Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 429: return! Mysterious Japanese Samurai (2)

In the current world, many situations have undergone essential changes. One of them is the transformation of the defense forces.

After the Kiriyolod incident, the threat of monsters increased by one level, making many countries aware of one thing. The creatures in the universe seem to be deeply hostile.

And with a hostile civilization, there are more than one or two.

In this environment with monsters inside and strong enemies outside, human solidarity has risen unprecedentedly.

However, more importantly, Siro may have an accident, because in the dangerous situation where many monsters appear, the figure that humans expect does not appear.

In this regard, there are also many opinions in the human world, some say that Siro is dead, and some say that Siro is afraid.

Sero has saved mankind many times, but it seems that humans are not grateful for Sero.

But it is undeniable that human beings are gradually awake in the fear of Siro missing, knowing that Siro cannot appear every time, and the days when they comfortably watched Sero playing monsters seem to have gone.

Then, it was the transformation of the defense force. After the disappearance of Siro, the defense force became the last line of defense for mankind, so human beings paid special attention to it.

Thousands of people even wrote a petition, wanting to visit the weapons configuration of the Defence Forces, so that they can safely transfer the earth to them.

This unreasonable request was rejected. Who knows if a traitor will be helped by humans?

However, this also implicitly reflected one thing, that is the human heart, really panicked.

The power of the people is very strong, and this has been confirmed in the course of human development.

China ’s Chen Sheng Wu Guang ’s peasant uprising, the Paris Commune movement, and the War of Independence ...

Many examples show that if the grassroots people gather together into a force, they can overthrow all power.

Therefore, they can't care less. After all, the grassroots people are very agitated, but if they make mistakes, they will get angry.

China's night raids have always been known for mystery. No one knows its true location. Every time it strikes, its location changes.

This makes the Chinese people very uneasy, so they do n’t ask to visit any weapon system, you at least show up, let ’s see!

At first, the government could ignore this request, but as time went on, this voice became higher and higher, and even some so-called celebrities demanded the same.

In this way, the society began to be a bit turbulent. In order to calm down, the government could only let the night attack appear temporarily.

Ding Yunfeng is a very thoughtful person. He has set up three "night raid divisions". He announced to the public that only one is true. In order to prevent being invaded, he made a countermeasure. The strength of the night attack.

However, in fact, the locations of the branches are all fake. There is only one branch in the underground base of Goyang City, and there is also a headquarters. The rest are attracted by Ding Yunfeng outside.

So, the social turmoil temporarily became calm, but Ding Yunfeng knew that this kind of calm was really temporary, it might be short, it might erupt in the next second, or it might be a hundred years later.

This time depends on when the monster appears.

Peace is a comfortable cradle. Humans lie inside and enjoy these things, but the person who protects the cradle has disappeared, and humans have not yet fully awakened.

However, it is also time for them to really wake up from the terrible nightmare.

The base headquarters of the night raid, no, can not be said to be the headquarters. Ding Yunfeng leaned a lot of resources in the branch of Gaoyang City. It can be said that its importance is not much worse than the headquarters.

Huang Ying was in the hangar, and the staff opposite said her opinion.

"The propulsion system can continue to be improved. If possible, the propulsion system can be maximized as much as possible."

"But in this case, a lot of security systems have to be uninstalled."

The pen of the staff member stopped, and hesitantly said.

"It's no problem. Those who can stand this machine are all masters of some experts. This security system is better without it."

Huang Ying shook her head slightly and picked up the coffee by the table. It was a bit too much to stay up late in the past two days. Sometimes I need to drink coffee to refresh myself.

"Do you need to continue debugging?"

The staff was about to say something, but when he saw the coffee in Huang Ying's hand, he suddenly stopped, and when he just exported it, it instantly became: "Okay, let me debug it."

"Well, you have worked hard."

Huang Ying smiled at the man. These few times were the adjustment of the plane's performance by this young man. It was very good and had the style of an old man.

Speaking of the old man, Huang Ying's eyes were a little bit naughty, and he put down his coffee and walked towards a small house below.


Huang Ying pushed open the door, revealing a head, and saw the people inside.

It was a white-headed old man, about sixty years old, wearing a smart white uniform and meticulously organized hair.

At this moment, he is looking at the latest fighter, Jue-MAX, which is a sketch built by many experts. Now there are too few fighters that can be used at night, and the flying eagle is not enough, which is better for training newcomers. Alpha-driven firepower is enough, but the driving conditions are too harsh, and the endurance is not strong. The super-electromagnetic cannon is used up to three times. The aircraft is a piece of scrap iron that can fly. No, it is not necessarily possible to fly at that time.

Therefore, night raids need to urgently develop newer fighters.

Therefore, the old man was invited back. Old man Qiu Dingming, a veteran expert of the last century, was also the leader of the new energy drive, and is now responsible for developing new energy drives.

The headquarters urgently transferred the old man Qiu Dingming back, because in this regard, his old man said second, no one dared to say first.

"Not asleep yet?"

Seeing that the old man was still looking at the design drawings, Huang Ying couldn't help but stunned for a moment, and looked at the table below subconsciously.

But when she found nothing on her wrist, she remembered that she had just tested her flight and unconsciously took off her watch.

But the estimated time is about two o'clock in the morning.


Qiu Dingming listened to the voice of Nian Huangying, turned his head subconsciously, and saw Huang Ying, slightly surprised, and said, "Aren't you not asleep?"

"I'm used to it, but you, you should pay attention to your physical condition."

Huang Ying smiled and walked to the old man, pinching shoulders for Qiu Dingming, and said.

"Me? An old guy half a foot into the coffin?"

The old man said sarcastically, and then said to Huang Ying: "This world is the stage for your young people, we old people, should quit."


Huang Ying took a bite and looked at the old man and said, "What are you talking about? You can live for a hundred years!"

"Haha, well, go to bed."

The old man laughed when he heard Huang Ying ’s words, and no one hated to stop it. Qiu Dingming was no exception, but he said to Huang Ying: “As the ace pilot of the night raid base, he should adjust his physical condition, Make sure you can play at any time and not waste time with my old fellow. "

"Relax, I know ..."

Huang Ying smiled and walked to the other side of the table, looking at the sketch of Jue-MAX. In fact, Huang Ying was not the first time to read it. On the computer of Cheng Yu, I read it many times, but it was still unfinished at that time. status.

"Any question?"

Huang Ying looked at this sketch and told the truth, feeling that the headquarters is playing chess, because this configuration, this kind of thruster, plus the weapon system, is not a magnitude at all, in other words.

Jue-MAX is a medium-range long-range fighter in the 15 to 20 ton class, but this weapon configuration can be said to be luxurious.

Huang Ying ’s first reaction was whether it could be mass-produced. After all, this weapon was of the same level as the super-electromagnetic gun.

"Not a problem."

The old man rubbed his temple with some distress, and said, "It's a big problem."


Huang Ying looked at Qiu Dingming blankly, but she felt no problem.

"Think about it. The propulsion mode used by Jue-MAX is an anti-matter drive."

Qiu Dingming pointed to the power source of Jue-MAX and seriously said to Huang Ying: "Antimatter can provide the highest density energy source, which is very suitable for ultra-long distance navigation. The energy released by this antimatter reaction is spontaneous and does not require any Complex reactor systems or bulky start-up procedures to induce the reaction. "

"Well, indeed, this is true."

Huang Ying nodded when she heard it, but she didn't pay too much attention from the beginning.

"A possible technology for an antimatter rocket power system involves the quantum effect produced by Schwinger electron pairs. At present, we have explored all known forms of energy in the universe through experiments. The universe can be accurately described as a quantum field. . "

Qiu Dingming knocked on the table, and a light screen appeared in front of two people. The old man quickly calculated the vibration frequency of the universe's magnetic field: "Each vacuum behavior mode is like a simple harmonic vibration generator, and the simple harmonic vibration The quantum mechanical properties of are a manifestation of ground state fluctuations as a result of Heisenberg ’s uncertainty principle. "

"and many more……"

Huang Ying listened a little, didn't he say the plane, how did it get to the universe?

"Do you think the simple task will **** back?"

The old man smiled and said to Huang Ying: "Ding Yunfeng, in the next big game, convinced other old players to support him in the new propulsion mode, but not only for the earth protection net, he is not the kind of shrinking person What do you imagine, for what?

"New model ... antimatter ..."

Huang Ying listened to the old man's words, and the two things she didn't want to do were combined, and she thought of a concept, took a breath of air, and slowly said: "The Stellar Voyage Fleet."

As the name implies, a fleet that can carry star-level voyages.

This is a good suggestion. Those so-called seniors also like this plan very much, because they can run away at any time and then find a new home.

"It's a battleship!"

Qiu Dingming raised a finger and corrected: "One thing is, antimatter drive does not seem to be enough. If you want to reach the solar system, even further away."

"What about nuclear fusion?"

Huang Ying suddenly said, don't look at him as a girl, in fact, she doesn't know much, just listen to her: "The loss of nuclear fuel quality can be converted into anti-matter storage, so that the quality of working fluid can be reduced by a hundredfold."

"But the energy problem can't be solved."

Qiu Dingming sighed, and then said: "In the face of such a difficult task, even a nuclear fission pulse engine will not work, let alone a general chemical rocket engine. The use of magnetic confinement fusion engine, mixing deuterium / helium-3 small The particles are sent into a combustion chamber composed of magnetic inertial constraints, ignited with high-energy particles or lasers to perform nuclear fusion reactions, and ignite 250 particles per second. The generated high-temperature ions are ejected from the nozzle restricted by the magnetic field. The more direct point is that : Controlled nuclear fusion + magnetron directed injection. "


Huang Ying was silent for a while, then nodded and said, "I don't have your major in this respect, or you decide for yourself."

"Haha ..."

The old man couldn't help but smiled and said: "You are still the same, like to throw it to me when you encounter difficulties."


Huang Ying smiled a little shyly and then remained silent for a while ~ www.readwn.com ~ Then he said: "Actually, I think, why do we have to build a voyage fleet? Is it bad in my homeland? In the vast world of the universe In the midst of this, there may be no place for supplies, only in the universe, lonely wandering, no home, flying in the darkness towards a darker place. "

"well said."

After listening to Huang Ying ’s words quietly, the old man nodded and said, “However, human beings’ hopes for the universe are beautiful. They even hope to encounter their imaginary heaven in the universe. We have no right to deprive them. ”

"is it……"

Huang Ying nodded, more like herself when she was a child, and had a deep and beautiful imagination of the universe, thinking that there will be charitable aliens, giving herself super powers, and then she will help her father and mother and let them live well. day.

It has now been achieved that there are no aliens, relying on their own hands.

"Maybe, hope is good, and it should not be destroyed."

Huang Ying sighed and said, "What can I do if I disagree? Commanding him has his own ideas, I have an intuition, it is definitely not just as simple as the voyage fleet."

"This kid, I thought of this at first, and I must admire it."

Qiu Dingming said with a sigh, saying: "The afterlife is awesome, people really are, it's not good not to be old."

"What do you mean? You are not old at all."

Huang Ying smiled and walked to the old man's side, as happy as a child, his parents were not around, the old man was Huang Ying's relative.

(Huh, I ’m exhausted, and my hands are numb. I ’ve specifically checked the so-called antimatter drive. It ’s not my foolishness. What ’s more, if humans can really carry out star-level voyages, you will abandon the earth. I do n’t want to, maybe I do n’t have the courage to face the dark universe?)

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