Ultron In A Cultivation World

Chapter 32 - 31: Attack on the Slaver's Guild

'Ding' [You have killed 20 Rank 1 Apprentice Warriors. You have gained 200 XP and 20 KP]

The guards guarding the Slaver's Guild were like weak puny bugs which made the attack on the Slaver's Guild kind of boring and less interesting for me to view now through the eyes of the Ultron Sentries.

After killing all of the weak bugs guarding outside the Slaver's Guild, 25 Sentrries gathered at the main entrance into the building, while the remain 75 circled around the building making sure that no bugs escape from the massacre. As the 25 Sentries approach the door, they walked up to the door, and found that the door had a giant lock on it, locking the door.

One of the Sentries walked out of the group, and then used its superhuman strength to tear the lock in half in a few seconds. After tearing the lock in half, the Sentries just tossed it away like trash, and started to open the door, when the Sentry open the door wide enough for it to go it, there was a boom and the Sentry was sent flying 30 feet away while the other Sentries dodged out of the way. The Sentry that opened the door landed into one of the abandoned house that surround the Slaver's Guild.

After the other Sentries dodged the blast, they were focusing on the door, while the Sentry that was hit was crawling out from the rubble of the abandoned house. Once it was out from the rubble, you could see that it was damaged. The Sentry was missing it left arm, and half of its face was melted. It used its remaining arm to searched throught the pile of rubble to find its arm

The 24 Sentries in front of the door, at the same time held up there hands, and used the 'Map' to make sure that no slave was going to be in the crossfire, and there was no slaves in the main hall of the Slaver's Guild, so the Sentries started opening fire on to the building with energy blasts.

After each Sentry fired 5 energy blast, and since there was no ding, they started walking towards the entrance to check it out. After entering into the Slaver's Guild, there was nothing but a giant cannon. After investigating the cannon and the entrance, it looked like the entrance to the Slaver's Guild was booby trapped, so that when it was opened from the outside, the cannon would kill whoever was breaking in. It seems that the Slaver's Guild Master is a very intelligent and cautious man. The Guild Master must have a secret passageway into the Guild, so that the trap could be deactivated.

Soon, 15 more Sentries came in, they headed towards the cannon and started to lift it up. Once they lifted the cannon, they began to walk outside. Once outside they were meet with the damaged Sentry carrying its left arm, they all started to float straight upwards until they were 10 miles high, and they started flying towards the West, back to Fort Ultro. The cannon will be great to study and reverse engineer it to make more and make better ones.

Soon, people started to peek at the commotion from the streets and window cracks. The people stayed far back from the area since they know it will be dangerous to look closer.

The rest of the 50 Sentries outside, came into the Slaver's Guild, and went into the storage area of the warehouse, and found all of the slaver's slaves in cages. With all of the commotion, the slavers were scared awake from the explosions and sounds of battle. When the Sentries found them and approach them, some were frighten, some zombie like expression on their face, and a few were calm.

The Sentries approached the cages and lifted all 25 of the cages which contained 10 slaves in each cage and started to carry them away. They were taking them outside of the building when a group of 50 men came.

"Who the hell dares to mess with my Zalos City Slaver's Guild?!" shouted a fat man.

It was at that moment when the Sentries carrying the cages appeared. The men behind the fat man were shocked to see 2 people carry each of the cages since those cages weigh around 1000 pounds and it would take about 5 of them to carry one of those cages. They started to gulp and get a little scared.

The Sentries started to spread out and place down the cages and walked 10 feet in front of the cages and face towards the fat man and his 50 men.

"Who the hell are you people?! said the fat man. But the Sentries didn't answer him, the just stood there looking at him and his men in silence. The men behind the fat man started to get creeped out by the Sentries silence

"Don't you know who I am?!" said the fat man "I am the Guild Master of the Zalos City Slaver's Guild and a baronet of the Kingdom of Howen!"

After the Fat Baronet told the Sentries his rank and his job, they still just stood there in eerily manner which frighten the Fat Baronet and he started to feel creeped out along with his men.

"W...Wh...what are you people standing around for?!" the Fat Baronet shouted at his men "Get them"

When the 50 warrior heard the Fat Baronet's commands, they started to slowly walk forward but the Sentries did nothing, and just stood there staring at them. When the 50 men got within 20 feet of the Sentries, there eyes started to glow blue, which startled the 50 men and they jumped backwards, while some fell over.

The Sentries started to walk forward towards the 50 men.

Author's Note:

Dear Fans, I have released a Star Wars Fan fic called "Star Wars: The Holy Empire" aka SW"THE for short. I will try to do 3 chapters a week for my Ultron fan fic and 1 or 2 chapters a week for the SW:THE. I hope you all enjoy reading my new fan fic while enjoying the Ultron one.


Name: Ultron

Race: Android

Cultivation: Rank 4 Inferior Warrior/ Rank 4 Inferior Magician

Experience Points: 1730/4000

Kill Points: 520

Intelligence: 150 IQ

Qi Type: Metal Qi (Rarest form of Earth Qi)

Body Material: Dwarven Steel (Gold Rank)

Powers: Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Durability, Infinite Stamina, Flight, Energy Blast , Technology Manipulation and Hive Mind System

Knowledge: Chitauri Gravity Manipulation Knowledge


Spells: [Earth Wall] / [Golem Squad] / [Pitfall Circlet]

Occupation: Emperor

Ultron Sentries: 2,900

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