\ "The second unit of the eighth grade language test questions

1. The following item with a typo is ()

A Yanggu (yáng) dazzling (càn) cool Xiao (xiào) eyes burning (zhuó)

B standing (zhù) timid (qiè) skimming (lvě) sleepless at night (mèi)

Chaoyue (hào) (chì) (qí) fat powder (1ián)

D gallop (chěng) sky dome (qióng) filthy (huì thousand mountains and gorges (hè)

2. An item that looks like a wrong word is ()

A terrier (wooden stem) choking (choking) dazzling (dazzling) dazzling (glaring)

B 睥 (睥睨) Beer (beer) 冽 (凛冽) 洌 (清洌)

C serpentine (birthday) birthday (birthday) gift (gift) will (gift)

D 谛 (True Sense) Cry (cry) Scramble (Scramble) Reef (Reef)

3. The pronunciation of the following braces is exactly the same ()

A held the call and turned B to call the horn call

C would rather rather D model module

4. The one item with a braille explanation is completely correct ()

A beautiful beauty (extreme pole) cool Xiao (same)

B Ye Lian Ren Jing (deep) sleepless at night (sleep)

C Thousand mountains and valleys (low valley) Shuofang (north)

D Yanggu (sunrise) filthy (dirty)

Fifth, the item that explains the words incorrectly in conjunction with the sentence is ()

A (Qu Yuan) sometimes stands and looks up, with anger in his eyes.

Sui: The eyes look sideways, describing the proud look.

B. Sleepless all night made me describe haggard.

Describe: face, complexion.

C I want to pay attention to you

Jishou: A kind of kneel worship in ancient times.

D It is flying, like an elf.

Elf: Ghost.

6. In Guo Moruo's "Ode to Thunder and Lightning", Gorky wrote the image of Feng Leiyou in the prose poem "Haiyan"

The meaning of the sign is different. The correct one of the following statements is ()

A national psychology is different. Russia and China have different national conditions. Gorky used lightning to symbolize the power of justice, and Guo Moruo used it to symbolize the power of darkness.

The connection between the B symbol and the body is not static, and the characteristics of the symbol are not unique. The theme, theme and writer's writing angle of the work are different, and the meaning of the symbolic body can be different.

The title of C is different, and the theme is also different. Gorky eulogized Haiyan, and Lei You Guo Moruo in the opposite natural county directly sang the thunder and lightning.

The D era is different. Gorky wrote "Haiyan" in 1901, and Guo Moruo wrote "Lei Yousong" in 1942.

7. The following is the correct item for self-pacing. ()

A, I miss Na / Dongting Lake, I miss Najiang, I miss Na / Dong, ... that mighty

的 | Endless / Great / Power! That is / free, it is / dance, it is / music, it is / poetry!

B, I miss that /} Dongting Lake, I miss Najiang, I miss Na / Dong, ... that mighty

/ Endless / Great power! / That is / Freedom, / Is / Dancing, / Is music, / Is / Poetry!

C, I miss the Dongting Lake, I miss the Yangtze River, I miss the East China Sea, ... / that mighty

/ Endless / Great power! / That is / Freedom, / Yes / Dancing, / Yes, / Yes / Poetry!

D Ah / I miss / Dongting Lake I / Si Na / Yangtze River, I / Si / Sea, ... that mighty

/ Endless / Great / Power! That is / free, it is / dance, it is / music, it is / poem!

8. Reading


Stormy portrayal


Lightning ripped through the dark clouds. But the dark clouds gathered again, rushing over the grassland.

Chills. Sometimes, at the thunder blast, a round, sun-like thing emits a dazzling blue light and falls from the sky to the ground; at this time, the dark clouds are also shining brightly, and at a glance it looks like a large group of terrible dark ghosts, Wearing gold velvet clothes, brandishing a sword made of gold and holding it in his hand as soon as he baked it. The ghosts thundered and thundered, threatening the grassland silent with fear. Their curses and threats were vast like oceans, like violent surging waves, continually galloping into the distance, making a loud noise like a mountain suddenly bursting and falling to the ground, smashing the ground to pieces, and then with it to that The expansive space flew away and turned into a series of stone rain, so the sound was like a roar when the sky cracked into pieces and fell from the blue sky ... the dark clouds were so loud.

In the moment when thunder and thunder burst into a thunderstorm, it was shocking. The thunderbolt was still ringing loudly, and the black cloud split open, shooting the lightning bolt like a gold arrow from the dense cloud to the earth. Thunder was roaring, dark clouds were burning, a terrible blue flame was spraying, the sky was shaking, and the earth was shaking timidly ... Nothing in the world was more powerful and terrifying than thunderstorms on vast grasslands and storms on the ocean Phenomenon! ......

The grassland was silent timidly and strangely, and the rumble of rage rang all over the grassland. And when the dark clouds turned dark, the wire-like drizzle flashed in the light of the dark clouds; the rain kept pouring down the ground, and it wept monotonously, as if why people are crying ...

l The genre of this article is.

2 This article is Gorky's early work and his important masterpiece. It was published at the end of the 19th century. Then, which historical period should the historical background reflected in this article belong to? ()

The darkest era before the revolution of country A.

B. The initial stage of the first Russian Revolution.

C The climax of the Russian Revolution.

D. The moment of the final victory of the Russian Revolution.

3 This article uses symbolic techniques in writing skills. Please choose the appropriate symbolic meaning for the following scenery.

A people; B revolutionary storm; C reactionary forces; D bourgeoisie; E pioneer of revolution.

(1) Dark Cloud () (2) Lightning ()

(3) Grassland () (4) Storm on the ocean ()

(5) Huge waves () (6) Drizzle ()

4How to understand the first sentence of the article "Lightning tears the dark clouds"?

5 The article expresses the author's thoughts and feelings?



In the vast sea, the gusty wind gathered dark clouds. Between the dark clouds and the sea, Haiyan flies proudly like black lightning.

A few wings touched the waves for a while, and then the arrow rushed straight towards the dark clouds, it shouted ...

The seagulls groaned before the storm—moaning, they flew over the sea, trying to hide their fear of the storm deep in the sea.

The dark clouds were getting darker and lower, coming straight down to the sea, while the waves sang while rushing up to meet the thunder.

Haiyan yelled and flew, like black lightning, arrows traversed the dark clouds, and wings flew waves of foam.

Look, it's flying, like an elf,-a proud, black, stormy elf, one-it's laughing, it's screaming again ... it laughs at those dark clouds, it screams for joy!

... howling winds ... thunder roaring ...

Piles of dark clouds, like a blue flame, burned in the bottomless sea.

--Storm! The storm is coming!

This is the brave petrel, flying proudly on the roaring sea, in the middle of the lightning; this is the victorious prophet shouting:

--Let the storm come more violently!


The snake climbed high into the mountains, lying in a damp valley, coiled into a picture, looking at the sea.

The sun was shining high in the sky, the mountains sprayed heat into the sky, and the waves impacted the stones below ...

Suddenly, in the valley where the snake stayed, an eagle with a broken chest and blood stained feathers fell in the sky ...

It screamed briefly and fell to the ground, with helpless anger, its chest hit the hard stone ...

The snake was startled and crawled away quickly, but immediately saw that the bird's life could only last for two or three minutes ...

It crawled to the injured bird and said softly, "Are you going to die?" "Yes, I'm going to die!" Eagle

Sighing deeply, I replied: "I have lived a beautiful life! ... I know what happiness is ...

I fought bravely! I have seen the sky! You will not see the sky so close! Alas, you poor worm! "

"What's so great! I'm fine here, the fork is warm and moist." And it thought: fly or

The earthquake was good, and the result was the same. Everyone had to be buried in loess and turned into dust ...

But the brave eagle suddenly shuddered and stood up slightly, glancing into the valley.

The dark valley was sullen and rancid.

The eagle screamed with all his energy ... "Oh, how good it would be if I could fly to the sky again! I want to press the enemy tightly against the wound on my chest ... Ah, how happy the battle is! … "

1 The scene description in the first script has the same function as the scene description in the second script. The same is to set the background, to render the atmosphere and; the difference is: Jia Wen sets off Haiyan's, and B's set off the eagle's ideological realm.

2 Both A and B use the writing method of harmony in shaping the image and expressing themes. Imitation 25605 #

3 In the process of shaping the images of petrels and eagles, the two sentiments have different tone of emotions. A, B.

4. When creating two artistic images, the two articles A and B mainly describe Haiyan's and Eagle's. The two texts use citation, repetition, duality, contrast,

And other rhetorical methods.

5 Eagle said: "I have seen the sky!" The thoughts and emotions revealed in this sentence can be used to describe Haiyan's

And two words.

9. Composition

Requirement: Use natural scenery as content, write a narrative describing the scenery, pay attention to the use of multiple rhetorical methods, and vividly display the characteristics of the scenery. It is better to use symbolism properly.

The topic is self-made, and the number of words should not be less than 600 words.

[Reference answer]

One, B two, C three, C four, A five, D six, B seven, D

8. (1) 1 prose poem. 3 (1) C (2) E (3) D (4) B (5) A (6) B

4 Explains that Lightning and the dark clouds are fighting in a desperate way ~ www.readwn.com ~ At the same time, they also express their anger towards the old world implicitly, and herald the dawn of the new era. 5 The author used symbolic techniques to show readers the social turmoil and turbulent struggle situation before the First Great Revolution in Russia, showing the author's desire for revolution, willing to sing for the people, and sing carols for the proletariat full of fighting passion Mind.

(2) l symbolizes the image of social heroes 2 symbolizes comparison 3 heroic excitement tragic 4 actions

Language anthropomorphic metaphor 5

& nb

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