Ultraman Senki

Chapter 514: The Restarted Battle (Congratulations to the second leader of this book: Birth of the V

But Dalam didn't seem to feel it, and didn't mean to retreat at all. When Di Jia hit him, he also punched Di Jia's body.

It's such a powerful force. Dijia took a few steps back while clutching his left shoulder, feeling the burning pain where he was hit, numb as if he lost his intuition.

Dalam's red eyes stared straight at Tiga, a cruel smile pulled out from the corner of his mouth, and he raised his shimmering sharp claws and grabbed Tiga fiercely.

Tiga immediately flashed to the left, and Durham's sharp claws grabbed a building with a height of more than 70 meters behind Tiga. The building was easily divided into pieces like tofu. Six pieces collapsed suddenly, the incision was as smooth as a mirror and even reflected a human figure.

Dijia looked at the building that was easily cut by Durham, and couldn't help but rejoice in his heart. If he got out of the way and was hit just now, he would definitely be seriously injured or even lose his combat effectiveness.

Dalam made a blank, stood up straight and slowly turned around, his red eyes staring at Di Jia who was two hundred meters away. The dark claws of both hands raised again, and then walked towards Dijia.

Dijia greeted Dalam without any fear, and Dalam roared, quickly opened his legs, and strode towards Dijia in front of him. Di Jia also quickened his pace, bent his right arm, and kept his eyes on Durham's movements.

Two huge figures approached quickly between the high-rise buildings, their heavy bodies fell on the ground, and the ground trembled wherever they passed, but the distance between the two sides was only more than ten meters in one breath.

Dalam swung his right paw fiercely, Dijia immediately stretched out his left arm to support Dalam's arm, the huge force caused Dijia's body to sink suddenly, but Dijia's bent right fist had already It swung out and hit Durham's abdomen fiercely. With a cry of pain, Durham immediately retreated tens of meters and hit a building behind him, pressing the building under him. , broke apart.

Di Jia immediately chased after him, but just took a few steps, and the red eyes of the fallen Dalam released two red rays of light, which hit the unprepared Di Jia's chest, and Di Jia couldn't help it amidst the violent sparks. Take two steps back.

Dalam turned over and stood up, raised his black sharp claws high, and slashed a black light blade hard to cut Dijia's abdomen. Dijia screamed in pain and was beaten back, and then fell heavily. fell to the ground.

Dalam's right paw gathered an extremely strong power of darkness, and released a series of black and purple light bullets to hit Di Jia who fell on the ground.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Several bright rays of light slanted down from the sky, detonating each light bomb in the middle.

Uh! Tiga was stunned, and raised his head. A fiery red painted plane in the sky swooped down, sending out beams of light that detonated Durham's light bomb on the way.

Behind Durham, the Feiyan EX separated, and the freezing beam and the high-heat beam fired simultaneously and hit Durham's back.

Boom... The flames from the explosion of the two light beams almost swallowed Durham's body, and the huge power made Durham staggered forward two steps, almost lying on the ground.

Aww! Durham roared like a beast, turned around and stared at Feiyan EX passing by in the sky with red eyes.

What terrible eyes. Xincheng looked at Durham's eyes as if being stared at by a hungry beast, the hairs all over his body stood on end, and goose bumps fell all over the ground.

En. Hori nodded in agreement, and pressed the launch button with his right index finger, and the laser beams hit Durham's body one after another, sparks splashed one after another.

Durham roared angrily, waving his black sharp claws wildly, but his slow movements could not keep up with the nimble Feiyan EX.

Lina! Di Jia raised his head and saw the Phoenix passing by himself. Lina in the cockpit put on the uniform of the Victory Team again, looked up at Di Jia with a smile on his face.

Dagu, here I come. Lina said softly, and then pulled the joystick, and the Phoenix drew a beautiful trajectory and turned to Durham.

As Lina pressed the launch button, laser beams whizzed and hit the back of Durham who was chasing Feiyan EX, splashing strong sparks one after another.

Aw! Durham swung black light blades with his claws, but was easily pushed away by the three fighters. He couldn't help roaring angrily. An extremely thick black mist turned into a black hurricane and swept around.

The airflow suddenly changed, causing the three fighters to immediately lose their balance. They flew crookedly in the air and almost fell down. Durham took the opportunity to wave his claws and ruthlessly grabbed the Beta which was closest to him.

Don't ignore me. Di Jia jumped over from the side, knocked Durham out with his body, and started a fierce fight with Durham again.

Nexus jumped up, the sapphire-like arm blade on his right arm shone with dazzling light, and the dagger in Hitler's right hand on the opposite side also gathered strong energy.

The arm blade and the dagger that gathered strong energy smashed together heavily, and there was a loud boom, a bright cloud of flames appeared in the sky, and the invisible shock wave sent a group of hundreds of thousands flying through the air. The strange birds were all shaken to pieces.

Nexus fell from the air, and his feet slid on the ground for hundreds of meters before stabilizing his figure, while Hitler on the opposite side slammed heavily on the ground, and his body fell directly into the ground, splashing The masonry and rubble immediately buried it.

Crash! Hitler pushed aside the ruins on his body indiscriminately, and when he raised his head just now, he saw a blue iron fist slammed into his face fiercely.

With a loud boom, the ground trembled heavily, and Hitler was smashed into the ground immediately. Nexus punched down hard, but in five seconds, he had already swung more than ten times. Fist, hitting Hitler dizzy.

Nexus stopped, grabbed Hitler's feet with both hands, pulled it out of the ground with both arms, and threw it into the sky after a circle.

Nexus raised his right hand to the energy core on his chest, the energy core glowed with golden light, condensed into a huge bow of light on the Nexus bow and arrow arm, and then pointed it at Hit in the air pull.

Disappear for me. Nexus let go of the left arm that pulled the light string, and a swirling arrow of light rushed towards Hitler in the air.

Dijia fought hard and knocked Durham back a few steps, then kicked him in the heart and knocked him to the ground.

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