Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 477: Metro Line 5 (8)

The Line 5 of the Jiangcheng Metro is also considered to be a railway with relatively long-term achievements. Although it is not conspicuous in Chinese history, its role cannot be ignored because of this point.

The railway was established a day ago decades ago, and now it is completely abandoned because of reforms. It is also a good thing.

The No. 5 line of Jiangcheng Metro is also called the Crescent Line, with a total length of more than 3 million kilometers. It can be said that it runs through Fengyong City and connects to other provinces.

As the first subway in Jiangcheng, its role cannot be underestimated, so it is said that it should be dismantled suddenly, which makes the people of Jiangcheng very puzzled and can continue to use it.

However, no matter what these people think, the subway on Line 5 is still demolished *, these people's voices, those people didn't even listen.

Therefore, Jiang Qi suddenly became less concerned about this so-called interview, because he felt that the real situation could not be obtained from the interview. What is the difference from no interview? It's better not to interview.

Looking at the information displayed on the computer, Jiang Qi's brows became tighter and tighter, and then he suddenly thought of something, turned on the computer, and searched for the personnel related to Line 5 subway, as well as their addresses.

Jiang Qi thinks, will these people tell the truth?


Time is the least easy to test because it is too fast.

Looking at the past, the sky has sprinkled the first rays of sunlight, riding on the awakened leaves, breathing with them .... Welcome the morning dawn .......

Today, Zhang Junhui also started very early, and then went to work. Today is the last day. Later, when the crescent line is mentioned, I do n’t know who will know the existence of the crescent line.

So Zhang Junhui got up early in the morning, and when the other neighbors were still asleep, he came to his place of work.

He loves this job as much as he loves his motherland deeply. This job entrusts him with his love for the country and guilt for his loved ones.

On the day his child was born, he was not able to go there to see the child, even hug him.

The child kept calling his uncle instead of his father before he separated from himself.

"Yo! Lao Zhang, here?"

When he arrived at the place of work, his friends had already arrived, and when he saw him. Immediately greeted a photo.

"You guys are ..."

When Zhang Junhui saw these people, he was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that these people were all here? Among them there are old employees who retired home.

"The last day ..."

One of them slowly came out and said to your Zhang Junhui: "I want to see it and follow it to the end."

"Well, just like your own child."

Everyone nodded and said that they very much agreed with this sentence, but it made Zhang Junhui laugh dumbly and said, "You didn't have to do this."

"No, you are wrong."

At this time, another person stood up, shook his head at Zhang Junhui, and said, "As the chief designer, you still stand here. What other reasons do we have, but come? We don't want to be compared by you Go on, for a job, our efforts are no worse than yours. "

"Hahaha ..."

After watching these people for a long time, Zhang Junhui finally laughed, and then pointed to these people, while laughing, and shook his head helplessly, he could not help these people, and finally sighed, said: "Since this is the case , Let's start working. "


These people looked at each other, then nodded to Zhang Junhui and said, "Please assign work!"

Don't underestimate these old workers. When they were young, they also served as soldiers, contributed to the country, and shed blood.

They are also the first employees of these railways. It can be said that they are veteran figures. When they should have retired, because Line 5 is about to be demolished, they will come here and want to do their best.

Zhang Junhui can understand the feelings of these people, so instead of being polite, he directly assigned his work and then started to catch fire.

From then on, for several hours, until the first employee came, they didn't say a word, they were busy with the work at hand, working silently.

The whole work place, only the crackling sound.

I don't know why. No matter how much work I have done today, not only did I not feel a little bit of fatigue, but on the contrary, I also felt very cheerful.

The heavy board in the hand, today's exceptionally smooth, dirty work clothes, is also very comfortable to wear.

If, if there is, if they really don't want to be separated from this job, they really don't want to.

And the other employees are all stunned, and they obviously do n’t have to do any work today, because soon, the train will stop running, and the work they do is to move everything away as soon as possible, and they ca n’t move away. , Directly destroyed, anyway, national reimbursement.

However, his head came very early, and he worked very swiftly, so he didn't need to do it.


At this time, a man came over, patted an employee on the shoulder, and said, "Work."

"You don't have to do this."

The employee turned his head and found that it was one of them with his boss, so the employee looked at the person very puzzled and said, "Why do you useless work?"

The subway that is going to be shut down soon, he promises, absolutely no one will sit, why do this kind of work?

"The subway is about to start in an hour. Work quickly."

The man didn't speak, but pushed the man's shoulder again and said, "Be at the last minute."

"--Last moment--"

The employee looked at the man, then at his boss, nodded, and walked to the boss.


Zhang Junhui lifted a large iron box, which was originally very heavy, but suddenly this heavy feeling disappeared, and replaced it with a very relaxed feeling, making Zhang Junhui slightly stunned.

"Let me do it--"

The man, also one of the employees here, said seriously to Zhang Junhui.


Zhang Junhui glanced at the employee, then at the group of people, and finally nodded.

The employee smiled slightly, and the two of them carried the box together and went away.

"Boss, your strength is really great."

"if not!!"

The others looked left and right, joined them, and started to work harder.

"Dad ..."

In an unknown corner, a little girl stood there, looking at the people, the employees who were still working, inexplicably feeling very sad, it was okay, she was already very satisfied.

"In everyone's heart, there have been those who are worthy of nostalgia, maybe still, maybe long gone, lost in the vast sea of ​​people, so that nostalgia will be desolate, because only one empty "Shell", there is nothing, even my own heart can't hold it, time wipes everything out, and also seals off the tears of the day, because there is no more, but the memory is only sad!

The girl, the crescent moon, is the spirit of the Metro Line 5, which may be very illusory. After all, it is very unscientific.

Her formation dates back to forty years ago when the Metro Line 5 was officially established.

Because of the special energy reason, the special form formed, this form, is resurrected by the plasma energy of Gazot in the "Diga Altman".

After birth, no one can see her. She is just a lonely person, including her father, and the founder of the crescent moon, Zhang Junhui, the same. It was only after meeting Jiang Qi that it improved.

However, it was too late. After the crescent line was completely dismantled, the girl may disappear. In the future, there will be no new moon, a girl that no one can see.

No matter what, there is nothing wrong. She is a spirit, an invisible substance that should n’t have existed. It ’s nothing if it disappears, anyway ... no one will be sad.

The girl slowly closed her eyes and sat in the corner ...

In Zhang Junhui's worldview, ignorant people are waiting hard for the illusion in their dreams. What they exchange is not what they are asking for, but the marks left on their faces by the years. The lifeless one is vain.

In life, instead of taking the time to wait, it is better to speed up the pace to pursue the ideal, try to race against time, maybe the body and mind will feel tired, but such a life is fulfilling after all.

Therefore, he is an action man, and he will do it whenever he thinks about it.

However, this time, he couldn't do anything because he couldn't do it.

Stroking every inch here, Zhang Junhui silently bowed and said heavily: "Sorry! I tried my best."

It's ok……

If he can hear it, he can hear the girl ’s answer. For the girl, he has done enough, and it is really enough to be born till now.

The girl looked at Zhang Junhui in the corner and laughed.


Suddenly, Crescent wrinkled his brow, took a breath, and touched his arm.

I saw Crescent Moon's original white arm, and I don't know when, it has been disappeared for a small half, smoking a faint black smoke.


In Gaoyang City, Li Wenjie was sitting in the park, wearing sunglasses, playing with the fan in his hand, looking around, without knowing why, and laughing.

"Since everything is here, what are you hiding from?"

Li Wenjie's voice was very loud, looking at the surroundings, locked in a position, and then said: "I really saw you, not deceiving."


Slowly, a figure appeared in Li Wenjie's sight.

Wearing white clothes, blue autumn trousers, hair bundled into a single ponytail, walked to Li Wenjie.

"Finally, Miss Jiang Xue."

Li Wenjie opened the fan, covered half of his face with the fan, looked at Jiang Xue, and said: "It really is pretty, no wonder Jiang Qi likes you so much."

"... Do you know Xiao Jiang?"

Instead, Jiang Xue guarded Li Wenjie, and walked to a safe distance, then stopped and asked, "What is your relationship?"

"... Of course I know him, old friend."

Seeing Jiang Xue suddenly stopped, Li Wenjie's expression stiffened and looked at Jiang Xue carefully. He said a little unconsciously: "Even if I know Miss Jiang Xue's skill is good, but it is really underestimated, so tricky. distance."

At this distance, even if Li Wenjie wanted to make trouble suddenly, it might not be easy. Finally, Li Wenjie sighed and said, "Are you ... really human? After all, what you have done has exceeded the limits of humanity. "

"What the **** do you mean ??"

Jiang Xue frowned and looked at him seriously, questioning.

"Just as a joke."

Li Wenjie shook his head and said lightly: "I let Ms. Jiang Xue out this time, but I wasted a lot of strength."


Jiang Xue looked at Li Wenjie and didn't know what to do, he took a step back again and questioned: "With that kind of means to force me out, shouldn't I have any good intentions?"

"Look at what you said, of course I have something serious."

Li Wenjie suddenly stood up and slowly walked to Jiang Xue while saying, "It's about Jiang Qi's death ..."

"To shut up!"

Before Li Wenjie finished talking ~ www.readwn.com ~ Jiang Xue immediately glared, let Li Wenjie stunned, and then laughed, said: "Really envious, flattering, hero, hero halo, hahaha ... … "


Jiang Xue looked at Li Wenjie and became more and more impatient. He frowned and said, "If it is just ironic, I have no patience to listen, and I am gone."

"Why? Said you got stabbed, don't want to admit it?"

Li Wenjie laughed and said, "I didn't expect Jiang Xue to have such a degree. It seems that Jiang Qi's death is also deserved."

"What ... what are you going to say?"

Jiang Xue stopped and looked at Li Wenjie.

Li Wenjie laughed and laughed more wildly. Jiang Xue had no weaknesses, but Jiang Qi's appearance gave her weaknesses, and Jiang Qi was the same, Jiang Xue was also his weakness.

"A lot of the same problems sounded more than once in my ears, it seems that I do n’t know and it ’s the only thing I think, life is just a stage play hanging on an empty shelf, and behind each body is just a puppet suspended on a shelf by a rope They act as they like, if you think about the so-called future, it can only show that you really listen to them. Humans like to repeat the same thing over and over again, but they have to shamefully explain it. "

(Wow !!! My five hundred words !!! It's gone again ... My God !!! But this time it was my fault, I accidentally crossed out directly, but even more unexpectedly, when I came in, I was gone directly !!! I think this can be changed? For example, we can save it temporarily, and then use the network to synchronize, is this not possible? Otherwise, it will happen to me. Seriously, my mentality is blown up ,)

(Thanks to Fan Yan for his reward, thank you very much! Thank you! Thank you!)

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