Ultraman Senki

Chapter 537: Clues to the Ultra Star

Chapter 536: Clues to the Star of Ultra

Nexus' right arm was already burning with raging flames, and the flames quickly converged into Nexus' armament, condensing a crimson gem-like arm blade.

The mechanical Saiwen raised his eyes and saw a red shadow rushing towards him. Before his arms were fully raised, the red shadow had already crossed a distance of hundreds of meters and passed him.

With a sound of 嗤, the mechanical Saiwen's left arm broke at the elbow, and the severed arm hit the ground heavily, sending up bursts of snow.

Bah! Bah! Electric sparks were constantly emitting from the broken arm of the mechanical Saiwen. With the movement of the mechanical Saiwen, the tiny mechanical parts inside the edge of the broken arm fell down from time to time.

Now you seem to be unable to release the light. Nexus flicked his right hand and walked towards the mechanical seven.

Mechanical Seven didn't show any sign of backing down, and swung at Nexus with his remaining right arm.


Nexus stretched out his right hand and easily grasped Mechanical Seven's right arm, and with his right hand, he pressed his fingers together.

With the ear-piercing sound of metal twisting, Mechanical Seven's arm was pinched down bit by bit by Nexus, and the metal on the surface of the arm was slowly twisted and then began to break, from which Zilala burst out continuously. of electric sparks.

Seeing this, the mechanical Saiwen raised his right leg, but Nexus moved faster than him, kicking the mechanical Saiwen hundreds of meters away, laying on the ground and unable to stand for a while.

Cut, it's really unbeatable. Nexus spread his arms and began to accumulate energy, then folded his arms together and released a bright cross storm. The cross storm bombarded the mechanical seven, and the powerful energy washed over the mechanical seven. The metal on the surface was riddled with holes in an instant.


With a loud noise, the Mechanical Seven exploded, and the flames that rose a hundred meters high made the surrounding air scorching hot, and the snow that was raised by the powerful shock wave even flew to the foot of the mountain.

Okay, I won.

The Super Victories cheered, their first appearance was a success.

Nexus looked at the billowing flames in front of him, lowered his arms and glanced at Feiyan EX who had started to return, the energy core in his chest glowed with dazzling light, and in this light, Nexus' huge body dissipated, turning into a to be invisible.

A golden stream of light fell in front of Mayumi and condensed Xingye's figure, Mayumi cheered and jumped over, hugging Xingye's neck: It's amazing.

Of course, Xingye said and sighed again: Really, a good skiing has been ruined.

Hmm! Mayumi also nodded indignantly, this ski resort is completely unusable, the originally flat snow layer is now full of potholes. In the ravines, a large amount of soil was dug up in some places, and even the snow in many places had been melted by the high temperature of the explosion, forming solid ice, not to mention there were many sharp-edged fragments scattered in the snow.

Who made this mechanical Ultraman? Mayumi asked curiously: To be able to make such a huge robot, the technology must be very powerful.

Well: Xingye nodded: It's not a problem to throw ten blocks from the earth.

What if they invade the earth? Mayumi was a little worried.

Xingye smiled and pulled Mayumi down the mountain: This robot is made after I met Ultraman Seven from Ultra Star. The civilization that made this robot must have seen Ultraman Seven. , know the Kingdom of Light.

Are we leaving? Mayumi raised her head and said.

Well, Xingye nodded, Since we found the clue, we can't miss it.

The Mebius I met last time was also from the Ultra Star. Unfortunately, Mebius was sent away by the power of time and space in that world, instead of leaving through the opened time and space channel. Otherwise, I would have been able to get the Ultra Star The space coordinates where it is located, this time the clues about the Ultra Star must not be let go.

Hmm! Mayumi nodded sullenly, she felt a little sad at the thought of leaving this earth where she had lived for more than ten years.

Helicopters with the TPC logo overhead whizzed across the sky, apparently aiming at the fragments of the Mechanical Seven. This is a robot whose technology surpasses that of the earth, and even the parts are helpful to the earth's technology.

If it wasn't for the tragedy that humans in other worlds got powerful robots and turned against them, Xingye really wanted to leave a relatively complete robot for the earth, but now Xingye feels that it is safer to give some parts, anyway, he brought them Alchemy Star's technology has been enough for humans to absorb for a hundred years.

No matter how reluctant and nostalgic, the time to leave has come. Xingye just told Director Sawai and the Victory Team about the news of his departure, explained the matter in hand, and prepared to leave with Mayumi.

At that time, Xincheng confessed a lot to Mayumi, and in the end he threatened that if Mayumi was not treated well, he would chase and kill her across the universe.

On a sunny day, Xingye and Mayumi came to a deserted place in the suburbs. Mayumi just carried a backpack and didn't bring anything.

I really never thought that I would leave here one day? Mayumi looked at the surrounding plants and trees with some nostalgia. This kind of reluctance to leave home made her feel like crying.

It's okay, when do you want to come back, we can come back at any time. Xingye put his arms around Mayumi and whispered in his ear: Just treat it as a trip, anyway, we have swam the earth once, now go The universe is ready to play.

Xingye began to describe the beauty of the universe to Mayumi, diluting her sadness: There will be many beautiful planets, such as the planet full of crystals and gems that I met last time, and galaxies with several suns, and each other. The rotating star system has everything, so the universe is very beautiful and spectacular.”

En! Mayumi nestled in Xingye's arms, raised her head with a longing smile on her face, and nodded vigorously.

Let's go! Xingye hugged Mayumi tightly, then took out the Evolution Truster, and held it in front of him. The Evolution Truster burst into dazzling light, and Mayumi couldn't help but close her eyes.

Mayumi felt her body float up slowly, and carefully opened her eyes a little. Mayumi was pleasantly surprised to see that her body was wrapped in a golden bubble, and the golden bubble shone beautifully in the sun. .

Nexus was shining with golden light all over his body, carefully holding the golden bubble in his hands, looking down at the surrounding scenery, his body suddenly rose and rushed to the sky at high speed.

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