Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 489: Blood Curse (7)

The pale white moonlight passed through the shadows of heavy trees, reflecting the pale spots on the black and ink boundless ground.

The bleak woods on the roadside stood up one by one, with wet dew marks reflecting the silver and white light of the moon.

The quiet and unoccupied road silently exudes the feeling of loneliness. The street lamp is probably short-circuited, and faint light flashes from the old yellow lampshade from time to time.

It turned out that a moth was chasing the light source, constantly flapping on the lampshade, and the weak wings had the perseverance to never give up, following the light that might make it die, the light that it could not give up.

The dew gradually aggravated, and the damp and cold wind gradually spread from the road, with the cold and cold and mercilessly wrapped away with only a few body temperatures.

Standing alone in an abandoned factory, facing a large group of people, if there are acquaintances here, they will be recognized. This person is Zhang Junhui's old classmate, An Feng.

"I'm coming."

An Feng stood in front of the group of people in black, rubbing his hands, with some blush on his pale face, looking at them and saying, "What about money?"


The man at the front looked at An Feng, buckled his ears, and said with contempt, "What money?"

"That's what you promised before, as long as I let Zhang Junhui agree, you will give me money, will you forget?"

An Feng's face stiffened slightly, then he propped up the smile on his face, looked at them, and said.

"is it?"

The man lowered his hand, looked at him coldly, and said, "Forget."

"You, you can't talk or not !!!"

An Feng looked at him with a little collapse, grabbed his head, and said reluctantly: "I have been sending you news for the past two months! Without credit, there will be hard work."

"Work hard ??"

The man narrowed his eyes and watched An Feng scolding angrily: "That's right, it did send us a lot of information, but at the last time, he was beaten back ?????"

"This ... this ... can't blame me !!!"

An Feng looked at the man with an innocent look on his face, and said, "I have tried my best. Who knows what good thing that **** came out to destroy me?"

"But rest assured !!"

At this time, An Feng's eyes lit up, looking at the man, and said excitedly: "I killed Zhang Junhui, you no longer have to worry about someone stopping you."


The man took off his eyes and looked at Anfeng in surprise. The latter nodded excitedly, making his face completely black.

"It turns out that you **** !!!! Call me !!!"

The man pointed at An Feng and said fiercely, looking at him like he was looking at the enemy.

"Ah ????? Ah !!! Why ... ah--"

When An Feng didn't respond, he was pressed on the ground by a large group of people and beaten in a mess.

The chest, back, and face are all wounds. The blood on the nose has almost blurred the face. The eyes are blurred, and it seems to be unconscious in the next second.

"All right."

The man stretched out his hand, stopped those people from continuing to fight, and then walked to Anfeng, grabbed his chin, forced Anfeng to raise his head, and asked, "Did you kill him?"


An Feng snorted softly, indicating that the wound on his face looked very miserable.

"Your classmates? Old classmates ???? Old classmates who took you a hand when you were in trouble? Just killed by you like this?"

That man repeated Jiang Qi repeatedly, and his eyes were full of disbelief.


An Feng nodded, one eye was already swollen because of being beaten, but the other as long as it was okay, with that eye, showing a little puzzled, I did not know what I did wrong.

"You are really human."

Nodded, the man sneered, stood up, and was about to leave.

"Ah, don't go."

An Feng immediately leaned towards the man, rubbing hard, full of prayer, and said, "What about good money?"


The man lowered his head, looked at the cowardly Anfeng, sneered, and said: "Just because of you, the night raid has taken over this matter, let alone the crescent, if it is found out, even The deputy mayor is going to step down! "

"But, but I didn't mean it—"

The man was stunned, he didn't think of it at all. At that time, he was thinking all over his mind. As long as he was killed, and as long as Zhang Junhui was killed, he would have an endless amount of money. !

"Not intentional???"

The man glanced at An Feng, full of murderousness, and said, "If it is not for the bigger picture now, you are dead now !!! Dare to kill someone? Fool!"


An Feng shuddered, bowed his head and dared not speak, he really couldn't understand, well, how could the night raid intervene? ?


The man saw Anfeng like this, breathed out hard, and then said something to those people, and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute !!! Wait a minute !!!"

Suddenly, Anfeng, who had come back to God, saw that these people were about to leave, hysterically leaned towards the man, hugged the man's thigh, and said, "Sorry !!! It's my fault !!! It's my fault!" !!! You give me the money !!! Give me the money !!! "


The man punched one punch after another, hitting Anfeng with anger in his eyes. The blood on Anfeng's body had rubbed onto his famous pants.

Others immediately kicked and punched Master Anfeng Quan, and made a loud noise.

"Please, please !! Give me money, at least give me money !!!"

Because Anfeng was beaten, his voice has changed, becoming distorted and powerless, but he has been holding the man ’s pants without letting go.

"Look like you !!"

This same behavior as the livestock made him once again have the urge to kill Anfeng, but he forced it again.

"Yes! I am despicable, I have no dignity !!"

An Feng embraced the man's legs, prayed to him, and even learned to bark.


The man narrowed his eyes and looked at Anfeng. The others didn't know why, and stopped their hands. For a time, the factory was quiet and scary.

"I beg you ... give me money, or give it less."

He had run out of things, could not even have money, and knelt on the ground like a slave, kissing the tip of his shoe.


The man kicked Anfeng in the face, making Anfeng turn around on the ground and sat on the ground.

"Give you!!"

He took out a lot of money, scattered it on the ground, and said in disgust: "Ten thousand, and then get out of me, don't let me see you !!! Trash !!!"

"Say half a million well ???"

An Feng looked at the scattered money and froze, his face changed again, a fool-like expression.


The man looked at him coldly and said, "Ten thousand are more, let's go."

With that said, the man walked with his men, and said while walking: "Damn, I can't ask for this body today. Go home and take a good bath. It's really ugly."

"... money ... money ..."

Those people left and said those words that An Feng didn't listen to, and even if they listened to them, there would be no performance.

He hugged the money on the ground and put together a bunch of hard, and the expression on his face changed to a drug-taking look.

"A lot of money, money."

Holding this 10,000, he smiled, 10,000, not losing money, at least rich, he is going to travel, go to Sanya, go to Hainan Island! ! He has to go.

Holding a lot of money, he smiled and smiled happily.

"It's really superb--"

At this time, behind Anfeng, a person suddenly appeared, squinting at Anfeng.


An Feng immediately turned around and hid all the money behind him, looking at the man like a house dog.

"Tumbling ..."

Shaking his head, the man walked around Anfeng and said, "You have been on the planet for so long, you are the best one I have ever seen."

"who are you???"

An Feng backed away, pulling the banknotes around him, watching him alertly.

"Me, I am a ... devil ..."

The man thought for a while and finally thought of what he should call, and then smiled and said to An Feng: "You can also understand me as God, of course, I am now a **** and a demon to you."

"What do you mean?"

An Feng didn't understand what this meant, but he watched him very alertly.

"In other words, I can fulfill your wish."

The man thought for a while, then pointed to An Feng and said, "Any wish is fine."


An Feng heard his wish, his eyes lit up, and then turned it back. He was not a fool. He had not directly believed him, but instead looked at the man more alertly and said, "Unbelief."

"Do not believe?"

The man was not surprised, but looked at the person who walked away and said with a smile: "I know everything."

"What's the ins and outs?"

For a moment, An Feng looked at the man.

"What do you want to know?"

The man raised his finger and said, "For example, this matter now."

"is it?"

An Feng rolled his eyes and said, "How did the night raid come?"

"It's the person in your mouth who's bad for you."

The man pretended to say mysteriously: "But that man has a deep relationship with the night raid."

"that person??"

Jiang Qi appeared in An Feng's mind, and he couldn't help but clenched the root of his tooth fiercely because of him! ! Because of him! ! Only myself will become like this! ! Such a little money is enough!

"Wait, how do I know if you are saying true or false?"

An Feng recovered, although he believed eight points, but still borrowed the man.

"Ugh ... stupid ..."

The man murmured, but An Feng didn't hear it, only to see that person raised his head and said, "How can I believe me!"

"Money, I want a lot of money."

An Feng said instinctively, and did not expect that man's expectations.


Suddenly, the man snapped his fingers. In front of Anfeng, a lot of money and gold appeared.


This amazing magic completely shocked him, and An Feng slowly touched the money, showing an idiot-like smile.

"Hum ..."

The man looked at An Feng's ugliness and pouted his mouth, but it was just a little trick that caused a nerve illusion.

"How about it. Believe it now?"

The man sorted out his clothes and said with a smile: "The task is completed, I should go."


An Feng immediately stopped the man and said dissatisfiedly: "I haven't made a wish yet!"

"Make a wish? Isn't it already done?"

The man sneered and turned his head into a puzzled expression, looking at An Feng.

"No, I didn't make a wish, it's just a gift you gave me."

Anfeng eased away from the temptation of "money", it is naturally impossible to let go of such a good opportunity.


The man was obviously very hesitant, not knowing what he should do.

"It's nothing."

An Feng put his waist in his arms, and said with great air, of course, ignoring the blood on his face was indeed very airing.

"This ... okay ..."

The man hesitated for a while, then nodded and asked, "What are your wishes?"

"I want money !!! I want power! I want a woman !!! I want it all !!!"

An Feng gritted his teeth and looked at the man gruffly, his voice hoarse.

As long as he has the right, the money, and whoever he wants to get, he remembers that Huang Ying who was attacked at night is not pretty Just let him be his own, he has imagined the situation of a female, slave serving water to himself.

"Dirty ... appetizing ..."

The man saw An Feng's lewd expression and shook his head, but, as everyone knows, he was waiting for this opportunity.

"Okay, but it may hurt a little, bear with me."

The man nodded, then said to Anfeng with a smile, and walked towards Anfeng.

"no problem!!"

An Feng nodded happily, and didn't notice anything wrong.

"I started."

He walked to Anfeng ~ www.readwn.com ~ The man smiled a little, and didn't wait for Anfeng to speak. The red energy body in his hand suddenly shot on his head.



An Feng rolled his eyes in an instant, tingling and twitching all over the body, **** flesh, agitated throat and hungry throat, the breath gradually thickened, and the eyes glowed with red light, trying to restrain their desire to eat and wipe them clean , The tingling sensation of ants antagonizes every cell of the body relentlessly.

(Drunken, I really bit the president. I have explained it before. China had this title before, but it is not commonly used, and I did not say what this book is a masterpiece. But It ’s a pit, I do n’t have to remind you how bad it is. Also, the name of the night raid is right. It ’s a repetition in Nexus, and many people say that I ’m copying the Nexus plot, and I do n’t. Explain, original background, monsters, plots, characters, I do n’t count, let alone say, this book is positioned as a fan, a fan! A fan! Understand ????)

(Thanks to Chen Xi OVO Dust Moon for the reward, thank you very much, thank you! Thank you!)

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