(Okay, the voting is over. At the time of writing this chapter, I recommend 95 tickets and 5 monthly tickets. Although it is a bit pitiful ... But according to the current situation, when I wrote this chapter, it was more than ten o'clock. Five recommendation tickets, and then add a chapter. Of course, if there is not, there is no change. Okay, that ’s it. If there are five recommendation tickets in the last two hours, then you can reach one hundred. The requirement for the recommendation ticket has been added.)

In the hospital's surveillance room, Jiang Qi was lying on the hospital bed and fell asleep.

After the battle, Jiang Qi was sent here. Compared with before, this time it was just a little bruise, and the appearance was nothing.

However, Jiang Xue sent Jiang Qi over forcibly, and the lights turned on as soon as he played.

Under Jiang Xue's compulsory request, Jiang Qi followed, and Jiang Yuhan also rushed over, as did Jiang Xiaoqi.

It's really strange. After the battle, the abdomen didn't hurt. As before, it made Jiang Qi feel very strange. When he was fighting, he still ...

But Jiang Qi felt tired at the moment, and some could not help but fell asleep slowly. Jiang Xue and others looked at each other and then all went out.

"Sister, what's wrong with him?"

Jiang Xiaoqi looked at Jiang Qi's appearance as usual. It's just a little bruising, it should not be sent to the hospital!

"Go and ask the doctor."

Jiang Xue frowned, she asked Jiang Qi, why is it all right, Jiang Qi is also very puzzled, but nothing is good ... right?

So several people came to the doctor's office and knocked on the door a few times.

"Come in……"

There was a voice inside, said.

"Click ..."

Jiang Xue pushed the door, and a middle-aged man with glasses was looking at a diagnosis book, frowning tightly.

"Hello doctor, this is ..."

Jiang Xuegang started to introduce himself, but the doctor stopped him and said, "I know, are you that little guy's girlfriend?"


Jiang Xue suddenly froze, that little guy? Which? Jiang Qi?

Her face was red for a while, and then Yu Guang looked at Jiang Xiaoqi beside her. Jiang Xiaoqi's mouth was pursed at the moment. Looking at the doctor, the outsider might look fine, but Jiang Xue could see that Jiang Xiaoqi at the moment, bad mood.

"Doctor, how is Jiang Qi?"

There was not so much entanglement, and now it was crucial to ask Jiang Qi ’s condition, so he walked to the doctor ’s desk.

"It's okay, as before."

The doctor turned the pen in his hand, and looked at Jiang Xue as usual.

"Really? He was ..." But he vomited blood.

Jiang Xue didn't say it because now, it would only worry the two little guys in the back. When the doctor said it was okay, did the expressions of both of them obviously relax?

"That's good……"

Jiang Xue nodded and was about to say something, but the doctor said directly to Jiang Xiaoqi and Jiang Yuhan: "You two go out first, I have something to say to Miss Jiang Xue alone."


Jiang Xue looked at the doctor and saw that his face was calm. On the surface, he could not see anything at all.


Jiang Xiaoqi looked at Jiang Xue, who nodded at her, and Jiang Xiaoqi took Jiang Yuhan out.

It wasn't until the door was still closed that Jiang Xue turned his head, looked at the doctor, and asked, "If the person is gone, what can I say?"

"Jiang Qi's body function has begun to decline."

The doctor pushed the list in front of him to Jiang Xue and said, "This is a notice of critical illness."


Jiang Xue stiffened and grabbed the list given to her by the doctor and looked at the words on it.

"Name: Jiang Qi

Sex: Male

Condition: Severe heart failure, physical function decline, it is recommended that the intensive care unit be treated intensively for 24 hours.


... "

In the next row, Jiang Xue didn't look at it, and she didn't have the mind to look at this kind of thing anymore. She was full of brains. Why did Jiang Qi become so serious? It used to be just heart disease.

"Don't you say he is okay?"

Jiang Xue shot on the table with some excitement, and looked at the doctor. If it was an ordinary person, he would definitely be taken aback.

But the doctor acted very calmly. He looked at Jiang Xue and said, "You have to listen to the whole story. What's behind is that, like before, what did he do before, don't you know?"


Jiang Xue opened his mouth and couldn't say anything. Indeed, Jiang Qi's body was not as good as before, but this time it only deteriorated.

"Last time, he suffered from heart failure, as I said, but that was to your father."

He didn't know about Jiang Xue's father's disappearance. When he mentioned the river, Jiang Xue also paused, but did not react too excitedly. Then the man said to Jiang Xue: "Seriously, I have to admire him until I can live to this day. However, this time the heart problem caused a chain reaction of the body. I can only say that his time is running out. "

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Xue looked straight at him, at the doctor, what was the time running out? He is Cylo Altman, how could it be ... impossible.

"If he goes on like this, he may really be ..."

What would happen, the doctor did not say, but Jiang Xue's heart. Already knowing the word, he closed his mouth tightly, looked at the doctor, and asked, "Is there any way to save?"

"The solution is not without ..."

The doctor's words gave Jiang Xue a glimmer of hope and quickly asked: "What is the solution?"

"Night raid has already begun to develop hibernation technology. If you can borrow hibernation technology to enter hibernation, to the extent that future medical technology can meet the level of curing Jiang Qi, it should be possible."

The doctor knew a lot, but Jiang Xue's heart was cold again, because she knew that Jiang Qi could not hibernate because the earth still needed him. Moreover, even if Jiang Qi was willing to go, the hibernation technique was a temporarily stranded plan Whether it can continue or not is still an unknown number.

"Is there any other way?"

Jiang Xue exhaled and asked after calming down.


The doctor shook his head, and then said, "If it doesn't work, you tell Jiang Qi that euthanasia is also a method, depending on whether he agrees."


Jiang Xue dropped the door directly and went out. This was the first time Jiang Xue dropped the door. The doctor looked stunned with his chic appearance.

"This boy is really not cute. The euthanasia bill has not yet passed--"

The doctor touched his nose, said something embarrassingly, and then took out a very complicated image from the drawer. This is a holographic stereoscopic image. This hospital is also equipped with this thing.

The doctor held Jiang Qi's inspection data, which he just looked at, but when Jiang Xue came in, he immediately put it away.


The doctor rolled his brows and gradually frowned, murmuring: "How come there are two heartbeat data?"


It has been two hours since Huang Ying and others returned to the base. The people in the command room were intensively analyzing some data, except for two people.

In front of Ding Yunfeng ’s office, there were two identical young men, about twenty-four years old, wearing uniforms for night raids.

"Brother, you are advanced ..."

The man on the left brewed for a long time, and suddenly said to the man beside him.

"No, no, you are the younger brother. As the older brother, you should let the younger brother."

The man immediately shook his head, pretending to be serious, and said to the young man beside him in a great manner.

"Right or wrong. My brother as a younger brother can no longer grab your limelight, or you should come first."

The younger brother said quickly, and said seriously to the brother beside him.

"No, brother should protect his brother."

"Younger brother should let his older brother ..."

The two are now at the door of Ding Yunfeng, arguing endlessly, just don't want to go advanced, but what I didn't expect is ...

"Uh ..."

The door of Ding Yunfeng's office suddenly opened, and Ding Yunfeng walked out of it and saw the twins who were staring at each other.



"Good command!" × 2

The two immediately saluted at the same time, but their hearts shivered.

This is embarrassing ...

"Cheng Yu let you two come?"

Ding Yunfeng leaned against the wall and looked at them both, squinting and asked.

He had just asked Cheng Yu to call the pilots of the two Flying Eagles into his office.

Who knows, no one waited for a long time, so he contacted Cheng Yu. As a result, Cheng Yu said that the two had left after receiving the notice, and had been away for a long time.

Only then did Ding Yunfeng open the door and saw the awkward scene.


The two men lowered their hands in unison, and the man on the left scratched his head embarrassedly and said, "Sir Cheng Yu called ..."

"... the two of us ..."

The man on the right continued, seamlessly.

"Why don't you come in?"

Ding Yunfeng looked at the two of them from left to right. According to his judgment, these two people should have been grinding at his door for a long time.

why? Afraid of him? No way?

In fact, what he thought was right was that he was afraid to come in.

"Come in!"

The door opened automatically, Ding Yunfeng walked in, and both of their twin brothers looked at each other, and then walked in together.

"Oh ... Brother, you squeezed me ..."

"Brother, you should lose weight ..."

"..." == #

Looking at the two living treasures, Ding Yunfeng sighed silently and suddenly yelled, "Come one by one!"


Ding Yunfeng's reproach, it really worked, and the two of them looked at each other in shock, and then ...

"I am advanced! I am advanced-" × 2

"Advanced on the left!"

Ding Yunfeng looked at the two men, patted his forehead, and pointed at someone.


For Ding Yunfeng's order, the two of them could not resist for the time being, and finally came in safely.


After Ding Yunfeng sat down, he picked up the information on the table and said: "The elder brother is Yu Zelong and the younger brother is Yu Changliang. They only arranged for the night raid team through the outstanding performance of the military school."


The two brothers didn't speak, and looked at each other, they could see the look of happiness from the other's eyes.


Putting down the information in his hand, Ding Yunfeng looked at the two of them, and after a while he said, "You two, are you fighting?"


The two nodded at the same time, and then his brother Yu Zelong said, "How cool it is to go out and fight monsters."

"I also don't want to be at the base."

The younger brother also nodded, and then the older brother said.


Ding Yunfeng snapped his fingers, and then a holographic projection suddenly appeared in front of several people, with two pictures playing on it.

One is that two missiles hit Mick, stopping Mick, and when Mick pounced on the Alpha drive, the Alpha drive could not dodge at all, and the two missiles saved the Alpha drive.

"Did you do these two?"

Ding Yunfeng turned his head and looked at the two of them, asking.

I have to say that the two of them only carried out these two attacks, and in the middle, it was really amazing.

"Yes, we did it."

Yu Zelong scratched his head dissatisfiedly and said, "It's a pity I want to start."

"It can only be said that Brother's practice is not enough."

The younger brother was indifferent, letting the older brother turn his head fiercely, staring at him and saying, "Is the younger brother the same?"

"But my missile is very close to the target."

The younger brother closed his eyes and looked very cold. He seemed to disdain his older brother.

"I want to know, how do you judge which missile you launched?"

The elder brother looked at his younger brother. If he hadn't taken care of Ding Yunfeng here, he would let this kid taste his brother's strength.

"No need to judge, just rely on me to be handsome."

The younger brother shook his hair confidently. Although he was very ordinary, but with this sentence, Wu Yanzu's effect appeared.

"Don't praise me so much."

Yu Zelong suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"I didn't praise you ..."

The younger brother frowned and looked at this narcissistic guy, and he couldn't stand him either.

"... Eh ... Command ..."

At this time, the holographic projection was suddenly put away, and the two of them realized where they were, and said a little flustered.

"Done talking?"

Ding Yunfeng sighed ~ www.readwn.com ~ looked at these two people, this time he was really not angry, on the contrary he wanted to laugh, these two people ...

"Sorry, command."

The two people spoke this sentence almost at the same time, and they had to sigh. They deserved to be twins.

"What I want to ask is, how did you two hit?"

Ding Yunfeng was really curious about this matter, looking at the two of them, and asked seriously.



(Thanks for the reward of Olive Song, thanks for his father ’s reward, thank you very much, thank you! Thank you!

(Okay, you guys are very powerful. When I sent it out, I saw someone voted for 5 recommendations. The last one was voted lightly. So congratulations, I will add another chapter tomorrow , I did n’t delete the previous statistics, that ’s it. Just step on the point ...)

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