Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 756 Plastic Flower Lulu

Duanmuci soon met Zhenzhong Jianwu.

Just from his appearance, you can tell that he is a very energetic young man.

Many young people today are like this. They are quite energetic and can always do some embarrassing things.

Seeing Duanmuci coming over, Saita Riko immediately focused everyone's attention.

"Let me introduce to you, this is the captain of the elite victory team I retained before, Duanmu Ci."

Duanmuci saluted the others, and the others returned the salute one after another.

The position of captain of the Elite Victory Team is not that big of a deal, but this is the captain appointed by Saita Riko, and there might be some adultery between the two.

Look, Riko Saita looked at him with eyes that were straight!

Duanmu Ci had long been used to this, wasn't he just eating soft food? How many years have you been eating this?

He just looked at Manaka Kengo. Well, he is such a big man, and he is still running around holding a plastic flower.

But Duanmu Ci soon discovered that something was not right.

This flower is alive. This is not a plastic flower, but a real flower.

I just don’t know why this flower doesn’t seem to want to bloom. It has always been in a bud state, and it looks like it is made of plastic. But when I think about the identity of Manaka Kengo, a botanist, I can probably make some guesses. .

"This flower is called Luluye."

Manaka Kengo suddenly spoke.

Duanmuci looked at Zhenzhong Jianwu in confusion.

Manaka Kengo explained: "I just saw that Captain Duanmu seemed a little interested in this flower, so I couldn't help but explain it to you."

Duanmu smiled: "I'm really curious, this flower is not a common species."

Manaka Kengo nodded, his face full of pride: "These are flowers that are really growing on Mars. One day they will grow everywhere on Mars."

Nowadays, the atmospheric system of Mars relies on high technology, but in the future, it will rely on these plants and nature.

Humanity has taken a solid step forward in exploring the universe.

Seeing this Duanmu gift, I couldn't help but sigh.

Only the world of Digardina would have such a strange general pattern.

Even if human beings in other universes use spaceships to explore the universe, they have no intention of transforming the universe. Only Tiga Dana's universe not only explores the unknown world, but also transforms the unknown world so that everyone on the earth can You can join in together.

This pattern was also brought to this universe and took root in this universe, truly establishing a place suitable for human survival on Mars.

"Well done, not just plants, but animals, and all kinds of things. The earth has the characteristics of the earth, and Mars also has the advantages of Mars. One day Mars will become the second earth, but it can guarantee It’s different from Earth.”

Duanmuci's words made Jingjian Guangguo's expression froze.

Jingjian Guangguo is not a native of this universe. He crossed over from Tiga's world by accident.

And in this universe, he saw Saita Riko's ability to unite the entire earth, and finally admired her and became Saita Riko's second-in-command.

It can be said that apart from Riko Saida, Mitsukuni Shizuma is the most powerful person here.

In fact, the most powerful person is Noah who is hidden in Duanmuci's purse.

That's right, the Q version of Noah is also here.

He also watched everything Duanmu Ci did. Although he didn't know why, he trusted Duanmu Ci enough that he didn't need to understand, as long as he silently supported it, it was enough.

If Duanmu Ci wanted to explain, he would still explain it to him.

As for the second most powerful person, of course it was Duanmu Ci himself. With Noah's chicken feathers as arrows, he was basically the chamberlain in the palace, and he always kept his word.

As for the rest, the power that humans pursue is not attractive to people of Duanmu Ci's level.

"Ahem, I won't say any more. Our main task today is to study the super-ancient ruins discovered on Mars. Everyone present is a top scientist in all fields."

When she said this, Saita Riko glanced at Duanmu Ci, and there was pride in her eyes that could not be hidden.

The others were top-notch in all aspects, but Duanmu Ci was top-notch in all aspects, and in every aspect he was far superior to everyone present.

However, Duanmuci's current identity is the captain of the elite victory team, not a scientist, so even if others find her look a bit strange, they can't tell the specific reason.

"Super-ancient ruins involve the truth about the demise of super-ancient humans. These things are undoubtedly very important to us. Whether it is to draw lessons from history or to prevent various dangers in advance, the study of these ruins can bring great benefits to us humans. ”

"Not only technology, but also humanities, even plant forms, various super-ancient science and technologies, etc. can bring us various inspirations, guide us how humans should walk next, and also tell us what humans should not do. ”

Saita Riko had an impression of the truth about the demise of the super ancient world of Tiga, but that super ancient time was very different from this super ancient time, and was not necessarily the same.

Many scientists are also eager to try.

They are not very interested in how the super-ancient era perished. Scientists are obsessed with the present and the future. They are just curious about how far human civilization has developed in the super-ancient period and what kind of technology can be developed from it.

At the same time, Shizama Mitsukuni took out a box and said

"This is a technology that was previously created based on the description in the ancient ruins. It can be used as the main combat weapon against monsters in the future."

"Originally, this was also developed by scientists of the Elite Victory Team. I didn't expect to meet Captain Duanmu, who has not been able to appear, here today."

"Let the captain take this thing first."

Duanmu Ci smiled and said, "Since it is new equipment, it certainly has new uses. The battle against monsters still requires the power of young people."

As he spoke, Duanmu Ci handed the box to Kengo Manaka.

This time, Shizuma Mitsukuni was really shocked.

The reason why he brought this thing here was actually because he guessed that Kengo Manaka might be related to Ultraman.

Few people knew that Kengo Manaka was picked up by his mother, and Shizuma Mitsukuni was one of them.

Looking at Duanmu Ci's appearance now, he obviously knew these things.

He thought that it might be Saitana Riko who told Duanmu Ci, but then he denied this guess because he couldn't see through Duanmu Ci, a seemingly young man.

If a person comes to do great things, it is indeed not easy to be seen through by common sense.

Duanmu Ci did not seem like a "mortal" from the beginning. He did not have the awe of power, but he did not have the contempt of power that scholars had. It was like a high god watching everything that humans did below, and he had an indifferent attitude towards what humans did.

Of course, it might be that he was overthinking.

After Jingjian Guangguo laughed at himself, he did not say much.

The only confused person present was Zhenzhong Kenwu.

He was holding a pot of flowers, and now he was holding such an important thing. It was not good to throw any of them casually. He could only hold them all carefully and trembled.

Zhenzhong Kenwu's mother was also confused.

His mother, Manaka Reina, is also a famous scientist, and her status in the scientific community is still good.

Zhenzhong Kenwu was picked up by her, and of course she knew more about Zhenzhong Kenwu's specialness.

Compared with Jingjian Guangguo's guess, she was directly convinced that Zhenzhong Kenwu's identity was extraordinary.


Seeing Duanmu Ci doing this, she had a vague intuition that something big might happen today.

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