Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 576 Have you ever dreamed of this kind of scene?

Seeing Xiao Yao looking over, Duanmu Ci also waved as a greeting.

Then he said to Hong Kai who was standing aside: "How should I put it? Looking at your look, do you want to fall in love on Earth or something?"

Hongkai was a little troubled by Duanmu's ability to associate, and could only explain reluctantly: "I'm just a little curious. I'm a wanderer. I won't stay anywhere for a long time, let alone fall in love."

In fact, when it comes to love, he has tried it before, but the ending was not very happy. His original lover eventually left him and married another woman.

Maybe this is the fate of the wanderer.

But Duanmuci didn't think so.

"Think about it, if the person you were in love with was Jagula."

Hongkai: "???"

"Doctor, what are you talking about!"

Duanmu Ci pressed his hand and signaled him to calm down: "I'm just making an analogy. For example, if Jakula is a woman and she falls in love with you, won't this affect your status as a vagabond?"

"You two can be a ranger couple, and you can still take care of each other. When you encounter trouble and your pig brain is overloaded, you can have someone else to help you think."

Hongkai: →_→

"Where's Doctor You?"

Duanmu gave a smile: "Don't look at me looking so chic now, I do have someone."

"It's just not around anymore."

not around? What is this operation?

Moreover, the fact that someone like Duanmu Ci could actually have a partner was something that Hong Kai couldn't accept for a while.

"But, doctor, don't you still run around alone? Aren't you afraid that there will be too many things and you won't be able to think clearly?"

He didn't say pig brain overload, but the idea was the same.

Duanmu Ci glanced at him: "How can my brain be overloaded? All the brains in the world are overloaded, and there will be no problems on my side."

"Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore. The topic over there seems to have reached a critical part."

Sure enough, the chat over there has reached a more fantasy part.

Xiaoyao and Menno Naomi began to exchange their dreams.

Precognitive dreams, this kind of thing may really exist, but for a scientist of Duanmu Ci's level, everything can be explained scientifically. Even if it cannot be ended, it is just that it is temporarily unable to reach this scientific height.

Maybe it’s not necessarily the fragments of future time and space that enter my mind.

Originally, everyone wanted to "study" Xiaoyao's precognitive dream, but Yumeno Naomi also had a similar experience.

When I was a kid, I always dreamed about Ultraman.

When he heard this, Duanmuci's glasses suddenly opened, and a faint milky white light emerged from his eyes.

Ultra Eyes!

After glancing up and down, Duanmuci closed the Ultra Eye again.

Yumeno Naomi is just an ordinary person, not a capable person.

The main reason is that her description really has some meaning of a qualified person meeting the temple of Noah.

But from what she said, the Ultraman in her dream looked very much like Orb.

So Duanmuci rubbed Hong Kai with his elbow.

"What's the situation? You two don't have any previous marriage or anything, right?"

Hong Kai laughed twice: "How could that be?"

In fact, he himself was not very sure. . .

I'm still thinking, could Naomi be the reincarnation of Natasha?

This shouldn't be possible, right?

He had only heard of reincarnation, but he had actually never seen it in so many years, and he didn't know if such a thing really existed.

Duanmu Ci looked at the guilty look on his face and guessed that he was hiding something, but he didn't know exactly what he was hiding.

But he doesn't care, who doesn't have thousands of secrets?

It's just that the way Hong Kai looks at Yumeno Naomi doesn't look right now.

Gentle as water.

Over there, Yumeno Naomi hit the point.

"With such precognitive dreams, wouldn't we be able to save more people before the monster appears?"

Matsuto Mori and Hayami Zenta on the side also nodded repeatedly and couldn't help but echo.

But they didn't notice that Xiaoyao's face was getting gloomier.

"No! The future is fixed. Even if we try to stop it, nothing will change in the end!"

Although her voice was still gentle and polite, the firmness in her words also made Yumeno Naomi and others feel at a loss.

"Sorry, I still have to go to school."

Seeing that several people were frightened by her, Xiaoyao was a little embarrassed, but she really didn't want everyone to have too many illusions, so she could only say sorry and prepare to leave.

At this moment, Duanmu Ci came over.

"Class is the same thing every day. It doesn't matter if you miss one day of class, but there are only a few opportunities in your life to change your destiny."

"Let's talk?"

Yumeno Naomi and the others had never met Duanmu Ci, but since they cooperated with the magazine, they naturally knew what Duanmu Ci looked like. When they saw it was Duanmu Ci, they did not come up. They just hoped that Duanmu Ci could succeed in his "talk therapy" .

"I don't know if you've ever dreamed about it. In fact, every time a monster appears, I'm right next to it."

As soon as these words came out, Menno Naomi and the others didn't feel anything, but it was completely different for Xiaoyao.

Because she had never seen Duanmu Ci in her precognitive dream.

There might be something special about this person.

Thinking like this, Xiaoyao nodded and finally agreed to go with Duanmu Ci for a while.

. . .

"The past cannot be changed, but the future may be changed."

Walking on the road by the lake, Duanmu Ci suddenly said this, which opened the curtain of the conversation.

In the world of Nexus, everyone who possessed light seemed to be cursed.

In the final analysis, the light and darkness chose the fittest with the same idea, that is, to find people with a very bad "mood".

The light wanted to save them, and the darkness wanted to make them sink into the mud.

The most tortured one among them should be Ji Yajun.

Taking pictures of the battlefield, but accidentally caused Sera to die in the war, and even took pictures of it all by hand.

Those memories were like branding, deeply branded in the heart of Ji Yajun, the "prisoner", and made him spend a long period of confusion.

But later he understood that the past could not be changed, but the future might be changed, so he put down the grief in his heart and moved forward again.

This girl is not like Ji Yajun, she does not have such a strong heart, in the final analysis, she is just an ordinary girl.

But at the same time, the pressure of fate she faced was not as strong as that of Ji Yajun.

Duanmu Ci: "Perhaps you have tried to prevent those tragedies that should not have happened, but ended up in failure."

"Once, twice, many times, slowly you will be shocked to find that everything is unchangeable. The more you want to change, the more you will promote such a result."

The more Xiaoyao listened to Duanmu Ci, the more desperate she became.

That's right.

She dreamed that her first love boyfriend went abroad, so she broke up; she dreamed that her parents divorced, so the family broke up. . .

It's not that she didn't resist, but in the end it was meaningless, instead it was more like promoting the development of history.

In the end, she was also desperate. No matter how hard she tried, the result would never change.


Just when Xiaoyao was about to be shrouded in the despair of the past, Duanmu Ci suddenly shouted and dragged her out of the haze of the past.

"The future is the future. Since it has not happened yet, there must be a way to change it!"

"Even if you will always fail, you must fight on. Even if you still fail, even if you fail for a lifetime, at least you will not regret it!"

"If one day, you watch others die because you are afraid of failure, then you will not be able to find peace in your heart!"

Xiao Yao's face was a little bad, but she still insisted: "The future will not change. Even if you work hard, it will be the same in the end!"

Obviously, this child has not seen the future form of Hibino Mirai.

Otherwise, he would not be so firm in saying that the future will not change.

Duanmu Ci can understand this, but he does not support it.

"So, you go back and dream well. If you dream of a monster one day, tell me, and then I will help you change your so-called future, how about it?"

Duanmu Ci's words made Xiao Yao a little moved.

After all, Duanmu Ci is the only one who made her precognitive dream deviate. Such a person may be able to change the future.

She was about to agree when a long and elusive voice suddenly came from the side: "Oh~~?"

The two turned around and saw a man in a suit and tie with a slicked-back hair looking at them with a stern face.

Xiaoyao: "..."

"Do you know him?"

Duanmu Ci held his forehead helplessly, why is it this guy again.

"What are you going to do again..."

The man was Madoc, a Jetton star. He didn't meet Duanmu Ci last time, but now he finally has this opportunity. Of course, he won't let Duanmu Ci leave like this. He came up and grabbed Duanmu Ci's sleeve and refused to let him go.

Duanmu Ci raised his eyebrows: "Hey, hey, hey! What are you going to do? Think about it. If I lie down on the spot, you will at least be convicted of intentional injury!"

"I don't care about that!"

Madoc grabbed Duanmu Ci and refused to let him go.

"Do you know how long I've been looking for you?"

"Do you know how long I've been waiting for you at the airport?"

"You know..."

Duanmu Ci looked at Xiaoyao, whose eyes were gradually becoming strange, and said quickly: "Be careful when you speak, don't use these ambiguous words!"

Jetton took a deep breath: "Okay, I'll change my words."

After thinking carefully for a long time, Jetton finally figured out what he wanted to say.

"I'm actually your fan."

Duanmu Ci: ⊙_⊙

Xiaoyao: "???" The strange look in her eyes became more obvious.

Jetton Madoc: "Do you know what you've done to us?"

Duanmu Ci tried hard to pull his hand out of Madoc's hand, but he couldn't pull it out, so he had to give up.

Seeing Duanmu Ci give up resistance, Madoc said: "Do you think you are invincible?"

"How can you still be in the mood to be a big star! What about your profession? Such a professional magazine is handed over to you, do you want to let it become a fan circle plaything!"

He didn't want to talk about fan circle culture. These days, everything can be described as culture, such as drinking table culture, workplace culture, and fan circle culture. Dregs are dregs. They have to give it a nice name to cover up such things. Jetton is at least a real upper-class person, and he usually doesn't want to say such words.

He said this.

Duanmu Ci was indeed a little ashamed.

I have become addicted to being a star recently. I still need to control my vanity.

What's so great about being a star? It's more important to be a scientist.

Jetton said: "Didn't I tell you last time that if I want to attack you, will I do it openly?"

Duanmu Ci: "???"

Jetton: "Today I will let you know what is called "there is always a better world!"

As he spoke, he took out a small blue ball.

Duanmu Ci took a look and saw that it was a high imitation of his own technological product.

This is the "Pokemon Ball" invented by Duanmu Ci, which is used to hold monsters. Duanmu Ci has collected a lot of monsters in various places over the years. He felt that it took up too much space in the Kingdom of Light, so Duanmu Ci invented this "Pokemon Ball".

Duanmu Ci also felt that this thing was not very harmful and could promote natural communication between cosmic people, so he promoted it in the cosmic black market.

This technology is not a particularly black technology, so there will naturally be a lot of pirated goods.

Duanmu Ci can tell at a glance that this thing is a high imitation.

Judging from the appearance, it should have used a lot of unnecessary things. The price of this high imitation is likely to be more expensive than the original.

A big injustice, identification completed.

"Today, I will show you the Hyper Zetton Death Scythe, which is more powerful than the previous Hyper Zetton!"

Duanmu Ci took a breath of cold air, global warming has increased by three points!


"More powerful than Hyper Zetton!?"

Duanmu Ci glanced at Xiao Yao beside him: "Did you dream last night that a monster would appear today?"

Xiao Yao shook her head frantically.

But then, Jetton threw the Poké Ball into the sky, and after a flash of light, a Jetton who looked very noble and elegant appeared!

As Jetton said, the hands of this Hyper Zetton really turned into a pair of sickles, the blade was black, and the blade flashed with cold light. It was obvious that it was an incredible weapon.

However, although Hyper Zetton was strong, it was not impossible to deal with it. Just cut off his wings.

Thinking of this, Duanmu Ci confidently turned his eyes to the back of Hyper Zetton.



"Fuck! Where are the wings! Chicken wings as big as Hyperzetton!"

I already know that you can defeat the opponent by attacking the weakness.

The weakness is gone.

How can this be played?

Before Duanmu Ci could make a move, a ray of light suddenly fell from the sky and turned into a red giant.

Red Orb!

The last time Orb defeated King Mog-Grant, he got Taro's card, combined with Mebius' card and got the strongest form of fire attribute.

Orb's explosive fire form appeared!

Then, he bravely rushed directly to Hyperzetton.

Duanmu Ci on the ground swallowed his saliva, patted Xiaoyao beside him and asked: "Have you ever dreamed of such a scene?"

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