Ultron In A Cultivation World

Chapter 51 - 51: Arriving at City of Von

"Oh well" I sighed "I can always kill them later"

I walked towards the West Gate where I needed to meet the employer for the Caravan Guard Job.

After 20 minutes of walking through the morning crowd, I arrived at the West Gate.

By the West Gate, I could see 4 big wagons with covers on them, surrounded by 4 wagon drivers, 6 guards, and a big fat man in red merchant clothing who looked very cheery and jolly, if only he had a white beard then he could even pass as Santa Claus.

I continued walking towards the jolly merchant, and when he saw us approach, he didn't even flinch in fear from our scary looking masks except for his wagon drivers and one of his guards who looked like a newbie. He just smile at us with bright face.

I stopped in front of him then I put my hand into my sleeve and used my Inventory to take out the Job Post I received from the Mercenary Guild. I took out the Job Post from my sleeve and started reading it to find the name of the employer.

When I found the name of the employer on the Job Post, I almost burst out in laughter but thanks to my AI mind, I was able to control my impulse and not laugh at the employer's name, since his name and image are kind of perfect.

"Hello. Are you the merchant, Klaus?" I asked

"Yes, that is me." said Klaus cheerfully "Are you fine young lads the ones who are accepting my Job Post from the Mercenary Guild?"

"Yes, we are." I said

The cheerful merchant started gazing and inspecting us.

"Do you not have any weapons on you?" asked Klaus

"No, we don't use weapons" I replied

"How do you fight then?" asked Klaus

"We are Magic Fighters" I replied with a random fantasy class "We use magic to reinforce our bodies, and we use martial arts to fight our enemies to dust."

"HO HO" said Klaus

When he said HO HO, I was snickering in my mind, expecting him to do another HO but he didn't do.

"I have never heard of that kind of class before?" said Klaus "It must be a new class, a lot of youngster are doing and creating a lot of interesting things nowadays, HO HO"

After looking at us again, he starting counting us

"Huh" said Klaus "I thought their was 10 of you?"

"There are 10 of us, but one of us had something to do but don't worry, he will meet us outside around 3 miles from here" I replied

"HO HO, I see then." said Klaus "That should be fine. It's a pleasure to meet you young lads, can I get your names?"

"I am called 'Zero'" I said while showing a ring on my finger. The ring on my finger was an exact replica of Pain's Akatsuki Ring from Naruto

I then started pointing to each of the members, while the Sentries also showed the Akatsuki rings on their fingers "That is 'Blue', 'White', 'Vermillion', 'Boar', 'Sky', 'South', 'North', 'Three' and the one who isn't here is 'Ball'"

"I see, are those like your Mercenary Names?" asked Klaus

"It something like that." I replied

Very interesting, HO HO." laughed Klaus "Ah, to be young and creative. Ok, before we head out, I want four guards guarding each of the wagons, and since your Mercenary is missing a member right now, I will have only three guards guarding the second wagon, does everyone understand?"

The 6 guards of Klaus shouted "Understood, sir!"

"We understand" I said

"Alrighty then off we go" said Klaus

Once the wagon drivers were on front of the wagons, we soon arrived at the West Gate, but before we could leave, the guards checked some paperwork of Klaus' and looked into the wagons which took 5 minutes to complete before the guard let us leave the city.

Once outside the city, we continued to head West, with Klaus sitting with the first wagon's driver while the guards and my Sentries and I walked beside the wagons in an organized fashion being vigilant against any attacks that might come. I wa.s assigned to guard the first wagon

After 30 minutes, we were 3 miles away from the City of Zalos, and in the distance I could see my Sentry who guided the Innkeeper and his family to the Sentries who came to pick up the family, waiting for us on the side of the road.

"HO HO. that must be 'Ball', that you mentioned." said Klaus

"Yes, that is him." I said

As we got closer, my Sentry called 'Ball' approached us and soon walked passed the first wagon, and went to the second wagon to guard it along with the other 3 guards.

"You and your men are really disciplined and organized." complimented Klaus after seeing 'Ball' get into guarding position.

"We pride ourselves on our discipline, order and unity." I said "If we say we are second best in terms of our unity, then no one will claim that they are first."

"HO HO, you are really interest and funny guy, I am starting to really like ya" laughed Klaus

So, five days went by slowly with nothing happening or anything to do since no animals or bandits attacked us but I didn't really mind since it allowed me to admired my surroundings and environment, taking everything in. It was nice to take time to see this world, once I conqueror this world I would like to explore it and see everything with my mechanical eyes.

After another 5 days, we arrived at the City of Von. As we approached the City, we headed towards the inspection line for the Merchant entering the City. After 20 minutes of waiting in line, it was our turn to be inspected by the City Guards.

The City Guards inspected Klaus' papers and his wagons, which took 5 minutes. After that, the City Guards let us enter the city. Once we entered the city, Klaus approached me.

"Here is the signed Job Completion Form." said Klaus handing me a piece of paper which was needed to show the Mercenary Guild that I completed my Job.

"Thanks, Mr.Klaus" I said

"No problems, I really like ya and just call me Klaus ok" laughed Klaus "Also if I ever need a Mercenary team to help me with any future Jobs, I will asked the Mercenary Guild for your team."

Klaus put out his hand for a handshake

"Ok, Klaus" I said while shaking Klaus' hand "I look forward working with you on any future Jobs."

After shaking hands, we went our separate ways, while Klaus went off to who knows where. I went off looking for the Mercenary Guild of Von.

'DING' [You have gained 6000 XP]

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