Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 479: Metro Line 5 (10)

"I don't think ..."

The girl gave Jiang Qi a heavy punch in the next words, and only listened to her: "Judging from what Uncle just said, Bacheng is a 10,000-year-old virgin. How could it be possible for me to do it?"

Ten thousand years ... old virgin! ? ? ? ?

Jiang Qi's eyes glared out, looking at the girl, she became very angry.

"Who ... who is the old virgin ?? I have a girlfriend!"

girlfriend? Haha, there is no such thing as a ten thousand year old single dog like Jiang Qi, how could there be a creature like girlfriend?

This is just what Jiang Qi said in exasperation.

However, the girl became more curious, then glared and asked curiously: "Uncle has a girlfriend? How could there be? It doesn't feel like it."

"Girlfriend ... Of course I have ..."

Jiang Qi blushed a little because of this kind of lie, but when the words were spilled, Jiang Qi could only stand hard and said with a blush: "It's just that I don't like to show off."

"Really? It doesn't feel like it!"

The girl rolled her eyes, looked at Jiang Qi, looked at Jiang Qi with her head tilted, and then said, "It's really different."

"How could you understand a little girl movie?"

Jiang Qi looked at this little girl. This little adult look really embarrassed Jiang Qi.

"Is she pretty?"

Seeing Jiang Qi's appearance, the girl showed a hint of curiosity in her eyes. Then asked: "Why can't you tell me. How did you know each other?"

"... Little girl's family, go back to study."

Jiang Qi couldn't help but roll her eyes and saw that the girl still looked like this.

"Cut! I don't know if it's true or false."

The girl bored her lips boredly. Jiang Qi's appearance made her particularly interested, but helplessly, Jiang Qi didn't say anything.

"Can you tell me how it feels to like someone?"

After a while, the girl suddenly came back together and asked mysteriously, "Please."

"What are you asking about this?"

Jiang Qi stepped back slightly, this little female rogue, still a little more careful.

"I asked this, of course, there was ... a friend, like others."

Halfway through the girl's words, she suddenly suffocated and changed to another sentence, saying: "I just want to ask if this kind of feeling likes it."


Jiang Qi looked at the girl suspiciously for a long while. He sensitively noticed the girl's abnormality. The girl definitely had nothing to say, but this was not important.

"how to say……"

Jiang Qi scratched her forehead a little bit shyly, licked her dry lips, and said, "Every time I see her smile, an irresistible sense of happiness and optimism, I will still use the same strength in my heart. The sunflower bloomed like that, a kind of light radiating from her beauty, her movements that made me feel very close, and her skin, telling me that the center of the world I should go to was her. "

Jiang Qi said that Jiang Xue's face appeared in her mind. Whether it was her voice or her smile, she was inscribed in her heart.

I don't know how, Jiang Qi only feels a slight pain in his chest, not the pain in the body, but the pain in the soul. I don't know if he left them or not.


As the girl listened, she felt her goose bumps straight up. Jiang Qi said that it was really a bit numb, too poetic?

"... What's the matter with you?"

As soon as Jiang Qi became emotional, she was interrupted by the girl's movements and looked at the girl a little unhappy, not knowing what happened to her.

"It's okay ..."

The girl shook her head and said slowly: "It's a simple problem, it makes you complicated."


Jiang Qi's forehead appeared with a deep # character. Looking at the little girl, Jiang Qi said, crying and laughing: "Love is a very complicated thing, and it's not clear in a few words."


The girl took a good look at Jiang Qi for a while, then turned her head and said unexpectedly: "I didn't expect Uncle to really have someone he likes. It was really unexpected."

"How could there be no one I like? Also, I'm not an uncle."

Jiang Qi shook her finger slightly, then said to the girl, "Don't look down on people."

"I know, I know……"

The girl nodded perfunctoryly, then said to Jiang Qi: "Now, uncle, I'm fine now, can I go with you?"


Jiang Qi refused sternly and refused very much. The girl let out a whimper and asked, "Ah ?? Why ????"

"No why, no."

Jiang Qi shook his head decisively, to be honest. He and this girl cannot be said to be familiar in the true sense, but met by accident, and they were only known by sex, harassment, and disturb. pass.

Under this premise, Jiang Qi really has no chance of agreeing to him.

"I'm going!"

The girl was uncomfortably familiar and spoiled Jiang Jiang.

"No! We don't even know the name, how can I trust you?"

Seeing that the girl was going to fight, Jiang Qi also explained the reason.

"My name is Cao Yu, what is your name?"

"Jiang Qi ... wait ..."

The girl introduced herself suddenly and set Jiang Qi's name directly. When Jiang Qi responded, the girl said to Jiang Qi with special pride: "We know now,"

"Too hasty ..."

Jiang Qi frowned and shook his head, looking at the girl ...

The white dawn of the fish maw revealed from the horizon. Gradually it became more and more clear, from white to orange yellow, and from orange to pale red; take a book and stroll through the park. By the small river, there are people who are fishing; among the green trees, there is infinite vitality.

Jiang Qi walked off the car. He got out of the car particularly safely. Without that girl, the reason was very simple. On the bus, the girl's head teacher was also there.

He also can't forget the girl's irresistible expression, and the teacher looked at his own eyes. The teacher looked at the interaction between him and the girl, and he saw the neighborhood of the school until he came out.

For Jiang Qi, it is particularly embarrassing ...

However, fortunately, with the help of the teacher, Jiang Qi also got rid of this difficult girl and walked towards the subway station.

The subway has two functions. One is that rail transportation is one of the most important transportation methods in the contemporary era. It has a large volume, fast speed, low freight rate, little influence by natural factors, and good performance.

The other one is similar to the crescent, which is purely manned and has a very high level of security.

Soon, Jiang Qi arrived at the subway station. It was particularly coincident that when Jiang Qi came here, he also came down at this subway station.

After arriving there, he directly contacted the other party and explained his intentions. After being silent for a few dozen seconds, he finally agreed to his interview.

"Hello there……"

Jiang Qi followed the staff to the work place in the rear, which was different from what was expected. Jiang Qi originally thought it was in the office, but she never thought it was in the basement, and this person seems to have been working.

"Hello there."

The other party simply extended his hand, and Jiang Qi immediately reciprocated a salute and said, "Thank you for being interviewed while busy."

"it's nothing."

That person was also the main person Jiang Qi interviewed at the moment, Zhang Junhui, the designer of the crescent line.

At the moment, Zhang Junhui was very polite. Although his body became very messy, his abnormal spirit actually made Jiang Qi a little ashamed.

"So, let's find a place."

Jiang Qi took out his voice recorder and notebook and smiled at him.

"Okay, I'll take you."

Zhang Junhui nodded slightly, walked in front of Jiang Qi, and then said to him, "I don't know what to call?"

"My surname is Jiang."

Jiang Qi followed Zhang Junhui, looking at the motivated people, and said.

"Reporter Jiang."

Zhang Junhui nodded slightly and said, "The accent is not like here, people from other cities?"


Jiang Qi didn't want to do more entanglement on this issue, but just nodded, then changed the subject and asked: "Today is the last day. It stands to reason, shouldn't we eat a casual meal or the like? Why work so hard?"

"I think this is the most basic responsibility?"

Zhang Junhui disagreed with Jiang Qi and said bluntly: "The time we stop working is after the official parking tomorrow, so we have to stick to the last moment. It is okay to eat free meals at any time, but this is not acceptable."

"It can be seen that Mr. Zhang is very attentive to his work."

I saw only a few words in this two words, people with a clear eye can feel it, this person's rigorous attitude towards work, the earth now needs such a person.

"So, is it convenient to ask some personal questions?"

Before asking questions, Jiang Qi asked them first to avoid problems.

"of course."

Zhang Junhui shook his head with a smile, very welcome to ask questions.

"As you can see from the words just now, you are very responsible for your work, so I can ask how your family views this matter."

Jiang Qi just asked this question, they also came to a separate room.


Zhang Junhui was silent for a moment, then took out a cigarette and dangled in his mouth. The lighter was about to hit the fire and suddenly stopped. He asked Jiang Qi, "Is it convenient to smoke?"

"Please, please."

"Thank you."

Simple Jiang Qi agreed, he lit the fire, took a big sip, spit out a piece of fireworks, and said after a while: "Actually, they are very opposed, because in comparison, I put more in work , They want me even more to stay with their son at home. "

"I don't think this is a problem."

Jiang Qi didn't feel any strangeness, because this was the minimum responsibility of a father.

"Haha ..."

Zhang Junhui briefly Jiang Qi nodded, smiled, smoked a cigarette, and said: "But I chose to work, I moved my bed here, just for a better job."

"What about the family? How did they react?"

This is a predictable result, but even so, Jiang Qi still has a little incomprehensible.


Zhang Junhui took the last cigarette, then smashed out his cigarette butt, threw it into the trash can, and said, "They are rarely contacted."

"But now that the work is over, I should spend more time with my wife and children, right?"

Jiang Qi accepts it when he sees it. After all, he is too personal and wounded. He is still embarrassed to poke. After all, Jiang Qi is not an inhuman reporter. He can do anything for the news.

"This is of course."

Zhang Junhui also smiled a little and said seriously: "I will make up for all of my previous ones, but the only regret is that I didn't watch my own children grow up."

"As a father, you have not fulfilled your responsibilities. This is your fault."

Jiang Qi said while holding a note: "You are a qualified worker, but not a qualified father."

"I know, I will compensate."

Zhang Junhui nodded heavily, then said: "I owe them."

"By the way, I heard that you set up a crescent line through the public opinion ~ www.readwn.com ~ I do n’t know what you thought at that time? And when the crescent line made a great contribution to Jiangcheng, you were What kind of mood? "

Jiang Qi immediately ended the previous topic and turned to the next question.

I have to say, Jiang Qi, I didn't do my homework in vain. Although the questions I asked didn't have any "popular" news, they were definitely above the standard.

When the two people asked and answered, more than an hour passed.

"So in the end, please say a word. As a final summary."

Asked later, Jiang Qi was thirsty and felt almost the same, and wanted to end the interview.

"Actually, no one will know that they are experiencing the happiest moment in their life when they are going through. Maybe some people can sincerely think or say that at some moment they are experiencing the golden life Moment, but they will still believe that they will experience a better and happier moment in the future. "

This middle-aged man who has not been to high school thought for a long time, and finally said this sentence, this very philosophical statement.

"Thank you for being interviewed while busy."

After Jiang Qi's sentence ended, he turned off the recorder, and he was relieved.

(On the first day, I fell in love with you.

The next day, you asked me to post.

On the third day, you asked me to skin.

On the fourth day, you asked me to die.

It turns out that you are my brother-in-law ...

Slow, this brush is your hair; this drum is your skin.

As for your body ... in my sister's stomach.

Do you feel terrified? Hee hee, I saw it suddenly today, it feels very interesting, and then let you see. )

(Thanks to the black eye sama for the reward, thank the carp Xiaomeng for the reward, thank you very much, thank you! Thank you!)

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