Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 662 Don’t blame me

Xiao Lu: “???”

Seeing that Zero’s eyes gradually turned to his bracelet, Xiao Lu immediately protected it well.

“This is my equipment!”

Zero: “Oh, whoever uses it doesn’t matter, just borrow it to play with it. I will only use it three times, no, twice, twice should be enough!”

He really wanted to try the power of the Seiga form (hereinafter referred to as Legendary Zero).

Duanmu Ci smiled and said: “In fact, this function is just an experiment. If the enemy’s strength is stronger than my technology, I can break through the limit.”

Any means of restriction has a basic requirement, that is, the level difference between the two sides cannot be too large.

For example, this technology obviously has no effect on Noah, let alone Noah, even Univos will not be restricted in the silver form.

There is no need for any special device to deal with this situation.

So this is the universe. If the strength is strong enough, the rules can be crushed.

Just like Aizen killed Kudo in seconds, people with strong strength can often ignore some seemingly unbreakable rules.

“These are my power after all.”

Duanmu Ci stretched out his hand and tapped on Xiao Lu’s bracelet.

"You must learn to build your own power system and determine your growth path."

The biggest feature of the power of scientists is that it can be used by anyone, but the biggest problem is that it will make the user lazy and may even lose the ability to think.

After listening to Duanmu Ci's words, Xiao Lu thought for a moment, and suddenly shuddered, and said excitedly

"Brother Duanmu, what do you mean!?"

"Let me study hard and become a scientist!?"

Duanmu Ci helplessly held his forehead: "Do you want to listen to what you are saying."

"Before you say this, recall your test scores from childhood to adulthood, okay?"

Xiao Lu: ⊙_⊙


The scientist's heart that Xiao Lu had ignited because of Duanmu Ci's black technology was so powerful was instantly extinguished.

From childhood to adulthood, his grades did not look like the material for being a scientist.

On the contrary, Zero on the side smiled extremely confidently.

"Don't think about it. You need to work hard to train for combat. It's obvious that the doctor said that to me. I am the best candidate for the scientist."

"You know, I am a hybrid of the red and blue tribes! I am born with the talents of a warrior and a scientist!"

Duanmu Ci: →_→

"No, it's not you either."

When Duanmu Ci first met Zero, he took him to do scientific research for a while.

Later, he found that Zero was not that kind of material.

His so-called red and blue hybrid just had the "combat talent of the red tribe" and the "calm thinking of the blue tribe", and he used both of them in combat.

He was talented, passionate, and could remain calm at critical moments. He reached the realm of "quiet and dynamic explosion", and was better at fighting than others.

Unfortunately, the above talents were of no help to scientific research.

His learning ability made Duanmu Ci's blood pressure rise, and he was even worse than the rising star "Dark Lugiel" of the Space Science and Technology Bureau.

Now the darkness of Dark Lugiel has dissipated, and he has become the "Galaxy" with crystals and pink light all over his body.

In fact, he and Galaxy are one, and the light posture is naturally exactly the same.

But after they separated, they developed separately, and now they look a little different.

He used to be a "philosopher", and then he came into contact with Duanmu Ci, was shocked by the "omnipotent" science, and then he rubbed a fighter plane by hand and evolved into a "scientist".

Then Duanmu Ci discovered his scientific research potential and brought him back to the Kingdom of Light. Now he works in the Space Science and Technology Bureau, and usually learns knowledge from those senior scientists to enrich himself.

Duanmu Ci is going to train him as the next Torrekia.

This is called talent.

Compared with him, Zero and Xiao Lu are just scumbags who have read some books and have some knowledge.

Talent is something that not everyone can master.

Seeing that Zero and Xiao Lu were both confused and didn't understand the situation, Duanmu Ci smiled mysteriously.

"But it doesn't matter."

"Why not get some technology that can grow with your strength?"

Cero's eyes lit up: "Is there such technology?"

Although he already has the Ultimate Ultra Form, and more than one, who would think that he is too strong?

Duanmu Ci: "Of course, for example, my latest invention, magic technology, I call it Kaio-ken!"

In fact, it is a combination of magic and traditional technology, which increases the speed of energy flow by compressing the body.

Let's put it this way, Ultraman's use of light is equivalent to spraying water with a water gun.

And the role of this magic technology is to pressurize the water gun, so that it can spray faster, more exaggerated, and with stronger impact!

At the same time, it also hurts the body more.

"In fact, our body is always unconsciously protecting itself, so that we can't use all our strength!"

"Just like when you punch a wall, because the body is afraid of pain, it will instinctively retract some of the strength. The same is true when we use light. The body has a limit on itself, so that you don't cause damage to your body when you use light."

"But in this way, the final result is that the power of light is difficult to increase!"

"Removing restrictions means removing the body's self-protection mechanism, allowing you to fully release your energy and gain lethality and destructive power beyond the limit."

"The most important thing is that this thing will continue to become stronger as you become stronger. It is not impossible to have double Kaio-ken or ten times Kaio-ken!"

It must be said that Duanmu Ci's rhetoric is still quite online.

Xiao Lu's eyes were full of "I am very interested" when he heard such a description.

Zero was also very excited.

But he knew better that the greater the temptation of technology Duanmu Ci said, the more tragic the consequences would be if it was used casually.

Last time, Xiao Lu was tortured live in the universe without knowing anything, and the tragic scene is still vivid in his mind.

"Doctor, this thing is so powerful, why don't you use it yourself?"

Duanmu Ci smiled: "Did you forget? I was seriously injured and couldn't transform."

Very good, there is no way to refute.

Zero almost forgot the "setting" given by Duanmu Ci.

It was agreed that everyone would deceive Xiao Lu together, so he naturally couldn't sabotage it at this time.

Xiao Lu also nodded: "Yes, now only me and Zero-san are left to protect the earth. With this technology, we can have more confidence when fighting against the enemy."

After getting the permission of the two, Duanmu Ci decisively transferred the information of this new technology directly into their equipment.

Thousands of years ago, who could have thought that it would be so easy to pass on new technology in the future.

The two quickly locked on this technology.

Then they saw the full name of the entire technology.

"King of the Ring (Test)"

Zero: "..."

"Doctor, what does this "test" mean?"

Duanmu Ci waved his hand casually: "It means literally, let you try it!"

"We have been friends for many years, you have to believe me!"

Xiao Lu nodded fiercely on the side: "Brother Duanmu, I believe you!"

Zero was helpless: "It's because I'm too familiar with you that I don't dare to believe it!"

Duanmu Ci's technology is still very trustworthy, provided that it has been updated and iterated enough times.

The word "test" written on it obviously means it is in the trial period!

And he himself has never used it, so it is self-evident who will "try" it!

Duanmu Ci disagreed with what Zero said: "Hey, look at you, you have been in the world for a long time, but you still lack some innocence."

"Think about it, if you don't try and I don't try, how can technology progress? Who will lead the trend in the future?"

"How can our Kingdom of Light maintain the peace and stability of the multiverse?"

"From a young age, this is a test for yourself, and from a big age, this is an effort for world peace."

Zero's face was emotionless, and he obviously did not accept this statement.

People in the new era naturally have a new era of mental state, and will not be easily kidnapped by such cosmic events.

"So, you said that if I don't try, you won't try, which means that you have never experimented, right?"

Duanmu Ci smiled: "It depends on the trust between everyone."

Xiao Lu nodded fiercely: "Yes, Zero-san, even if it is an experiment, we can start with us!"

"I believe that even if there are some deviations from the imagination, the problem will not be big!"

In fact, Xiao Lu urgently needs such a thing.

In fact, when Zero was chatting with Duanmu Ci, he had secretly used the bracelet to simulate what the effect would be if his strength was doubled.

Then he found that many very cool but not very lethal moves suddenly became very lethal!

Quantitative change will lead to qualitative change.

Even if it is dance, after the power is increased too much, it is no different from martial arts.

Just like Capoeira, it is a kind of dance between art and martial arts.

If the power is not enough, it is like a special street dance, and if the power is enough, it is a martial art that is deadly enough.

Originally, the lethality of the special moves plagiarized from those games of Geed was still far behind.

But once the energy efficiency becomes stronger, it can turn decay into magic, which is not only gorgeous enough, but also has quite exaggerated lethality.

So what are you waiting for?

Even if you are a guinea pig, you have to use it!

. . .

On the other side.

Fukui Izuki returned to his office with a tired face, collapsed on the sofa, and lost the ability to move directly, and kept muttering in his mouth.

"What happened to this world?"

After monitoring the data, he determined that he was unable to use various abilities because he was affected by Zedd.

Good news: The problem was found.

Bad news: He couldn't solve it.

Thunder Killer is almost the strongest monster he can create now.

Of course, it's just almost. He can actually upgrade it to a stronger monster.

But no matter how strong it is, it is limited. In essence, it still relies on the sublimator to sublimate and cannot escape from the scope of this technology.

And the sublimator is the technology of the Kingdom of Light. In fact, the genuine product is stronger.

"So, am I the monkey who has never escaped from the palm of the Buddha's hand no matter how I jump?"

Thinking of this, he was pessimistic again.

He was not a very optimistic person.

Now he was left with deep despair and didn't know how to achieve his goal and revive Dark Belia.

Just when he was at a loss, Duanmu Ci's clone knocked on the door of the office.

"I have recorded the whole battle process."

After finishing his words, Duanmu Ci's clone looked at Fujing Degui who still didn't want to move, so he repeated it again.

Finally, Fujing Degui sighed: "Okay, no need to look, I've tried my best this time."

"The technology of the Kingdom of Light is really not something that everyone can touch."

Duanmu Ci spread his hands: "In fact, you can think about it in a different way. This time you fought alone against the two warriors, Saga and Geed, and then you came back safely."

"What does this show?"

"It shows that destiny is in your hands!"

Fujing Degui smiled helplessly: "What destiny?"

"I all..."

Just after saying two words, Fujing Degui suddenly remembered something and sat up straight immediately.

"No, maybe there is a way!"

Duanmu Ci clone: ​​"What way?"

Fuji Izukui: "I really can't break through the limit of the Kingdom of Light, but it doesn't mean that Lord Belia can't break through!"

Duanmu Ci clone: ​​"So?"

Fuji Izukui: "We are going to attack other cosmic groups and grab their demon fragments!"

Duanmu Ci clone thought he had heard it wrong.

"What are you doing?"

Fuji Izukui reached out and patted Duanmu Ci clone's shoulder, saying earnestly: "I know you don't want to be a good person."

Duanmu Ci clone: ​​"???"

Fuji Izukui: "Well, in the end, our so-called allies don't have a real leader. We fight on our own, and each has collected a lot of demon fragments. No one is convinced by the other in terms of combat power."

Everyone is collecting demon fragments in their own way. Fuji Izukui is collecting, and so are others.

He had thought about gathering all the demon fragments together before, and directly resurrecting Dark Belia in the form of energy combination, but it was later left unfinished.

No one is willing to give up the hard-earned power. The demon fragments themselves have huge energy, which can be used for scientific research or to improve strength. It is almost omnipotent.

Everyone can find one or two good uses for demon fragments.

But not everyone is really loyal to Belia like Fuji Idesu.

Even most people don’t care who commands the dark universe. As long as they have enough power, no matter who commands the dark universe, their status will not be low.

This is what most people think.

In addition, many people who have demon fragments don’t have any trump cards. The only trump card is the demon fragment, so it is even more impossible to release it.

So before, they have never been able to successfully collect enough demon fragments to revive Dark Belia.

There is no other way to go now.

Fuji Idesu gritted his teeth.

Can’t beat the gang of the Kingdom of Light, but you guys can’t beat the rookies?

In the past, I thought these people could be used as the "team" for Dark Belia to fight against the Kingdom of Light in the future, but now I can only fight for the lesser of two evils.

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