Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 452: Unexpected rebellion (5)

"……I'm leaving!!"

When the house was cleaned by Jiang Qi, it was about 1:30 in the afternoon, and even Jiang Xiaoqi was tired and choked. Do n’t look at Jiangliu ’s office is not big, but there are still a lot of things, no matter what, In addition, Jiang Qi has never seen many new tricks.

However, after he and Jiang Xiaoqi were lying on the bed, Jiang Xue even walked out wearing a beautiful dress.

A white casual jacket, plus jeans, and a waistcoat are set on the body. It is particularly cool, and the hair is combed into a single ponytail.

"You are ..."

Jiang Xiaoqi opened her mouth wide and looked at Jiang Xue unexpectedly. What happened to her? If you read it right, you should have painted light makeup?

"No way????"

Jiang Qi "braced--" stood up at once, looked at Jiang Xue in surprise, and said, "Male and female?"

"Man, why?"

Jiang Xue pushed the door open and said with a smile: "I might not come back at night. If you want to eat, let Xiao Jiang make it, or order takeout."

"... will not come back at night ???"

Jiang Qi took a breath, and in Jiang Xiaoqi's surprised eyes, walked to Jiang Xue's side, and then said to Jiang Xiaoqi: "There is something to eat in the refrigerator, or you can order takeout ..."


Jiang Xue looked at Jiang Qi with a smile and said, "Why are you going?"

"I'll just go around ..."

Jiang Qi looked at Jiang Xue with a smile, and said seriously: "By the way, look at who the man is."

"Why? Do you still have to teach him?"

Jiang Xue suddenly embraced his arms, looked at him with a look, and said.

"no, I can not……"

That's what naive people do.

He couldn't do anything about hitting people, took a deep breath, and then Jiang Qi turned his head, looked at Jiang Xiaoqi, and asked, "Can I go ...?"

"……up to you……"

Seeing Jiang Qi care so much about her sister, but so cruel to herself, Jiang Xiaoqi couldn't help but feel a little angry and sad, lying directly on the sofa and not looking at him.

"... Forget it, you stay at home, you can't go anywhere."

Seeing Jiang Xiaoqi angry, Jiang Xue closed his eyes, sighed, and then pushed Jiang Qi back, and said to Jiang Qi seriously, "Don't run around."


I can't let you not go home at night!

Jiang Qi's eyes widened, and then he said seriously: "Will you not come back at night?"

"... rest assured, I will be back!"

I finally knew what Jiang Qi was worried about. Jiang Xue rolled her eyes. She was not the kind to send or stay overnight. It was impossible to do, so she said, "This is my promise, rest assured!"

"... although you say so ..."

Jiang Qi was still a little relieved, but when she saw Jiang Xue holding her arms and staring at herself seriously, she also knew that if she persisted, she might not let herself go.

"……Go ahead."

Jiang Qi thought silently for a while, and then went directly upstairs. In such a decisive manner, it was not just Jiang Xue. Even Jiang Xiaoqi, who eavesdropped, couldn't help but glance at Jiang Qi.

Did this guy take the wrong medicine? I usually want to be with my elder sister. How come I suddenly changed **** now?


Jiang Xue was relieved when he saw Jiang Qi, who was so obedient for the first time, and then looked at Jiang Xiaoqi, and said with a smile: "Xiao Qi, you can hold him for me! The elder sister please!"

With that said, regardless of whether Jiang Xiaoqi disagreed or not, he ran out directly, very quickly.


It took a long time before Jiang Xiaoqi sighed in the room.

"Sister ... I didn't have to do this ..."

After a while, Jiang Xiaoqi got up from the sofa, went upstairs, and stopped at Jiang Qi's door.

Well said, I don't care about him, just to see his ugliness! ! That's right! That's it!

Jiang Xiaoqi cheered himself up like this, and then after a second, he took a breath and directly backed away.

"Jiang ... Qi ??????"

Jiang Xiaoqi had made an arrogant look, but when she opened the door, Jiang Qi had nothing in her room. She clearly saw Jiang Qi entering her house at that time!

However, since he entered the house, how could there be no one? and many more……

Jiang Xiaoqi suddenly noticed that the window in Jiang Qi's house was open! So what ...

Jiang Xiaoqi slowly leaned against the door frame and twitched the corners of his mouth. Could this guy jump off the window?

A few minutes back ...

"Click ..."

Jiang Qi closed the door and heard Jiang Xue let Jiang Xiaoqi look at her. He couldn't help laughing, Jiang Xue was still too naive.

He walked to the window, opened the window, and looked down. He happened to see Jiang Xue running outside and then walking a certain distance.

Jiang Qi stepped back and jumped directly down the window.


Jiang Qi suddenly fell from the upper floor, startled a chicken, ran away with wings, and pedestrians on the roadside also startled, thinking that an alien appeared.


Jiang Qi didn't think about the people on the side of the pipeline, and ran in the direction that Jiang Xue left.

"Little Ginger?"

Some people on the roadside recognized Jiang Qi. After all, they were all old ladies nearby.

They looked up at the second floor, looked at Jiang Qi, and sighed from the bottom of their heart. China is so aging so seriously that they finally know why.


Jiang Qi certainly did not know the indignation of those grandpas. He followed Jiang Xue into a restaurant, especially a snack bar with Chinese characteristics, which was economical and affordable. Jiang Qi especially liked it.

"Little Ginger?"

When Jiang Qi appeared in front of Jiang Xue in a fair and solemn manner, Jiang Xue's mood did not know what to describe, and his expression was particularly wonderful.

"I'm coming……"

Jiang Qi is facing Jiang Xue directly. He doesn't know what that person looks like, but he can be sure he is a man!

Originally he wanted to listen in secret, but he thought that he had nothing to hide, what are he afraid of? So he stood up.

"Sorry ..."

Jiang Qi sat smiling next to Jiang Xue, and when he saw the man, the smile on his face disappeared instantly.

Why is this guy so familiar?

Jiang Qi looked at him up and down, and a vague memory appeared in his mind.

"Ah, strong muscles ..."

The voice still echoed in the ear, Jiang Qi covered her mouth, not because of surprise, but because of wanting to vomit.

This guy is not ...

"He is my boyfriend, you have seen ..."

Jiang Qi already understood why Jiang Xue's face looked like that, because it was because he had to hold back his smile.

Hearing Jiang Xue's words, especially the sentence, you have seen Jiang Qi feel nausea, but Jiang Qi smiled, although it was uglier than crying.

"Hello, Hao Village is ..."

"All said that my name is Miyamura ..."

That Miyamura was seeing Jiang Qi's smile, and it collapsed instantly, and then said with a cry, "I don't need to explain!"

"Lanran Talent is the strongest ..."

Jiang Qi shook his head with a smile, holding his arms, and said slightly disdainfully.

"Big Talent is a true god!"

Miyamura was pouting her hair and said dashingly, of course, this dashingness was to ignore his sexual orientation.

"Luffy is the One Piece!"

Jiang Qi patted the table and squinted at Miyamura.

"Emilia is true love!"

Miyamura was unwilling to be outdone. He patted the table and glared at him.

"Remsey High !!!"

Jiang Qi raised a fist and said like a faith.

"Boom ..."

Suddenly, there were two crisp sounds in the heads of the two men, and then they both covered their heads and sat back.

"What are you two talking about?"

Although Jiang Xue crushed these two people in other ways, if he talked about anime characters, he really didn't understand.

"Hehe, do you want to join my ministry?"

Jiang Qi suddenly approached, looked at Jiang Xue mysteriously, and said quietly.


There was another crunch, and Jiang Qi went back with her head in her head, saying, why is Jiang Xue's hand strength so great? It hurts.

"Haha ..."

Suddenly, Miyamura was laughing and looked at Jiang Qi and said: "It's incredible, the two of us have so many common hobbies, I really like you more and more ..."


Hearing this, Jiang Qi raised his head violently, and when he saw the other person ’s aggressive eyes, he opened his mouth, do n’t look away, he had to bear, he could not throw the plate on his face, otherwise Jiang Xue would lose face .

"You two ..."

Jiang Xue didn't know what came to mind, and looked at the two of them: "I remember you have seen it, although it's not very pleasant to get along."

Understandably, Jiang Qi at that time was young after all, too impulsive, and easily offended people.

"Nothing, I feel very happy last time."

Unexpectedly, this guy even smiled at Jiang Qi and threw a hundred million winks, and then said: "I miss him recently."

"... Uh, that's really embarrassing."

Jiang Qi's mouth twitched and said, "I don't remember you anymore."

"It doesn't matter, I just remember."

With that said, Miyamura gave Jiang Qi a wink.

I can not stand it any more! ! ! ! ! ! !

Jiang Qi couldn't help it! ! ! Say directly to them: "I will go to the toilet first."

"I will go with you !!!"

Unexpectedly, this guy actually asked to go to the toilet with Jiang Qi, and almost let Jiang Qi fall down.

I don't know why, he didn't want to change this at all. . Go to the toilet together, always feel that doing so will be very dangerous.

Therefore, Jiang Qi held back his chilled back and said to Miyamura: "I'm sorry, I don't want to go to the toilet anymore, I just go out and buy something, just go outside the supermarket and come back soon."

"Supermarket? Easy to say."

Miyamura was waving directly, took out his mobile phone, and made a call.

"Hello, Uncle Wang? Buy all the supermarkets opposite this restaurant, yes, immediately!"

Then Jiang Qi hung up in a dumbfounded look.

I'll go! ! ! what happened? ? This guy bought all the supermarkets on the opposite side? ? ? real or fake! ! ! !

Seriously, I have never seen such a lavish person, but I am lavish. When I think of asking for money, Jiang Qi feels a nausea and laughs harder than crying, saying: "You are so expensive, no wonder I'm so sorry ... I'll go by myself. "

With that said, Jiang Qi ran like a smoke, running very fast, he was afraid that this guy would chase it out.

"You wouldn't really buy it?"

After seeing Jiang Qi running away, Jiang Xue said aloud: "It is rare for our young master to pay."

"Of course, but it's your name."

Looking at Jiang Qi's back, Miyamura smiled and said, "It's exactly two days after your birthday. I may be back in Japan at that time, and I have no chance to wish you a happy birthday. Just celebrate in advance.

"Street supermarket ..."

Jiang Xue covered her face, she did not expect that this guy really dare to send.

"Your sister is the real man."

Thinking of something like this, Miyamura was laughing and said, "When I saw her for the first time, the son of a mayor proposed to her, and a 30 million car was smashed by her. I It even thinks whether your sister ’s er, er, violent factors are hereditary. ”

"You mean that I am violent?"

Jiang Xue tilted his head and looked at Miyamura Zheng with a smile, and said.

"Violence is also good. I confessed to you at the beginning, did you refuse?"

Miyamura was holding his arms, looking back, and said with nostalgia: "At that time, I actually fell into **** ..."

"But after I refused you, you fell into deeper hell, infernal hell."

Jiang Xue pointed to the door, crying and laughing, saying, "What did you scare him like?"

"Cut! The fist at the beginning was really exciting."

Miyamura was turning his head to look outside and said, "But look at him so troubled, so afraid of me, just let him go."

"Then I thank you for him."

Jiang Xue was drinking tea, the tea brewed by the farmhouse, especially mixed, is not a brand-name tea, but it tastes different.

"Xuexue, can you introduce me to the boy?"

At this time ~ www.readwn.com ~ Miyamura was suddenly coming over and looking at Jiang Xue with expectation.


Jiang Xue heard this, but one couldn't hold back, all the tea was sprayed on Miyamura's face.

"Xuexue !!!"

Miyamura was taking out the tissue beside him, wiping his face, and squinted at Jiang Xue.

"Cough ... sorry ..."

Jiang Xue coughed while laughing, and then took out a tissue and wiped his face, saying, "I really don't want to involve other innocent little boys ..."

Miyamura is: "..."

(There are still two thousand words, but I ca n’t send it, look at the mood ... Hee hee, I actually want to write a little more, but I do n’t want to write because I am still struggling in school before I get to the dorm room. It ’s already evening, I wanted to write a little more, but it felt a bit wasteful, so I added it to the next chapter. I originally wanted to make up two thousand and wanted to post it, but it felt too little. Anyway, you decide for yourself Let ’s read the book reviews later.)

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