Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1612 This is Love

Nothing! Xingye shook his head, and couldn't help but think of Dagu and the others. When he went back last time, Dagu's son, Zhen Jiaoyi, had grown up and joined the TPC youth training class, becoming a member of the Mars team of the Super Victory Team. Reserve players, members of the victorious team who had been high-spirited at the beginning, have already added traces of wrinkled years on their faces, and the white hair is clearly visible.

Life is a one-way journey, no matter how beautiful the scenery on the road is, it will be left behind, leaving only the good memories.

A trace of nostalgia flashed in Xingye's eyes. When I was at TPC, I had to play power games with a lot of old men all day long, and I was thinking about political struggles all day long. This made Xingye feel tired from the bottom of my heart. When is it okay to drop everything and get out of there. But now when he really leaves there and can never go back, Xingye finds that he has been missing his time at TPC.

I miss the base built on the sea, the command room that still uses button keyboards, no holographic projection and other advanced technologies, and the small house with weeds in the yard. The road in front of the door has only two lanes, Every time there are too many cars, the road will be blocked...

But no matter how much you miss it, some people and some things will never come back. The past time is always worth remembering, because it cannot be repeated.

Alas! Xingye sighed deeply, this sigh startled Takatsuki next to him, and he immediately imagined various reasons why this young and over-the-top doctor sighed, and absolutely Neither is good.

After all, the life and death of my fiancée is lying on the bed unknown, but the doctor sighed deeply. No matter how you look at it, the regretful look is hopeless, which makes Takatsuki's heart flustered. Full of anger, he wanted to ask the doctor why he came here now, but now he just wanted to kneel down and beg the doctor not to give up on treating Qiuzi, but to save her.

Xingye shook her head and cleared the thoughts in her heart. After all, no matter how much you miss the past, you can’t make your life come back. Cherishing the people and things in front of you is the most important thing. Always lamenting will make you miss everything in front of you, which will only add to the sadness. .

Takatsuki's tears were about to come down, the doctor sighed and shook his head, no matter how he looked at it, he was actually telling the patient that there was no cure, but it was hard to say it, so he used actions instead. Looking at Qiuzi lying on the hospital bed, Takatsuki stepped forward and tightly grasped Xingye's arm with both hands, pleading all over his face, and said to Xingye in a choked tone: Please, please save Qiuzi. She's only in her twenties, and I said I'd let her wear a wedding dress... Takatsuki couldn't continue talking, and big drops of tears rolled down his face, the bitter cry The appearance of runny nose is really sad to smell and tears to those who see it.

Huh?! Did I say I won't save her? Xingye was full of question marks, scratching her head in confusion, and looked at Takatsuki who suddenly burst into grief and even cried in amazement. Did this guy think of something sad? Is something wrong? Or this guy made up some things by himself.

At the corner of the corridor a few meters away from the intensive care unit, Shiori Hiraki who hurried over from the base leaned motionless on the wall, listening to Takatsuki's distressed pleading in a daze. She and Takatsuki have known each other for ten years, and she doesn't even need to look to know how sad Takatsuki is crying now, it is heartfelt sadness.

He really loves Akiko, Shiori Hiraki whispered, trying to convince herself: Isn't this good? The two of them really love each other, Akiko is so gentle, Takatsuki is also very caring , the two of them will be happy together, will be happy, must...definitely...

'Clap! Slap! ’ A drop of tear fell and fell on the marble floor, shattered like a heart full of love, never to be restored again.

I didn't say I can't help. Xingye tried hard to pull out his right arm from Takatsuki's tight fingers, shook his right hand, looked at this sad man, and said, Why are you crying so sad? , Although your fiancée was infected, it is not serious in comparison. Moreover, the infection time is short, and the possibility of complete recovery is still very high, and it will not affect her future life.

Really? Takatsuki was ecstatic, and there was a deep sense of surprise on his teary face.

Don't doubt the words of truth of a great scientist, Xingye said proudly with his arms folded in front of him, It's just a little troublesome, your fiancée can be transferred to the general ward tonight, and you two will be transferred to the general ward next month. The wedding can be held, don't forget to treat me to a wedding wine.

Thank you, thank you so much. Takatsuki kept bowing to the starry night, as if someone who was about to die of thirst in the desert saw an oasis. The ups and downs of life made Takatsuki feel what is despair, what is hope, what is surprise, and he doesn't know what to say except gratitude.

Xingye shrugged, then opened the door, and walked in, the door closed quickly. Under Takatsuki's nervous but hopeful gaze, Xingye opened the safety lock of the syringe-shaped test tube in his hand, and the sharp needle stuck out.

The orange liquid was slowly injected into the infected part of Qiuzi's arm. With the injection of this medicine, the unsightly green color gradually became dim. Xingye observed it for several minutes. The infected part of Qiuzi's arm was originally It is full of green pimples as small as rice grains, but now these pimples have disappeared. Although the skin is still green, it has become as smooth as normal skin, and the ugly color is three points darker than before the injection of the medicine. If it goes down, it will recover soon.

Seeing that the potion was effective, Xingye nodded in satisfaction, and then turned on the air circulation system in the room to ensure that the air inside had been replaced before opening the door and letting Takatsuki, who was anxiously about to hit the wall, in. .

As soon as Takatsuki came in, he immediately ran towards Akiko, held Akiko's right hand without any scruples, opened his mouth and wanted to call Akiko, but then realized that Akiko was going to rest and hurriedly stopped. The look of opening his mouth but not making a sound is really funny, but it doesn't feel funny to Xingye. Because Takatsuki likes Akiko from the bottom of his heart, he is so careful for fear of disturbing Akiko. This is the most sincere love.

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