Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

24 The Wrath of King Aslan

Shaw pretended to be calm because he didn't want to worry about the girls as much as possible, but everyone realizes something was wrong just because Karin was still there.

Erica and Mimi and Melissa have been doing martial arts training together, but Lara and Rosina have felt a little lonely since they came to New Paloma. Although Lara was pleased with Melissa's admission to the University of Paloma, she felt stuck halfway through herself.

"Master Shaw has been growing ever since we met, but I've been reading books blurry. I can't drive like Rosina, and I don't like to be honest with Master Shaw like Mimi."

Lara was depressed that it was useless to compare her to Melissa, but she doesn't think Shaw's wife deserves it unless she polishes herself at all.

"That's right! I read in a letter from Master Shaw that the University of Paloma has a summer school."

I didn't have the courage or academic ability to study at the University of Paloma like Melissa did, but Lara wanted to try it at summer school or so.

Shaw was told by Lara that she wanted to go to summer school, and I think it would be better if she waited for me in the meantime because I thought a little bit about it but I don't know when I'm going back to Jungfrau or Leyte.

"I may not be able to come through with you, but if that's okay, you should take it. Summer school can participate even if you're not at the University of Paloma, so why don't you invite someone else?

Lara told other pardons and Erica about the summer school, and at Leyte, everyone who lived in the mansion said they wanted to go.

Since Shaw had embassy officials pick up the summer school schedule, everyone decides to look for and take lectures of their own interest.

"Shaw, spoil the pardons and you'll have a hard time later."

Watching her cousins discuss their adorable summer school at the salon, Shaw was advised by Karin.

"Brother Karin, when you tell me on top, you weigh in. But I want you to be as free as you can be..."

Shaw realised that Karin was not on the voyage because of the results of the investigation or because she was waiting for her father, but avoided discussing the matter because she ate Ambassador Pasham's eyeballs that she was drunk and leaked confidential information.

I also had to see the Kingdom of Iran about enrolling Erica and Mimi in Leudenheim, but I thought I already knew because I leaked it to King Eduardo.

"You can sign up for an ambassador to the Kingdom of Cazaria, but I don't know about that either. I think it's a little too abbreviated, so I'd better ask His Majesty King Gregorius directly in Jungfrau after the Barbarossa case is settled."

If it's true, when Prince Stewart's wedding ended and he did a series of diplomacy and completed the study abroad process at the University of Paloma in Melissa, he was going to Jungfrau. So after completing the Ludenheim admission process for Mimi and Erica, I took Lara and Rosina home to Leyte and was scheduled to go on a voyage on the Dahlia, which was held up in New Paloma.

Shaw was hoping that Ambassador Kish would give us an investigation report that he was just cheating on Barbarossa, but that expectation was betrayed.

"Hi, Barbarossa seems to be alive."

Ambassador Pasham asked me about the findings. I still thought Shaw would, but I doubt why he was delayed in escaping.

"This could really snap some necks in the military..."

Even Shaw thinks that Barbarossa, who should have sunk under fire amidst warships surrounding her, survived with someone's help.

"I don't suppose that even Minister Zahaan will ever be guilty."

If Karin doesn't crusade Barbarossa herself, the meaning of her grandfather's neck being slashed also weighs heavily on Zdon and Shaw. Sometimes I hated the whistle of Minister of Military Affairs Zahaan, but I have trouble influencing Karin and Wonder as well.

"Wouldn't it be enough to take responsibility and change things? Brother Hassan, my great-grandfather, Ali, was allowed to confiscate part of his property and deport Leyte."

Ambassador Pasham is told not to think together of civilians and military personnel.

"Prince Shaw, I'm telling you, you mustn't divulge information to Prince Karin. Prince Karin is your brother, but he must be used as his subordinate. Please be aware of your position as Prince Wang."

I understood the reasoning, and I thought the Minister of Military Affairs had no choice but to take responsibility for such a lapse, but I can't take my life myself. Shaw is still depressed that he can't do anything about the king.

"I can't help but be depressed. I also have a book on the laws of the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands at the embassy. Let's see if we can figure it out."

Ambassador Pasham thought there was no way to save the Minister of Military Affairs in such a great failure, but not only would Shaw be depressed, but he would help him read a thick book trying to find a loophole in the law.

"Ambassadors Pasham, aren't the laws of the Southeast Islands just writing past jurisprudence..."

Shaw did know there were ways to do this kind of law, but he makes a noise that it's impossible to find out all about this. Because Ambassador Pasham asked me that all one side of the embassy's study wall is a legal book.

"Do I have to study all this......"

Ambassador Pasham laughed couscous as Shaw watched the shelves of the law books.

"No way! You just have to leave it to these lawmakers. Prince Shaw must also practice using lawyers."

Shaw is inside, you old raccoon! and curse. Quietly say what the last few hours of hard work have been.

I also feel that we need to develop some more law while letting Ambassador Pasham bring in a lawmaker with an embassy.

"In the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands, where the kingship is strong, the king's order is more important than the law. Amnesty and all that is good, but I wonder if it would be awkward to punish with the king's thoughts..."

"What's awkward? I'm sure the king will punish himself."

Shaw, who was talking to himself about bumps, jumps out of his chair with a piqun in surprise at his father, who suddenly appeared.

"Father, please don't come in all of a sudden."

Aslan looks at the law book on the desk in his study, guesses what Shaw was trying to do, and sighs sweetly.

"Wherever you enter our embassy, it's on my own. Oh, well, it would be tough if you were snuggling with the pardons. I'm going to have to scold you before my brother improves, and it's a hassle."

Shaw blushes, remembering that Melissa and I were about to cross the line dangerously in Jungfrau's study.

Aslan laughs, as always, that it's funny to make fun of this guy. I thought she was a child, but I'm surprised she was doing something that made her red.

"Well, you're getting married next year, too, so I was wondering if it's sound evidence. But I won't allow you to talk about this!

From the tone of the joke, he was ordered to be bitter and harsh, and Shaw was freaked out, but he was not going to back off.

"Brother Karin says he will crusade Barbarossa. Please…"

Byrne and the door were opened and Karin jumped into the study when she noticed Aslan's arrival.

"Father, please order me to crusade Barbarossa."

Aslan stares at Shaw and yells at him to see if he has divulged material classified information.

"You can scold me as much as you want. I don't mind if they hold prince status for anything. But, Brother Karin, listen to your wishes."

Aslan yells, wondering what punishes him for it.

"Shaw! Are you still trying to escape! I know what you're thinking! Relax, even the fish will be willing to live. It's lamentable how bonkers like this are the successors!

Karin and Shaw also speak to the grumpy King Aslan. Ambassador Pasham also brought the lawman back to his room, and although he closed the door to the open study, he can't open his mouth frightened by anger.

"King Aslan, will you leave Barbarossa's crusade to me?"

Melt opens the door he closed and enters the study.

Aslan stares at Shaw, Karin, and Ambassador Pasham as to who rewarded his bad brother for his appearance. I see Karin and Ambassador Pasham notice that gaze and unconsciously shake their heads sideways, and then I yell at this guy again.

"Shaw! A fool named you..."

Shaw made up his mind to be beaten by his father, but his shaken fist was not shaken down. Aslan became laughable at Shaw's wickedness when he called out that the only way to contain himself was to use a melt.

"I forgive you my brother for your abandonment, but you are prepared for this punishment. The Kingdom of Sura is an important trading country."

It was Karin and Melt who were reviewing the show of grandeur attitude, but I am disappointed to see them cling to King Aslan, saying forgive me for only that with half a cry.

Ambassador Pasham perceives that King Aslan's wrath has dissolved, and he pinches his mouth asking how he will respond to the Kingdom of Kazaria.

"I'm coming with quite a few conditions, but push it back. I hope you crusade the pirates by autumn harvest time, so the kingdom of Cazaria is weak."

Even if he is mad about Barbarossa, Ambassador Pasham nods satisfactorily to King Aslan, who tries to take it in his country's favor, to negotiate with the Magellan Foreign Secretary.

"You don't have to get your brother's hands dirty, such as a pirate crusade. I'll leave it to these bouncing sons, so my brother will be developing Sands Island..."

Melt's faceless face closes in front of him with a zung, and Aslan gets stuck in the woo.

Aslan didn't know what Melt had in mind since he was a child, but he grew old and wrinkled, and he didn't know what to do, and he was very bad at it.

"Barbarossa is a disgrace in her body. I join the crusade, too."

Shaw and Karin have never seen their father in so much trouble.

"The Harley alone is not possible. I'd like you to join me on the Eltoria."

I glanced at Karin, but Aslan has no choice but to give her permission.

"Instead, it's time to take over Barbarossa! Or I'll take your grandfather's neck!

Shaw shouted with a glowing face.

"Thank you, Father! Brother Karin, good for you."

Aslan bitterly laughs that he's a blurry shaw, but this kind of head spins fast.

In Shaw's words, Karin thanks her grandfather for noticing that his neck was connected. Aslan smelled troublesome, blocking Karin's gratitude, but Ambassador Pasham grinned and insisted that the Pirate Crusade Expedition banquet had to be held.

"Hey, Pasham!

Ambassadors Pasham, surprisingly quick in shape like a raccoon, rush to prepare if they don't entertain King Aslan at the banquet.

Aslan, who hates banquets, has the look of a bitter bug, and he doesn't like Shaw, so I got tired of the fact that he's not going to be excited to be with his grumpy father.

But the banquet was unexpectedly enlivened by the participation of Erica and the pardons. Melt seems to be enjoying herself without a look on her face, and Aslan is sweet on Erica and her nieces, so she watches the dance with her eyes closed.

Only Shaw was depressed about the snake in the Kingdom of Surah. Karin was beneficial to Shaw in this case, but she drinks that she can't do all this on her behalf.

"I don't know because I can't talk to snakes. Seems like I need to be able to talk to the Snake God to be Queen of the Kingdom of Surah. Yeah? Sure Shaw said Snake God liked his father or something. Then wouldn't it have been better for Queen Alger and your father? You don't think Father likes snakes, do you?

Karin actually doesn't like snakes either, but she was patient somehow, so I doubt this is a father concession.

The day after the banquet, Ambassador Pasham has been discussing with Magellan Foreign Secretary to win a tariff cut and understand the Barbarossa crusade. The Magellan Foreign Secretary regretted being seen at his feet, but discusses with His Majesty King Eduardo that he has no choice but to rebuild his own navy.

Thus a pirate crusade was officially ordered by Karin and Melt.

Shaw, as a liaison officer, was also to board the Harley to counter Barbarossa's windy magic.

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