Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 8 GUYS Personnel Changes

Fortunately, the one with the most normal IQ among the people staying in the GUYS command center is Ms. Misaki Yuki, and the others don't care much about trivial things like bathroom time.

So in everyone's eyes, Duanmuci was always in the command center and watched all the battles.

But what happened next made Duanmu Ci a little curious.

After Ryuu Aihara came back, he didn't reveal Mirai's identity. There seemed to be some kind of incredible tacit understanding between the two.

The same goes for the future. There is clearly something called "bond" in the look in Ryu Aihara's eyes.

Human emotions are really complicated, but it's easier to be an Ultraman and just think about how to do research all day long.

Being a chief scientist is the biggest dream in this life, and inventing things to benefit the Kingdom of Light is the realization of self-worth.

But not long after joining GUYS in the future, the old GUYS players asked to quit one by one.

This incident immediately touched Ryu Aihara's soul.

"Uncle Sakamoto, Uncle Yamada, why are you holding back? Now that the monster has come out, isn't it the time when we are needed?"

The uncles named by Aihara Ryu also sighed.

"Dragon, we are old!"

"As soldiers, we are willing to keep fighting. Even if we fight as ordinary soldiers, it doesn't matter if we die on the battlefield at any time."

"However, we are no longer qualified as a barrier to protect mankind! If we continue to fight, not only will it be ineffective, but it will actually slow down the pace of the battle!"

Uncle Yamada also said: "Long, we are all people with families. If the people from the universe threaten us with our families, we really don't have the courage to resist."

"These are the conclusions we came to after thinking about it for a long time."

Hearing what everyone said, Aihara Ryuya felt that his mind was in a mess and he had no idea how to deal with these things. It was clearly an unsolvable problem.

"how so."

Aihara Ryu recalled the previous situation, where everyone trained together and simulated tactics together. Although Duanmuci later proved that even the veterans couldn't beat those things after Duanmuci came, it was also proof that everyone worked hard together.

"Are you just giving up?"

Uncle Sakamoto patted Aihara Ryu: "You are still young and very talented. You are more suitable to stay here than us."

"Using your own hands to protect the earth, isn't this your dream?"

"Find teammates who can keep up with you."

Upon hearing this, Aihara Ryu glanced at Mirai first, and then at Duanmu Ci.

Duanmuci saw Aihara Long looking over and turned his head silently: "I am a scientist and an ace pilot."

Aihara Ryu: "..."

Captain Serizawa walked in.

He submitted all the resignation letters from the team members, but he had no intention of resigning.

"In future battles, we must implement the strategy of elite soldiers."

As he spoke, he handed those documents to the old members of GUYS.

"You have served in GUYS for many years. It is obviously inappropriate to dismiss you like this. This is the document appointing you to be a coach in the fighter training camp. Go there and live a good life, and help us train some incredible new people."

After sending all these old comrades out, Captain Serizawa always felt empty in his heart.

At this time Aihara Ryu came to his side.

"Captain, what will we do next?"

Captain Serizawa said: "The Yan Phoenix, the latest fighter jet developed by the GUYS scientific research department, is ready to be sent to GUYS Japan for use."

"That fighter jet can only carry four people at most. Me, you, Future, and Duanmu, the four of us are enough."

Aihara Ryu nodded, as long as he is enough for the time being.


The future is Mebius!

Ryu Aihara knew about this.

In the future, nine out of ten times on the battlefield, I will have to make room for my future transformation to fight.

Although he has always believed that humans have their own obligation to protect the earth, there are many things that are beyond his imagination, and there are indeed many powerful monsters that need Ultraman's power.

The guy in the future is so innocent that he can't bear to watch the monsters wreaking havoc everywhere without him transforming.

In other words, from now on, you will have to operate your fighter jets by yourself all year round?


Captain Serizawa said: "The structure of GUYS will change next. If I want to go to the front line to fight, I will no longer be the GUYS captain. I will become a frontline commander at the same level as the captain. From now on, you have to call me Serizawa." Ze commanded."

Speaking of this, Captain Serizawa also laughed.

In fact, he wanted a front-line combat command position more than a captain position with more political tasks.

Aihara Ryu also understands Captain Serizawa's thoughts. They are all the same. They prefer to fight on the front line rather than commanding from the command center.

"So are we going to have a new captain?"

Captain Serizawa, now Commander Serizawa should nod: "The new captain is called Shingo Gakamizu. He is a very easy-to-get-together and elegant person."

. . .

On the other side, Duanmuci stared at the future: "You didn't tell Aihara Ryuu my identity, did you?"

Future shook his head: "No."

Duanmu Ci nodded: "That's good. You have to understand one thing. It's better to be exposed by one person than by two people together."

Future nodded, and then said: "In fact, Long Sang is not a bad person."

Duanmu Ci: "Of course he is not a bad person, but his brain is not very bright. You should understand that we scientists are very lonely."

"What I hate most is socializing. The one I don't want to contact the most is a passionate boy like Aihara Long."

Future looked at Duanmu Ci who was talking freely and had no social phobia at all, and nodded uncertainly.

"By the way, GUYS is obviously short of people now. There are only combat troops, not even analysts, data managers, etc. We may have to go out to recruit people later. Do you have any ideas about this?"

Duanmu Ci did not say scientist, because he himself is a scientist.

Although everyone said that his invention was a torture instrument, Duanmu Ci would never admit it. This was a slander against him as a great scientist. Could those be torture instruments? At most, they were just the beginning of high-tech experiments, and they were still a little imperfect.

So it was enough to have him in the position of scientist.

Sure enough, Shingo Sakamizu is not an ordinary captain. As a director, he has a longer-term vision, especially since he knows that two of the action team members in GUYS are Ultraman. When they transform, there will be a shortage of people here.

In addition to the front-line battlefield, the work of the command center is equally important, so it is roughly estimated that there are still four people missing.

Then his first order here was to send Duanmu Ci, Aihara Ryu and Mirai out.

Aihara Ryu obviously can't handle this kind of work.

He has been complaining since he left the Phoenix Nest.

"Why don't we look for them in the army? They should be happy to join GUYS, right? The salary is high and the promotion is fast."

Duanmu Ci said: "The army has its own tasks, and compared to the already established peacekeeping soldiers, it is better to have civilian geniuses with GUYS licenses."

Mirai said: "I have a few candidates for this."

He told what he encountered before the transformation battle.

In short, several people became retrogrades and rescued a bunch of rabbits.

Kindness, courage, execution, they have all these, and they all have GUYS licenses. In the future, no one is more suitable than them.

However, although the future is true, Aihara Ryu still doesn't take it seriously.

These people are just met by chance. The world is so big, and there are many people who are better than them. As a barrier to protect the earth, of course, the better the quality, the better.

However, Duanmu Ci opened the tablet and showed the information inside to Aihara Ryu: "I'm afraid you can't find anyone better than them."

"Ikaruga Sadaharu, a football player in Spain, has kicked a meteor shot. These data show that he has extraordinary dynamic vision. With or without such strong dynamic vision, he can become an excellent pilot, but with the help of this thing..."

"It will be even more powerful." Aihara Ryu nodded: "This is indeed an incredible talent."

Duanmu Ci pointed to the second one: "Marina Kazama, a national or even world-class racing driver, high-speed driving is her every What the heaven is experiencing. "

"There is also this Kusarai Teppei, a monster expert and a loyal fan of Ultraman. If it were in peacetime, it would just be a hobby, but now is a period of frequent monster appearances. If there is such a monster encyclopedia and someone who has mastered the cosmic language in GUYS, it will definitely be of great help. "

"Amaya Kiyumi has a GUYS license, is qualified in basics, and is also a kindergarten teacher. Just think about how many children we will face in the future. If there are any official activities in the future and we need to communicate with children, wouldn’t it be a lot of trouble to have such an expert here?"

Aihara Ryu nodded.

"So, it really has a sense of destiny. I didn’t expect that I would meet so many suitable people in the future just by taking a walk."

Yes, four cards were randomly drawn, all of which were SSR. How high is the probability?

Future is indeed a child favored by God.

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