Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 485: Blood Curse (3)

. . . .

"Your complexion is not so good ..."

Shen Shuqing walked to Jiang Qi's side and saw that Jiang Qi's face was not very good. He poked Jiang Qi's arm and asked cautiously.

How could it be good? ?

Jiang Qi vomited inwardly, but shook his head on the surface and said, "Let's watch the movie."


Shen Shu nodded his head, looked cutely at the big screen, waiting for the movie to start.

Jiang Qi, anyway, was also refreshed by the village of Hao, and the bearing capacity was much better, and soon he could barely ignore the two men in front.

However, every time they kissed me and me, Jiang Qi's attention was disturbed. After a movie came down, Jiang Qi didn't see much ...

The sky is extremely dark, and the whole world is black, Jiang Qi standing there, looking around in shock, all dark.

And his body glowed dimly, maybe it was the last ray of light in this world, right?

What's wrong? ? ? ? !

Jiang Qi looked around and was shocked and angry in his heart. What happened? Why is it so dark around? ? ?

"Hahaha ... The patron saint of the earth ??? You are also worthy ??"

Suddenly, behind Jiang Qi, a man appeared suddenly, pointing at Jiang Qi and arrogantly.

"you are???"

Jiang Qi turned his head immediately and saw a man, Kiriyalod, who was pointing at himself with a look of contempt.

"What? The position of the Savior is very comfortable? Very comfortable, so that your vanity is very satisfied?"

The Kiriyolod looked at Jiang Qi and moved his finger, which was extremely arrogant.

"How am I doing, it's not your turn to make a plan ..."

After seeing the Kiriyalod, Jiang Qi watched him alertly, snorted, and said, "It's just my defeat."

"Hum ... you won't be crazy anymore ..."

The Kiriyolod looked at Jiang Qi, very arrogant, and said, "No matter how strong you are, you can't beat our God!"


Jiang Qi's fist tightened slightly, the word God of Kirilold, the word has been heard in the mouth of the Kirilolds, but Jiang Qi has never seen it, or knows the God of Kirilold What does it look like.

The only experience was that when the gate of **** was about to open, the powerful oppression was definitely the strongest he had ever seen, and Beria would probably have to go back.

Moreover, in "Diga Altman", at the end of the last episode, the Kiriellod claimed that their **** had given up the planet.

This is also a question. Was the Kiriellod defeating the earth that Gatanjee gave up, or did he not want to work **** this planet?

If it is the former, it is okay to explain, but if the latter, then the problem arises.

If it is the latter, it means that the Kiriellods are absolutely not afraid of Gatangeer. This sentence may have exaggerated elements. It should be said that there is a way to deal with Gatangeer, then that method is very good. It may be the **** who has never appeared, the **** of Kirilold.

"So, are you planning to make a comeback?"

Jiang Qi looked coldly at the Kiriellods, looked around again, and said, "Is this what you are doing?"

"No no no ... here is your inner world ..."

The Kiriyolod shook his finger, and then jokingly said to Jiang Qi: "Warriors full of light, but dark inside, if you spread it, you must at least be imprisoned by the kingdom of light?"

"... my inner world?"

Jiang Qi froze for a moment, and looked around unconsciously, full of loneliness, despair, and sadness. How could this be his heart?

"Whether you believe it or not, I don't have to deceive you at least."

He took a deep breath, then looked at Jiang Qi and said, "This is a great place. Unfortunately, I can't settle."

"You come back to me !!!"

Jiang Qi saw that his figure became more and more void, and was about to disappear, and immediately rushed up, but threw himself into an empty space. After straightening up, the surrounding scene changed.

He came to the beach, and the waves on the beach hit his cheek, cool, with the smell of sea water.

"Not a dream?"

The scene changed too fast, Jiang Qi subconsciously thought that he was dreaming, but after touching the water droplets, he was shocked that this didn't seem to be a dream.

"Master ... are you back?"

At this time, the girl suddenly came out of the sea, came to Jiang Qi, and said with a smile.

"Master ... me ?????"

Jiang Qi glanced at the side and found that he was the only one, pointing at himself a little surprised and asked, "Are you wrong?"

"will never……"

The girl was about 20 years old, very beautiful, and even Jiang Xue couldn't compare with it. She was wearing a blue long dress, blue eyes, and a blue gem pendant on her head. The whole blended with the sea.

When he saw this woman, Jiang Qi thought of a person who had recently described him as: Hai's daughter.

"I will never betray you ..."

The woman walked slowly to Jiang Qi's side, stretched out her hand, and touched Jiang Qi's cheek. There was a trace of attachment in her eyes, and there was also a lot of reluctance.

"who are you……"

Jiang Qi looked at her, her fingers were cold and scratched on her skin, and she was particularly comfortable. Jiang Qi, even though he had no desire to resist, stood there and asked softly.

"Your servant ..."

The girl lowered her hand, hiding all the emotions in her eyes, and slowly bowed to Jiang Qi.

"Servant ... do you know me?"

Jiang Qi didn't want to hear this, and said to the woman, "Who the **** are you? Why do you know me? Why can't I remember you?"

"Don't you remember?"

The girl froze for a moment, then smiled slowly and slowly, stroking Jiang Qi's face again with her hand, and said softly: "I don't remember, it's okay ..."

"What the **** do you mean ??"

Jiang Qi stepped back a few steps, he always felt that the woman was awkward, subconsciously moved away from her for a few steps, and said seriously: "Hurry up and say! Who are you !!!"

"I have been looking forward to this day, talking to you as usual, but if this is the meeting ..."

The girl slowly shed a blue tear, sobbed, and said: "... I would rather you not come back, because I have at least memories!"


Jiang Qi looked at the woman a little unreasonably. He now felt that his head was about to explode.

What is she talking about? ? I don't understand at all!

"You tell me clearly!"

Jiang Qi's wrist shone, and he raised his head violently and found that the scene changed again, this time in the universe.

He seemed to be standing on a deserted asteroid with no flowers, no blue sky, only darkness.

What surprised him even more was that he could breathe. There was no oxygen in the universe. His gasping movements can be said to be the instinctive movements of his body. He could feel it himself, and he did n’t get any oxygen.

And because of the unusually dark surroundings, Jiang Qi could only rely on his vision to barely see what was going on.

"* ..."

Jiang Qi seemed to hear something in front of him, which surprised him a little, and then slowly walked towards the front.

Slowly, Jiang Qi saw a back figure, a man about the size of him, a human being, short hair, and black clothes. Jiang Qi stood there, his head slightly forward, and said, "That ..."



Suddenly, the person in front spoke, and a little neutral voice made Jiang Qi stunned.

brother? ? What brother? ? What the **** is this?

However, the man still said to himself: "Brother, I completed the agreement and became stronger ..."

"That ... Excuse me, what do you say?"

Jiang Qi made a loud voice and said to the man, "Why can't I understand it?"

"... I fulfilled the agreement, but where are you?"

That person's voice was a little low, but it was a question mark that filled Jiang Qi.

"Can't you hear what I said? Or do you not see me ??"

Jiang Qi shouted in a very loud voice this time, but the person in front did not respond at all.

"? Eh ... really can't hear it? Or did he not find me there?"

Jiang Qi is a little dazed, what is the situation? How could you fall into this mess?

"Brother ... I will definitely inherit all your will, even if you are enemies against the whole universe, I will not hesitate !!!"

The man stood up slowly, holding a capsule-like object in his hand, and then threw it into the depths of the universe, murmured: "Kid, don't let me down ..."

"Kid! Blame?"

Jiang Qi made sure that the man couldn't see himself, and took a step forward. Who knows, just after this step fell, the man turned his head violently and scolded: "Who ????"

"I'm sorry !!! I am ... Is it ??????? !!!"

Jiang Qi was taken aback by this surprise attack, stood upright and apologized immediately, but suddenly noticed the strange uplift of the man's chest, she turned out to be a woman? ? ?

Then Jiang Qi looked at the man's face, black eyes, and a red mark on the side of the face, but it is not difficult to see that this is a childish girl.


The girl didn't seem to see Jiang Qi, she slowly condensed a sphere with red energy in her hand, looked around, and finally stopped in the direction of Jiang Qi.


Jiang Qi was scanned by this line of sight, a little afraid to move, I don't know why, Jiang Qi's heart was very calm, she always felt that she could not see herself.

However, she stayed in place, then frowned and looked at her in this direction. After a while, she slowly walked towards her and walked to a position less than two meters away in front of her. Looking at herself, no, she always felt like she did n’t He looked like himself, and then finally pointed directly in front of him.

She stood there, and as if thinking of something, her eyes widened slowly, with a little tears, and the mass of energy in her hand slowly dissipated.

Toward Jiang Qi, he slowly extended his hand. The man's hand was not good-looking. It could be seen clearly. The hand and the scar on the wrist.

Her hands were shaking, reaching her cheeks, her eyes seemed to look at herself, she didn't see herself, her lips were shaking, her tears seemed to flow out at any moment.

"Volt ..."

Suddenly, Jiang Qi felt that the picture in front of him was blurred, and then changed another scene.

"????What's going on??"

This time, Jiang Qi changed another scene, and the surging dark tide flooded all the light. Under the scorching sun, the huge black wall was covered with black vines, and countless rose flowers were in full bloom.

Surrounded by a broken scene, only a vague figure stood on the mountain, shouting hoarsely: "No matter what means you take, I βα? Αβ will never yield to your arrangements !!!"

The name Jiang Qi can't hear clearly, but Jiang Qi can feel, God, changed ...



Jiang Qi suddenly sat up, looked around in a trance, and found that he was still in the movie theater, but the movie theater had already gone out one after another.

"Jiang Qi ... Jiang Qi ..."

Shen Shu nudged Jiang Qi, and Meng Meng said with a trace of worry on her face.


Jiang Qi turned her head gasping heavily and looked at Shen Shuqing, only then Jiang Qi found out. My clothes were soaking wet because of sweating.

"Are you OK?"

Shen Shuqing looked at Jiang Qi worriedly and said, "You're sweating a lot."

"is it?"

Jiang Qi touched his face. Sure enough, the sweat was about to drip.

Jiang Qi gasped, sitting in position, touching his head, thinking back ...

What happened to you just now? Fell asleep? ? ? Seems to be!

But after falling asleep? ? Dreamed, what dream? ? ? ?

Jiang Qi patted his head and thought, he always felt that he had forgotten something, such as the content of the dream, he couldn't even remember it! !

"That one……"

Shen Shuqing stood up, held out his hand to Jiang Qi, and said, "You seem to be uncomfortable. Let's go to the hospital to see it together, and then come out to play some other day, how?"

"Ah? Ah! Okay--"

Jiang Qi slowed down by half a beat before slowing down, shook her head at her with a smile, and said, "You don't have to go to the hospital and had a nightmare--"

I can't think of a dream--

"is it?"

Shen Shuqing nodded slowly, and then said: "You are tired-be quiet ..."

"Are you tired!" Maybe ...

Jiang Qi is sitting at the position ~ www.readwn.com ~ covering his face with his hands, waiting for his heartbeat to slow down slowly.

Are you really tired? I always feel that I have forgotten something very important--


He really didn't know that in another universe, a girl was standing on a barren planet, and the familiar presence in front of her suddenly disappeared, leaving her stunned.

"Brother !!! Brother !!! Where are you ?? Lia misses you !!! You come out !!!"

The girl's voice was crying, glancing left and right.


I don't know how long after that, the star exploded in an instant, and a dark giant rushed out and yelled angrily: "The Kingdom of Light, Kane! I am incompatible with you !!!"

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