Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1681 Flying Meteor

Xingye stared at the two black spots that were almost invisible to the naked eye in the blink of an eye, and then yelled into the headset: It's done, I'm going to speed up, don't bite your tongue.

What? Before Kodo Kakki could react, he heard Xingye who was sitting in front shouted: Max's power system is activated, the meteor technology is unlocked, and the maneuver mode is activated!

The light quantum engines in the three fighters that make up the Strike Phoenix started to run, sending out a huge amount of light particles, and along the special light quantum pipelines all over the body, let the light particles fill every corner of the Strike Phoenix .

The five members of the night raid team were surprised to see that the surface of the originally fiery red fighter was covered with a layer of dazzling golden light particles, and then they opened streamlined light wings in the gaps of different layers of the body. From a distance, the Strong Phoenix seems to be shrouded in golden light, or these light particles attached to the Strong Phoenix condense into a sparse light cone-shaped light film according to the shape of the Strong Phoenix.

This is... light! Gudo Kazuki's black pupils reflected golden light, and the endless light in front of him almost made him feel like he was bathed in a sea of ​​light.

The rest of the night raid team were equally astonished. It was the first time for them to see so many rays of light so close to them, and what surprised them even more was that the invisible and intangible rays of light could be attached to the surface of the fighter, even if it was ten At the speed of Mach 2, not even a single ray of light fell.

Flying wings are fully deployed, start the meteor technology flight mode. Xingye said, moving his right hand away from the joystick, and placed it on the joystick of the meteor engine at the side. His right hand pushed the joystick forward little by little. Go, with his movements, he struck the light particles on the surface of the Phoenix and released strong energy backwards, making the speed of the Phoenix increase crazily, Mach 12, Mach 13, Mach 14... ..the acceleration has increased to 400 meters per second.

Looking out through the glass of the cockpit, the scenery outside became blurred, as if it was a photo taken by a camera with an improper focus. Now it has disappeared, and it just rushed through the middle of a cloud mountain, but it didn't tear the cloud mountain apart, even a trace of cloud energy was moved, as if it was still.

What a fast speed! said Gudo Ikki, who was pressed down on the flying seat by the overload pressure brought about by the super fast speed, and said with some discomfort. The current speed of the No. 1 has reached Mach 21, and it is still accelerating. This speed is simply jaw-dropping.

Kodo Kazuki tried his best to turn his head to look at the sides, and he could barely see the outside scenery through the glass of the cockpit. Even if you found a high mountain in front of you at such a super fast speed, you would not have time to dodge it. Because when you saw it, before you could react, the fighter jet hit it. And even if you pull up, pulling up at a large angle at such a high speed is simply looking for death, and the unevenly distributed inertia is enough to make the fighter jet fall apart.

Not only him, but the rest of the night raid team were also working hard to observe the surrounding situation, but after working hard for a long time, they still couldn't see the front and side of the fighter jet clearly. The speed was so fast that they just saw the situation in front of them. Before the scene could wait for the nerves to transmit the picture to the brain for processing and then transmit it out, the scene just seen was left behind the fighter jet.

It's impossible to launch an effective attack at such a speed, no, it's impossible even to drive. Shiori Hiraki said with great effort enduring discomfort.

What if I hit a flying bird at this height? At this speed... Ishihori Mitsuhiko said while trying to use the computer to calculate how much force the impact would bring at such a speed. How hard can the fighter body be? Can't resist it.

Don't worry, have you seen that layer of light on the surface? It's a light particle shield. Even if you don't turn on the high-density protection, it's enough to withstand the explosion of an energy level below a hundred tons of TNT. This is also the secret of being able to fly so fast. Oh. Xingye said in a flat tone, his face was the same as usual, and he simply regarded this high speed as nothing.

The bottom of the Strong Strike Phoenix is ​​already a boundless sea, and the two black spots in front of it, which are no bigger than rice grains, are chasing one after the other. You fire a light bullet, and I return a light blade. He and the light blade exploded in the air one after another, bursting into a dazzling ball of flames, and the two sides fought back and forth, and the fight was exhilarating.

Xingye slightly turned his head to look at Gumen Kazuki who was full of discomfort. It seemed that he hadn't passed out, let alone aiming and attacking at such super high speed. Xingye took a deep breath and focused all his attention on the fallen angel Raphael in front of him. A gleam of golden light appeared in the black pupils of both eyes, and then quickly expanded to dye the black pupils into gold. Slowing down by more than ten times seems to mean that the flow of time in this world has slowed down.

Strike the light, launch! Xingye said softly, and the six beam cannons lined up on both sides of the Strike Phoenix immediately fired six golden beams, across the long void and directly in front of the fallen angel Raphael thousands of meters away place to go.

At this time, the fallen angel Raphael was turning to the left to avoid a light blade fired by Nexus, just changing the flight trajectory to within the attack range of the powerful light. The fallen angel Raphael turned his head, and saw six beams of light rushing towards him at high speed, and in the blink of an eye, they had already rushed in front of him from the sky.

In a hurry, the fallen angel Raphael had no choice but to raise his arms. At the same time, the broad wings behind his back were bent, like two huge shields crossed and stacked in front of the fallen angel Raphael, and three of the six fighting rays hit. The fallen angel Raphael hit the dark red energy wings in front of him, causing slight ripples, which were easily resolved by the fallen angel Raphael.

However, when he resisted the fighting light, his speed involuntarily slowed down, and his attention was also attracted by the strong Phoenix. Nexus rushed over at the same time with his arms folded and released a dazzling bright blue The cross storm directly hit the fallen angel Raphael.

Huh?! The fallen angel Raphael had just canceled out the fighting light, and the cross storm bombarded him. Under the impact of this strong light energy, the fallen angel Raphael's wings made of dark energy aggregated instantly It melted continuously, and the body involuntarily fell towards the vast ocean below.

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