Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 686 Yes, he is dead

Univos, who was helping to seal the entire universe in a special space, received news from Noah and learned that Geed transformed into the emperor form and killed his opponent in seconds, and he was quite emotional about this.

As expected of the King of Ultra, the power is indeed quite unreasonable.

The Emperor's form is now a super powerful form that can be transformed using the light of the Ultra King, but it may not be possible to achieve effects close to this form by relying on technology.

However, this kind of thing is not something he should think about. The one who really needs to think about this issue is Hikari. After all, this sublimator is his proud work, and it is more appropriate for him to do the technological upgrade himself.

As long as this time the battle scene falls into Hikali's hands, he will know what to do.

Looking at Lucifer beside her who was releasing his power to maintain the stability of the dimension, he could see her difficulty.

In fact, for people with certain strength, maintaining the stability of a world is much more difficult than creating one.

It's like the difference between fixing bugs and typing code. On the surface, typing large sections of code does take more time, but fixing bugs is fatal.

If you want to create a universe, you only need to follow objective laws and give the world some "settings" to allow it to generate itself. However, maintaining the stability of the universe requires the use of more power. One is to slowly pile bricks to create a house. , the other is that the wall has fallen, and you need to support it to lift it up.

So Lucifer, who had created many relatively fragile worlds to play with, had trouble maintaining the stability of this universe.

"Okay, Lizi."

Uniworth stopped the output of light, walked over, grabbed Lucifer's wrist, and interrupted her movement of releasing energy.

"You have to face it eventually."

"In that case, it's better for me to choose when to face it."

Lucifer nodded and stopped the input of energy.

"You mean, are you ready to go to that universe and have a big fight?"

Uniworth nodded: "Anyway, it's better for us to go earlier than to wait for it to spit on its face."

"Go there first to prepare various things about the special forces. This time things are not simple. We can't just casually obsess on the edge like this time. We must go to the front line in person, closest to the opponent."

Lucifer nodded.

The first is the eternal core. The power of the eternal core is quite terrifying. It is more powerful than the dark Lucifer's power that Lucifer originally obtained. She can't imagine what the results will be like if others get the power of the eternal core.

When the time and space was sealed, it was only with the help and cooperation of the Eternal Core that the seal could be successful. Otherwise, her power would not be able to seal a universe with such a powerful energy body.

She also supports Uniworth's idea. Instead of continuing to hide it, it is better to make arrangements in advance and proactively deal with various situations.

Anyway, their strength is not weak, and with boss Noah watching from the side, there won't be any outrageous problems.

However, if you want to release this universe, you cannot release it at will, otherwise the entire universe will be affected.

Univos took the exit of this universe to the large cosmic space that contains countless bubble-like multiverses, and found a relatively stable place to put this universe down.

Then the energy of this universe began to spread.

The robot master was completely unaware of what Univos was doing. Ever since Gilbalis was killed, he no longer dared to look at the scene here. He had transferred it thousands of times by other means. Only then did I look at the scene here through Gilbalis's "eyes".

It's not that he can't see now. There are many ways to see what the earth is like.

But there is obviously a very powerful being hiding here, otherwise Gilbalis's body, which just releases magic power to resurrect Gilbalis' combat body in an instant, would never be discovered.

Even Gilbalis's true form can be discovered, and it can instantly cause that dimension to collapse and merge with reality.

The robot master couldn't even imagine what would happen if he was discovered.

At the moment, the strongest combat power under his command is not as good as the Zunhuang Jed here. If he is discovered at this time, he will die.

So he took his cowardice to the extreme, and because of this he failed to notice that Univos placed a universe within the big universe.

Otherwise, he might still have a chance to grab the power of the eternal core and turn defeat into victory.

Of course, it is not easy to put a universe here. Univos needs to use a lot of energy to maintain the stability of the surrounding universes and prevent them from being affected by this new universe.

Under normal circumstances, just placing a star among countless stars would cause great chaos, let alone suddenly placing such a universe among countless universes.

When Univos was stabilizing the relationship between universes, Lucifer entered that universe first and laid out its plans in advance.

Because he might not be able to go back in a short time, or even never go back, Yunivos explained the current situation clearly to Noah and asked him to tell Xiaolu and the others.

Next, we can only watch Noah perform.

At this moment, everyone gathered in the Eight Thousand Style Gym, and Xiao Lu asked the question that had been pressing in his heart.

"Dad, Mom, aren't you both seriously injured and unable to change your body?"

"This battle is?"

"Um..." Being asked suddenly, Asakura Isshinsai immediately looked at Ari Ishigari aside: "You're going to explain?"

Shigao Ariyi nodded, opened her mouth, and was about to explain, but later found that it was not easy to speak, and then looked at Fengyuan aside.

"Feng Yuan, please explain."

Seeing Xiao Lu's eyes turning to him, Fengyuan coughed lightly: "This is all training for you. Relying on your elders will not make you grow. Only by giving you a sense of urgency can you continue to stimulate your potential."

Xiao Lu nodded: "I see, then during this fight, the boxing technique used by the teacher was obviously the boxing technique of the Dark Lops who beat me and Sero last time. Could it be that the Dark Lops last time Teacher, are you in control?"

"Is that also to stimulate my potential?"

Since the last time they controlled millions of Dark Lops in the battle, Xiao Lu knew that the Dark Lops had a backdoor that could be directly controlled by them remotely.

Combined with the Blazing Lion Fist used by Leo this time, you don't even need to think too much to know who cosplayed the Dark Lops who brutally tortured him and Zero last time.

Fengyuan nodded as he should: "Of course it's all to train you. After all, you accepted this power relatively late and the training time was relatively short. However, the enemies you encountered were quite strong and ridiculously strong. We cannot use ordinary methods to train you." Methods."

Well, anyway, the painful days in the past are finally over, and Xiao Lu no longer worries about these things.


Asked a more critical question.

"Mom, are you originally a male Ultraman?"

Suddenly being asked such a critical question, Ishigari Ariyi glanced around and found that no one could answer for herself, so she could only silently accept the reality.

Well, I can’t push it out this time.

"Well, actually, you are the son of me and Dark Belial!"

Everyone: "!!!"

Xiao Lu: "!!!"

Dark Beria, who was sitting next to him, was suddenly hit by the surprise, and the corners of his mouth kept trembling. He didn't know what to say to thank Ari Ishigari.

Ariyi Ishigari walked to Dark Beria and said: "I fell in love with him back then, but I also know what kind of person he is. He is in darkness, I am in light, and good and evil are not mutually exclusive!"

"The only outcome between us is life and death."

"Later, in the battle with the Kingdom of Light, Dark Belial was killed, and now he is resurrected with the help of those technologies."

"The father of Ultra, that is, your father..."

Before he finished speaking, Dark Beria interrupted: "I am his father."

Hearing this, Ishigari Ariyi looked at Dark Beria with a smile on her face. The veins on her forehead kept twitching. She held her breath forcibly, resisting the idea of ​​​​pressing this Dark Beria to death on the spot, and said

"You failed to fulfill your responsibilities as a father. On the contrary, Kane really took on the role of a father and raised the child for almost twenty years."

"Child, don't worry about him. Anyway, it was Kane, Asakura Isshinsai, the captain of the Space Guard, who took in our mother and son. It was he who brought you up step by step, and he is your father."

Asakura Isshinsai was about to speak with a smile, but suddenly Mary beside him coughed slightly, and he suppressed all the words he wanted to say.

Xiao Lu looked at the performance of several people and nodded, then looked at Dark Beria: "So, are you really my biological father?"

Dark Beria nodded as he should: "That's natural, otherwise why would I keep calling you my son? No one will inherit my throne. Do I have to find someone to inherit my throne?"

Everyone present knew what was going on with Ishigari Ariyi, but they obviously would not try to cause trouble at this time.

In fact, Ishigari Ariyi had also thought about it. When Duanmuci came back, he would invent something that would change everyone's "memory" so that everyone would think that he, the white Belial, was a woman from before. She had made up the story herself, and she only needed the technological help given by Duanmu to complete the story.

"By the way, where's Brother Duanmu? He didn't take any action in this battle."

Xiao Lu always felt that something was missing, but now he suddenly remembered that Duanmu Ci was not there.

Everyone has appeared before, and they have also said that the so-called injury and inability to change are all fake, so of course Duanmu Ci is also fake. His strength should be no less than that of Ultra's father, and he may even still be in Ultra. Above the father, if he takes action, this battle will not be so extreme.

"Duanmu Ci has something very important to do, and he is no longer in this world now."

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound.

Nothing was seen.

"At this!"

Noah on the ground shook his hand, and everyone discovered that Noah was blocked by the cushion, with only half of his head exposed. . .

"Hey", he jumped on the cushion and sat obediently, then Noah said

"Actually, some accidents happened this time. Duanmuci was originally planning to take action, but who knew something terrible happened. Then he and Lucifer, Riko Saida, went to solve those things together. It should be done in a short time There’s no way he can come back.”

Toba Laiye on the side raised his hand weakly.

"Dr. Duanmu, could it be..."

Xiao Lu's eyes widened: "Brother Duanmu is dead!?"

Noah: ⊙_⊙

Did I just say that Duanmu Ci was dead?

Everyone looked at Noah's hesitant expression, and immediately became more convinced of this judgment.

Even Asakura Isshinsai began to analyze.

"Probably not dead."

Everyone looked at him immediately.

Asakura Ikami said: "Although we will not be able to use solidified life to revive when we encounter stronger enemies and are restricted from resurrection, Univos's strength is extraordinary now, so even if it is broken up, it should be able to revive itself after a while."

"At our level, it won't be so easy to really die."

Noah: "???"

He didn't say a word that Duanmu Ci was dead! How did these people analyze it so clearly?

Zero also nodded: "Yes, although the doctor doesn't look very good at ordinary times, he still cares about everyone. He can't play in this battle, so he must really not be able to play."

Noah: "..."

Okay, what else can Noah say?

Now that Duanmu Ci is not dead, we have to explain the Eternal Core, and then we have to explain that Duanmu Ci forgot the time agreed with the Eternal Core, and then sealed that universe.

Then various problems occurred.

Besides, there was Dark Belia, who looked like a bad guy. If he knew about the existence of the Eternal Core, it would not be good for everyone.

It might even cause Duanmu Ci and the others a lot of unnecessary trouble.

And the fewer people knew about the existence of the Eternal Core, the better. Otherwise, it was hard to guarantee that they would not be probed by the Robot Master and then know that such a thing existed.

After thinking about it, he could not find a better explanation. Seeing that everyone's eyes turned to him, Noah could only grit his teeth and nodded in acknowledgment.

"Yes, he is dead."

... . .

Univos didn't know he was dead yet.

Now he just wanted to maintain the balance between the universes around him.

As for Zed, he believed that Noah could solve all the subsequent problems.

According to his own judgment, it would be about one or two years before the matter here was over.

He had to stay here for one or two years and could not leave for a moment.

When he was outside, he could only rely on his clone to move.

Fortunately, the big brother, the Eternal Core, was quite reasonable. He knew that Univos was here to help him, so he gave Univos some power, allowing him to break through a small level. After a while, Univos should be able to split out a clone with sufficient combat power.

At that time, he can rely on this clone to enter this universe first and make some preparations with Lizi. At that time, he can directly control the clone, and this body will hang here to maintain the stability of the nearby universes.

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