Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 78 Intimidation and Deterrence

After Mefilas left, everyone in the GUYS command center was silent for a long time.

Finally, it was Amaya Kiyomi who spoke first.

"Duanmu-kun, Yabuki-kun, are you really Ultraman?"

If they were really dead before, no one would think about this question, after all, Ultraman can't die so casually.

Now that they are not dead again, this question instantly came up.

"That's right."

Duanmu Ci spoke first.

"In fact, I don't want to hide it from everyone. It's all Captain Sakami's fault! That's right, it's all Captain Sakami's fault."

Luckily, Sakami Shingo was in a meeting at the headquarters, otherwise I don't know what he would think if he knew what he said.

"When I first came here, I told him that I was just a scientist and not responsible for fighting. I could just use my real name, Univos. He didn't believe it and had to find a name for me. He also said that it was the name of a very powerful ancient person."

"You also know that I am the most soft-hearted person, and finally it became this situation. I, a scientist, always go to the front line to fight. It doesn't make sense no matter how you think about it, right?"


Everyone recalled the fighting style of Univos. From being normal at the beginning to being so brutal now, is he still a scientist?

Yabuki Tsuki also took the opportunity to complain: "Yes, I am just a scientist. Captain Sakumui really knows how to order people around~"

Aihara Ryu found a blind spot: "No, Yabuki, you are Hikari, right? Are you sure Hikari is really just a scientist?"

"Univos grew from weak to not so weak under our witness."

"But it seems that you were very strong at the beginning!"

"You tell me you are a scientist?"

Everyone also found that something was wrong.

Univos's weakness is recognized by everyone, but he is quite resistant to beatings and has a strong will. No matter how he is beaten, he can still get up. This is also everyone's affirmation of him.

But Hikari doesn't seem to be like this.

Not long ago, an alien came to Earth to challenge him, and he was finally cut off by his sword. At that time, everyone in GUYS knew that Hikari also had the title of "the first swordsman in the universe".

Now you, the "universe swordsman", tell us that you are a scientist?

Yabuki Tsuki was also a little bit unable to explain this problem.

"Actually, uh."

"My situation is complicated, but I am really a scientist. Most of the blue Ultraman in the Land of Light are scientists. If you don't believe me, ask Duanmu."

Duanmu Ci saw that everyone's eyes turned to him, and he could only nod and said: "I admit that this is the case."

Then he changed the subject: "But! Hikaru has already become a cosmic swordsman! He is a real warrior, and the Blue Tribe of the Land of Light is not completely without warriors, so when you encounter that kind of difficult enemy in the future, don't pity him, let him go!"

Yabuki Tsuki: "???"

Everyone nodded silently.

According to memory, Hikaru is indeed a little better than Univos. Although Univos is also growing, he mainly relies on various strange high-tech or some strange methods to eliminate the enemy in battle.


The more everyone thought about it, the more they felt that Univos was still powerful.

Marina asked, "Duanmu, how many props do you have hidden?"

Yabuki Tsuki laughed and said, "He calls himself Doraemon, how could he have few props?"

"It's just that most people don't dare to use his props."

Everyone recalled the things that Univos used in the battle, and it seemed that they did have terrible side effects.

I really didn't dare to use them.

Ikaruga Sadaharu recalled the scene of being publicly executed by the "audience's voice" at that time;

Aihara Ryu recalled the scene of wearing a mask and only saying blessings when he opened his mouth;

Kinomi remembered the matter of raising "electronic pets". . .

In general, everyone has a say in what Hikari said.

It is true that everyone has been cheated.

But there are some things that everyone can't figure out.

Hisayo Teppei asked: "Why did the Kingdom of Light send two scientists to Earth? Is it to support Earth's science and technology?"

"Of course not. The Kingdom of Light will not actively interfere with the development of other civilizations. Besides, the civilization of Earth is not bad now. It is taking a different route from the technology of the Kingdom of Light. If we give you random orders, we will only lead you astray."

"In fact, I came here with a historic mission."

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately became excited.

Historic mission.

It sounds very cool!

"Don't listen to his nonsense." Yabuki Tsuki could guess some reasons.

"It must be because his research in the Kingdom of Light is getting worse and worse, so everyone has to send him out to prevent more people from being persecuted."

Everyone nodded, this is very likely.

Maybe this can also be regarded as a historic mission.

"How is it possible?" Duanmu Ci was dissatisfied: "I am very loved in the Kingdom of Light! Everyone is willing to accept invitations for various experiments. I have never forced anyone!"

Obviously, no one believed it.

At the same time, the whole world began to move.

. . .

Everyone in GUYS quickly called Wei Lai back.

Wei Lai was still thinking about how to awaken everyone's memory, but who knew that the problem would be solved inexplicably.

He was full of surprise when he entered the door.

But after everyone told him that only GUYS had recovered, Wei Lai's expression became depressed again.

"Mefilas's target is only the three of us. As long as we can defeat him, everything can be solved."

That's what they said, but soon everyone found out that things were difficult to deal with.

I still remember when they first came, when Hirikawa Mitsuhiko had not been sanctioned by Duanmu Ci, just a little bit of public opinion could make everyone explode.

Now everyone's mentality has improved a lot, but now the public opinion on the Internet is even more terrifying. Everyone is depressed after reading it.

After that, everyone didn't dare to go online again.

But everyone has to go home after all.

Tetsuhei Kurayo never came back after returning home, and then it was Ki no Mi.

Sakami Shingo couldn't come back either, and was trapped in the headquarters by the American GUYS.

"Damn it, the American GUYS coming here at this time will have a huge impact!"

Duanmu Ci didn't care: "Captain Sakami is not that simple, and it won't be so easy to have problems. As long as we solve the problem, Captain Sakami can come back."

"Besides, he has long known that the American GUYS is not trustworthy."

Everyone was stunned when these words came out.

Duanmu Ci said: "Do you remember the time when Desrem threatened Ultraman with everyone as hostages?"

"At that time, the top leaders of the American GUYS had already been controlled, otherwise they would not be able to achieve their goal at all."

"If the people arranged to save the American GUYS at the meeting are not you, then this strategy will be meaningless."

"At that time, I knew that the American GUYS had a big problem, and later I told Captain Sakumui about these things."

Hearing this, everyone was a little relieved.

But the current situation is that the GUYS people want to fight against the whole world, can they really do it?

"Warning, warning! The latest American GUYS, if you don't hand over Ultraman, they will launch three hydrogen bombs here."

"! !?"

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