Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 455: Unexpected rebellion (6)

"Ah ... what's wrong?"

Suddenly awakened by Jiang Xue's cries, Jiang Qi looked at Jiang Xue afterwards and asked with a grin.

"What's wrong? I should ask you this sentence, right?"

Jiang Xue looked at Jiang Qi like this, and said with some concern: "Is it because of Miyamura's reason that it became like this?"

"... No, uh, it's almost the same."

Jiang Qi heard Miyamura's name, and the bad mood was even worse.

"Do not worry."

Although Jiang Qi said that it was "almost", Jiang Xue did not ask, and directly said: "Miyamura is saying that he won't haunt you anymore, don't worry about her chastity."

"is it?"

Jiang Qi smiled miserably, and said, "Then I really want to thank him."

"... haha."

Jiang Xue smiled while covering her mouth, and said, "You are really, this can all come out. I didn't tell Xiaoqi to look at you?"

"Oh, I jumped the window directly, and according to the time, I almost found it."

Jiang Qi said calmly, as if the person who jumped the window was not him.

"Jump in the window?"

Jiang Xue froze for a moment, looked at Jiang Qi, and said, "Jumped directly from the second floor?"


Jiang Qi nodded, then looked at Jiang Xue and asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

"Don't take it for granted."

Jiang Xue shook his head bitterly and said to Jiang Qi: "I'm fine now, let's go back together."


Jiang Qi nodded, then walked in front of Jiang Xue, looking absent-minded, looking at the ground.


Jiang Xue stood on the spot and looked at Jiang Qi for a while before catching up.

"You said……"

Jiang Qi walked in front and suddenly said, "Isn't it strange that something like fate?"


Jiang Xue was at the back, he heard this question from Jiang Qi, thought for a moment, and said, "It should be strange, it always makes fun of people."

"You think it's strange ..."

Jiang Qi raised his head and looked at the sky while walking, and slowly said, "Giving hope will also make people desperate."

"What happened?"

Jiang Xue immediately stopped Jiang Qi, staring at Jiang Qi tightly, and said seriously: "I felt strange since just now, why are you absent-minded in the end."

"you misunderstood."

Jiang Qi stood there, smiled, and said, "I'm not desperate, it's just that I feel like making things."

"Creating people?"

Jiang Xue looked at Jiang Qi very puzzled. He always felt that there was something in his words, but Jiang Qi stopped Jiang Xue when she didn't wait for her to ask.

"Wait a minute, I will make a call."

Jiang Qi stopped Jiang Xue and smiled apologetically at her, then took out the phone. He walked a short distance away and dialed the phone.

"Boo ... Boo ..."

As soon as the phone was dialed, the person over there answered the phone.

"Hello, Jiang Qi? What's wrong?"

There was a female voice answering the phone over there. Jiang Qi was relieved after hearing this voice and said, "Sister Ying, is it convenient for you to come out and see? There is something."

"Go out."

Huang Ying over there was silent for a moment, then pondered: "I will deal with the matter at hand in a moment."

"Please hurry up, something is important!"

Jiang Qi increased his tone. He believed that Huang Ying knew what he meant.

After listening to Jiang Qi, Huang Ying almost understood. Jiang Qi meant that there was something inconvenient to say on the phone, so I let myself go out to meet.

"Okay, I see. I really can't take you."

Although he was clear in his heart, Huang Ying didn't show any abnormalities on the surface.

"Just in the barbecue restaurant, have another meal."

Jiang Qi nodded. Hearing Huang Ying's tone, he knew that Huang Ying understood what he meant, so he could directly tell the location.

"Then you treat guests this time?"

Huang Ying over there teased Jiang Qi. You should know that last time I did n’t eat much, it cost me more than 5,000. Jiang Qi could n’t afford it.


Unexpectedly, Jiang Qi agreed to be particularly happy, and said bluntly: "Then please come quickly, I wouldn't invite you if I actually did."

"I get it, stupid boy."

Huang Ying scolded with a smile, and then hung up the phone. The scene just now, in the eyes of others, was just a conversation between her sister and her brother, and she didn't care.

"Beep ..."

Jiang Qi was relieved to hear the busy tone over the phone.

If, what Jiang Qi said is if, if Li Wenjie is true, the light brain is transplanted with virus, then under the control of light brain, the phone may not be monitored, so talking on the phone is the most unsafe. So, Jiang Qi only asked Huang Ying out.

But to be able to spend so simple, Jiang Qi himself was relieved, and he could directly book a private room in a while.


After Jiang Qi came over, Jiang Xue said with a smile: "Is it for Captain Huang Ying?"


Jiang Qi's phone had just been put up, and after hearing Jiang Xue's words, he almost glared out his eyes.

No, how did Jiang Xue know?

"Hee hee, woman's intuition ..."

Jiang Xue smiled a little, she knew Jiang Qi too, even if she didn't know what happened, but it should be Huang Ying, who is the night raid, to make Jiang Qi like this? After all, only the night raid can help him.

"Women's ... intuition, isn't it useful for boyfriends?"

Jiang Qi said, his eyes light up slowly, and he looked at Jiang Xue and said, "It's impossible ..."


As soon as Jiang Qi finished speaking, Jiang Xue said directly, "No!"

The whole process was so decisive that Jiang Qi almost didn't react and looked at Jiang Xue with a stunned look.

"Go, let's go back first."

Jiang Xue smiled at Jiang Qi, said, and then turned around, ready to leave.


Jiang Qi's sudden voice stopped Jiang Xue's footsteps and made Jiang Xue stand still.

"what happened?"

Jiang Xue turned his back to Jiang Qi, without looking back, and asked softly: "Let's go back, Xiaoqi is anxious to wait at home."

"Do not!"

Jiang Qi strode in front of Jiang Xue and looked directly at Jiang Xue. His eyes were very aggressive. Jiang Xue turned his head away from Jiang Qi's eyes.

"Today, I want to say something clean."

Jiang Qi just looked directly at Jiang Xue, especially, very seriously, and said.

"I still have something today."

Jiang Xue felt something bad and wanted to avoid it. She wanted to avoid the problem.

"What am I like in your heart?"

Jiang Qi said urgently, with a trembling syllable and said, "What the **** are you feeling about me? I want to hear you tell the truth."

"... Xiao Jiang, let's go home first."

Jiang Xue heard Jiang Qi's words and panicked. He quickly looked around. Some people on the roadside were all watching.

You know, here and far away from the office, there might be rumors, such words ...

Jiang Xue didn't dare to think, immediately grabbed Jiang Qi's arm, wanted to pull Jiang Qi back, go back first and then say, when there is Xiao Qi, this problem can hide.

"I won't go back!"

Jiang Qi grabbed Jiang Xue's hand with his backhand and pulled Jiang Xue back. His chest was up and down quickly, saying, "After going back, you will find a way to hide from this problem! Now, here! ! What do you think? "

"Xiao Jiang ... Don't force me?"

In Jiang Xue's voice, there was a rare crying cry. At this moment, she was already panicked. Jiang Qi asked the questions that she did not want to answer.

"I just want to know the answer. When it continues, it will be disrupted."

Jiang Qi looked at Jiang Xue, his voice finally calmed down, and slowly said, "I don't want to play the push-pull game."

"Xiao Jiang, if you say something, the nature will change."

Jiang Xue looked at Jiang Qi anxiously, biting her lip. Sometimes, it was the best choice if she didn't pick the words.

However, after experiencing the continuous stimulation of Miyamura and Li Wenjie, plus this scene, and the two people being alone, let Jiang Qi know that this is the best opportunity to confess.

Jiang Xue looked closely at Jiang Qi, with a little more tears in his eyes, and said, "If the two of us are really clear, what should you do with Xiao Qi? I can't ..."

"What can't you do? You always let her!"

Jiang Qi saw Jiang Xue even considering Jiang Xiaoqi. He felt a little dissatisfied in his heart. You know, he confessed to Jiang Xue, not Jiang Xiaoqi!

"I am her sister ..."

Jiang Xue looked at Jiang Qi, biting her lip, and said hoarsely, "I ..."

"I like you! Jiang Xue !!!"

What surprised Jiang Xue was that Jiang Qi even shouted directly: "Jiang Xue! I Jiang Qi! I like you !!!"

"it is good!!!!"

The people around them suddenly clapped their hands, and others didn't hear it clearly, but this sentence, even across the street, was clear.

"Promise him !!! Promise him !!! Promise him !!! Promise him ..."

The people around shouted in unison, and they got bigger and bigger, and more and more people.

"Xiao Jiang, why are you so bitter?"

Looking at the people around him doing more and more, Jiang Xue also realized that things were getting bigger and bigger, and looking at Jiang Qi, there was a trace of weakness in his voice.

"I just want to do this."

Jiang Qi said slowly, then stared tightly at Jiang Xue, his eyes were brighter than ever before, and said softly: "I like you, Jiang Xue, as for the relationship, you can do it yourself ..."

"... Little ... Ginger ..."

Jiang Xue looked at Jiang Qi in a daze, with tears in the corner of his eyes, the breeze blowing, the petals flying between the two, but gradually drifting away ...



Huang Ying hung up the phone and sat in a chair for a long time before sighing.

"what happened?"

At this time, Han Yi brought a cup of milk tea and handed it to Huang Ying. He asked gently: "Who just called?"

"Over there in Goyang."

Turning his head and seeing that it was Han Yi, Huang Ying said, "I'm going to be invited to dinner."

"Why do you have to eat suddenly?"

Hearing Goyang City, Han Yi paused, and then looked at Huang Ying, only to see that the latter did not show any strangeness, so there was not much reaction.

"Of course there are things."

Huang Ying took the milk tea, then drank a little, frowned and said, "A little sugar."

"Not much."

Han Yi took a sip of his own and didn't feel sweet.

"Don't drink it first."

Huang Ying did not fight for anything sweet or sweet, put the milk tea on the table, then picked up the clothes and left quickly.

"Why do you go?"

Han Yi saw Huang Ying ran away and asked in surprise: "You haven't eaten lunch yet."

"Sometimes please."

Huang Ying smiled and said, "Let's go first."


Looking at Huang Ying's hurry to leave, Han Yi shook his head bitterly, looking at Huang Ying's cup of milk tea, and said, "Is it really sweet? Isn't it ..."

Huang Ying quickly walked to the central control area of ​​the command room, where one of Afang's group cores was placed. I saw that the group's core was put up and there was a holographic image of Afang placed.

"Hello, Captain Huang Ying."

Afang saw Huang Ying in a hurry and greeted with a smile.

"Well, you look great."

Huang Ying saw Afang saying hello and froze for a moment. This would not have happened to Zeus in the past, but it was advanced intelligence after all.

"I'm going to meet a friend in Goyang."

Huang Ying smiled and said to Afang: "I still have a little work there, I'll leave it to you."

"You can rest assured."

Ah Fang confidently agreed, and it was strange that the robot slowly appeared confident, which was indeed a bit surprising.


After saying hello to Afang, Huang Ying quickly left the command room. She did not speak to Ding Yunfeng.

This is because Huang Ying ’s current behavior is to leave the job without permission during work, which is a violation of discipline. The lighter is to deduct money and the heavy downgrade is possible.

However, these punishments must be handled by Ding Yunfeng. If Ding Yunfeng knows that he is going to Goyang City, at most he closes his eyes and deducts a little money.


After Huang Ying left the command room completely, Afang slowly turned her head.

"Gaoyang ... friends ..."


If there are no special events, the Flying Eagle is almost always on standby at the base, but it does not mean that anyone can drive directly, at least Huang Ying.

So ~ www.readwn.com ~ wants to go out and only has to drive, but it takes a long time to drive to Goyang City, so, you can only take the underground high-speed rail, up to four hours. If fast, two hours.

"Captain Huang Ying ..."

When Huang Ying wanted to bypass the hangar and walked out, she was suddenly stopped by the people in the hangar.

"Have you received an order from Ding Yunfeng?"

The man was a young man, and should be a newcomer to the hangar. He only smiled and said: "We just received the command of the commander, let you take the Alpha drive to go to Gaoyang City."


(The relationship between Sahua, Jiang Xue and Jiang Qi has made explosive progress, but do you think it is over?)

(Everyone of you said that I felt the most horrible thing when I was a kid. I first said that I accidentally walked into the graveyard in the middle of the night and then jumped on it. At that time I was 10 years old. .)

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