Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 494: Blood Curse (12)

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Concerned, he pouted his lips, then looked at Cheng Yu and said, "This time it was on the face that the captain gave me, and I took you to--"


Seeing this Ao Jiao's performance, Huang Ying held her forehead. She now knows why she is in love ..., it turned out to be Ao Jiao ... the child is really suffering ...


Cheng Yu looked at Aiao Jiao's concern suddenly, so she looked at her a little unclearly, and then nodded and said, "Then wait for tomorrow morning, let's go out and play for a day."

"playing what?"

He looked at Cheng Yu, caressed his lips, and then asked doubtfully.

"Let's talk later."

Cheng Yu shook his head, this indifferent look, but made Huang Ying beside him a little embarrassed.

"Okay, then ..."

However, what makes Huang Ying even stranger is the answer he cares about, which is so random, really ...

"Dididi ..."

At this time, Cheng Yu looked down at his computer, his expression became very strange, and then asked: "Captain, where did you get this liquid?"

"The police officer handling the case is part of us."

Huang Ying turned her head quickly at this time, looked at Cheng Yu, then frowned, and asked seriously: "What's wrong?"

"... It's weird."

Looking at the computer, Cheng Yumo rubbed his shoulders and frowned, saying: "This should be biological saliva, but I just compared the existing biobank on the earth. Similarity. "


Huang Ying tilted her head, even more puzzled in her eyes. If there are human genes, are they primates? But Cheng Yu just said that there is no information about this creature on the earth.

"Alien creatures, very likely ..."

Cheng Yu thought for a while and said this, but he did n’t know when he came over, looked at the computer, and then said, “If it ’s an alien, why are there 30% of human genes?”

"Does not rule out the similarity of evolutionary systems."

Cheng Yu turned his head, then looked at the concern next to him, and then said seriously: "I once did an experiment to change the biological chain of a biosphere. What will happen? As a result, when the last creature is left, life is a miracle. Has split into other species, and the biosphere has once again formed, and within this biosphere, between 1 and 5 percent of each species of genes are genetically similar. "

"Then our biosphere now?"

Concerned about scratching his head, very puzzled, but, after all, it is relatively smart. Looking at Cheng Yu, he asked: "If we all have a similarity of about 5%, aren't the biosphere messed up?" "

"Unfortunately, most of the existing species have 1% similarity, just like the appearance of humans, they have a certain degree of similarity."

Cheng Yu explained this, and then pointed at the computer, saying: "However, alien creatures are similar to the Earth, which is more incredible."

"Have you seen" Alien "?"

Suddenly, Huang Ying said aloud beside Cheng Yu.

"No, you mean ..."

Cheng Yu's mouth grinned and looked at Huang Ying a little unbelievably, saying, "No, it just exists in the movie."

"But that doesn't mean no."

Huang Ying looked at him, looked at Cheng Yu, and said, "Do you know the original origin of this liquid?"

"do not know."

Where does Cheng Yu know about this kind of thing? ?

"In Jiangcheng, I was asked to track down a murderer. Do you know this matter?"

Huang Yingxuan set about looking at the two people around him. This thing, in the night raid team, didn't know much, but Cheng Yuhe and care were definitely insiders.

"Of course I know."

Cheng Yu nodded, he was asked to help, how could he forget?

"That's it……"

Huang Ying looked at the information on the computer and said, "Before, I found the trace of the murderer, and then I asked the police to go to the scene. As a result, a lot of blood stains were found on the scene. It is absolutely mortal, and the liquid was discovered at that time, and it was nearby. "


Cheng Yu pursed her lips and her eyes flickered. If you say so, that possibility cannot be ruled out. Of course, it is just not ruled out.


Huang Ying stood up holding the information, and then said to Cheng Yu: "Your words, let me understand the approximate answer, I will go down and prepare."

"Don't report to the commander?"

Cheng Yu looked back and looked at her in astonishment. Last time because of the face, he didn't know.

"I will say."

Patted him on the shoulder, Huang Ying looked at it, smiled, and went on.

In fact, for all the night raids, Ding Yunfeng's confidant is the only one who cares, and they are friends at most.

Therefore, if you care about Shiyou, you will tell Ding Yunfeng, and if Ding Yunfeng is correct, he will either help Huang Ying or open one eye and close one, as if he didn't see it.

Huang Ying thought this and shook her head. Suddenly, in front of her, Ding Yunfeng walked over to make Huang Ying straighten her waist, saluted him and said, "Commander."

"Oh, Huang Ying, you are ..."

After seeing Huang Ying, Ding Yunfeng smiled, thinking that Huang Ying had asked Cheng Yu again.

"There is one thing about Jiangcheng."

Huang Ying nodded at him, then hesitated and said, "This place in Jiangcheng ... there may be monsters."


Ding Yunfeng was far from what Huang Ying imagined, or was surprised, but showed nothing.

"I got a saliva sample, not from the creatures on earth."

Although I was surprised, there was nothing on the surface. Said respectfully to Ding Yunfeng.

"Well, although it can't be proved to be a monster, it is suspected."

Nodded, Ding Yunfeng slowly walked upstairs and passed her, and at that moment, Ding Yunfeng said softly, "I will give it to you."


Nodding, Huang Ying, who also did not look back, walked down quickly.

For Huang Ying, this sentence is tantamount to a pass. You must know that the current night raid base has a lot of vitality. A large part of the energy supporting the operation of the night raid is in the night raid team. Therefore, the current Ding Yunfeng , Speak better than some people.

Of course, this way is tantamount to greater danger.

Ding Yunfeng once killed some seniors who did not obey him, so that his plan can be carried out. This news does not know when to let some people know. This makes those people even more afraid of Ding Yunfeng. By the way, those people had no handle, it was impossible to pull Ding Yunfeng down, maybe he would get fatter Ding Yunfeng knew who was against him.

Even if they knew that Ding Yunfeng had killed those high-level executives, they only knew it. There was no evidence, unless Ding Yunfeng admitted this, otherwise they might get bitten back.

Therefore, they are waiting, waiting for Ding Yunfeng to make mistakes, and when a fatal mistake is made, they will pull Ding Yunfeng down, and then they will deal with him at will.

This is also the reason why Ding Yunfeng shot less and less, most of them came from Huang Ying and Han Yi. Even if there is an error, it does n’t matter, and Ding Yunfeng ca n’t be caught, and even if it is a big mistake, Ding Yunfeng can protect Live them.

Maybe a lot of people know that they will doubt whether it is fake or not. How could such a thing happen? Even the night raid that protects the earth will have such a dark side?

Do n’t forget, the night raids, those who protect the earth, are also human beings, and they will be selfish. Sometimes, every major decision will be accompanied by blood, there will be approval, there will be opposition, maybe some plans can be topped Under tremendous pressure, if the pressure is too great to make it impossible to implement, then you can only use the invisible method.

For example, Ding Yunfeng used this method. A particularly upright person, a good official who is not greedy, gambling, or erotic, Ding Yunfeng hid the money under the rice, and a naked woman sneaked in He got out of bed, causing him to step down directly and return to his hometown for farming. Of course, Ding Yunfeng gave him all the money.

Another time, it was a relatively greedy corrupt official, or a very stubborn person. Ding Yunfeng used a professional psychologist, and another man who killed him. The psychologist died after a car accident.

Maybe, Ding Yunfeng is not a benevolent captain and does not meet the people's expectations. Then, shape a captain they expect.

Night raid bases, fish and dragons mixed, there are characters of all classes, sometimes they need **** means to deter them, this is also the idea of ​​the person who recommended Ding Yunfeng.

"Then, Cheng Yu, let's talk now, where are we going ..."

"No, I might be able to use cell tissue analysis to analyze the evolution of tissues. What did you just say?"

Cheng Yuzheng was talking, and suddenly he felt that he cared about whether it was just right or not, and then looked at her strangely. As a result, he saw a back figure and couldn't help but fill his head with question marks.

"what happened to you?"

Cheng Yu asked strangely, why was he angry again? Did you not listen to her carefully? Shouldn't it be?


Concerned, he stood up blankly and walked towards the bottom. When he saw Ding Yunfeng, he froze for a moment, and then said, "Conduct, don't you cough?"


After seeing the obedient concern, he would have teased himself. It was the fault of Han Yi's guy.


Care turned his head away, and then looked at Cheng Yu. Cheng Yu also stood up and said to Ding Yunfeng, "Commander."


Nodding his head, Ding Yunfeng looked at the two people and said, "Why don't you continue, I remember that only I can appoint you?"

Smiling and looking at concern, Ding Yunfeng also ridiculed concern.

"No, I hate him."

Shaking his head fiercely, he said to him with concern and certainty: "I have hated him so far."


Cheng Yu looked inexplicably looking concerned, was she really angry?


Looking at the appearance of the two people, Ding Yunfeng could not know where they were, and they seemed to be arguing again, and looking at Cheng Yu's appearance, he didn't seem to know where he was wrong.

Then, Ding Yunfeng sighed, patted Cheng Yu on the shoulder, and said, "Boy, you may really want to be a **** guy in the future."

"Why did the conductor say the same?"

Cheng Yu looked at Ding Yunfeng in a bit of a breakdown, and then said: "I am an adult now, do you want to curse me like this!"

"It's not that we curse you, it's really that you don't scramble."

He walked to Cheng Yu's side and patted Cheng Yu's shoulder. Ding Yunfeng shook his head and said, "You will understand it later, it is still too small."


He silently looked at Ding Yunfeng, didn't understand what dumb puzzle Ding played, turned his head, and saw concern.

Concerned that after seeing Ding Yunfeng come back, he did not leave, found a place to sit back, but still did not give Cheng Yu a face.


Who did I mess with? ?

Cheng Yu looked at Ding Yunfeng and then looked at it. He sat back a little crazy and could only say that interpersonal communication is really complicated, not as good as a computer program ~ www.readwn.com ~ Cheng Yu thought so, Nodded his head, and began to invest in the program, and then saw the interface, concerned about Cheng Yu's interface behind Cheng Yu.

On the public computer of the night raid team, another such interface is really inappropriate. However, Ding Yunfeng has already given this computer to him as his personal computer, plus it is concerned about forcing him, so only Such an interface.

Looking at the picture above, he smiled a little awkwardly, and cared about the slightly fat baby's face. Cheng Yu couldn't help thinking of the original scene.

When I first saw her concern, I thought she was a very cold sharpshooter. It didn't take long for the "cold" person to approach him, and the two began to get along and gradually became friends.

As a master in the computer field, Cheng Yu's interpersonal communication can be said to be a mess. Basically, there are no friends. Finally, there is a arrogant little guy named Caring.

Looking at the picture above, Cheng Yu suddenly developed an emotion in his heart. Go apologize yourself. It is an impolite behavior not to pay attention to listening to others. It is no wonder that people get angry.

Turning his head, he saw concern, and just turned his attention. The two men looked at each other for a moment. The care turned blushing, and immediately turned their heads.


The question mark on Cheng Yu's face, he was about to apologize, which embarrassed him. What should he say?

(Everyone has two sides of good and evil. Perhaps the thief who stole your wallet was a worker who was cheated by his boss for wages. A man who gave ten dollars to a beggar also picked up the money and hid it.

This is all possible, of course, all possible, I just give an example, the money we have stolen, may be the salary of the family to visit relatives, the whole family is pointing at this money, some people lost money because of it Did not find a hungry stomach all day. )

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