Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1687 The Dark Side of TLT

In the control room of the Fort of Liberty, Manager Matsunaga is standing in front of the screen with a frosty face, listening to the feedback from various parties. The investigation of Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki has ended, and the data in the server of the combat information center It was cleared cleanly, not a single character was left, and after repeated reading and writing, it was impossible to restore the hard disk.

But even so, Manager Matsunaga's intuition told him that the leakage of TLT data was absolutely inseparable from him, but now he has no evidence to prove this, so that he can't report the current intelligence to the headquarters, so that the headquarters can issue the most wanted order .

The situation in Tokyo is also very bad. The battle between Ultraman and the dark Ultraman who is suspected of Mephisto has caused a large number of building collapses and casualties. The rescue work has just begun, and the casualties have not yet been reported. Count it out.

In the battle, the performance of Team B of the Night Attack Team was terrible. It was shot down by the Dark Ultraman not long after the battle, and the crashed plane also hit a building. If there is no explosion, then the trouble is definitely more than just now.

What appears on the screen now is the battle scene on the ocean captured and transmitted by the satellite. Both the Ultraman and the Dark Ultraman move far faster than they imagined. The fighters launched also showed extraordinary speed and attack power.

What the hell is that place? Manager Matsunaga was wondering, he even wondered whose side the visitor was, and why the chrome Chester made by alien technology couldn't compare to the one hidden in biological research. The fighter in the picture? But the more this is the case, the more suspicious and fearful Manager Matsunaga is towards this Northern Lights Research Institute, but now TLT has just announced that its existence situation does not allow it to make too many moves, otherwise he would have let the army go in and ignore it. searched.

And the most important thing now is the battle between Ultraman and the dark giant. The dark giant who is very similar to Mephisto has shown a combat power far superior to the previous two Mephistos, with terrifying attack power and super fast speed. The speed is simply not something humans can resist. If Ultraman is defeated, then the whole world will fall into the threat of this dark giant. By then, the voice of peace talks with alien beasts will probably become louder, and maybe it will actually start to be implemented.

For the first time, Manager Matsunaga secretly prayed for Ultraman in his heart, hoping that he could win the final victory, but at the same time he also thought about another point, that is, since the power of the dark giant is enough to contend with Ultraman, why not copy it What about the power of the dark giant? Moreover, Mephisto also has the ability to control the alien beast. If the secret of this ability can be solved, the alien beast will no longer be a disaster.

Thinking of this, Manager Matsunaga has already made a decision in his heart, thinking silently in his heart: Makorogi, the traitor of mankind, now is the time for your redemption, I will pry open your brain and find out your strength and strength. The secret of power.

At this moment, the faces of the operators on the left behind Manager Matsunaga changed drastically, and then one of them raised his head and shouted at Manager Matsunaga with horror on his face: Manager, it's not good, someone is here again! There is a lot of TLT material scattered around the web.

What did you say? Manager Matsunaga turned around abruptly, his eyes widened and his teeth were gritted, and he growled, You say it again?

The angry look of the furious Manager Matsunaga made people shudder. The operator was so frightened that he could not speak, and tremblingly said with his lips trembling: Yes, Manager, just now I found a lot of videos, The pictures and text materials are all related to TLT. Like the previous two times, these materials are all scattered on the Internet and forums all over the world, and data from unknown sources has invaded the communication satellite, and the TV signals all over the world have been blocked. Changed these video data.

What did you say? The manager Matsunaga finally showed a trace of panic on his face, and immediately turned his gaze to the big screen in front of him. The original satellite image was converted into the image broadcast by KCB TV station: buildings exploded one after another, countless people Blown to pieces in the flames, an extremely disgusting and terrifying monster spewed flame bombs in the air, it was his attack that caused the city to explode one after another, and then a giant wearing silver-gray armor entered the middle of the video and began to fight with this monster fight.

At the same time, the voice-over sounded: The battle between Ultraman and the alien beast took place in 2004, that is, five years ago, the extraterrestrial life called THE ONE and THE NEXT fought in Shinjuku. In the end, Nexter wiped out THE ONE, and then disappeared. After that, the Shinjuku incident was defined as a meteorite impact, and erased the memory of people all over the world in this regard, making everyone forget that there was once this event fighting.

Then the picture on the screen changed like a revolving lantern. Each time, it was a different scene where people wearing the same uniform fought against terrifying monsters. Most of them were humans who won, but there were also humans who were caught by the claws of monsters. Then, the person began to mutate, and the part that was captured during the ten hours displayed on the screen turned into a terrifying monster.

The voice-over continued: Humans set up TLT to fight against alien beasts. There will always be casualties in the battle. Many people were attacked by alien beasts, and then became members of terrifying monsters. Then they lost their value and were killed. TLT was thrown aside and left to fend for itself.

The picture on the screen has turned into a long corridor. There are rooms with huge glass windows on both sides of the corridor. In each room, there is a 'human' who has undergone a mutation in a certain part of his body. They are crying in pain, but No one paid any attention to them, just let them suffer so much, and then a row of scrolling lists appeared on the screen, all of which were very detailed information such as the names, ages, home addresses, and previous photos of the alienated people.

There are more videos later, but Manager Matsunaga is no longer in the mood to watch them. His inner defense collapsed almost instantly. He stumbled back a few steps and sat down on the chair in a daze. Watching the changing images of the revolving lantern. All that was exposed this time is the dark side hidden by TLT, which is definitely something that can cause TLT and death, not to mention the fact that the family members of these alienated people know that their relatives are not dead, but are locked up and left to fend for themselves. Their protest is a huge nuisance when motivated by people with a heart.

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