Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 475: Metro Line 5 (6)

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A ray of breeze in the early morning, like the water ding dong dong of the creek, gently flowed across the riverbank covered with fallen leaves, the birds flew by, and without the chatter of twitter, the geese became deep and flew silently over the blue sky ...

"Autumn is a sentimental season, gray air, misty air. It seems to tell everything in the world. However, if you feel the fall from another angle, this is a quiet season, the autumn wind is cool, with a light and light Aromatic, blowing your face and my face. Autumn rain pours, with the lightness of rain dew, moisturizing your heart and heart. A kind of beauty is also in my heart. "

"Jiangcheng's late autumn looks very beautiful and leaves are scattered on the sidewalk. The pedestrians on the ground are busy with their own affairs. As for the sanitation workers, they are also working hard ..."

"It seems that late autumn is not a good thing ..."

"... a fart !!!!!!"

The editor threw the document on the table angrily, staring at Jiang Qi and the girls beside him.

"Don't be excited about editing ..."

The girl was dressed in casual clothes, with a white gown on the top, and a jacket, blue, with a string of English on it: Fighting! (Come on! Dream!)

The lower body is equipped with ordinary autumn pants. How do you evaluate this girl?

The look is unremarkable, there are no outstanding features, the height is not outstanding, and her taste in clothes is really not very good, there is no feeling that makes people shine.

All in all, this girl belongs to the kind that you can't find if you throw it into the heap.

At this moment, the girl scratched her head with embarrassment and said, "Don't be angry, editor!"

However, the girl's voice is indeed very nice, a little feeling of nothing, dumb, soft.

"Not angry ???? Can I not be angry ???"

The editor was almost crazy, pointing to the document on the table, and said to her: "We are journalists! Reporters !!! Reporters !!! Not primary school students !!! What are you writing? What are the primary school students writing? "

With that in mind, the editor pretended to be a pupil and read two sentences, then looked at the girl somberly and said, "Will you not let me use this to publish it? I have a face."

"Editor, I think there is nothing shameful for elementary school students."

The girl looked at the editor with a smile, and slowly said: "Everyone comes from the elementary school students. Isn't the editor the same?"

"Isn't the point important !!!"

The editor slapped his forehead and walked out, shouting at the girl: "Published, this is to be published !! I want people's livelihood !!! Not a composition !!! Understand?"

"Oh ... say it early ..."

The girl just smiled and took the folder in the editor's hand, and then said: "If you want to say that, I will write something else."

"I blame me ..."

The editor finally sighed, and then said diligently: "Originally, Xiao Jiang is a newcomer, and I want you to help make a look, and you will give me this answer."

"Hee hee, Xiao Jiang won't care, right?"

The girl scratched her head and smiled, then turned her head to look at Jiang Qi and asked.

"I didn't care too much ..."

Jiang Qi touched his ears, and honestly, he might not be as good as others.

He hates the feeling of restriction, so things like composition can never be written well.

Jiang Qi looked at her and said, "Sometimes, the editor doesn't have to be too serious, or he will get old soon."

"I will !!"

The editor rolled his eyes at Jiang Qimeng, then looked at the girl, and said: "Shen Shuqing, this is an opportunity I gave you, rewrite it immediately."


Shen Shu nodded lightly, and said to the editor cutely: "Come on, Chief, guarantee the mission!"

"You go down first ..."

The editor waved lightly at Shen Shu and asked her to go out, covering her head.

"Does the editor have a headache?"

Shen Shu looked down at the editor lightly and asked, glaring round eyes: "Do you want me to press it for you?"

"No, you hurry out !!"

The editor quickly waved and let Shen Shu go out a little lighter, this grandma.

"Oh, OK."

Amazingly, Shen Shuqing went out with special regrets, glanced at Jiang Qi when closing the door, and then said: "Xiao Jiang is cheering! Although the editor is fierce, he is still very good, but only Menopause is just a little late. "

After finishing talking, Shen Shuqing closed the door and walked back.

"Who is menopausal! Your last sentence is very hurtful!"

In the end, the editor's voice almost shocked Jiang Qi, and silently took two steps, watching the editor look.

"Huh Huh ..."

As a result, the editor sat on the chair with his buttocks, panting, and then said: "This grandma, I'm exhausted."

Jiang Qi: "..."

Jiang Qi looked at the editor and grinned slightly. How did he feel that the editor had a big dark cloud on his head.

"Okay, let's talk about business now."

It took a while for the editor to raise his head, looked at Jiang Qi, and asked, "You should also know that journalists are not doing well in this industry. Do you want to stay here?"

"Well, of course."

Jiang Qi nodded and said to him incomparably: "Otherwise what am I doing here?"

"Okay, but there is another thing for you to do next."

The editor looked at Jiang Qi and was silent for a while, and said, "The news just now, let the outside world see the livelihood of Jiangcheng, do you know?"


Jiang Qi nodded, then looked at the editor in doubt, and asked, "Does the editor also let me write?"

"Well, to be honest, I'm a little relieved."

Saying this, he also covered his head and felt a touch of sadness.

"But I'm curious."

Jiang Qi smiled slightly, and then looked at the editor and asked, "Since the employees are not capable of working, why not fire her? If they are placed in a general company, such employees are basically fired?"

Jiang Qi is very curious about this matter. If he is the company's chairman and employees like Shen Shuqing, I'm afraid he will be fired long ago. Since this editor can serve to this extent, it really makes him a little bit Crying and laughing.

"What do you think I didn't want?"

The editor turned Jiang Qi, and then said: "In Jiangcheng, the number of reporters in this industry is really too small. If there are people, I also changed people at that time."


Jiang Qi noticed the word, "Once", that is to say, this editor does not intend to fire her now?

"Okay, I admit that she has a good foundation for taking pictures."

The editor finally nodded and said, "I have participated in the competition and won the runner-up, so I think it is not a bad thing to leave her."

Girls, they should all take pictures.

Of course, this sentence will not be spoken in Jiang Qi's own heart.


Jiang Qi nodded, and then said to the editor: "If it's okay, I'll go first."


The editor nodded and sat on the seat. He suddenly stood up and stopped Jiang Qi, who turned around and said, "There is one more thing. The subway in Line 5 of Jiangcheng will be demolished tomorrow. Take two photos and find a good one. angle."

"Is it better to give Senior Shen Shuqing this job?"

Jiang Qi was very puzzled. He looked at the editor and asked, "Is it appropriate for me to go?"

"Just take two pictures, just exercise you and take a look at your ability."

In fact, the editor has nothing to say, that is: Shen Shuqing still has not completed her work, how could she be released? Don't be naive.

"I know."

Jiang Qi thought for a while that the logic was fine, and then he opened his mouth and said, "I need a camera."

"Go to Shen Shuqing."

The editor waved his hand, added a sentence to him, and added a sentence: "The door is closed when walking. Now young people don't like to close the door. Before sleeping, they didn't close the door. They just froze and woke up. It took three days to catch a cold. "

Listening to what he said, Jiang Qi browed and secretly said: "Are you exposed? This place is very cold in winter? And the editor went to sleep, and the majestic and his staff said that they did not sleep well . "

Suddenly, Jiang Qi felt that it was no coincidence that there were employees like Shen Shuqing.

"……I'm going out,"

In the end, Jiang Qi said respectfully to him, and then went out. He did not forget to close the door before leaving.

"Peng ..."

Jiang Qi slowly closed the office door, then relieved.

This place is simply a wonderful camp. As the only news newspaper and magazine in Jiangcheng, it doesn't look a little bit, which really makes Jiang Qi feel incredible.

In fact, there are two reasons why Jiang Qi can do this kind of work. The first one is that this work has a high degree of freedom. During the interview, I said, five hours of working time, and then I arrived with it. That's it, it's very consistent with the job in Jiang Qi's heart.

The second is that the salary is very high, more than 5,000 a month, but no commission, no overtime pay.

However, this is not important. What is important is that Jiang Qi wants to learn. The tricks of these reporters can make him watch out for these pervasive reporters in the future.

However, he did not expect it would be such a result.

The whole place is not very big, except for the editor and a few individual staff, there is no office.

And the number of employees counted as Jiang Qi, less than twenty, you can imagine how big this place is.

Therefore, Jiang Qi felt worried about the future of his life at that moment.

However, what worries him even more is the fact that the editor asked a working senior to bring Jiang Qi well. After all, he is a novice, allowing him to get familiar with his work more quickly.

But after Jiang Qi and Shen Shuqing cooperated, they realized that things were not that simple!

This natural stay! ! ! Who is it with? ! Who is taking care of who? ? ?

What's more, this so-called predecessor used the method of writing elementary school students' news! ? ? When Jiang Qi saw it for the first time, he was messy. Is this okay? ? ? At that time, he could guarantee that if he could survive, he would eat the newspaper.

Sure enough, it really doesn't work, not because of anything else, mainly because it emphasizes autumn, **** **** autumn ... This is late spring, and it will be summer soon ... How can it be written as autumn?

Could it be said that it should be saved and used again in autumn?

Moreover, in the several hours of getting along, Jiang Qi also felt that this natural stay is really not good to wait for. The reaction is sometimes a bit slow and sometimes confused.

I'm afraid the only thing that Jiang Qi likes is that girls don't wear makeup? He hates people with heavy makeup, including boys.

However, these things are not important anymore. What is important now is to get your own camera from Shen Shuqing.

Although he doesn't know how to take pictures very well, no one will know it at birth, and learn slowly.

Jiang Qi slowly walked towards Shen Shuqing, who did not notice anything, holding the milk tea, drinking there slowly, squinting his eyes from time to time, revealing a happy look.

He had seen this expression once, and remember that Yang Yue, who had taken risks together, was also a girl. The hamster she raised had this expression when she ate.

"Senior, I'll take the camera and edit it."

Jiang Qi slowly walked over to the girl and said with a smile.

"Gumbling ..."

Holding the milk tea and drinking it very joyfully, the girl slowly raised her head and saw Jiang Qi ~ www.readwn.com ~ her eyes lit up and said a little surprise: "Come out? The editor didn't treat you?"

"That's not ..."

Jiang Qi smiled and waved her hand. Who did she think of the editor as? Although this editor did not have a very good impression in Jiang Qi's heart, it should be said to be a relatively deep impression.

"Really, how can I say Xiao Jiang is a newcomer, how can the editor do this!"

Shen Shu stomped lightly, and then said to him: "I only know that bullying the newcomer is too much."

"... Well, I said the editor didn't treat me!"

Seeing the girl's appearance, Jiang Qi sighed and shouted at the girl.

"Got it! Don't be so loud."

Shen Shuqing covered his ears, looked at Jiang Qi, and said, "He has a conscience."

"Ah ..." ⊙? ⊙!

Jiang Qi's mouth twitched. In fact, he felt that if the two people touched together, it is highly likely that she would take advantage of it.

"But sometimes, the editor is really interesting."

I didn't know what I thought of. The girl suddenly laughed, smiled for a while, and gave way to Jiang Qi before she stopped her smile and asked, "Huh? What are you doing here? Looking at the stars?"

(The cruelty of society, forehead, let me tell you a word, how to do the medical examination, when auscultating, the stethoscope is placed on my zipper, I did n’t take off my school uniform, just put it up, and after one second, let me go , And then fill in a pass, I am so nervous, it turned out to be a walk ... Sure enough ... and then measured the height and weight, there is nothing else.)

(Then, because of the medical examination, I ate a loaf of bread within a day, and I was surprised to find that I was not hungry until now, and I am not hungry until now. I had a stomachache before the first time. Is it foretelling my stomach now?)

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