Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

29 In New Paloma......

He headed south to Lexington Harbor with a new mast and sail replacement pirate ship at Edison Harbor.

"The Dahlia needs to be cleaned up and returned, or Captain Cains will piss you off, so you need to clean it by Lexington Harbor."

Shaw was flying around to ships everywhere in the Sands to make sure he wasn't delayed, but the Dahlia, originally loaded with luggage on top of the merchant ship, was the slowest boat leg.

Captain Cains had a pretty good face, but he liked cleanliness, so the Dahlia also had the Ingas Deck Manager crew cleaning the deck. Essentially, the warships are more organized and thoroughly deck cleaned than the merchant ships, but the officer entrusted with the Dahlia took Prince Shaw's orders heavier than words.

"Clean it like there's no dust! Don't let Prince Shaw get mad at you from Captain Cains!

The crew from the Eltoria were afraid of Prince Shaw because they saw the fire-spraying dragon up close. Everyone followed the officer's orders strictly.

When I returned the Dahlia to Captain Cains because of it, the deck was shiny, the sailroom and the kitchen pan were polished enough to show their faces, and not even a single piece of dust fell into the cargo compartment loaded with luggage, so the Navy was disturbed that it was awesome.

"It's hard to come home, so I thought there'd be roots in the tavern chair. What the fuck? You sold wheat like this!

After checking the books, Captain Cains yelled at Shaw, but he gets in a good mood when he hears he's gone home loaded with fine whiskey and the finest hairy textiles. Taking a taste from a barrel of whiskey and satisfied with the lightness and suppleness of the wool textiles, Captain Cains sailed with joy that the water and food were also full.

For Christ's sake, to Shaw, who dropped off the Dahlia, Melt tells him he's going back to Sands Island.

"At least in Lexington Harbor, please rest. And maybe we'll have Racine and Rienne delivered to the owner of Leyte."

Melt sighed at Ambassador Pasham's banquet, but postpones going to Sands Island because the end of the pirate crusade is also a Navy mission.

After the battle, it's customary to give the crew a vacation, but if they could, they didn't want to get drunk and talk about the extra things at a liquor store in the Kingdom of Cazaria.

"Even the Golce Continental liquor store will lay down a warrant, but I thought I could hide Shaw's abilities for a little while. They get light-hearted when they get drunk."

The officers were thoroughly instructed by their crew, but Melt knew the nature of a drunken warship occupant.

Shaw, we're gonna find out the dragon's gonna blow a fire.

Karin was worried about the same thing, but Shaw wouldn't agree that it was when he found out.

"The Magellan Foreign Secretary may have already noticed. Because that came up with a tip from Professor Alex at the University of Paloma. I don't want to hear it as much as possible, so please tell the crew to keep it a secret. But I wonder if it's useless if I'm drunk."

Shaw thought he'd find out sooner or later, but he's not going to get another country to pay for it.

"Even when Captain Cains heard the dragon erupt in a mailing liquor store, he didn't believe it was because he was drunk. Well, if you don't know how to spend it, fine, but you know the Iranian kingdom in the main house, right? I just imitated it, so I can't help but find out."

Karin and Melt questioned whether it was such a thing, but left it to Shaw's discretion because he didn't even know the magic demon's words.

Ambassador Pasham had a big banquet for the celebration that night, but I can understand if he was worried too much and lost a little weight, but I wonder what the Shaws are looking at eating too much out of stress and giving him more raccoon grandpa degrees.

The officers of the Harley and Eltoria had also been invited to the banquet, so neither Erica nor the pardons participated, watching the show from the gap of conflict, but from the story I realized that they were pirate crusades in the northwest of the Kingdom of Cazaria, not an inspection of the trading bases of the Golce continent.

"Master Shaw crusades pirates!

"You lied to us for doing such a dangerous thing."

"Was it okay?

"Don't push me a little! Brother Shaw, I can't see you."

Four pardons and Erica fought over the place of the gap between the clashes, and they were pushing each other, but each clash fell with Battan.

Melissa's gonna push.

"What! Because Mimi pushes from the side."

The officers who attended the banquet said to the beautiful princesses!

Melt piqued his eyebrows at his daughter's demise, but Karin whines that Shaw is struggling too.

Erica tries to be as sweet as she wants on Brother Shaw for a long time when this happens, and when she breaks into the banquet and runs up to her seat, Brother Shaw hugs her ~.

"Erica, tonight is a little..."

Shaw doesn't mind if it's just inside him, but he said no because some of the officers are there, but when he saw Erica sitting beside him and hugging him, a grievance exploded that had left the brides and daughters alone for more than half a month.

"Only Erica is so cunning."

When Mimi hugged Shaw from the other side of Erica, Lara, Rosina and Melissa also became uncontrollable. Karin and Melt, sitting beside Shaw, were pushed away by the pardons.

"Look, Uncle Melt, you'll be rude to me and Brother Karin."

Everyday, the gentle Shaw scolds me, and the soggy cute girls mellow the officers, isn't it good - and I get drunk momentum.

"Master Shaw, you lied to us."

"I can't believe it's a pirate crusade, didn't you get hurt or something?

As Shaw hesitates to hear the officers' voices, the pardons complain orally.

"Uncle Melt, Brother Karin, I'm sorry. Guys, I'll hear you complaining later, so why don't you give this a break? I'm entertaining the officers."

The officers smile at Prince Shaw.

"That's good. From now on, we'll be socializing, and your wives will have plenty of opportunities to get out in public."

Karin also covers for being soggy and pathetic when it's more fun to have cute cousins than having a banquet just for men.

I felt that Shaw and Karin had the best argument, so I asked if it would be good for Melt.

"Whatever you want"

With Mert's permission, Erica and the forgiving daughters-in-law were to attend the banquet, behaving in a boulder, but baking Shaw a rewarding favor for taking the dishes to the plate.

I laughed bitterly at Melt and Karin, but the officers looked at the rarely common beauty and sighed that the royal princesses were still different.

At the end of the banquet, Shaw apologized to the pardons, but they couldn't forgive him enough.

"We went to summer school swallowing when Master Shaw was on a dangerous pirate crusade. Just in case, I didn't know."

Lara tears and gets angry, but she makes excuses for lying because she didn't want her to worry.

"We're Shaw's bridesmaids, so we have a right to worry!

Stuck by Rosina, Shaw misses the point of saying that going to summer school would have been more meaningful than living worried.

"What lecture did you take?

It was a white operation, but each of them nodded that they wanted Shaw to tell them what they had learned and think about it together, so when Erica talks about the literature course she had taken, Lara and Mimi who had taken it together also pinch this mouth.

When this happens, Rosina and Melissa also want to talk about the courses they have taken, and Ambassador Pasham sympathizes even though he is tired of crusading pirates.

"Master Shaw, you're tired. See you tomorrow."

When Shaw, who had been listening so hard, noticed that she was at a loss, Lara broke me up because she was staying up late at night, but there was something I had to discuss with Ambassador Pasham.

"Ambassador Pasham, it was the Racine and the Lienne that were used on the pirate ship. The embassy will have records of vessels in the Southeast Islands. Please check the owners of the Racine and Lienne. If the owner is aboard, the rich merchant may be freed for ransom, and there will be no survivors, so I want to return them."

From the time Shaw is talking, he puts a thick file from the shelf of the study with the ship's records on his desk and finds a description of the missing on the pages of the Racine and Lienne.

"Uh-huh, the Racine didn't have the shipowner on board, you've received a request for an investigation. Ah... it looks like the Lienne was a new shipbuilding I gave away to celebrate my son's independence. The father of the shipowner has requested many investigations…"

Shaw once again feels hatred for pirates. Celebrating the independence of his young son, Ambassador Pasham, who felt the grief of his father, who had bought the new shipbuilding, was silent for a while, but he said he would write to him and deliver it as soon as possible, whether to dispose of it or seek transportation to Leyte.

"Tomorrow I will head to His Majesty King Edoardo for a report on the pirate crusade. Please accompany Ambassador Pasham. There was a Magellan Foreign Secretary in Edison Harbor, and I had a heavy load."

Shaw briefly explained the content of the discussion, but the elbow emerges along the way.

"Prince Shaw, you must be tired. Let's do it tomorrow morning."

Shaw said he couldn't do any more, either, and he headed to bed.

"How old was my son on the Lienne?

The royal family is independent at the age of 15, as are wealthy merchants when they are young. Shaw fell asleep in pain that if he was the son of a wealthy merchant enough to give him a new shipbuilding, he would not have been as old as he was.

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