"Click ..."

The clouds in the sky are golden, which is the color after the reflection of dusk, this color makes people feel more stable.

Changping is now a relatively well-known city. The original Changping was an ordinary second-tier city. Although some modern antiques sometimes appeared, it was not so valued until the royal tomb was Discovered, and then became famous.

On this construction site, many people are busy with their work, many strange working instruments, such as some testing equipment.

In order to protect the integrity of cultural relics, the staff will not use some large tools. Generally, small tools like hand shovels are used.

The royal tomb found in Changping is the most central area of ​​Changping, but there are very few people, because this is at the foot of the mountain, and this mountain is very unsafe. From time to time, there will be rocks falling, so not many people like it here .

Only Li Yulong, who accidentally detected something here, dug out the royal tomb. This is one of the topics that has been debated in society.

Although the matter came to an end, and the wooden box was lost, Li Yulong had no intention of giving up here.

However, when they were dealing with the final finishing work of the Royal Tomb, someone even discovered that there seems to be something below.

This surprised them. There is still something under the Royal Tomb?

At this time, the hearts of those people became hot again, put down the job at hand, and ran directly to dig a second time.

And just in case, Li Yulong specially found the night raid team to take precautions. After all, the guy who blamed the thief was already jailbroken.

Archaeology is generally a very hard work, and many young people will not be able to persevere because it is too boring, too hard, and eating and sleeping is common. Li Yulong has seen too many young people like this.

Many times, he will tell the young people in advance that if they want to learn this, they must be prepared to endure hardship, but most of them are three minutes of blood, nodding and saying that they have realized.

Then came, the preparation was very good, all sunscreen, sunglasses and the like were brought together, but many people insisted on running after less than half a month, the reason is because it is too hard.

It is because of too much hard work that I can persevere very much. Li Yulong feels that they are all very promising young men because they have at least sufficient patience.

Because there is not much benefit in doing this, no matter what you dig out, he can never belong to you, but belongs to the country, so it is hard to please, this is the key to young people hate.

Many people in the outside world know that archaeology requires patience, and it is very hard to talk about, but only after real experience, it is completely different from what is said on the mouth. Sometimes, the real hard work is to use the mouth to say no from.

Li Yulong had been watching outside for a long time. The place they detected was about ten meters underground, and they have just started to use it shortly. And in order to prevent the loss of cultural relics, they use small tools, so the speed is very slow, but many people enjoying the moment.

Among them is the young man who has never rested-Xiao Wu. He graduated from Junior High School three years ago. Although it is not a particularly good school, it is not difficult to find a job, but he likes it. In his work on archaeology, in his words, what he likes is archaeology itself.

The joy of finding cultural relics in some places, and then the process of excavating cultural relics, the kind of mood that expects the results of cultural relics, and the joy of when the results are finally dug out, really let him enjoy.

There were eighty-three students who came to archaeology at the beginning, and there were two left at last. One was far away, and the other was him, Xiao Wu.

He is very young and the youngest of all archaeologists.

Many people in the industry are optimistic about him and can become a textbook character.

"How is it going?"

Li Yulong walked to Xiao Wu's side, patted Xiao Wu's shoulder, and asked with a smile.

"It's so exciting."

Xiao Wu became very happy when he saw Li Yulong, and said, "If you can dig it out, it's another big discovery."

"Come on, then it's up to you later."

Li Yulong said, patted Xiao Wu on the shoulder, said something, and then turned to leave, but Xiao Wu suddenly said out loudly, "Professor, guess what might be the following?"

"How do I know this?"

Li Yulong patted him on the shoulder, crying and laughing, and said: "The only interesting thing about archaeology is that you never know what is hiding underneath."

"That's right."

Xiao Wu nodded, then looked at the land and said, "This is where the fun lies. I never know what is below."

The reason why they are archaeological is to protect those cultural relics from being damaged.

China has registered nearly 770,000 immovable cultural relics, including 2,352 key national cultural relics protection units. The state approved and announced 118 national historical and cultural cities and 350 national historical and cultural towns and famous villages.

China already has 46 World Heritage Sites, including 29 World Cultural Heritage Sites, 4 World Cultural and Natural Mixed Heritage Sites, and 8 World Natural Heritage Sites.

However, there are still many damaged cultural relics sites, such as a Queen Mother in the Qing Dynasty.

"The current world has become completely strange, and the emergence of subversive cognitive things is really-maybe only work can make me forget those things."

Do not know why, Xiao Wu suddenly issued such a sigh, so Li Yulong couldn't help but stunned.

"Little Wu--"

Patting him on the shoulder, Li Yulong came over and sat beside him, saying: "The world will change, let's change as long as we don't change."

"Well, I know."

Xiao Wu was silent for a while, then nodded grinningly, picked up the tool in his hand and continued to work.

Li Yulong looked for someone, and looked at those who were bowing down to work, and couldn't help laughing.

Sure enough, everyone worked hard!


The hospital is not a good place. Jiang Qi now has a headache, not sleeping, but in the hospital, which really upsets him.

He hated the hospital in particular, but when he became Ultraman, the probability of coming to the hospital skyrocketed. What else can he say?

He could only squeeze his nose to admit that he was weak and didn't call others, so he could only exercise secretly.

Now he does not say that he can cope with all enemies. But if the enemy wants to defeat him, it really takes a lot of energy.

Only this time, he overturned the car, and this time his bones were stuck.

That monster caused a lot of damage to humans, and many people were injured. As long as Jiang Qi turned on the TV, it reported the number of injuries and the injuries.

Every time I heard about the number of injured people, Jiang Qi grabbed his heart.

This time, there is no need to shirk. It is entirely my own responsibility. It is because I have no precautions to prevent him.

And that guy also attacked himself, so that his follow-up battle was actually beaten down by a kitten, obviously not strong, but he can step on himself, and he has no way.

In this regard, Jiang Qi wrote down this hatred, as long as one hundred encounters, he will definitely, will definitely make the guy regret it.

But now ...

Jiang Qi touched his belly, and when he was in a coma, he was still dying of pain. As a result, he is now better. It is exactly the same as usual.

"Brother ... Ah ..."

At this time, Jiang Yuhan suddenly called Jiang Qi back to God, and saw Jiang Yuhan holding a piece of apple petals in his hand and feeding Jiang Qi.

"Xiaoqi, I said, just give it to me ..."

Jiang Qi's mouth twitched a few times. Although Jiang Yuhan's little adult's appearance made him feel cute, but when he thought that he was being fed, he felt inferior. Is it too big to let a little girl feed ?


Jiang Yuhan suddenly looked at Jiang Qi with pitiful eyes, so that Jiang Qi's heart softened instantly, slowly opened her mouth, and ate the apple that Jiang Yuhan passed over.

"Click ..."

Jiang Qi ate the apple. The sweet apple juice burst in his mouth and then plunged into his throat. Jiang Qi, who felt bitter for a long time, felt unprecedented comfort.

"What apple? It's delicious."

After Jiang Qi had eaten such a piece of apple, he felt like he wanted to eat it again, so he couldn't help asking.


Jiang Yuhan came over and looked at Jiang Qi with wide eyes, his eyes flashing with anticipation.

"Uh ... it's delicious ..."

Jiang Qi looked at Jiang Yuhan as he was looking forward to, and was not easy to lie. He said a little embarrassedly. As for why he was embarrassed, he couldn't tell.

"Then eat another piece."

Jiang Yuhan's movements in his hand were not slow. He said in his mouth that the apple pieces in his hand were handed to Jiang Qi.

Come again!

Jiang Qi looked at Jiang Yuhan's expectation, and then looked at the apple. Jiang Qi couldn't resist Jiang Yuhan's eye offensive and the temptation of food. Confused, eat the apple.

"Eating one ..."

Jiang Xiaoqi sitting in the corner, looking at the siblings, was tired of it. Although he knew that Jiang Yuhan was tired of Jiang Qi, especially after Jiang Qi disappeared for so long, Jiang Xiaoqi couldn't help but was a bit jealous Feeling, he suddenly said out loud, "Hey, hello, are you two tired?"

"Click ..."


At this time, there was only one heavy crunch in the entire intensive care unit, which was the sound made by Jiang Qi when he bit down the apple.

"You two ..."

Jiang Xiaoqi looked at Jiang Qi and Jiang Yuhan and found that these two people continued to get bored and even more speechless after just glancing at themselves.

"Click ..."

The door of the guardianship room was pushed open, and Jiang Xiaoqi turned his head. After seeing that Jiang Xue was opening the door, he suddenly seemed to have found a loved one (), Jiang Xue seemed to be Jiang Xiaoqi's relative)), and fell into Jiang Xue's arms.

"what happened?"

When Jiang Xue just came in, she saw Jiang Qi seemingly a boring person, and couldn't help but feel a little surprised. Then, Jiang Xiaoqi flew over like an aggrieved young wife, leaving Jiang Xue a little puzzled, but she still He touched Jiang Xiaoqi's head and said.

"Sister, the two of them have been tired ..."

Jiang Xiaoqi was lying in Jiang Xue's arms, rubbing, and muttered.

"You kid ..."

Jiang Xue looked at Jiang Xiaoqi in tears and laughed. Her feelings were jealous. Even Yuhan's jealousy, how old was she?

No ... Jiang Yuhan seems to be bigger than everyone present, and Jiang Qi seems to be too big, although he has always emphasized that he is twenty-three ... Who knows whether it is an old monster, and what is the upper age limit of Ultraman , Who will know?


Jiang Qi also looked at Jiang Xiaoqi very speechlessly. The two of them were okay. They looked at Jiang Yuhan, but Jiang Yuhan just looked at himself, holding an apple in his hand and handing it to herself. She thought she wanted to eat an apple. Drop the apple and throw it into the mouth.

"Woke up?"

Jiang Xue took Jiang Xiaoqi to Jiang Qi's bed, found a chair and sat down, then smiled at Jiang Qi and asked.


Jiang Qi said to Jiang Xue while eating an apple, "Thanks ..."

He refers to the part that Jiang Xue saved himself. If it were not Jiang Xue, he was really fierce.

"No need to say thank you."

Jiang Xue shook his head, and touched Jiang Xiaoqi's head with a smile, and said, "You and Xiao Qi have looked for me, let me take a look secretly, and I am not at ease with myself."

"Xiao Qi also said?"

Jiang Qi gave Jiang Xiaoqi a surprised look, but Jiang Xiaoqi just gave Jiang Qi a cold snort, turning her head very proudly.

"Okay, you two ..."

Jiang Xue looked at these two people silently, shook his head, and then said to Jiang Qi: "How are you feeling now?"

"Good, better than before."

Jiang Qi is right in saying this. He is really better than before. Even his beating is the same as before. It is very normal. Normal makes him feel abnormal.

But ~ www.readwn.com ~ Of course, Jiang Qi can't say all of them, they can all say it, only to worry them.

"……That's good."

Jiang Xue looked at Jiang Qi for a long time before he nodded. Then he said, "Actually, the two of you went to the original place. I knew that I was waiting in the corner. I didn't expect you to go out directly. It was also my fault. I didn't notice it for the first time."

"It has nothing to do with you."

Jiang Qi patted his forehead, pointing at himself and saying, "It deserves it."

(Cough, it ’s a lot late, because I ’m too hungry, so I secretly got a little food to eat, did n’t stay overnight, and I was hungry and a little sleepy while writing. This feeling was too uncomfortable, and it was so late ), Not much to say, sleepy, I'm going to bed.)

(And the point is, my storyline has been overturned, and some places may not be connected. I am now re-planning, and I must try to connect with the previous article. This is not two hundred chapters ago. At that time, I was not close to the main line. It ’s just a little wasteful when the story comes, but now it ’s not just a little (crying), it ’s my fault.)

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