Ultron In A Cultivation World

Chapter 5 - 4: Fort Ultro

As I started walking upstream of the river, I stepped on a bug when I heard a ding.

'DING' "You killed a beetle. You earned 0.5 XP and 1 KP. "

After I checked the notification, I lifted my foot and saw a squashed beetle. "Huh, that was some easy XP, maybe I can find some kind of bug colony around here and gain a lot of easy Experience Points and Kill Points." As I started looking around hoping to find a bug colony, I couldn't find anything through my sight so I looked on the map but I couldn't find anything, so I started going upstream again. As I was walking I started looking through the Shop page, and found there are three sections in the Shop Page.

The First Section of the Shop Is called the Knowledge Shop which contains the Knowledge of Technology. Which means once I have the Knowledge I will be able to create the item. The Knowledge I can buy ranges from movies, and games like the Halo games to Star Wars. I found I could buy the Knowledge of Lightsaber but that costs around 14,000 KP. I found the Knowledge of Star Destroyers which cost 50,000KP and the Knowledge of Death Star which cost 300,000 KP. I started looking at the cheaper Knowledges. I found the Knowledge of Modern Tanks which was 500 KP but with the knowledge I gained from the system about this world it is seems that Modern Weapons from my world are useless here since they are way less powerful compared to Magicians and Warriors.

I started looking at the Second Section called the Metal Shop contains Metals I can buy. I found out that I can buy metals ranging from Titanium to Vibranium to Uru to metals I have never heard of. I then looked at Vibranium which turns out to be a Silver Rank metal in this world. Uru which was the metal that Thor's Hammer is made out of is Gold Rank. I found that these metals are very cheap to buy only because I have to buy the metal by pounds. So one pound of Vibranium cost 1,000 KP and one pound of Uru is 10,000 KP.

For the Third section called the Item Shop, I can buy items ranging from Weapons like Lightsabers or Laser Guns, Magic items, Potions and factories. As I was scrolling through the Item Shop I found the gems called the Infinity Stones and an item called the Infinity Gauntlet at the very bottom of the shop. The Gauntlet cost around 5 million KP but the Gems costs around 10 million KP each. I have never heard of this Infinity Gauntlet and I knew about the Mind Stone from the Avenger's movie.

So I asked Asus. "What are all of these Infinity Stones and this Infinity Gauntlet for and why do they costs so much." Asus replied by saying "The Infintiy Stones and Infinity Gauntlet are a weapon. Once you collected all of the Inifintiy Stones and add them to the Infinity Gauntlet, you will have the power of a god. Which just a snap of a finger, you can destroy this world or half of this world's population." I was awed about this info. I started thinking of ways of earning KP to buy these items but I decided not to because it would take forever to earn those Points and I can used the points to buy a lot of other useful items or Knowledge.

After I was done looking at the Shop page, I thought I should learn how to use my powers so I decided to ask Asus "Hey Asus, how do I use my powers" I asked her. "You just have to think of it, and it will happen. Just will it to happen and it will happen. All of your powers are controlled by your mind to make things easier since you just have to think it, and it will happen." replied Asus "That is pretty simple and easy" I said.

I started experimenting using my powers. I decided to try and use my energy blast first since I need it to earn XP and KP.So I started on training using my energy blast. I held my palms out like Iron Man does and after thinking of using my energy blasts to attack, two energy blasts came out of my hands. The result was a lot of destroyed trees. I found that the attack range of my energy blasts is 100 feet. "That is some good attack range I have" I commented out loud

I tried my energy blasts again but I decided to try and use one hand at a time. I held my left hand out and thought of an energy blast coming out of it and it happened again. I smiled while I was looking at my palm and starting shooting energy blasts out of my hands, one hand at a time like Iron Man does in the movies. I was having so much fun that I didn't hear the dings that went off during my shooting practice.

After I was done destroying the forest around me, I saw that I gained around 40 XP and 40 XP from killing some small animals and bugs in my raging attacks. After that I decided to continue going upstream since I can't practice flying in a forest.

I have been walking for a few hours upstream after my little destructive actions, when I saw a mountian coming into view. As I get closer to the mountain, I see gaint stone walls and the river splitting left and right turning it into a moat surrounding the walls. I am now faced to faced with the gaint walls which is covered in vines and moss, with a gaint mountain behind it. I see a drawbridge that is down and a opened gate. So I used the drawbridge to enter this place and as I passed through the gate, the sight before me was amazing. It turns out that this places is acutally some kind of giant abandoned military mountain fort.

The fort was covered in vines and moss, and there were skeletons in armor with shields and swords by them, littered around the fort. I am spotting around a hundred skeletons in plain site and I am betting there are more in the castle and other structures. I then made a decision right there and now. "This place is perfect for me, its abandoned and isolated in a forest. It even has weapons and material for me to use. This will now be my new home and base of operations. My new homes now needs a name, since its a fort and its mine now lets called it Fort Ultro." I said out loud to myself

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