Ultraman: I'm Just a Scientist

Chapter 96 Image Collapse

Univess flipped in front of Gakuma, and before he could get into a fighting position, Gakuma suddenly jumped forward and launched a sneak attack.

But who knew that Univess was well prepared, and he started to jump again the moment he landed, and this time he jumped directly to the mountain beside him, put his feet together on the mountain, turned and jumped again, stepping on the blazing fire, and kicked Gakuma's back and a violent explosion occurred. This was not over yet, and Univess's figure turned into a crazy rotating drill, chiseling a lot of rock-like areas on Gakuma's back layer by layer with flames.

Finally, Univess flipped out, and the remaining energy condensed behind Gakuma and exploded again.

Gakuma, who was not very strong to begin with, ended his life without any pain.

At least Univess felt that there was no pain.

It was like being drilled to death by an electric drill, clean and neat, where was the pain.

Lina and Zongfang, who were watching Univos' dazzling and neat fighting style, could not help but sigh.

Zongfang even said rebelliously: "I think this giant should not be called Iron Palm Breaking Mountain, but Iron Leg Breaking Mountain!"

"This monster is like a mountain, and he kicked it to pieces!"

Lina nodded: "But where did Iron Palm Breaking Mountain come from just now? It suddenly appeared just now."

Univos: "..."

Ultra Hearing always made him feel painful when he heard these words.

He wanted to change the name they gave him now, but his Ultra Telepathy sensed that the second underground Kakuma had appeared under his feet at some point.

The second Kakuma was much stronger than the first one. Duanmu Ci had detected their life strength when he entered the bottom of the mine. The Kakuma with two horns had much stronger life.

I don't know if the more horns, the stronger it is.

Anyway, the first one was just an appetizer, and the two-horned Kakuma behind was the real protagonist.

Director Sawai, who was far away, also saw the fighting power of the giant for the first time.

"It's very powerful."

The Gakuma that couldn't be eliminated by so many mines before was killed by a kick with special effects.

But for Soichiro Sawai, the most important thing is not whether it is strong or not, but that this giant saved Souma and Lina when it appeared.

It can be generally judged that the attitude of the giant towards humans should be friendly, at least not hostile for the time being.

At this time, the second Gakuma suddenly emerged from the ground.

This Gakuma even chose the position where Univos was standing to drill out.

But when it jumped out of it thinking it had a plan, it found that Univos was not knocked over by itself, but was floating calmly in the air, not affected at all.

The sneak attack failed!

Without any hesitation, Gakuma stood up fiercely, opened his mouth wide, and shone out blue petrification light.

But how could this move hit the moving person? Univos flew around the two corners of the Gakuma at high speed, perfectly avoiding all the light.

At this moment, several green lasers hit the neck of the two-horned Kakuma, causing it to stagger.

Univos looked in the direction of the light emission, and the Feiyan II, which was obviously larger than the Feiyan I, slowly rose.

"It seems that the transformation of Feiyan II has also been completed."

Inside the Feiyan II, everyone was excited to see the monster staggered by the laser.

The driver Horii said to Dagu: "Dagu, let it taste our Texas cannon!"

Dagu nodded: "Got it!"

Then he opened the cover on the joystick and pressed the launch button with his thumb. Then the main gun muzzle of the Feiyan II began to condense energy rapidly. When the energy was accumulated to the full value, a yellow-green laser cannon cut through the sky and fiercely blasted towards the two-horned Kakuma.

However, the two-horned Kakuma was not as fragile as the one-horned Kakuma, who would fall to the ground after being hit by a green laser. Now the two-horned Kakuma only felt pain, and his ability to move was not affected, so when the Texas cannon was fired, it also spit out petrifying light.

The blue light and the yellow-green light collided in the air, and a large amount of energy instantly overflowed, forming a small-scale explosion. The ground in the middle was "blown" into a big pit by the waves of the light bombardment.

Just when the Victory Team thought that the Texas cannon could not cause any damage to the two-horned Kakuma, Univos suddenly flipped and landed beside them.

Then Univos gathered strength with both hands at his side, and pulled a bright electric current between his hands, and then he pulled his hands forward and formed a "cross" in front of him.

"Cross piercing light!"

The golden piercing light and the Texas cannon merged into one.

The two rays of light combined to push back the petrifying light of the two-horned Kakuma.

The combined light forcefully poured into the mouth of Kakuma.


With a loud noise that shook the world, the two-horned Kakuma had turned into countless pieces.

Seeing the threat disappear, Univos slowly withdrew his hand, looked at the Victory Team through the glass window of Feiyan II, nodded, expressed his friendship, and said what he had been holding in his heart for a long time

"My name is Univos, you can also call me Ultraman Univos, I am not called Iron Palm Breaker Mountain."

Horii's eyes widened: "Iron Palm Duan Shanyue just spoke! Did you hear it?"

Xincheng nodded: "I heard it too. So can giants talk?"

Dagu was also confused for a while. Can Ultraman talk? Then why can't I speak when I transform into Tiga?

Yunivos outside the window is going crazy. Your focus is whether Ultraman can speak? The important thing is the name! You must learn to grasp the key points!

As if feeling Yunivos's anxiety, Horii said to him: "That's it, Ultraman Yunivos, we didn't know your name before, but it's difficult to communicate without a code name, so after we The captain decided to give you a nickname first, so he gave you the code name 'Iron Palm Broken Mountain'."

"This codename is just a nickname, not a name. It does not conflict with your real name."

Uniworth: O_o

Meaning, should I still carry this strange name?

"Ahem, I think if everyone really wants to give me a nickname, they should give me a nickname: Invincible in the universe, punch Beria, kick Ampera, miracle worker, ray of hope, savior of the multiverse... "

Yunivos talked a lot and reluctantly stopped until the colored timer went off.

The expressions of everyone listening to his words changed from shock at the beginning to numbness at the end.

They no longer remember what nickname Yunivos wanted, and they are not curious about who Beria and Ampera are. They just feel that the giant's image of being as glorious and great as a god in everyone's hearts has collapsed.

Xincheng said: "Perhaps this is what a giant should look like? After all, giants are also human beings."

Horii nodded seriously: "That kind of giant is a god sent by heaven to protect us. It's just the fantasy of those Star Dou citizens."

"We still have to look at this matter from a scientific perspective."

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