Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 651: Change your partner

Young people’s love stories are often a little immature. The love stories of mature people are inevitably too heavy. Duanmu Ci doesn’t want to care about these things now.

Because after he received the information from his clone, he suddenly had a good idea.

Fujing Degui wants to make Xiao Lu stronger! ?

Duanmu Ci’s clone is a work-enhanced version, which is actually AI, but it is a very powerful AI, using the same level of intelligence as the controller of the universe black market.

According to the analysis of the clone, Fujing Degui wants to use Xiao Lu to "revive" Dark Belia.

Duanmu Ci sneered at this.

"Belia is alive and well, only these people want to revive him every day."

These cosmic people are also sick. If they don’t make trouble everywhere and invade, the Kingdom of Light will not pay attention to them at all. Who has so much leisure to manage these countless cosmic people?

Now they have to revive a Dark Belia to be their boss.

If you can survive, who would be bored and find someone to put pressure on you, force you to work, and kill you if you are unhappy?

Isn't this crazy?

Although Duanmu Ci can't figure out why they are so stupid.

But it doesn't stop Duanmu Ci from ruining their big plans.

According to the meaning of the clone AI, you have to go with the flow and use the power.

In simple terms, it is to make Xiao Lu stronger with the help of Fujing Deshi and others, and finally use the capsule of Zhenli Tiga to make the light and darkness merge stably, keep Xiao Lu's thinking stable while absorbing all the opponent's dark power.

This is to turn the tables.

But Duanmu Ci doesn't think so.

In a multiplayer game, it's enough for one person to have fun!

You turn the tables like this and make others happy for so long, which is not refreshing at all.

If there are two ways to defeat the opponent, one can make yourself stronger, and the other can make the opponent more uncomfortable.

Everyone knows which way to choose.

That's right, it is to make the opponent more uncomfortable.

Don't you think it's good for you to make Xiao Lu stronger?

After confirming the news, Duanmu Ci dragged Xiao Lu, who was chatting happily with Toba Laiye, to the game console on the spot.

"Play games!"

Hearing this request, not to mention Xiao Lu, even Toba Laiye who followed him was confused, wondering what Duanmu Ci had gone crazy for.

"Brother Duanmu." Xiao Lu looked at Duanmu Ci worriedly: "Didn't you say that you would let me train well to deal with strong enemies in the future?"

"Why did you suddenly think of letting me play games?"

Duanmu Ci smiled confidently: "Of course I have my purpose for doing this!"

"Think about it, how long will it take for you to become a strong man if you work so hard?"

When Xiao Lu was asked this question suddenly, he didn't know how to answer for a while.

If he said that he would become stronger immediately, he didn't dare to believe it himself, but if he said that it was useless, he felt that training would definitely be of some use.

"Do you know how weak I was at the beginning?"

Hearing Duanmu Ci's question, Xiao Lu nodded repeatedly.

At the beginning, Univos couldn't even beat some ordinary monsters, and the Specium beam hitting the enemy was like scraping.

"Let's think about it carefully. Do you think I am stronger or the Ultra Brothers are stronger?"

Xiao Lu was puzzled. Didn't they agree that Ultraman would not compare with each other?

Even if there was a metaphorical comparison, it was similar to the Mebius movie version, where a child said that the strongest Ultra Brothers was Zoffy, but in the end, Mebius's human body Hibino Mirai used a very smooth-sounding phrase "The strongest is all the Ultra Brothers."

It seems that I have never heard of Duanmu Ci asking who is stronger so openly.

But after careful thinking, Xiao Lu couldn't help but say

"If Zoffy is excluded, you are still stronger, Brother Duanmu."

Of course, even if Zoffy is there, Univos is still stronger in nine out of ten cases, but Zoffy's upper and lower limits are equally outrageous, so he is generally not considered.

Duanmu Ci nodded: "Then how do you think your physical strength compares to those old warriors?"

Xiao Lu frowned slightly: "It should be far inferior, right? Unless it is in the just burning form, using the energy of the explosion to increase strength, otherwise I should not have such strong physical fitness as the Ultra Brothers."

"That's right!" Duanmu Ci patted his shoulder: "To be honest, most of the time, my physical fitness is not as good as the Ultra Brothers."

The vast majority of the time refers to before getting back my original body.

Because after getting back the original body, the physical fitness of this body is Noah's physical fitness, which is naturally higher than that of the Ultra Brothers.

But since then, Univos has fought more and more like a warrior.

Fighting with Noah's body is like using those "wheelchairs" when playing games. Although it feels much less challenging after using it, I still can't help wanting to use it.

"With my overall physical fitness not as good as the Ultra Brothers and my energy not as strong, I can still burst out with such a high fighting power, relying on science!"

"Think about it, in the era of hot weapons, even if you have practiced swordsmanship at the level of a sword god, what does it matter? Even if the opponent only brings a micro submachine gun, you can't resist it."

"And this is the crushing of brute force by technology, and it is also the key to my being stronger than the Ultra Brothers!"

"So, now do you want to hone your strength and become the next Ultra Brother, or do you want to embrace science and become a truly strong man!"

"Real strong man!!!" Xiao Lu repeated the word, feeling that the blood in his body was beginning to boil for some reason.

"But, can I really do it? I don't know anything about science..."

Duanmu Ci chuckled: "You don't need to understand!"

While talking, Duanmu Ci used light to make a bracelet.

"Come on, this is your true form from now on, the Geed Bracelet!"

Just like Jack's bracelet is Jack's body.

Xiao Lu took the bracelet in confusion, and then put it on his hand at Duanmuci's prompt. All kinds of information instantly poured into his mind, leaving Xiao Lu stunned for a full half minute.

After roughly figuring out what this thing was, Xiao Lu jumped up excitedly.

“Are these functions of this bracelet really possible?”

Duanmuci said confidently: "This is my technology. There may be various accidents, but the functions described will definitely not be incomplete!"

Xiao Lu completely ignored the word "accident" and focused all his thoughts on this function.

This thing is so interesting!

This bracelet is not simply a technological bracelet, nor is it simply Univos' exclusive technology. It is a bracelet that uses energy to create various things.

In addition to the ability to make things, the most important thing is its ability to integrate combat skills and soft armor.

Different from the fighting skills soft armor, this one can support custom functions. You can "input" various imaginary actions into it, and you can set how much energy each action releases, what type of energy is released, and it can be calculated. How much damage of various attributes can be caused to the enemy by releasing the energy in this way.

This is simply an artifact for Xiao Lu.

It's like turning the fighting that he usually doesn't like and isn't very good at into his best and favorite game.

Fighting with this ability is like playing a game.

How could this not make him excited?

What makes him even more excited is that he can even set weapon skills.

Just set the weapon on the move skill, then when using this move, the energy will be used to create a weapon. After using the skill, the weapon can also be made to disappear, reducing energy consumption.

It can be said that with this bracelet, he doesn't even need to train any fighting skills.

It's really like what Duanmu Ci said, playing games is important.

"But, my light is not very accurate. Even if I don't train anything else, this thing needs to be trained, right?"

Duanmuci: "Okay, then I'll add another function to your bracelet."

As he spoke, Duanmuci stretched out his finger and pointed at the Geede bracelet. After another burst of welding-level light, Xiao Lu felt that the bracelet had an additional function. It could lock on the enemy and then attack.

In other words, no matter how far the enemy flies, you can use this function to ensure that your light is always aimed at the enemy!

More like a game!

But Xiao Lu really likes it too!

"So, from now on, when I play games, it will be equivalent to combat training?"

Duanmuci nodded: "This is the power of science! Do you like science a little bit?"

Xiao Lu sighed excitedly: "I like it so much."

"By the way, Brother Duanmu, you just clicked your finger and my bracelet added a new function. Can you customize other functions?"

Duanmuci gave a mysterious smile: "Of course, you can tell me what functions you think of in the future, and I will add them directly to you. Besides, there is a more powerful function that I haven't demonstrated for you. I'll wait until you go to the battlefield slowly." Just know.”

Although I don’t know what it means, Xiao Lu has been happy for a long time with these functions.

As for other functions, we can study them slowly in the future.


Toba Raiha looked at Xiaolu with some worry: "If we use technology in this way, will it create dependence? Will this be harmful to future growth?"

Duanmu Ci smiled and said, "Don't worry, it'll be fine. Do you think I seem to have been affected by technology in my growth now?"

"Technology is used to benefit mankind. There are already washing machines, and if you insist on hand washing, you are causing trouble for yourself."

Xiao Lu also nodded: "Yes, Lai Ye, I think Brother Duanmu is right. Technology is advancing, and our combat thinking must also advance. That kind of battle with guns and live ammunition is a thing of the past. Now it's high technology." In war, we must give full play to the advantages of high technology.”

"If you don't use your high-tech advantages, won't you suffer a loss if others use them?"

Although it felt like something was not right, Duanmu Ci said so, Xiao Lu was so happy, and Toba Laiye had nothing to say.

But it's not over yet.

Xiao Lu directly made a place for Lai Ye and said

"Even if it's just playing games, then Laiye you can come and train me!"

"You control a character, and I control a character. We fight together, or practice sparring. These can train my actual combat abilities!"

Toba Raiha took the game controller that Xiao Lu forcibly handed over, feeling a little awkward for no reason.

"But, I haven't played any games before, so I don't know how to help you."

Xiao Lu smiled and said: "It's okay, I can teach you if you don't know how!"

After saying that, he didn't let Toba Kuruha refuse, and directly opened a game that allowed two people to cooperate.

The professional pendant and pet Q version Noah, who was sitting on Duanmu Ci's shoulder and watching this scene, was heartbroken.

He just watched Duanmu Ci's operations and tricked Xiao Lu into playing games. Q version Noah clenched his fists and held his breath, waiting for everything to settle.

He even thought about his happy gaming life in the future.

Who knew that Xiao Lu was so disloyal and directly gave the position of his teammate next to him to Toba Laiye!

"Too much! It was obviously me who came first! And I must be better at playing games!"

Duanmu Ci: →_→

"Come on, big brother, you are not good at games. No matter how strong you are in the game, it is fake. The strength in reality is real. You still need to maintain the peace of the universe!"

Q version Noah still refused to accept: "Leave the peace of the universe to my clones to maintain it. I am the original body, and I don't need to spend any more energy!"

Noah's clones all look like artificial intelligence, but they are indeed easy to use and have strong combat power.

"Actually, you should watch more anime if you are too lazy to play with things."

Noah: "Any good ones you can recommend?"

Duanmu Ci: "The devil's stepmother, nightmare-level wife, I'm just a useless god, all of these are highly recommended."

The above anime were all drawn by Duanmu Ci when he was bored using the artificial intelligence that draws comics. Later, the results were surprisingly good. Not only were they serialized for a long time, but they were also adapted into animations.

Noah looked sideways: "Are they those imaginary anime of yours?"

He hasn't watched these anime yet. As a fundamentalist, Noah only watches anime that should exist in normal time and space, and he really hasn't watched the anime adapted from the comics that Duanmu Ci asked AI to draw.

After all, in his opinion, the comics drawn by AI are comics without souls, without any humanistic atmosphere, how can they be interesting.

But when he really watched these anime, he soon fell completely.

As for Xiao Lu.

Who is Xiao Lu? He only remembers that he is Duanmu Ci's sworn brother! He doesn't remember that he ever had a game partner to go back to find his girlfriend.

Duanmu Ci certainly didn't care who Noah wanted to play with more. Anyway, as long as Fujing Chugui was unhappy, he would be happy!

Cheating people is the basis of happiness!

On the other side, Duanmu Ci's clone, who received Duanmu Ci's new order, looked a little weird.

He didn't really understand why he did this, but since it was an order from the main body, he had no objection.


"Boss, according to Zed's acceptance ability, I plan to drop the Thunder Killer on an uninhabited island in fifteen days and ask him to fight."

Fujing Chugui nodded: "You can decide on such trivial matters."

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