Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 564 Wind Demon King Beast

Hong Kai was not in a hurry to come back after transforming into a human body.

Because the SSP's trio of death-seekers are still at the scene, priority should be given to ensuring their safety.

It's all work.

The SSP trio were actually quite confused. Even when Hong Kai came back after solving his opponent, they didn't notice that Hong Kai had left.

The three of them stared at the battle scene for a long time before captain Naomi Yumeno exhaled.


"Santa, did you take the photo just now?"

The thin young man on the side saw Zenta nodded fiercely: "I've been filming!"


Another young man, Matsuto Mori, heard this "Hey" and felt something was wrong. He stretched his neck and took a look: "You didn't save it!?"

Hayami Zenta smiled innocently: "The situation just now was indeed a bit too tense, haha."

Listening to his explanation, the veins on Yumeno Naomi's forehead couldn't help but tremble, and she felt her fists getting hard: "Zenta!!!"

Hong Kai on the side smiled and said: "Okay, okay, it's human nature to be afraid."

Unexpectedly, someone else would stand up for him, and Zenta Hayashi looked at Hongkai with light in his eyes.

"Kaisan, you still understand me!"

Yumeno Naomi was helpless: "But in this case, we won't be able to deliver the goods. We are also cooperating with magazines, so we can't have nothing, right?"

Matsuto Mori nodded, then pinched Zenta Hayami's face: "It's all him~"

Zenta Hayami: (_)

Hong Kai could only show his hands at this, but then he thought of a good idea.

"But you can take pictures of the current scene to describe the horror of the monster disaster."

"There must be many touching stories after the disaster!"

When they heard this, the three people's eyes lit up, yes, there is such an angle!

Then the three of them went to shoot the material happily.


Hongkai shook his head with a smile and followed them. Although there was unlikely to be any danger after the disaster, it was better to follow them to avoid them doing anything strange.

. . .

On the other side, Duanmu Ci is making Hong Kai's special training set.

Mainly Orb's special training set.

There is not enough energy, so experience is needed. Hong Kai's idea is good. Duanmu Ci was once a novice with little power, relying on various high technologies to barely protect the earth.

I still remember that in the first generation of VR training games, Univers had the lowest statistics, but there were still masters who could use him to speed through the most difficult monsters at that time.

When it comes to strength, most Ultraman are not as strong as monsters. This gap is not as big as the gap between monsters.

Therefore, Ultraman relies more on skill to defeat monsters, and only a small number of Ultraman can wrestle with monsters.

The power of fighting skills lies in defeating the strong with the weak.

Experienced Ultraman often know how to cause the highest damage, know how to deal with the enemy's various moves, and know when to take action.

He also knows how to make himself invincible.

Therefore, Duanmu prepared a complete set of combat methods for Uub with limited energy and limited combat effectiveness.

For example, this is how to use the eight-point light wheel.

In this state, Orb has certain advantages in using the eight-point light wheel series, mainly because it has the light of the first generation.

But the eight-point light wheel is not just as simple as throwing it out. Of course, it is not just as simple as holding it in your hand and slashing people.

In recent years, Uniworth has also made some new developments in the eight-point light wheel.

After all, it was the second light skill he really mastered back then, and his feelings were quite deep.

"But why hasn't Kai come back yet? Haven't all the monsters been dealt with?"

. . .

On the other side, Hongkai was at the scene helping to rescue.

Of course, it's not about saving people.

For some reason, Orb would be very careful every time he fought to prevent the battle from affecting humans. Many times he would rather miss the opportunity than let humans be harmed.


Some things are still unavoidable. For example, for a creature like a cat, you really can’t control whether it is present or not.

Now there is a cat stuck between the rubble. Fortunately, there is a small space inside, and the cat is not pressed. It just keeps "meowing" for help.

Then he was discovered by the SSP who was passing by to take pictures of the scene, so they decided to rescue the cat first.

Of course, the main force behind this was Kai, who seemed to still have some strength.

Zenta Hayami was in charge of filming, and Matsuto Mori was in charge of cheering.

Mainly to cheer up the cat.

Yumeno Naomi ~ was responsible for clenching her little fists at the side and silently cheering Hongkai up.

Of course, the person involved will definitely not feel anything about silent cheering, not even a buff.

Hongkai: →_→

Didn't you agree to be a bodyguard?

Why do you feel like you are here to work as a handyman?

The more I thought about it, the angrier I became, and my strength became stronger, and I moved a quite large stone in one go.


Suddenly there was a meow, and the kitten nimbly flew out of the hole that had just been moved out. Four little meat pads fell on Hong Kai's face, jumped off the wall, and landed gracefully. After finishing the cat's head, it raised its head proudly.



"Well done Kaisan!"

Hongkai: (▼Benefit▼)

The silver-colored kitten seemed to notice that Hong Kai's face was not good, and deliberately meowed twice in front of Hong Kai with a proud look.

The veins on Hong Kai's forehead were beating wildly: "I want to eat cat meat today!"

Seeing Zenta early: "Eh???"

the next day.

Duanmuci looked at the new magazine published by his magazine with an incomprehensible expression on his face.

Hongkai didn't come back all night last night. He just called me midway and asked if there was anything that could make the cat speak and understand human speech after eating it.

At that moment, Duanmu gave everyone numbness.

Does this guy really think he's some kind of mad scientist?

He would never touch the technology of living body modification.

Then today, he saw the heartwarming story of SSP saving the cat yesterday in his magazine. . .

"Where's the monster? Where's Ultraman? Where's Ultraman fighting monsters?"

Duanmuci turned left and right, flipping through the magazine, but couldn't find any pictures of Ultraman fighting monsters.

The battle process is also completely covered in one stroke.

Just gone?

Although Duanmu Ci just bought a magazine for fun.

But he is "very responsible" and his instinct is to make the magazine better and better!

Now seeing that a lot of space was devoted to reporting on Hong Kai's rescue of the cat, Duanmuci suddenly felt that his magazine might be in trouble.

No, it’s not possible, it must be cold!


Soon Duanmu Ci received a critical blow from reality.

It’s not just the magazine that’s not doing well.

This issue of the journal is even sold out.

This series of realistic blows even made Duanmu Ci have deep doubts about the current market conditions.

"What the hell?"

"It's better to go to the SSP homepage first."


He saw a lot of comments praising Hong Kai.


"People who are handsome can really do whatever they want."

Unlike Zenta Hayami and Mori Matsuto, Benikai really looks like a star, and with this denim suit, he has a more chic look.

In addition, after rescuing the cat, the interaction between one person and one cat is also very loving. According to the words on the Internet, it feels like a domineering president and his little wife. . .

So Hongkai became popular.

This rescue video also went viral, and so did the magazine.

In this regard, five-star general. . .

Duanmuci said: “It’s really hard to figure out what human beings focus on.”

The "culprit" who caused everything, Hong Kai, is sleeping in the SSP's "office" at the moment.

Although it is said to be an office, it is actually just a rental house filled with everything. No one would think it strange that it is said to be a utility room.

It was filled with all kinds of messy daily necessities, as well as various gadgets invented by Matsuto Mori.

It was very rare that there was a bed in such a house for Hong Kai to take a rest.

He looked at Asen who was soldering a circuit board and said casually.

"Asen, these things you invented look pretty awesome."

Matsuto Mori smiled confidently, and his eyes, which were not big at first, narrowed into crescent moons: "Of course, I am a super genius!"

"I will definitely win the Nobel Prize in the future."

"The Nobel Prize." Hong Kai raised his head and looked at the sky: "I haven't heard the name of this award for a long time."

"But I do know a very powerful scientist. His ability should easily win the Nobel Prize."

After hearing this, Matsudo Mori immediately became interested.

"Is there really such a scientist?"

Hongkai nodded: "Of course."

"But his temper is a little weird and hard to figure out."

Matsuto Mori nodded: "That must be true. Powerful people generally have very weird personalities."

At this time, Duanmu Ci, who they said had an eccentric personality, was researching pills that could greatly improve cats' intelligence and enable cats to understand human speech.

Of course, forget about speaking human language. The body structure of cats is not suitable for speaking human language. It is completely possible to create a language specifically designed for cats based on their body structure.

And this kind of cat with unique intelligence can no longer be regarded as a cat.

It should be considered a beast race.

Give this race a name.

Then call it "Elu".

It's a pretty good name.

As he thought about it, Duanmu Ci couldn't help but laugh out loud, looking like a mad scientist.

Although he didn't quite understand the specific meaning of letting a cat have intelligence, what's wrong with letting a cat have intelligence?

Anyway, idle is idle.

"However, animals like cats are supposed to be quite smart."

Of course, this is compared to other animals.

"Eh? No, shouldn't I be studying how to make Orb stronger and get through this difficult period?"

There are still several Demon King beasts that haven’t appeared yet!

Isn’t it a bit inappropriate to be so carefree?

Think for a moment.

"Forget it, it's just a demon king beast, how powerful can it be?"

. . .

"Damn it, this is a little different from what was promised!!!"

"Is this really something that Mebius can seal?"

Duanmu Ci stood on the roof, looking at the exaggerated hurricane in the distance. Even he felt that the energy in the center of the hurricane was a bit outrageous.

In front of him lay a copy of Taiping Fengtuji.

The page that opened was the true image of the shadow at the center of the hurricane.

The Demon King of Wind, Mogbasa.

The moment it appeared, the wind element of the entire earth was mobilized.

Duanmu Ci felt that the special wind element had spread to the entire earth unconsciously. Once it exerted its power, a hurricane would blow over the entire earth.

Of course, this is not the most important thing.

The power of diffusion is never enough to symbolize anything. Only condensation can exert real lethality.

This is the main factor that surprised Duanmu Ci.

Its power level is actually comparable to Gaia SV.

Is this reasonable?

This is very reasonable. . .

Duanmu Ci suddenly thought that these demon beasts are the existence of the fusion of the power of the earth.

It should be reasonable to have the same power level as Gaia SV.

However, can such a demon beast really be sealed by Mebius?

It's outrageous.

Soon Orb appeared.

It can be imagined that the SSP three-person team is near the battlefield at this moment.

Considering the combat power of this monster, Duanmu Ci felt that he still had to go to the scene in person, otherwise the three of them might be in danger.

. . .

Now that he has lost his original power and needs the power of others to transform, Orb's strength has been greatly reduced. According to the energy level, he is not as good as Gaia SV, but now he has to face a monster with the same energy level as Gaia SV.

Fortunately, he is not very sensitive to such things.

So he can draw his sword without burden.

However, he was hit by a whirlwind before he rushed to Mogbasa, and the whole person spun uncontrollably to the ground.

Fortunately, Duanmu Ci came quickly and used a large range of Ultraman's telekinesis to protect the innocent people below.

Facing this powerful attack, Orb also fought back quickly. After absorbing energy with both hands on both sides of the color timer on his chest, he threw out a pair of light wheel cutting skills similar to the eight-point light wheel.

This is the Speario Light Wheel he got by adapting the eight-point light wheel. The light wheel combines Spearium particles and Zaperio particles, and its lethality is stronger than the eight-point light wheel.

The light wheel broke through the air and easily tore apart the wind shield blocking the front.

Mogbasa thought his defense was perfect, but the two sudden rays of light hurt his wings.

It was very uncomfortable for him to maintain the flying state at this moment.

So he gradually stopped flapping his wings and slowly landed on the ground, facing Orb.

Seeing this, Duanmu Ci nodded and understood why Mebius could seal it.

This monster does have the energy level of Gaia SV, but it does not have the physical strength of Gaia SV.

In short, it is a crispy mage.

Various skills may be very lethal, but the defense itself is not very good.

Mebius itself is not bad, and has rich combat experience, which is enough to deal with enemies like it.

In this way, Duanmu Ci is almost relieved.

It is true that Orb is weaker now, but his experience is real, and he is most suitable to face enemies like golden crispy chicken.

Let's watch the performance of the young man next.

When he thought so, Orb took a big step without hesitation and rushed towards Mogbasa. . .

Then he was hit head-on by the whirlwind that covered him intensively, and he flew thousands of meters away. . .

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