult to deal with an Etarga.

But Zero never puts all his hopes on others. It is not a question of trust or distrust, but his personality is relatively independent. He has to do everything himself, and then think about other methods when he can't beat him.

For example, he could cheat.

He hadn't even fought with Etarga yet, and he hadn't discovered that he was no match for Etarga, so he naturally wouldn't think about asking others to help him deal with Etarga.

He just hoped that Univos could develop a stronger device to block time and space as soon as possible, and block the time and space of this time and space city.

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